Is it possible to changes this foreach php structure ?
function token($word)
$result = $word;
$listconjunctions = ['and', 'on', 'in', 'or', 'which'];
foreach ($listconjuctions as $conjunctions){
$result = str_replace($conjunctions,'',$result);
return $result;
You ask Is it possible to changes this foreach php structure, and yes there is no need for it
function token($word, array $listconjunctions=['and', 'on', 'in', 'or', 'which'])
return str_replace($listconjunctions,'',$word);
There I fixed it for you, and I added the ability to give it an array of words to remove in the $word string. For example:
$string = "this that and the other which.";
echo token($string, ['that','the','this']);
and other which.
I tested it with this code, just to show they are functionally equivalent, by default.
function token($word)
$result = $word;
$listconjunctions = ['and', 'on', 'in', 'or', 'which'];
foreach ($listconjunctions as $conjunctions){
$result = str_replace($conjunctions,'',$result);
return $result;
function token2($word, $listconjunctions=['and', 'on', 'in', 'or', 'which'])
return str_replace($listconjunctions,'',$word);
$string = "this that and the other which.";
echo token($string)."\n\n";
echo token2($string)."\n\n";
this that the other .
this that the other .
Try it yourself
The problem with your original one, besides being over bloated is this:
See the difference, your missing an n in the one used in the foreach.
More Advanced
This is a much more advanced version using Regular expressions and preg_replace. Regular expressions or Regex for short, is almost like another language itself. What it does is let you pattern match in strings.
function token1($word, array $listconjunctions=['and', 'on', 'in', 'or', 'which'])
//escape words for use in regular expressions
$listconjunctions = array_map('preg_quote', $listconjunctions);
$pattern = [
'~\b('.implode('|',$listconjunctions).')\b~i', //words
'~\s{2,}~', //run on spaces, 2 or more. eg. 'one two'
'~\s+([^\w$])~' //spaces before punctuation. eg. 'word .'
return preg_replace($pattern, [' ', ' ', '$1'], $word);
$string = "this that and on and on the other which.";
echo token($string)."\n\n";
echo token1($string);
I named it token1 and when running it against either your original, or my slimmed down version, we get these differing outputs.
//original functionality
this that the other .
//advanced version
this that the other.
So as you can see the second one removes all that improper spaces. The [^\w$] is a character group (or a set of characters) the [^ makes it negative and the \w matches 0-9a-za-Z_ and the $ just a dollar sign. So this means Match anything but (not) 0-9a-za-Z_$. So what it does match are all the special characters and punctuation.
I mention this because the $ is in there to account for things like this string.
'this $5.00 is what you owe me for fixing your code.' //just kidding ... lol
Which would become this without saying not to match it.
'this$5.00 is what you owe me for fixing your code.'
You may need to add other stuff in there if you have problems like that. Just I couldn't think of any other punctuation that should be preceded by a space all the time, although I am sure there must be some.
I saw that "defect" in the original and I wouldn't feel right if I ignored it.
I hope that makes sense.
I have the following title formation on my website:
It's no use going back to yesterday, because at that time I was... Lewis Carroll
Always is: The phrase… (author).
I want to delete everything after the ellipsis (…), leaving only the sentence as the title. I thought of creating a function in php that would take the parts of the titles, throw them in an array and then I would work each part, identifying the only pattern I have in the title, which is the ellipsis… and then delete everything. But when I do that, in the X space of my array, it returns the following:
In position 8 of the array comes the word and the ellipsis and I don't know how to find a pattern to delete the author of the title, my pattern was the ellipsis. Any idea?
$a = get_the_title(155571);
$search = '... ';
if(preg_match("/{$search}/i", $a)) {
echo 'true';
I tried with the code above and found the ellipsis, but I needed to bring it into an array to delete the part I need. I tried something like this:
define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
global $wpdb;
$title_array = explode(' ', get_the_title(155571));
$search = '... ';
if (array_key_exists("/{$search}/i",$title_array)) {
echo "true";
I started doing it this way, but it doesn't work, any ideas?
If you use regex you need to escape the string as preg_quote() would do, because a dot belongs to the pattern.
But in your simple case, I would not use a regex and just search for the three dots from the end of the string.
Note: When the elipsis come from the browser, there's no way to detect in PHP.
$title = 'The phrase... (author).';
echo getPlainTitle($title);
function getPlainTitle(string $title) {
$rpos = strrpos($title, '...');
return ($rpos === false) ? $title : substr($title, 0, $rpos);
will output
The phrase
First of all, since you're working with regular expressions, you need to remember that . has a special meaning there: it means "any character". So /... / just means "any three characters followed by a space", which isn't what you want. To match a literal . you need to escape it as \.
Secondly, rather than searching or splitting, you could achieve what you want by replacing part of the string. For instance, you could find everything after the ellipsis, and replace it with an empty string. To do that you want a pattern of "dot dot dot followed by anything", where "anything" is spelled .*, so \.\.\..*
$title = preg_replace('/\.\.\..*/', '', $title);
I've started with preg_replace in PHP and I wonder how I can replace only first matching array key with a specified array value cause I set preg_replace number of changes parameter to '1' and it's changing more than one time anyways. I also splitted my string to single words and I'm examining them one by one:
$internal_message = 'Hey, this is awesome!';
$words = array(
'/wesome(\W|$)/' => 'wful',
'/wful(\W|$)/' => 'wesome',
'/^this(\W|$)/' => 'that',
'/^that(\W|$)/' => 'this'
$splitted_message = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $internal_message);
$words_num = count($splitted_message);
for($i=0; $i<$words_num; $i++) {
$splitted_message[$i] = preg_replace(array_keys($words), array_values($words), $splitted_message[$i], 1);
$message = implode(" ", $splitted_message);
echo $message;
I want this to be on output:
Hey, that is awful
(one suffix change, one word change and stops)
Not this:
Hey, this is awesome
(two suffix changes, two word changes and back to original word & suffix...)
Maybe I can simplify this code? I also can't change order of the array keys and values cause there will be more suffixes and single words to change soon. I'm kinda newbie in php coding and I'll be thankful for any help ;>
You may use plain text in the associative array keys that you will use to create dynamic regex patterns from, and use preg_replace_callback to replace the found values with the replacements in one go.
$internal_message = 'Hey, this is awesome!';
$words = array(
'wesome' => 'wful',
'wful' => 'wesome',
'this' => 'that',
'that' => 'this'
$rx = '~(?:' . implode("|", array_keys($words)) . ')\b~';
echo "$rx\n";
$message = preg_replace_callback($rx, function($m) use ($words) {
return isset($words[$m[0]]) ? $words[$m[0]] : $m[0];
}, $internal_message);
echo $message;
// => Hey, that is awful!
See the PHP demo.
The regex is
The (?:wesome|wful|this|that) is a non-capturing group that matches any of the values inside, and \b is a word boundary, a non-consuming pattern that ensures there is no letter, digit or _ after the suffix.
The preg_replace_callback parses the string once, and when a match occurs, it is passed to the anonymous function (function($m)) together with the $words array (use ($words)) and if the $words array contains the found key (isset($words[$m[0]])) the corresponding value is returned ($words[$m[0]]) or the found match is returned otherwise ($m[0]).
This is primarily a regex question, but it is being used in Codeigniter's routing file. The routing file is a list of regex rules that it tries the match. Thus the need for a 1 liner.
Take the following 4 strings:
I'm looking for a 1 line, regex rule that will find techniques,news,reviews or features and replace with a particular int value of 5,1,7 or 3. The number corresponds to the name, so techniques=5, news=1, reviews=7 and features=3. The last value after the slash can be any URL friendly text string. I'll be selecting this as well strait as is. I essentially want to convert them to the following:
Can this be done with 1 regex line?
Use preg_replace_callback() like so:
$tokens = [
'techniques' => 5,
'news' => 1,
'reviews' => 7,
'features' => 3
echo preg_replace_callback('#^([^/]+)/(.*)$#', function ($m) use ($tokens) {
if (array_key_exists($m[1], $tokens)) {
return sprintf('%s/%d/%s', $m[1], $tokens[$m[1]], $m[2]);
return sprintf('%s/%s', $m[1], $m[2]);
}, $string);
If the replacement is simple as this, a regex is not even required. A simple sscanf() or explode() (with the list construct) should suffice.
$route['techniques/(:any)'] = 'categorysearch/5/$1';
$route['news/(:any)'] = 'categorysearch/1/$1';
This will work I would think!
You shouldn't use a regex for everything - they are not efficient for simple things like this and are designed for more complex scenarios.
The following will do the job (there are better ways but this is easiest to follow!)
$rawstring = "techniques/foo3"
$find = array('techniques', 'news', 'reviews', 'features');
$replace = array('5', '1', '7', '3');
$return = str_replace($find, "categorysearch/" . $replace, $rawstring);
//$return = "categorysearch/5/foo3"
This way also works and is simple to follow for noobies like me :-P Amals answer is far superior!!
Trying to replace a string, but it seems to only match the first occurrence, and if I have another occurrence it doesn't match anything, so I think I need to add some sort of end delimiter?
My code:
$mappings = array(
'fname' => $prospect->forename,
'lname' => $prospect->surname,
'cname' => $prospect->company,
foreach($mappings as $key => $mapping) if(empty($mapping)) $mappings[$key] = '$2';
$match = '~{(.*)}(.*?){/.*}$~ise';
$source = 'Hello {fname}Default{/fname} {lname}Last{/lname}';
// $source = 'Hello {fname}Default{/fname}';
$text = preg_replace($match, '$mappings["$1"]', $source);
So if I use the $source that's commented, it matches fine, but if I use the one currently in the code above where there's 2 matches, it doesn't match anything and I get an error:
Message: Undefined index: fname}Default{/fname} {lname
Filename: schedule.php(62) : regexp code
So am I right in saying I need to provide an end delimiter or something?
Apparently your regexp matches fname}Default{/fname} {lname instead of Default.
As I mentioned here use {(.*?)} instead of {(.*)}.
{ has special meaning in regexps so you should escape it \\{.
And I recommend using preg_replace_callback instead of e modifier (you have more flow control and syntax higlighting and it's impossible to force your program to execute malicious code).
Last mistake you're making is not checking whether the requested index exists. :)
My solution would be:
class A { // Of course with better class name :)
public $mappings = array(
'fname' => 'Tested'
public function callback( $match)
if( isset( $this->mappings[$match[1]])){
return $this->mappings[$match[1]];
return $match[2];
$a = new A();
$match = '~\\{([^}]+)\\}(.*?)\\{/\\1\\}~is';
$source = 'Hello {fname}Default{/fname} {lname}Last{/lname}';
echo preg_replace_callback( $match, array($a, 'callback'), $source);
This results into:
[vyktor#grepfruit tmp]$ php stack.php
Hello Tested Last
Your regular expression is anchored to the end of the string so you closing {/whatever} must be the last thing in your string. Also, since your open and closing tags are simply .*, there's nothing in there to make sure they match up. What you want is to make sure that your closing tag matches your opening one - using a backreference like {(.+)}(.*?){/\1} will make sure they're the same.
I'm sure there's other gotchas in there - if you have control over the format of strings you're working with (IE - you're rolling your own templating language), I'd seriously consider moving to a simpler, easier to match format. Since you're not 'saving' the default values, having enclosing tags provides you with no added value but makes the parsing more complicated. Just using $VARNAME would work just as well and be easier to match (\$[A-Z]+), without involving back-references or having to explicitly state you're using non-greedy matching.
those reqular expressions drive me crazy. I'm stuck with this one:
test1:[[link]] test2:[[gold|silver]] test3:[[out1[[inside]]out2]] test4:this|not
Remove all [[ and ]] and if there is an option split choose the later one so output should be:
test1:link test2:silver test3:out1insideout2 test4:this|not
I came up with (PHP)
$text = preg_replace("/\\[\\[|\\]\\]/",'',$text); // remove [[ or ]]
this works for part1 of the task. but before that I think I should do the option split, my best solution:
$text = preg_replace("/\\[\\[(.*\|)(.*?)\\]\\]/",'$2',$text);
test1:silver test3:[[out1[[inside]]out2]] this|not
I'm stuck. may someone with some free minutes help me? Thanks!
I think the easiest way to do this would be multiple passes. Use a regular expression like:
This will replace option strings to give you the last option from the group. If you run it repeatedly until it no longer matches, you should get the right result (the first pass will replace [[out1[[inside]]out2]] with [[out1insideout2]] and the second will ditch the brackets.
Edit 1: By way of explanation,
\[\[ # Opening [[
(?: # A non-matching group (we don't want this bit)
[^\[\]] # Non-bracket characters
* # Zero or more of anything but [
\| # A literal '|' character representing the end of the discarded options
)? # This group is optional: if there is only one option, it won't be present
( # The group we're actually interested in ($1)
[^\[\]] # All the non-bracket characters
+ # Must be at least one
) # End of $1
\]\] # End of the grouping.
Edit 2: Changed expression to ignore ']' as well as '[' (it works a bit better like that).
Edit 3: There is no need to know the number of nested brackets as you can do something like:
$oldtext = "";
$newtext = $text;
while ($newtext != $oldtext)
$oldtext = $newtext;
$newtext = preg_replace(regexp,replace,$oldtext);
$text = $newtext;
Basically, this keeps running the regular expression replace until the output is the same as the input.
Note that I don't know PHP, so there are probably syntax errors in the above.
This is impossible to do in one regular expression since you want to keep content in multiple "hierarchies" of the content. It would be possible otherwise, using a recursive regular expression.
Anyways, here's the simplest, most greedy regular expression I can think of. It should only replace if the content matches your exact requirements.
You will need to escape all backslashes when putting it into a string (\ becomes \\.)
As others have already explained, you use this with multiple passes. Keep looping while there are matches, performing replacement (only keeping match group 1.)
Difference from other regular expressions here is that it will allow you to have single brackets in the content, without breaking:
test1:[[link]] test2:[[gold|si[lv]er]]
test3:[[out1[[in[si]de]]out2]] test4:this|not
test1:[[link]] test2:si[lv]er
test3:out1in[si]deout2 test4:this|not
Why try to do it all in one go. Remove the [[]] first and then deal with options, do it in two lines of code.
When trying to get something going favour clarity and simplicity.
Seems like you have all the pieces.
Why not just simply remove any brackets that are left?
$str = 'test1:[[link]] test2:[[gold|silver]] test3:[[out1[[inside]]out2]] test4:this|not';
$str = preg_replace('/\\[\\[(?:[^|\\]]+\\|)+([^\\]]+)\\]\\]/', '$1', $str);
$str = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $str);
Well, I didn't stick to just regex, because I'm of a mind that trying to do stuff like this with one big regex leads you to the old joke about "Now you have two problems". However, give something like this a shot:
$str = 'test1:[[link]] test2:[[gold|silver]] test3:[[out1[[inside]]out2]] test4:this|not'; $reg = '/(.*?):(.*?)( |$)/';
preg_match_all($reg, $str, $m);
foreach($m[2] as $pos => $match) {
if (strpos($match, '|') !== FALSE && strpos($match, '[[') !== FALSE ) {
$opt = explode('|', $match); $match = $opt[count($opt)-1];
$m[2][$pos] = str_replace(array('[', ']'),'', $match );
foreach($m[1] as $k=>$v) $result[$k] = $v.':'.$m[2][$k];
This is C# using only using non-escaped strings, hence you will have to double the backslashes in other languages.
String input = "test1:[[link]] " +
"test2:[[gold|silver]] " +
"test3:[[out1[[inside]]out2]] " +
String step1 = Regex.Replace(input, #"\[\[([^|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]", #"[[$2]]");
String step2 = Regex.Replace(step1, #"\[\[|\]\]", String.Empty);
// Prints "test1:silver test3:out1insideout2 test4:this|not"
$str = 'test1:[[link]] test2:[[gold|silver]] test3:[[out1[[inside]]out2]] test4:this|not';
$s = preg_split("/\s+/",$str);
foreach ($s as $k=>$v){
$v = preg_replace("/\[\[|\]\]/","",$v);
$j = explode(":",$v);
print implode(":",$j)."\n";