I'm trying to rewrite this SQL query but I'm stuck at this point
The query is meant to join the projects table to the project_progress table by using a sub-query to only join on the latest entry
SELECT * FROM projects
JOIN project_progress ON project_progress.id =
SELECT id FROM project_progress
WHERE project_progress.project_id = projects.id
ORDER BY project_progress.created_at DESC
WHERE project_progress.next_action_date < NOW()
AND projects.status != 'Complete'
AND projects.member_id = 1
ORDER BY projects.title ASC
$projects = App\Project::where('member_id', 1)
->join('project_progress', function ($join) {
$join->on('project_progress.id', '=', function ($query) {
->where('project_progress.project_id', 'projects.id')
->orderBy('project_progress.created_at', 'desc')
->where('project_progress.next_action_date', '<', Carbon\Carbon::now())
->orderBy('projects.project_title', 'asc')
I think some thing is wrong with this line but I'm not sure how to write it
$join->on('project_progress.id', '=', function ($query) {
ErrorException (E_ERROR) strtolower() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given \vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Grammar.php
Use where():
$join->where('project_progress.id', '=', function ($query) {
I am using Laravel Framework 6.16.0.
I have the following sql query:
LEFT JOIN `trx` ON `trx`.`companies_id` = `companies`.`id`
`trx`.`transaction_date` >= 2020-11-12 AND companies.symbol NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT
LEFT JOIN articles a ON a.companies_id = companies.id
a.created_at >= 2020-11-12
I have created the following eloquent query:
->leftJoin('trx', 'trx.companies_id', '=', 'companies.id')
->where('trx.transaction_date', '>=', Carbon::today()->subDays(1)->startOfDay())
->orderBy('transaction_date', 'desc')
However, I am not sure how to pack the in my eloquent query to get all the symbol back that should be excluded.
I highly appreciate your replies!
You should try something like this:
$date = Carbon::today()->subDays(1)->startOfDay();
->leftJoin('trx', 'trx.companies_id', '=', 'companies.id')
->where('trx.transaction_date', '>=', $date)
->whereNotIn('companies.symbol', function ($q) use ($date) => {
->leftJoin('articles', 'articles.companies_id', 'companies.id')
->where('articles.created_at', '>', $date)
->orderBy('transaction_date', 'desc')
It will provide a similar query as you mentioned.
Reference from here.
Also, you can read how to write sub Query from Laravel docs.
Check this one more good answer for that what you need.
I am trying to do an eloquent query where it joins on a table where column a = x OR column b = x; and I cannot get it to work. So I am hoping that someone can help.
Here is my query:
$candidates = HrCandidate::where('people_id', '<>', 'NULL')
I am trying to join with the people table but where people_id = 1 or the alternate_id column. So I am hoping someone can help with this.
To get started, pass a Closure as the second argument into the join method. The Closure will receive a JoinClause object which allows you to specify constraints on the join clause:
$candidates = HrCandidate::join('people', function ($join) {
->on('people.id', '=', 'candidates.people_id')
->orOn('people.alternate_id', '=', 'candidates.people_id');
->where('people_id', '<>', 'NULL')
I am try
ing to get something like this
select * from `users`
inner join `settings`
on `users`.`id` = `settings`.`user_id`
and NOW() NOT BETWEEN quit_hour_start AND quit_hour_end
where `notification_key` != ''
and `device_type` = 'Android'
in eloquent. Does anyone try and get success to build this query in eloquent.
I know I can use \DB::select(DB::raw()); and get my result. But I want to use ie with Laravel eloquent method.
====== update comment for tried queries========
$androidUser = User::join('settings', function ($join) {
$join->on('users.id', '=', 'settings.user_id')
->where(DB::raw("'$currentTime' NOT BETWEEN quit_hour_start AND quit_hour_end"));
->where('notification_key', '!=', '')
->where('device_type' ,'=', 'Android')
$users = DB::table('users')
->whereNotBetween('votes', [1, 100]) // For one column
->whereRaw("? NOT BETWEEN quit_hour_start AND quit_hour_end", [$currentTime]) // Use whereRaw for two columns
https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/queries, or you can rewrite as to wheres
I am trying to implement this query in Laravel
WHERE status = 1 AND
taskerCount = (SELECT count(*) FROM jobRequests WHERE status = 1 AND job_id =
This is what i have tried;
->where('status', 1)
->where('taskerCount', function ($q) {
$q->where('status', 1)
->where('job_id', $q->id)->count();
But I get the error:
Object of class Closure could not be converted to int.
Use a raw expression instead of -count().
You can view this documentation here
Example of a raw query from laravel:
$users = DB::table('users')
->select(DB::raw('count(*) as user_count, status'))
->where('status', '<>', 1)
Make sure you define the count as a name.
Im trying days to understand how I can convert a SQL query to a query builder style in laravel.
My SQL query is:
$tagid = Db::select("SELECT `id` FROM `wouter_blog_tags` WHERE `slug` = '".$this->param('slug')."'");
$blog = Db::select("SELECT *
FROM `wouter_blog_posts`
WHERE `published` IS NOT NULL
AND `published` = '1'
AND `published_at` IS NOT NULL
AND `published_at` < NOW()
SELECT count( * )
FROM `wouter_blog_tags`
INNER JOIN `wouter_blog_posts_tags` ON `wouter_blog_tags`.`id` = `wouter_blog_posts_tags`.`tags_id`
WHERE `wouter_blog_posts_tags`.`post_id` = `wouter_blog_posts`.`id`
AND `id`
IN (
)) >=1
ORDER BY `published_at` DESC
Where I now end up to convert to the query builder is:
$test = Db::table('wouter_blog_posts')
->where('published', '=', 1)
->where('published', '=', 'IS NOT NULL')
->where('published_at', '=', 'IS NOT NULL')
->where('published_at', '<', 'NOW()')
->select(Db::raw('count(*) wouter_blog_tags'))
->join('wouter_blog_posts_tags', function($join)
$join->on('wouter_blog_tags.id', '=', 'wouter_blog_posts_tags.tags_id')
->on('wouter_blog_posts_tags.post_id', '=', 'wouter_blog_posts.id')
->whereIn('id', $tagid[0]->id);
I have read that I can't use whereIn in a join. The error i now get:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause::whereIn()
I realy dont know how I can convert my SQL to query builder. I hope when I see a good working conversion of my query I can understand how I have to do it next time.
This work for me:
->where('published', 1)
->whereRaw('published_at < NOW()')
->whereRaw("(SELECT count(*)
FROM wouter_blog_tags
INNER JOIN wouter_blog_posts_tags ON wouter_blog_tags.id = wouter_blog_posts_tags.tags_id
WHERE wouter_blog_posts_tags.post_id = wouter_blog_posts.id
AND id
IN (
)) >=1")
->orderBy('published_at', 'desc')
The following Query Builder code will give you the exact SQL query you have within your DB::select:
->where('published', 1)
->whereRaw('`published_at` < NOW()')
->where(DB::raw('1'), '<=', function ($query) use ($tagid) {
->join('wouter_blog_posts_tags', 'wouter_blog_tags.id', '=', 'wouter_blog_posts_tags.tags_id')
->whereRaw('`wouter_blog_posts_tags`.`post_id` = `wouter_blog_posts`.`id`')
->whereIn('id', [$tagid[0]->id]);
->orderBy('published_at', 'desc')
The subquery condition had to be reversed because you can't have a subquery as the first parameter of the where method and still be able to bind the condition value. So it's 1 <= (subquery) which is equivalent to (subquery) >= 1. The query generated by the above code will look like this:
FROM `wouter_blog_posts`
WHERE `published` IS NOT NULL
AND `published` = 1
AND `published_at` IS NOT NULL
AND `published_at` < Now()
AND 1 <= (SELECT `count(*)`
FROM `wouter_blog_tags`
INNER JOIN `wouter_blog_posts_tags`
ON `wouter_blog_tags`.`id` =
WHERE `wouter_blog_posts_tags`.`post_id` =
AND `id` IN ( ? ))
ORDER BY `published_at` DESC
LIMIT 10 offset 0
My process when creating more complex queries is to first create them and try them out in a SQL environment to make sure they work as indended. Then I implement them step by step with the Query Builder, but instead of using get() at the end of the query, I use toSql() which will give me a string representation of the query that will be generated by the Query Builder, allowing me to compare that to my original query to make sure it's the same.