single instead of double select statement - php

first table - bplus - has a column named home01 with values identical to some values in column fname of table banners
$items = '';
$sql = "select home01 from bplus";
$st = $db->query($sql);
$arr = $st->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
foreach ($arr as $el){
$el = trim($el);
$sqlb = "select * from banners where fname = '" . $el . "'";
$stb = $db->query($sqlb);
$row = $stb->fetch();
$items .= "<img class='itemtop' src = '../banners/" . $el . "' alt='img' data-id = " . $row['id'] . " data-fname = '" . $row['fname'] . ">\n";
echo $items;
this works but probably there is a shorter way, with a single select statement.
Any help?

select bplus.home01, banners.* from bplus left join banners on bplus.home01 = banners.fname;


select different columns from multiple tables with common variable

I have three tables: - food - toys - animals
Each table has the columns - id, color, item
Table toys has additional columns - sn, date and more
Need to select all items from all tables with color = red and get them separately on client side
Something like:
$color = 'red';
$sql = "select * from food, toys, animals where color = :acolor";
$st = $db->prepare($sql);
$st->execute([":acolor" => $color]);
$food = $toys = $animals = '';
while($row = $st->fetch()){
$food .= "<div class='food' data-id = " . $row[''] . ">" . $row['food.item'] . "</div>\n";
$toys .= "<div class='toys' data-id = " . $row[''] . " data-serial = " . $row[''] . " data-date = '" . $row[''] . "'>" . $row['toys.item'] . "</div>\n";
$animals .= "<div class='animals' data-id = " . $row[''] . ">" . $row['animals.item'] . "</div>\n";
$arr = [];
array_push($arr, $food, $toys, $animals);
echo json_encode($arr);
client side
data = JSON.parse(data);
As the final result:
wrapfood should have 5 divs with class food
wraptoys should have 9 divs with class toys
wrapanimals should have 21 divs with class animals
I tried various versions of the above code without success - getting errors on server side.
Any help?
You can use this
$data = array('food' => array(),'toys' => array(),'animals' => array());
$color = 'red';
$foodSql = "select * from food where color = :acolor";
$toySql = "select * from toys where color = :acolor";
$animalSql = "select * from animals where color = :acolor";
$ft = $db->prepare($foodSql);
$tt = $db->prepare($toySql);
$at = $db->prepare($animalSql);
$ft->execute([":acolor" => $color]);
$tt->execute([":acolor" => $color]);
$at->execute([":acolor" => $color]);
$food, $toys, $animals = '';
while($row = $ft->fetch()){
$food .= "<div class='food' data-id = " . $row[''] . ">" . $row['food.item'] . "</div>\n";
array_push($data['food'], $food);
while($row = $tt->fetch()){
$toys .= "<div class='toys' data-id = " . $row[''] . " data-serial = " . $row[''] . " data-date = '" . $row[''] . "'>" . $row['toys.item'] . "</div>\n";
while($row = $at->fetch()){
$animals .= "<div class='animals' data-id = " . $row[''] . ">" . $row['animals.item'] . "</div>\n";
echo json_encode($data);
Then on client side you can access the data as
data = JSON.parse(data);
if you want to use a single select statement here is the solution... if you just want a color item and id
SELECT f.* from food f
SELECT a.* from animals a
SELECT, t.color,t.item from toys t
WHERE t.color ="red" AND f.color="red" AND a.color="red"
if you want sn and date also
SELECT f.*,null,null from food f
SELECT a.*,null,null from animals a
SELECT t.* from toys t
WHERE t.color ="red" AND f.color="red" AND a.color="red"
if your columns of the tales are in the same order as you specified id, color, and item then no problem with the above queries otherwise if the order is different arrange the column names in select statement accordingly...
now you can still use the above query if you want to separate it only client site in the single loop... just concatenate in the select statement.
here is what you can do...
SELECT CONCAT("#food",, CONCAT("#food",f.color),CONCAT("#food",f.item),null,null from food f
SELECT CONCAT("#animals",,CONCAT("#animals",a.color),CONCAT("#animals",a.item),null,null from animals a
SELECT CONCAT("#toys",,CONCAT("#toys",t.color),CONCAT("#toys",t.item),CONCAT("#toys",,CONCAT("#toys", from toys t
WHERE t.color ="red" AND f.color="red" AND a.color="red"
now we have concatenated the names of the tables with the column now when we display it we can easily filter them with their names...
this is how you filter them later on...
if(substr( $row['id'], 0, 5 ) === "#food"){
echo substr($row['id'],4);

SQL - SELECT WHERE column = TRUE AND :input = `string`

I'm making a simple search engine in PHP (with PDO) and MySQL, its goal is to find products in a stock.
My TABLE phone has a COLUMN snowden which is a TINYINT (containing 0 or 1). I want to be able to get results if phone.snowden is true and the user's input is 'snowden'.
Here's a short version of my query: (:search_0 is the user's input. This is a prepared query for PDO)
SELECT * FROM phone WHERE phone.snowden = 1 AND :search_0 = `snowden`
Of course the real query is actually longer (joining multiple tables and searching into many columns) but everything works except this.
When I try to search 'snowden' I get no result (meaning the keyword(s) have not been found in any column and the 'snowden' case doesn't work).
Do I miss something about the syntax ?
How can I achieve this query in the way I tried ?
How can I achieve this with a comparison with the column name (if this is a better way to proceed) ?
EDIT: Full code
Here's the full code I use:
$keywords = explode(" ", $_POST['query']);
$query = "SELECT, phone.imei, phone.model, phone.color, phone.capacity, phone.grade, phone.sourcing, phone.entry, phone.canal,, phone.state, phone.snowden FROM phone LEFT JOIN capacity ON (phone.capacity = LEFT JOIN color ON (capacity.color = LEFT JOIN model ON (color.model = LEFT JOIN grade ON (phone.grade = WHERE ";
$query_array = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($keywords); $i += 1) {
$query .= " ( phone.imei LIKE :search_" . $i;
$query .= " OR phone.sourcing LIKE :search_" . $i;
$query .= " OR phone.canal LIKE :search_" . $i;
$query .= " OR phone.entry LIKE :search_" . $i;
$query .= " OR LIKE :search_" . $i;
$query .= " OR phone.state LIKE :search_" . $i;
$query .= " OR ( phone.snowden = 1 AND ':search_" . $i . "' = `snowden` )";
$query .= " OR LIKE :search_" . $i;
$query .= " OR LIKE :search_" . $i;
$query .= " OR capacity.amount LIKE :search_" . $i;
$query .= " OR LIKE :search_" . $i;
if ($i != (count($keywords) - 1)) {
$query .= " ) AND ";
} else {
$query .= " ) ";
if (strtolower($keywords[$i]) == 'snowden') {
$query_array['search_' . $i] = $keywords[$i];
} else {
$query_array['search_' . $i] = "%" . $keywords[$i] . "%";
$query .= "ORDER BY DESC";
$results = $stock->prepare($query);
replace your line
$query .= " OR ( phone.snowden = 1 AND ':search_" . $i . "' = `snowden` )";
$query .= " OR ( phone.snowden = 1 AND 'snowden'= :search_" . $i )";

PHP & Mysql Not ordered correctly

I have latest MySQL version (5.5) and this is the screenshot of groupid field
I didn't touch anything yet, but some cells are not ordered correctly like this
But if I click groupid name in the top, it will ordered correctly like this:
Below PHP code output is like first screenshot above, that are not ordered correctly. Please help how to make the output ordered correctly, like it is displayed in the second screenshot above,
Maybe add code like this : order by id asc, but which is the right place to add it below?
$group_ids = explode(" ", $options['groupchoice_ids']);
$groupsql = "SELECT id, title FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thegroup WHERE";
$first = true;
foreach($group_ids as $value)
if (!$first)
$groupsql = $groupsql . " OR ";
$first = false;
$groupsql = $groupsql . " id = '" . $value . "' ";
$kh_optionsgroup = '<select name = "accounttype">';
$checksec = $db->query_read($groupsql);
if ($db->num_rows($checksec))
while ($lboard = $db->fetch_array($checksec))
$kh_optionsgroup = $kh_optionsgroup . "<option value
='" . $lboard['id'] . "'>" . $lboard['title'] . "</option>";
$verifystring = '$human_verify';
$kh_optionsgroup = $kh_optionsgroup . "</select>";
At the end of your query, you need to set an order, like so:
$groupsql="SELECT id, title FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thegroup WHERE";
foreach($group_ids as $value){
$groupsql = $groupsql." OR ";
$first = false;
$groupsql = $groupsql." id = '".$value."' ORDER BY groupid ASC";
This will make the query return its results in ascending order from the groupid column. Simply change ASC to DESC if you want it to go descendinng (high->low).

PHP MySQL - Inner Join only if not null

I have a mysqli SELECT query that is using an Inner Join and I noticed a big problem: it doesn't select rows where the column value for the condition is null (because NULL doesn't exist in the second table). Here's my code:
$sql = mysqli_connect(/* CONNECTION */);
$query = "SELECT " .
"e.LOCATION, " .
"e.JOB_SITE, " .
"FROM equipments e " .
"INNER JOIN jobsites jb ON jb.JOBSITE_ID = e.JOB_SITE " .
$results = mysqli_query($sql, $query);
if(!isset($data)) $data = array(); $cc = 0;
while($info = mysqli_fetch_array($results, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
if(!isset($data[$cc])) $data[$cc] = array();
///// FROM TABLE equipments /////
$data[$cc]['EQUIPMENT_ID'] = $info['EQUIPMENT_ID'];
$data[$cc]['DESCRIPTION'] = $info['DESCRIPTION'];
$data[$cc]['LOCATION'] = $info['LOCATION'];
$data[$cc]['PROJECT_NAME'] = $info['PROJECT_NAME'];
$data[$cc]['JOB_SITE_ID'] = $info['JOB_SITE'];
///// FROM TABLE jobsites /////
$data[$cc]['JOB_SITE'] = $info['JOB_SITE_NAME'];
So, as I said, the code returns values but only if the column "JOB_SITE" inside "equipments" has a jobsite id (not null). The ugly solution is to create a row inside the table "jobsites" with a jobsite_id named "empty", but if I can skip this, I will.
Is there a way to join only if e.JOB_SITE is not null ?
You can use LEFT JOIN in SQL query.
$query = "SELECT " .
"e.LOCATION, " .
"e.JOB_SITE, " .
"FROM equipments e " .
"LEFT JOIN jobsites jb ON jb.JOBSITE_ID = e.JOB_SITE " .
This query will return NULL VALUE for column JOB_SITE_NAME if there is no row matching jb.JOBSITE_ID in equipments table

variable as SELECT constraint

I am setting a variable that contains an array as a constraint to a SELECT sql statement. However the constraint seems only to apply to one piece of data in the array. Why is this?
Code below:
include 'connection.php';
$Date = $_POST['date'];
$Unavail = 0;
$Avail = 0;
$Availid = 0;
$low = 99999;
$query = "SELECT username FROM daysoff WHERE date = '$Date'";
$dayresult = mysql_query($query);
while($request = mysql_fetch_array($dayresult)) {
$Unavail = $request;
echo "<span>" . $Unavail['username'] . " is unavailable.</br>";
$query1 = "SELECT Username, name, work_stats FROM freelance WHERE Username != '$Unavail[username]'";
$dayresult1 = mysql_query($query1);
while($request1 = mysql_fetch_array($dayresult1)) {
echo "<span>" . $request1['name'] . " is available.</br>";
if ($request1['work_stats']<=$low) {
$low = $request1['work_stats'];
$Availid = $request1['name'];
echo "<span>" . $Availid . " is available on " . $_POST['date'] . " and is on workstat level " . $low . ".</span></br>";
The output shows two names in the first echo but then shows one of those names as available in the second echo (these echos are only in place as part of my testing),
Many Thanks
The first query can have multiple results.
SELECT username FROM daysoff WHERE date = '$Date'
Let's say if gives two rows: Dave and John.
You're only keeping the last record so it will seem like Dave is available.
You should probably do something like:
$query = "SELECT username FROM daysoff WHERE date = '$Date'";
$dayresult = mysql_query($query);
$unavailable_users = array();
while($request = mysql_fetch_array($dayresult)) {
$unavailable_users[] = $request["username"];
echo "<span>" . $Unavail['username'] . " is unavailable.</br>";
$query1 = "SELECT Username, name, work_stats FROM freelance
WHERE NOT Username IN ('" . implode("','", $unavailable_users) . "')";
// etc
Or in one go with a LEFT JOIN:
SELECT `Username`, `name`, `work_stats`
FROM `freelance`
LEFT JOIN `daysoff` ON `freelance`.`Username` = `daysoff`.`username`
AND `daysoff`.`date` = '$Date'
`daysoff`.`username` IS NULL
