Facebook custom page tab not allowed anymore? - php

So our app has stopped working recently. Our "installation" process tries to create a custom page tab, which has been working since at least june of last year. Now when one of our customers attempts to start using our app, they get the "Add Page Tab" dialog, select the page wherein they want to install the app, click the "Add Page Tab" button, and instead of working, this error comes up:
"This page does not have permission to install the custom tab."
We are using the latest version of the php API. This successfully works installing the test version of our app on my own Facebook account... I am at a loss. Any suggestions?

Ok, so the deal is, Facebook took away something that was moderately useful - being able to install a Canvas (iframed-in webpage) app on a "Page" accessed via a "Page Tab", and doesn't seem to have any replacement for it. So far, anyway, our customers who have already installed our app will get to keep it, but nobody new can add it.


PHPBB Add User Automatically When They Sign-up on the Main Website

I have a website that requires login and I've installed PHPBB to a subdomain. I want users to automatically register to the PHPBB forum when they register to the main page and I need to give them access to only specific forums so I need to give them forum permissions based on their choices on the register page. How can I achieve this?
I've tried sending requests to ACP Add User Plugin using cURL but it requires tokens so after some time token expires and I can't send any more requests.
When you use your Browser to get the key, go into the developer tools, network tab, select the first http request, right click and choose copy as curl.
I would NEVER install Chrome on my PC. So here is a Firefox example.
Then go to Convert curl commands to PHP
And paste in the curl copied from your Browser.
So now you can go get a new token when ever you need a new one.

Facebook Graph API stopped recognizing publish_action scope

I'm trying to upgrade an integration with the Facebook Graph API from version 1 to version 2.0, but I'm facing a problem: The permission publish_actions is not being shown in the dialog for granting.
I'm doing it manually (without the JS SDK).
PHP code:
header('Location: https://www.facebook.com/v2.0/dialog/oauth?client_id='.$appID.'&redirect_uri='.urlencode($callBackUrl).'&scope=publish_actions,offline_access');
Does anyone know what is happening? I've been looking for a solution for hours. As I already said, I had a working app at the Facebook from the previous version, and the Facebook API didn't show me any alert.
I assume that all configurations are correct, or at least they seem to be.
Currently, the Facebook requests reviewing your app when it uses non-basic permissions like "publish_action". If you need to use these permissions, you will need to submit your app to be reviewed by Facebook's team. Only after that the permission will be shown to your app users.
For submit your app, access your app at https://developers.facebook.com/apps/, and after clicking at your app button, click at the button "Status & Review" at the left menu, fill the form and submit it. Within 5 business days you will be notified about the reviewing result.
Another thing that has changed is that non-basic permissions are only shown to the user after he approves the basic permissions.
Furthermore it's allowed to use your own user to test the app (with all permissions, including non-basic's) before submit it.

Wordpress for Google App Engine has NO "Publish" Button

I want to use wordpress as CMS for my new project with Google App Engine. I followed this guide: http://googlecloudplatform.github.io/appengine-php-wordpress-starter-project/ and now I'm testing it locally. However I noticed that there is no publish sidebar with the "publish" button when I add new page or edit the sample page.
There is not even a "save draft" button.
I think I followed the steps carefully and there is no error on browser console. I believe it should be on the right side as seen on the dashboard on wordpress.com when you add a new page:
I found a workaround tho on how to publish. Whenever I typed in the textbox my work is then being auto save as a draft. What I do is go to the "All Pages" listing and do a "Quick Edit" on the page, I can then change the status from "Draft" to "Published" to publish that page.
But it would be very convenient if I can directly publish it once I finished, without going to the page listing and doing a quick edit. Can anyone help me with this?
This seems to be the same issue as Google Appengine 1.9.3/4 and WordPress 3.9 Admin User not Fully Functional on Localhost
It only affects Windows and should be fixed in the 1.9.7 release of SDK.

Android how to make my web view displaying a php page with a link to connect to the Android Market?

I have an application where I display a web view that connects to my website php file so I can offer up to date notes, so I'm trying to place a link in it so that the user can download other apps of mine, the problem I have faced is that when the links is clicked it opens google play inside the web view instead of opening the android market and so users have to login in to their google account first to download my app, if the android market opens everybody is log into it so they can just press the download button.
so here is the code I'm using in my php file
Get my other FREE App
reading the developer guide it says that when a link like this is clicked in a webpage from inside a Android device you can choose to open it with the browser or the market app, so why am I not able to choose.
Thanks for any advice.
here are a couple screen shots
It sounds like this is a device specific issue. You probably clicked on a market link before and set market links to open in the brower by default. To fix this open app settings and then click on your brower. There will be a section that says something like "you've set this app as the default app for somethings" below that text there will be a button that says something like "clear defaults". Clear your defaults and then try your link again. (Also, I should note that for play.google.com links to work your market app needs to up to date)
Edit: This question is probably actually what you are looking for.

facebook authentication error

I am Developing a simple Facebook Application in php which displays only name of the user of the application.
Facebook authentication dialog that appears whenever a facebook user joins an app is not appearing with the programming code I dowloaded from link https://github.com/facebook/php-sdk officially provided at facebook app developer page.
I have dowloaded some other app codes which has wrong authentication code.
I am facing 2-3 errors, in some cases the canvas page of the application is refreshing itself again and again and in the other case authentication window appears, but when one clicks on "Allow App" the page is redirected to application page that is loaded on the server and on clicking "Don't Allow" the page is redirected to canvas page instead of coming back to home page of user.
is the php-sdk library that i have downloaded is outdated or there is any other problem.
please anybody who has tested code provide the with solution coz i have tried a lot of readymade applications already (all has sane problems). i just require a working authentication code with correct php library
THe source code from the official PHP sdk site is working.... yet, it is expected that in the provided sample code, the authentication flow is not kicked off automatically. You can verify that by going through the code.
there are a few community generated tutorial listed in http://forum.developers.facebook.net/viewtopic.php?id=79787. You may find them useful.
