Random result except self in laravel - php

I have this code:
$product = Product::where('slug', $slug)->firstOrFail();
$random = Product::inRandomOrder()->limit(10)->get();
Where by $random I'm getting related result of my products.
The issue is:
If I'm visiting product two page in my random section I see 9 other products + product two
What I want is
To see totally 10 different products and not see product two in my random section while I'm visiting product two page
How can I do that?

Have you tried [WHERE NOT IN] in SQL?
$random = Product::whereNotIn('id', [$product->id])

You can use where to filter
$product = Product::where('slug', $slug)->firstOrFail();
$random = Product::where('id', '!=', $product->id)


Trying to related tables columns and sums with Laravel eloquent

I have three tables
Products are placed in different warehouses so I have to keep tracks of its numbers
And has relationships are like this
class Product extends Model
public function productType() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\ProductType','product_type_id','product_type_id');
public function productQuantities() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductQuantity','product_id','product_id');
What I want to get is all columns from products and product type name from productType, sum of quantity from productQuantities, so I can perform search on those column values later on with where().
How can I get these columns with Eloquent?
I know I could get them with raw SQL commands but I need to do this way for compatibility reasons.
I tried this way before I ask the question.
But model relations just stopped working with no errors. Values just got emptied out from the other parts of the page.
$products = Product::selectRaw('products.*, productTypes.product_type_name, sum(product_quantities.quantity) as quantitySum')
->where('product_name', 'like', '%'.$searchName.'%')
->where('product_type_name', 'like', '%'.$searchType.'%')
->where(function($q) use ($searchPrice) {
->where('points', 'like', '%'.$searchPoints.'%')
Working version before this was simple.
->where('product_name', 'like', '%'.$searchName.'%')
->where('product_type_name', 'like', '%'.$searchType.'%')
->where(function($q) use ($searchPrice) {
->where('points', 'like', '%'.$searchPoints.'%')
And I thought any kind of join methods doesn't seem to be working well with Eloquent relationship? But older one has leftjoin method as well.
I have not tested this (and am assuming you want to group on product_type_name but you should be able to do something along the lines of:
$results = Product::with(['productType','productQuantities'])
sum(productQuantities.quantity) as "QuantitySum"'))
$results = DB::table('products')
->join('productType', 'productType.product_type_id', '=', 'products.product_type_id')
->join('productQuantities', 'productQuantities.product_id', '=', 'products.product_id')
sum(productQuantities.quantity) as "QuantitySum"'))
Then you should be able to access the aggregated quantities using (in a loop if you wanted) $results->QuantitySum.
you can get it with eager loading and aggregating. For example, you need to query products has product type name like "new product" and quantity greater than 1000:
->whereHas("productType", function ($query) {
$query->where("product_type_name", "like", "new product");
->withCount(["productQuantities as quantity_count" => function ($query) {
->having("quantity_count", ">", 1000)
you can get through relationship
and attribute:
$products = Product::withsum('productQuantities','quantity')
Gives me the result that I wanted. And didn't break the other parts.
But I'm still confused why with() and withSum() didn't work together.
Is it because products belongs to productTypes maybe

Laravel Eloquent - take results randomly from whereIn

Laravel version 4.2
I'm having issues with this one problem I have.
I need to fill a quota of 5 results however I only have an array size of 3. I also need the rows to be selected randomly from the Array.
*edit: Fetching all results is not feasible
$store_id_array = array('111', '222' , '333');
$reviews = Review::whereIn('store_id', $store_id_array)
return Response::json($reviews);
This will return 5 results however only from the first item in the array.
How do I select randomly from the array items?
For Laravel below version 5:
orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()')) like this:
$reviews = Review::whereIn('store_id', $store_id_array)
For Laravel 5.0 +
use inRandomOrder() method:
$reviews = Review::whereIn('store_id', $store_id_array)
public function index()
$categories = Category::latest()->get();
$protfolios = Protfolio::all();
$randompost = Post::approved()->publish()->take(4)->InRandomOrder()->get();
$allposts = Post::where('price', 0)->approved()->publish()->take(8)->get();
$posts = Post::latest()->where('price', '>=', 0)->approved()->publish()->take(8)->get();
$latestposts = Post::latest()->approved()->publish()->take(8)->get();
return view('welcome',compact('posts','randompost ','categories','allposts','latestposts','protfolios'));

Get value with max amount in Laravel

I'm using laravel-page-view-counter to count visits of my products and it's working just fine, what i need to do is to get list of top 10 products by their visits (get 10 products which has largest number of visits).
Here is what I have:
$visits = Product::join('page-visits', function ($join) {
$join->on('products.id', '=', 'page-visits.visitable_id');
$sorted = $visits->sortBy(function ($product, $key) {
return count($product['visits']);
But It return from lowest product visits to highest one (it shows product with 0 visit till product with 100 visits) I need reverse method of that to show (product with 100 visits first).
You can do it easily with query builder and some raw queries like this:
$visits = DB::table('products')
->select(DB::raw('count(visitable_id) as count'),'products.*')
I hope you will understand.

Laravel OrderBy Relationship count with pagination

I have many projects and each has many orders, some completed, some not.
I want to order them by the amount of completed orders like this:
$products = $products->orderBy(function($product) {
return $product->orders->where('status', 2)->count();
I know the order call doesn't work like this but this is the best was show the problem. SortBy doesn't work because I want to use pagination.
Finally found a good solution for the problem:
$products = $products->join('orders', function ($join) {
$join->on('orders.product_id', '=', 'products.id')
->where('orders.status', '=', 2);
->orderBy('count', $order)
->select((['products.*', DB::raw('COUNT(orders.product_id) as count')]))->paginate(50);
Try this if it works:
$categories = Prodcuts::with(array('orders' => function($query) {
$query->select(DB::raw('SELECT * count(status) WHERE status = 2 as count'))
return View::make('products.index', compact('categories'));
Note: This is not tested.
From 5.2 on wards you can use the withCount for counting relationship result.
In this case the
$products = $products->withCount(['orders' => function ($query) {
$query->where('status', 2);
Reference : https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/eloquent-relationships

Laravel merge 2 collection with paginator

I need to do paging with two different collection. Have priority listing. Money that is placed in the priority list.
Why do not you do a single query, you can say the priority list. Reason, when using filtering; city, county, category I choose. However, the site owner, having priority listing in the city, county, or even in one of the priority areas listed in the category you want.
So in a query keywords when using 3 criteria, other criteria will be enough in the first. Each page lists 20 records, if the primary listing of the 30 first listing, the second collection of records in the other I would like to be listed thereafter.
According to the criteria normally be with you now I share my code. Waiting for your suggestions. Thank you in advance.
I'm sorry for my bad english.
->join('Ads', 'Ads.id', '=', 'UserAds.ad_id')
->join('Users', 'Users.id', '=', 'UserAds.user_id')
->join('AdCategory', 'AdCategory.ad_id', '=', 'Ads.id')
->join('AdEducationPrices', 'AdEducationPrices.ad_id', '=', 'Ads.id')
->join('City', 'City.id', '=', 'Ads.city_id')
->join('Town', 'Town.id', '=', 'Ads.town_id')
->leftJoin('AdMedias', 'AdMedias.ad_id', '=', 'Ads.id')
->select('Ads.*', 'AdEducationPrices.*', 'City.name as city_name', 'City.id as city_id',
'Town.name as town_name', 'Town.id as town_id', 'AdMedias.url')
->where('Ads.is_publish', 1)
->whereIn('AdCategory.category_id', $new_category_array)
->where('Ads.city_id', $city_id)
->where('Ads.town_id', $town_id)
->where('UserAds.is_purchased', true)
->where('UserAds.started_at', '<', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))
->where('UserAds.finished_at', '>=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))
->where('AdMedias.type', 'picture')
->groupby('UserAds.ad_id')->orderby('finished_at', 'DESC')
->orderby('started_at', 'DESC')->paginate(20);
I used array_merge for 2 queries. And filtered records for paginator. Ty for reading my question. I hope to help someone
$new_collection = array_merge($Priority, $Ads);
$new_collection_count = count($new_collection);
$perPage = 20;
$currentPage = Input::get('page', 1) - 1;
$new_collection = array_slice($new_collection, $currentPage * $perPage, $perPage);
$Ads = Paginator::make($new_collection, $new_collection_count, $perPage);
