I'm a bit fresh to Laravel. I installed it via composer in the xampp/htdocs file. I installed the latest version 5.6.
The install works with no errors, and the file structure is as it should be.
When I run the php artisan serve command from inside the folder, it deletes the server.php file and therefore outputs the error:
This site can’t be reached.
localhost refused to connect.
So I thought why not just add a new file inside and it will work... Well, trying to add new file shows that I do not have permissions to add files to this folder.
I tried a new install a few times, but the situation is always the same.
Has anybody else encountered this problem?
So I realised it was some kind of server problem... well, removed the antivirus, chanhed my firewall settings and everithing works as it should.
My advice to avoid this in the future is to start creating Laravel applications in a folder inside of your My Documents folder in Windows or using /home/{your-username}/projects directory in Unix environments.
What likely happened is xampp has certain permissions that don't play nice with what you need in Laravel.
I've a lamp stack installed on my localhost. I just installed everything I needed via the command line, but I'm not very knowledgable about how the server works.
So when I just start a very simple php project from scratch, simply make a folder in the root directory and create an index.php with phpinfo() at the top, I find that I'm running php 7.3.
Then when I created another folder with a laravel installation inside (I didn't set up, just copied files and made the required changes - it works fine - note I'm just messing about with laravel, no expert!). If I stick a phpinfo() at the top of a file in the laravel project, it says I'm on php7.4!
How is it possible that the two projects, on the same server which are running different php versions?
I have a whole project with database, everything is working here.
Project with database
I would like to run website so I can see changes I have made.
Im using XAMPP. My configs for VirtualHost hosts and http-vghosts.conf
I have tried this https://youtu.be/iXYCnYRalaw?t=2m13s ->> from [2:13] to [4:22]
using XAMPP, but still cant run it.
Can you give me any advice or steps how to make website run on my PC? [ofcourse just for me (VirtualHost)].
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My PC spec
If running laravel appliation inside XAMPP htdocs folder is really necessary, then could you provide some kind of error, simply telling "it doesn't work" doesn't help at all.
One thing you can try is to open command prompt inside laravel folder and run
php artisan serve
This will open local server that runs current project in:
Also, checking laravel minimum requirements is something you should check out. 5.5 requires PHP 7 and you didnt tell what XAMPP version you are running.
I want to deploy a Laravel 5 project to shared hosting from my localhost but I am facing so many problems. I have uploaded all files in a subfolder of my shared hosting (PHP 5.5) and when I try http://domain.com/subfolder/public its showing me 500 error. I check the laravel.log but found nothing, set the storage/ to 777 but still no changed (showing last error from localhost).
I also check .htaccess and it seems good. I search a lot and try so many thing but still facing same problem.
Now, my shared hosting give access of SSH so I have installed a new Laravel project. Then copy my edited and added file except vendor from my localhost to Hosting. Then I update the composer and dump-autoload, Now my application is working file.
But I am not sure about the process I did. Is it the right way (I don't think so)? Please let me know what was the problem of directly uploaded file and is there any problem if I use second system for my production app.
There are chances that your route cache is messed up. It is safe to artisan route:clear, artisan cache:clear, and artisan view:clear before uploading your files to ensure that no compiled script left - which usually tied to specific path.
But it is unclear, could you share your stacktrace for your error (and if possible share where your .htaccess file and it's content)?
sorry i can't comment, need higher point. However, by looking at your statement that it works by moving your files (controller, views, public, etc) but not the entire project, i believe clearing caches is the best to try.
As for the deployment of laravel project, there are methods suggested in laravel.io. It is not a good idea to expose your entire laravel files in public folder. Nevertheless, there are many ways to deploy it.
I know it's a little late but you need to either:
1. Make laravel's public folder the root folder of your domain or
2. Make a sub-domain and point the root folder to your projects public folder. The disadvantage with this is that your sessions cannot be connected directly to your main domain's sessions.
Any idea on this? I am currently using Laravel 4.2.
We have an existing web application already running in live. Something needs to be changed so I downloaded all the files from live server to my localhost via ftp and do the update in there. Everything is working fine in localhost but when I tried to upload(ftp) the select files (that were only updated- a blade file, a controller and a model), and and test the live site, the changes aren't showing. Checked the html elements thru browser dev tools and indeed it's just the old version. The id that I newly added in the div isn't there.
I checked in the filemanager if the files were successfully updated and it's there.
I am done doing the following:
cleared my browser cache, cleared files in /app/storage/views. What else to do?
Is updating the files thru FTP for laravel not good? Honestly I am just a newbie to this framework so your explicit explanation would be appreciated. Thanks!
Laravel compiles all files before they are deployed most times. If the files are not recompiled on the server, then it's gonna keep running the old setup. if you have terminaal access, runningphp artisan clear-compiled may fix your problem. I may be wrong but this is what i see from where i'm sitting.
I'm trying to clone a website on my local. It's a php website.
I have EasyPHP installed and in easyphp/data/localweb/ i do git clone for my github repo.
So now i have easyphp/data/localweb/**myproject** . The "myproject" files contains the website and all the git files.
When I try to access my website via localhost/myproject, the PHP code isn't interpreted at all and I don't see the reason why. PHP works, but not inside this git cloned folder. Any suggestions?
there can be so many things, starting with the configuration files, configuration of your local sever, from apache, php ... and many other possibilities
it would be helpful if you could post the error message you're getting
also you could check your project config file, maybe you're using a db connection, but you do not have it set locally ... maybe you're using mode_rewrite on the project but not have it activated locally and so on ... could be httaccess
but without an error message it's very difficult to tell