SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'country_code' in 'where clause' (SQL: select posts.*, categories.parent_id as laravel_through_key from posts inner join categories on categories.id = posts.category_id where categories.parent_id = 200 and country_code = EN and category_id in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 460, 461, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682) and verified_email = 1 and verified_phone = 1)
enter image description here
when adding another country
{"success":false,"message":"SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'country_code' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from `posts` where `country_code` =
enter image description here
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'a.country_code' in 'where clause' (SQL: SELECT sc.id, c.parent_id, count(*) as total
FROM posts as a
INNER JOIN categories as sc ON sc.id=a.category_id AND sc.active=1
INNER JOIN categories as c ON c.id=sc.parent_id AND c.active=1
WHERE a.country_code = :countryCode AND (a.verified_email=1 AND a.verified_phone=1) AND a.archived!=1 AND a.deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY sc.id)
Please check your database table named 'posts' and confirm if a column named 'country_code' is present.
If 'country_code' is present, then consider changing WHERE a.country_code = :countryCode to WHERE a.country_code = '$countryCode'.
Note that I removed ':' from ':countryCode' and I replaced it with '$' in '$countryCode', with the assumption that you have a variable named $countryCode in your code.
Could you share more information about your data structure. That errors mean your column country_code does not exist
I would like to know if it is possible to convert an image with map area HTML to PDF in PHP.
With TCPDF, including image is not a problem and then drawing forms. But it's almost impossible to draw perfectly every area on my image.
<img src="body.jpg" class="img-fluid" id="map-image" style="width: 280px; max-width: 280px; height: auto;" alt="" usemap="#map" />
<map id="map" name="map">
<area href="#" part="MD" data-part="Main Droite" shape="poly" coords="324, 406, 356, 396, 357, 403, 363, 406, 368, 410, 374, 415, 378, 419, 381, 424, 385, 427, 389, 434, 392, 439, 391, 444, 386, 447, 381, 447, 378, 444, 377, 451, 376, 464, 376, 477, 377, 485, 375, 491, 369, 493, 367, 497, 365, 500, 358, 498, 356, 496, 351, 496, 347, 494, 345, 487, 342, 489, 335, 490, 332, 485, 331, 473, 329, 459, 325, 449, 325, 434, 325, 418" />
<area href="#" part="MG" data-part="Main Gauche" shape="poly" coords="45, 401, 79, 410, 79, 422, 79, 436, 79, 446, 77, 460, 75, 473, 72, 482, 70, 488, 65, 490, 61, 487, 59, 482, 56, 491, 55, 497, 52, 498, 47, 497, 45, 500, 41, 502, 37, 500, 35, 497, 35, 492, 31, 491, 28, 488, 28, 484, 28, 478, 28, 468, 28, 456, 28, 450, 28, 444, 22, 444, 14, 446, 12, 443, 11, 437, 14, 434, 17, 429, 23, 423, 28, 420, 35, 413, 42, 407" />
<area href="#" part="MI" data-part="Membres inférieurs" shape="poly" coords="131, 363, 146, 366, 168, 369, 196, 371, 223, 371, 248, 366, 265, 363, 270, 359, 278, 382, 283, 405, 287, 423, 291, 438, 291, 463, 291, 479, 290, 493, 289, 507, 287, 527, 284, 540, 282, 548, 283, 559, 286, 570, 287, 582, 286, 595, 284, 605, 288, 619, 289, 632, 289, 644, 290, 658, 286, 670, 284, 683, 279, 695, 279, 707, 275, 719, 273, 732, 271, 743, 271, 754, 271, 767, 273, 777, 277, 784, 281, 789, 287, 797, 288, 803, 288, 811, 287, 814, 283, 819, 279, 821, 275, 823, 271, 824, 268, 826, 264, 825, 260, 823, 257, 825, 251, 825, 246, 824, 241, 818, 238, 809, 238, 797, 238, 789, 237, 778, 237, 767, 237, 763, 234, 758, 234, 753, 236, 744, 239, 741, 243, 737, 243, 724, 244, 717, 241, 702, 238, 688, 236, 682, 235, 669, 234, 658, 234, 647, 234, 638, 235, 626, 237, 613, 237, 607, 234, 598, 231, 593, 229, 583, 229, 576, 229, 571, 227, 564, 225, 558, 223, 549, 223, 540, 222, 530, 220, 522, 218, 516, 212, 502, 210, 490, 209, 484, 207, 475, 206, 464, 206, 455, 202, 452, 198, 452, 199, 461, 198, 475, 196, 487, 193, 497, 191, 505, 188, 515, 187, 520, 184, 528, 183, 534, 182, 541, 180, 549, 179, 555, 177, 560, 175, 566, 175, 574, 175, 580, 173, 590, 171, 597, 167, 606, 167, 613, 168, 623, 170, 635, 170, 638, 171, 644, 169, 654, 169, 668, 168, 679, 165, 691, 161, 703, 162, 710, 162, 723, 162, 731, 163, 737, 165, 743, 169, 750, 172, 755, 169, 762, 169, 774, 168, 784, 168, 789, 167, 802, 167, 807, 164, 815, 163, 818, 159, 825, 157, 825, 150, 825, 149, 825, 145, 825, 143, 823, 140, 824, 139, 824, 135, 824, 131, 824, 127, 821, 120, 818, 118, 816, 116, 812, 115, 804, 115, 797, 119, 792, 126, 782, 130, 776, 134, 768, 133, 762, 132, 748, 132, 737, 130, 723, 129, 716, 128, 707, 124, 695, 123, 685, 120, 677, 117, 664, 116, 658, 114, 646, 114, 640, 115, 631, 117, 615, 119, 604, 118, 586, 119, 570, 120, 558, 123, 546, 120, 534, 116, 514, 115, 502, 112, 484, 112, 475, 112, 472, 113, 458, 113, 442, 114, 428, 117, 416, 121, 401, 125, 389, 131, 375" />
<area href="#" part="D" data-part="Dos" shape="poly" coords="132, 359, 153, 363, 172, 366, 191, 367, 211, 368, 232, 366, 251, 362, 263, 359, 269, 353, 270, 341, 270, 330, 268, 321, 266, 307, 268, 298, 273, 285, 278, 274, 277, 259, 276, 247, 275, 239, 275, 231, 275, 223, 274, 213, 274, 196, 274, 185, 273, 174, 272, 163, 271, 152, 270, 143, 259, 139, 250, 136, 243, 133, 230, 139, 218, 141, 210, 142, 179, 141, 171, 139, 163, 136, 157, 133, 147, 138, 139, 141, 134, 143, 133, 152, 132, 170, 132, 177, 131, 199, 131, 211, 130, 225, 130, 236, 128, 247, 128, 259, 127, 268, 127, 277, 130, 286, 134, 293, 136, 302, 135, 312, 134, 324, 134, 336, 133, 347" />
<area href="#" part="C" data-part="Cou" shape="poly" coords="167, 94, 173, 97, 181, 103, 190, 110, 202, 114, 213, 111, 222, 106, 229, 97, 234, 96, 233, 104, 233, 116, 234, 124, 236, 129, 239, 131, 232, 136, 222, 138, 211, 139, 201, 139, 193, 139, 182, 139, 173, 137, 167, 134, 161, 131, 161, 130, 167, 127, 170, 124, 170, 117, 170, 111, 169, 105, 168, 100" />
<area href="#" part="MSD" data-part="Membre supérieur Droit" shape="poly" coords="273, 144, 288, 147, 297, 151, 306, 155, 312, 165, 318, 183, 322, 195, 324, 210, 322, 221, 325, 231, 328, 245, 327, 255, 330, 267, 333, 279, 336, 289, 341, 309, 345, 325, 348, 344, 348, 360, 352, 375, 356, 391, 322, 402, 318, 393, 313, 381, 307, 372, 301, 359, 296, 351, 293, 340, 291, 329, 289, 314, 287, 295, 285, 286, 282, 276, 279, 266" />
<area href="#" part="MSG" data-part="Membre supérieur Gauche" shape="poly" coords="125, 268, 119, 284, 116, 299, 112, 322, 112, 333, 108, 345, 101, 357, 95, 375, 84, 394, 79, 404, 48, 395, 53, 368, 54, 356, 58, 331, 60, 316, 63, 302, 66, 290, 72, 280, 73, 264, 76, 251, 80, 231, 82, 222, 83, 213, 82, 192, 83, 186, 87, 177, 92, 163, 101, 155, 111, 149, 123, 145, 131, 144" />
If possible, I want to draw these areas into PDF with some colors etc...
Thank you
Atleast, something to convert html map area (with ImageMapster) into PNG or JPEG image ?
AFAIK, You can direclty use your area from html to TCPDF.
First get your areas from html like :
// your areas
$area[0] = "<area href=\"#\" part=\"MD\" data-part=\"Main Droite\" shape=\"poly\" coords=\"324, 406, 356, 396, 357, 403, 363, 406, 368, 410, 374, 415, 378, 419, 381, 424, 385, 427, 389, 434, 392, 439, 391, 444, 386, 447, 381, 447, 378, 444, 377, 451, 376, 464, 376, 477, 377, 485, 375, 491, 369, 493, 367, 497, 365, 500, 358, 498, 356, 496, 351, 496, 347, 494, 345, 487, 342, 489, 335, 490, 332, 485, 331, 473, 329, 459, 325, 449, 325, 434, 325, 418\" />";
$area[1] = "<area href=\"#\" part=\"MG\" data-part=\"Main Gauche\" shape=\"poly\" coords=\"45, 401, 79, 410, 79, 422, 79, 436, 79, 446, 77, 460, 75, 473, 72, 482, 70, 488, 65, 490, 61, 487, 59, 482, 56, 491, 55, 497, 52, 498, 47, 497, 45, 500, 41, 502, 37, 500, 35, 497, 35, 492, 31, 491, 28, 488, 28, 484, 28, 478, 28, 468, 28, 456, 28, 450, 28, 444, 22, 444, 14, 446, 12, 443, 11, 437, 14, 434, 17, 429, 23, 423, 28, 420, 35, 413, 42, 407\" />";
$area[2] = "<area href=\"#\" part=\"MI\" data-part=\"Membres inférieurs\" shape=\"poly\" coords=\"131, 363, 146, 366, 168, 369, 196, 371, 223, 371, 248, 366, 265, 363, 270, 359, 278, 382, 283, 405, 287, 423, 291, 438, 291, 463, 291, 479, 290, 493, 289, 507, 287, 527, 284, 540, 282, 548, 283, 559, 286, 570, 287, 582, 286, 595, 284, 605, 288, 619, 289, 632, 289, 644, 290, 658, 286, 670, 284, 683, 279, 695, 279, 707, 275, 719, 273, 732, 271, 743, 271, 754, 271, 767, 273, 777, 277, 784, 281, 789, 287, 797, 288, 803, 288, 811, 287, 814, 283, 819, 279, 821, 275, 823, 271, 824, 268, 826, 264, 825, 260, 823, 257, 825, 251, 825, 246, 824, 241, 818, 238, 809, 238, 797, 238, 789, 237, 778, 237, 767, 237, 763, 234, 758, 234, 753, 236, 744, 239, 741, 243, 737, 243, 724, 244, 717, 241, 702, 238, 688, 236, 682, 235, 669, 234, 658, 234, 647, 234, 638, 235, 626, 237, 613, 237, 607, 234, 598, 231, 593, 229, 583, 229, 576, 229, 571, 227, 564, 225, 558, 223, 549, 223, 540, 222, 530, 220, 522, 218, 516, 212, 502, 210, 490, 209, 484, 207, 475, 206, 464, 206, 455, 202, 452, 198, 452, 199, 461, 198, 475, 196, 487, 193, 497, 191, 505, 188, 515, 187, 520, 184, 528, 183, 534, 182, 541, 180, 549, 179, 555, 177, 560, 175, 566, 175, 574, 175, 580, 173, 590, 171, 597, 167, 606, 167, 613, 168, 623, 170, 635, 170, 638, 171, 644, 169, 654, 169, 668, 168, 679, 165, 691, 161, 703, 162, 710, 162, 723, 162, 731, 163, 737, 165, 743, 169, 750, 172, 755, 169, 762, 169, 774, 168, 784, 168, 789, 167, 802, 167, 807, 164, 815, 163, 818, 159, 825, 157, 825, 150, 825, 149, 825, 145, 825, 143, 823, 140, 824, 139, 824, 135, 824, 131, 824, 127, 821, 120, 818, 118, 816, 116, 812, 115, 804, 115, 797, 119, 792, 126, 782, 130, 776, 134, 768, 133, 762, 132, 748, 132, 737, 130, 723, 129, 716, 128, 707, 124, 695, 123, 685, 120, 677, 117, 664, 116, 658, 114, 646, 114, 640, 115, 631, 117, 615, 119, 604, 118, 586, 119, 570, 120, 558, 123, 546, 120, 534, 116, 514, 115, 502, 112, 484, 112, 475, 112, 472, 113, 458, 113, 442, 114, 428, 117, 416, 121, 401, 125, 389, 131, 375\" />";
$area[3] = "<area href=\"#\" part=\"D\" data-part=\"Dos\" shape=\"poly\" coords=\"132, 359, 153, 363, 172, 366, 191, 367, 211, 368, 232, 366, 251, 362, 263, 359, 269, 353, 270, 341, 270, 330, 268, 321, 266, 307, 268, 298, 273, 285, 278, 274, 277, 259, 276, 247, 275, 239, 275, 231, 275, 223, 274, 213, 274, 196, 274, 185, 273, 174, 272, 163, 271, 152, 270, 143, 259, 139, 250, 136, 243, 133, 230, 139, 218, 141, 210, 142, 179, 141, 171, 139, 163, 136, 157, 133, 147, 138, 139, 141, 134, 143, 133, 152, 132, 170, 132, 177, 131, 199, 131, 211, 130, 225, 130, 236, 128, 247, 128, 259, 127, 268, 127, 277, 130, 286, 134, 293, 136, 302, 135, 312, 134, 324, 134, 336, 133, 347\" />";
$area[4] = "<area href=\"#\" part=\"C\" data-part=\"Cou\" shape=\"poly\" coords=\"167, 94, 173, 97, 181, 103, 190, 110, 202, 114, 213, 111, 222, 106, 229, 97, 234, 96, 233, 104, 233, 116, 234, 124, 236, 129, 239, 131, 232, 136, 222, 138, 211, 139, 201, 139, 193, 139, 182, 139, 173, 137, 167, 134, 161, 131, 161, 130, 167, 127, 170, 124, 170, 117, 170, 111, 169, 105, 168, 100\" />";
$area[5] = "<area href=\"#\" part=\"MSD\" data-part=\"Membre supérieur Droit\" shape=\"poly\" coords=\"273, 144, 288, 147, 297, 151, 306, 155, 312, 165, 318, 183, 322, 195, 324, 210, 322, 221, 325, 231, 328, 245, 327, 255, 330, 267, 333, 279, 336, 289, 341, 309, 345, 325, 348, 344, 348, 360, 352, 375, 356, 391, 322, 402, 318, 393, 313, 381, 307, 372, 301, 359, 296, 351, 293, 340, 291, 329, 289, 314, 287, 295, 285, 286, 282, 276, 279, 266\" />";
$area[6] = "<area href=\"#\" part=\"MSG\" data-part=\"Membre supérieur Gauche\" shape=\"poly\" coords=\"125, 268, 119, 284, 116, 299, 112, 322, 112, 333, 108, 345, 101, 357, 95, 375, 84, 394, 79, 404, 48, 395, 53, 368, 54, 356, 58, 331, 60, 316, 63, 302, 66, 290, 72, 280, 73, 264, 76, 251, 80, 231, 82, 222, 83, 213, 82, 192, 83, 186, 87, 177, 92, 163, 101, 155, 111, 149, 123, 145, 131, 144\" />";
Then set some styles according to TCPDF and your needs :
// your style
$style['green'] = array('width' => 0.5, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 230, 0));
$style['orange'] = array('width' => 0.5, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(242, 169, 33));
$style['red'] = array('width' => 0.5, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(255, 33, 33));
$colorGreen = array(198, 237, 189);
$colorOrange = array(239, 222, 189);
$colorRed = array(239, 184, 184);
Then add thoses functions :
function areaToPolygon($pdfObj, $area, $style, $fillColor)
$pdfObj->Polygon($area, 'DF', array('all' => $style), $fillColor);
function parseArrayArea($html)
$matches = array();
preg_match('/coords=.*"/', $html, $matches);
$area = array_map('intval', array_map('trim', explode(',', str_replace('"', '', str_replace('coords="','', $matches[0])))));
$area = array_map('parseAreaPoint', $area);
return $area;
function parseAreaPoint($point)
return $point/2;
In parseAreaPoint function, you can modify to your needs the division. like ($point/3)
Finally call the functions like following : (do this in a loop please because it hurts my eyes lol BTW it's an exemple so it doesn't matter)
$parsed_area = parseArrayArea($area[0]);
areaToPolygon($pdf, $parsed_area, $style['green'], $colorGreen);
$parsed_area = parseArrayArea($area[1]);
areaToPolygon($pdf, $parsed_area, $style['orange'], $colorOrange);
$parsed_area = parseArrayArea($area[2]);
areaToPolygon($pdf, $parsed_area, $style['red'], $colorRed);
$parsed_area = parseArrayArea($area[3]);
areaToPolygon($pdf, $parsed_area, $style['green'], $colorGreen);
$parsed_area = parseArrayArea($area[4]);
areaToPolygon($pdf, $parsed_area, $style['orange'], $colorOrange);
$parsed_area = parseArrayArea($area[5]);
areaToPolygon($pdf, $parsed_area, $style['red'], $colorRed);
$parsed_area = parseArrayArea($area[6]);
areaToPolygon($pdf, $parsed_area, $style['green'], $colorGreen);
Here you have it ! see
body map
I hope this helps you. :)
You can work around those codes.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate.
You can also modify parseAreaPoint a bit if you need to move on x/y Axis.
(x and y axis in area work like that : x1, y1, x2, y2 ...)