How to get following date of the followers on twitter using php - php

I need to create line chart for my twitter followers . I have used following code to list the followers details.
$parameters = array('include_user_entities' => true);
$response = $this->api->get('followers/list.json', $parameters);
Its working fine .But its doesn't probvide following date details. How can I get following date details using twitter api

If you write:
$parameters = array('include_user_entities' => true);
$parameters = array();
The second command overwrite the first. Thus $parameters contains an empty array. Try with this:
$parameters = array('include_user_entities' => true);
$response = $this->api->get('followers/list.json', $parameters);

There is no way in the API to tell when someone followed you.
Take a look at the API reference -
The only date in the returned object is created_at - that refers to when the account was created, not when it followed you.


how to read results from aws s3 headObject using PHP SDK v2?

I am able to successfully get results back from a call to headObject like this. But then I can't access what's in $result as result is an object (Guzzle\Service|Resource\Model) and the data I see in it is obviously in protected variables meaning I have to use an object call to get it. But how do I know what the method call should be?
$result = $client->headObject([
'Bucket' => $bucket, // REQUIRED
'Key' => $key // REQUIRED
$relevantmetaData = array();
$relevantmetaData['LastModified'] = $result->data['LastModified'];
The link here doesn't mention a method to get at $data
I guess I should just have tried get(), it works.
$relevantmetaData['LastModified'] = $result->get('LastModified');

Laravel LengthAwarePaginator returned data are not in single obejct

So i have made a custom pagination in laravel 5.4 using
it returns the correct data and format during first request, but the 2nd request and others are not formatted same way as the first one.
So my question is how do I make the data to always return in a single object like the first request?
Below is my code on how I did my custom paginator and the console log.
$data = collect($playerMatchArr);
$result = new LengthAwarePaginator(
$data->forPage($page, 3),
It is laravel json response which is doing this. I also spent couple of hours on it
finally managed to convert the response on the front end by receiving the response as
And finally i got the results
$data = collect($playerMatchArr);
$dataPerPage = $data->forPage($page, 3);
$dataPerPage = array_values($dataPerPage->toArray());
$dataPerPage = Collection::make($dataPerPage);
$result = new LengthAwarePaginator(

iterate an array in my jrxml file without using a datasource

I'm using jasperserver in my php/Symfony to generate my reports, and i pass parameters ad everything works fine. But now i want to pass an array containing the list of my user's name to jrxml file i really don't know if it's possible. i mean i know that we can do it with javabeans or creating a datasource, but in my case i mustn't use a database plus i use php.
So if anyone know how to pass the array and fetch it in the jrxml file to display all the values i would be so grateful
so here is the code i'm want to use
$users = $em->getRepository('UserBundle:Utilisateur')->getAll();
$params = array(
"montantEnLettre" => $montantEnLettre,
"policeGroupeLibelle" => $contrat->getProduit()->getLibelle(),
"montanttotal" => $contrat->getMontantTotale(),
"utilisateurs" => $users
$d = new Client(
$js = $d->jobService();
$info = $d->serverInfo();
$report = $d->reportService()->runReport('/reports/epargne', 'pdf',null,null,$params);
I don't know if i can pass the users as a parameter and i have no idea how to fetch it my jrxml file

limelight api paging with media method

I'm using the limelight content API to retrieve all of my videos.
I used their examples and it is returning all media.
Here is the code:
$request = "$org_id/media/search";
$signed_request = LvpAuthUtil::authenticate_request("GET", $request, $access_key, $secret, $params);
Now I want to tell it which field to sort the results by. The documentation says that there are paging parameters available, but I can't seem to get them to work.
I tried adding $params = array("and" => "sort_by:title");
and $params = array("sort_by" => "title"); but neither worked.
I also tried adding it to the url but it didn't work.$org_id/media/search?sort_by=title
Can someone tell me how to pass the paging parameters correctly?
Thank You
Try this:
Check optional parameter in List all channels that contain a specific media
Optional Parameters
page_id = <The zero-based identifier of the page to return>
page_size = <The number of results to return per page> (default/max: 500)
sort_by = <The field by which the results should be sorted> {publish_date, create_date, update_date} (default: update_date)
sort_order = <The order in which the results should display> {asc, desc} (default: asc)

How to update chargify next_billing_at value using php api?

I'm using the php chargify connector described at and I would like to update the next_billing_at parameter of a subscription. I tried doing it like this:
$requestArr = array('customer_id'=>"$thisCustomerID",'next_billing_at' => '2013-04-20T02:52:17-04:00');
try {
$connector->requestUpdateSubscription($thisSubscriptionID, json_encode($requestArr), $format = 'JSON');
} catch (ChargifyValidationException $cve) {
//process error handling code here.
echo $cve->getMessage();
But although there are no validation exceptions, when I check the next assessment date right afterwards it is unchanged:
$subscriptionUpdated = $connector->getSubscriptionsByID($thisSubscriptionID);
$newBillingDate = $subscriptionUpdated->next_assessment_at;
echo "new next billing date is $newBillingDate<br>";
I tried passing the date as just '2013-04-20' but that didn't work either. Is it possible to update the billing dates in chargify using the API?
You've got the right idea, except your array should look like:
$requestArr = array(
'subscription' => array(
'customer_id' => $thisCustomerID,
'next_billing_at' => '2013-04-20'
and then you should be good (tested)
