Print Twig variable x times based upon randomized range - php

I am using Twig and Timber for a WordPress project. I have the following loop in my template that prints my custom post type titles into a HTML structure.
{% for company in companies %}
{% set dot = "<div class='company-dot'></div>" %}
{% set range = range(10, 20) %}
<div class="company">
<div class="company-dot dot-active"></div>
<p class="dot-caption">{{ company.title }}</p>
{% endfor %}
I would like to print my {{dot}} variable x amount of times based upon the number that is generated by {{random(range)}}. How can I do this?

The simplest solution would be to iterate random(range) times with a for loop:
{% for i in 0..random(range(10, 20)) %}
{{ dot }}
{% endfor %}

I don't really know Twig but my guess is that you could to the following:
{% for i in random(range) %}
{% endfor %}

You already know how to use range, just use it again :
{% set dots_count = random(range) %}
{% for dot_index in range(1,dots_count) %}
{% endfor %}
Here is a fiddle :


Printing out an array in twig using a for loop

i have to configurate a .csv file.
I have a variable that is either a single value or an array of values. If it is a single value, i want to put that single value into the cell, otherwise i want to put every value in the array into the cell.
This is my approach, but it's not iterating through the array. If the item is an array, it just puts nothing into to table cell. Do i need to increment i in some sort of way?
{% if item is iterable %}
{% for i in item[0..10]%}
*{{ item[i] }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Not sure why are you using {% for i in item[0..10]%} to iterate the item?
0..10 returns an array in twig, which will result in the following "code"
{% for i in item[Array] %}
This will return nothing as the index Array doesn't exist in the array item.
The proper way to iterate the value would be
{% if item is iterable %}
{% for i in item %}
{{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
If you are trying to display only 10 values from the array u'd go with
{% for i in item[0:10]%}
{{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% for i in item|slice(0, 10) %}
{{ i }}
{% endfor %}

Looping on number value TWIG

I would like to loop on this variable that I have created before :
{% set divisionElement = (elementsLength/2)|round|number_format(0) %}
The output of this is a number.
After that I would like to create a loop with this value like that :
{% for i in divisionElement %}
{% endfor %}
When I tried to dump i in my loop I have nothing result.
Try using range, If divisionElement is > 0
{% for i in range(1, divisionElement ) %}
{{ i }},
{% endfor %}

Twig search with multiple parameters

We are making a website with a search form. In that form users can search with text and checkboxes. With the checkboxes users can search only in the related categories.
We need to accomplish this with Craft CMS and Twig.
We tried the following method, but that didnt worked.
{% set query = craft.request.getParam('search-results') %}
{% set nietBijdragePlichtig = craft.request.getParam('plg-Nee') %}
{% if nietBijdragePlichtig == 'on' %}
{% for entry in craft.entries.section('producten').limit(null).order(asc).search('query, nietBijdragePlichtig').find() %}
<div id=”test”>test</div>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
and we tried:
{% set query = craft.request.getParam('search-results') %}
{% set nietBijdragePlichtig = craft.request.getParam('plg-Nee') %}
{% set alle = query ~ ' ' ~ nietBijdragePlichtig %}
{% if nietBijdragePlichtig == 'on' %}
{% for entry in craft.entries.section(‘producten’).limit(null).order(asc).search(alle).find() %}
<div id=”test”>test</div>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
We also tried to use multiple .search()
We tried both codes with different syntaxes.
How can we accomplish this?
Really thanks!

How do I make a simple count loop in Wordpress Timber(Twigg)?

How do I make a simple count loop in Wordpress Timber(Twigg)?
So basically just a loop like this:
($i = 0;0 < 3;i++){
echo $test[i];
You could use
{% for value in test %}
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
that is safer than
{% for i in 0..2 %}
{{ test[i] }}
{% endfor %}
because in second version you have to care about index (is setted? and so on) whereas in the first you don't.
Of course if your final goal is to print only three elements from the array you should consider slice filter
{% for value in test|slice(0, 3) %}
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}

Problem with or in Regexp

I have this Regexp:
I use this regexp in preg_replace.
And this markup:
{# comment %}
{# comment number 2$% %}
{% variable %}
{% array.key1.key2 %}
{% array.key1.key2|escape|bold %}
{% variable|escape %}
{% loop array as item %}
My item is {% item.text %}
{% endloop %}
{% if (something): %}
do something truly
{% else: %}
nothing to do
{% endif; %}
Why this regexp is not working for {% item.text %} but works with other?
I think that I made some mistake here [^else|endloop|endif]
What I'm doing wrong?
I think you may intend:
The square brackets previously containing the else, endloop and endif keywords treats each individual character as an exception. Here they are treated as whole strings.
