I'm retrieving Gmail e-mails through IMAP. I'm setting the FT_PEEK option wherever I can, and finally, I've even opened the mailbox as read-only (OP_READONLY). Yet, my code is marking the messages as read.
Here is the code:
class imap{
CONST HOSTNAME='{imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX';
CONST USERNAME = '[Address hidden]';
CONST PASSWORD = '[Password hidden]'; //App password from Google
function getMessagesSince($date){
//This will return a collection of email objects.
if(!$imap=imap_open($this::HOSTNAME, $this::USERNAME, $this::PASSWORD, OP_READONLY)) throw new exception("Unable to connect to IMAP mailbox. ".imap_last_error());
$since=date_format($date, 'j F Y');
$emails=imap_search($imap, 'SINCE "'.$since.'"', SE_UID|FT_PEEK);
foreach($emails as $email){
$messages[]=$this->getMessage($email, $imap);
return $messages;
private function getMessage($uid, $imap){
//First get the headers
$headers=$this->getHeaders($uid, $imap);
$datereceived=date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($headers->date));
//Now get the message body
$message=$this->getBody($uid, $imap);
$email=new email();
return $email;
private function getHeaders($uid, $imap){
//Return an array of headers for the referenced message
//$overview = imap_fetch_overview($imap, $uid, FT_UID); //As we used the SE_UID flag when searching, we have to use it when fetching.
//We use this, rather than fetch_overview, because the overview doesn't have the cc information.
$hText = imap_fetchbody($imap, $uid, '0', FT_UID|FT_PEEK);
$headers = imap_rfc822_parse_headers($hText);
return $headers;
private function getBody($uid, $imap){
$body = $this->get_part($imap, $uid, "TEXT/HTML");
// if HTML body is empty, try getting text body
if ($body == "") {
$body = $this->get_part($imap, $uid, "TEXT/PLAIN");
return $body;
private function get_part($imap, $uid, $mimetype, $structure = false, $partNumber = false){
if (!$structure) {
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($imap, $uid, FT_UID);
if ($structure) {
if ($mimetype == $this->get_mime_type($structure)) {
if (!$partNumber) {
$partNumber = 1;
$text = imap_fetchbody($imap, $uid, $partNumber, FT_UID|FT_PEEK);
switch ($structure->encoding) {
case 3:
return imap_base64($text);
case 4:
return imap_qprint($text);
return $text;
// multipart
if ($structure->type == 1) {
foreach ($structure->parts as $index => $subStruct) {
$prefix = "";
if ($partNumber) {
$prefix = $partNumber . ".";
$data = $this->get_part($imap, $uid, $mimetype, $subStruct, $prefix . ($index + 1));
if ($data) {
return $data;
return false;
private function get_mime_type($structure){
if ($structure->subtype) {
return $primaryMimetype[(int)$structure->type] . "/" . $structure->subtype;
return "TEXT/PLAIN";
Can anyone spot something I'm missing?
(This is just some extra text, because it's saying that the post is mostly code. I'm just typing here until it lets me post.)
You should delete OP_READONLY flag from imap_open() .
I am having problems sending emails using the PHPMailer class for my registration form. I was wondering if the below code could be changed into a normal Mail class please.
class Email {
public $objUrl;
private $objMailer;
public function __construct($objUrl = null) {
$this->objUrl = is_object($objUrl) ? $objUrl : new Url();
$this->objMailer = new PHPMailer();
$this->objMailer->SMTPAuth = true;
$this->objMailer->SMTPKeepAlive = true;
$this->objMailer->SMTPSecure = 'ssl';
$this->objMailer->Host = "smtp.gmail.com";
$this->objMailer->Port = 465;
$this->objMailer->Username = "email here";
$this->objMailer->Password = "password here";
$this->objMailer->SetFrom("email here", "name here");
$this->objMailer->AddReplyTo("email here ", "name here");
public function process($case = null, $array = null) {
if (!empty($case)) {
switch($case) {
case 1:
// add url to the array
$link = "<a href=\"";
$link .= SITE_URL.$this->objUrl->href('activate', array('code', $array['hash']));
$link .= "\">";
$link .= SITE_URL.$this->objUrl->href('activate', array('code', $array['hash']));
$link .= "</a>";
$array['link'] = $link;
$this->objMailer->Subject = "Activate your account";
$this->objMailer->MsgHTML($this->fetchEmail($case, $array));
$array['first_name'].' '.$array['last_name']
// send email
if ($this->objMailer->Send()) {
return true;
return false;
public function fetchEmail($case = null, $array = null) {
if (!empty($case)) {
if (!empty($array)) {
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
${$key} = $value;
$out = ob_get_clean();
return $this->wrapEmail($out);
public function wrapEmail($content = null) {
if (!empty($content)) {
return "<div style=\"font-family:Arial,Verdana,Sans-serif;font-size:12px;color:#333;line-height:21px;\">{$content}</div>";
Any help is much appreciated
I have tried to amend the code to the below code but all I get is a blank screen. I have checked on firefox and no error messages are displayed. Can anyone help fix the problem.
Thank you
class Email {
public $objUrl;
//private $objMailer;
public function __construct($objUrl = null) {
$this->objUrl = is_object($objUrl) ? $objUrl : new Url();
$to = "qakbar26#gmail.com";
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0'."\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'."\r\n";
$headers .= "From: qakbar26#gmail.com";
public function process($case = null, $array = null) {
if (!empty($case)) {
switch($case) {
case 1:
// add url to the array
$link = "<a href=\"";
$link .= SITE_URL.$this->objUrl->href('activate', array('code', $array['hash']));
$link .= "\">";
$link .= SITE_URL.$this->objUrl->href('activate', array('code', $array['hash']));
$link .= "</a>";
$array['link'] = $link;
$subject = "Activate your account";
$message($this->fetchEmail($case, $array));
$array['first_name'].' '.$array['last_name']
// send email
if ($send()) {
return true;
return false;
public function fetchEmail($case = null, $array = null) {
if (!empty($case)) {
if (!empty($array)) {
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
${$key} = $value;
$out = ob_get_clean();
return $this->wrapEmail($out);
public function wrapEmail($content = null) {
if (!empty($content)) {
return "<div style=\"font-family:Arial,Verdana,Sans-serif;font-size:12px;color:#333;line-height:21px;\">{$content}</div>";
Just an update I have manged to get the PHPMailer ot work after I commented out the below line of code.
Not sure why but the IsSMTP(); is not letting the emails go through.
So I created a Spreadsheet class that is a combination of a few solutions I found online for accessing Google Sheets API with PHP. It works.
class Spreadsheet {
private $token;
private $spreadsheet;
private $worksheet;
private $spreadsheetid;
private $worksheetid;
private $client_id = '<client id>';
private $service_account_name = '<service_account>'; // email address
private $key_file_location = 'key.p12'; //key.p12
private $client;
private $service;
public function __construct() {
$this->client = new Google_Client();
$this->client->setApplicationName("Sheets API Testing");
$this->service = new Google_Service_Drive($this->client);
public function authenticate()
if (isset($_SESSION['service_token'])) {
$key = file_get_contents($this->key_file_location);
$cred = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
array('https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive', 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds'), $key
if ($this->client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
$_SESSION['service_token'] = $this->client->getAccessToken();
// Get access token for spreadsheets API calls
$resultArray = json_decode($_SESSION['service_token']);
$this->token = $resultArray->access_token;
public function setSpreadsheet($title) {
$this->spreadsheet = $title;
return $this;
public function setSpreadsheetId($id) {
$this->spreadsheetid = $id;
return $this;
public function setWorksheet($title) {
$this->worksheet = $title;
return $this;
public function insert() {
if (!empty($this->token)) {
$url = $this->getPostUrl();
} else {
echo "Authentication Failed";
public function add($data) {
if(!empty($this->token)) {
$url = $this->getPostUrl();
if(!empty($url)) {
$columnIDs = $this->getColumnIDs();
if($columnIDs) {
$fields = '<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:gsx="http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006/extended">';
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
$key = $this->formatColumnID($key);
if(in_array($key, $columnIDs)) {
$fields .= "<gsx:$key><![CDATA[$value]]></gsx:$key>";
$fields .= '</entry>';
$headers = [
"Authorization" => "Bearer $this->token",
'Content-Type' => 'application/atom+xml'
$method = 'POST';
$req = new Google_Http_Request($url, $method, $headers, $fields);
$curl = new Google_IO_Curl($this->client);
$results = $curl->executeRequest($req);
private function getColumnIDs() {
$url = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/" . $this->spreadsheetid . "/" . $this->worksheetid . "/private/full?max-row=1";
$headers = array(
"Authorization" => "Bearer $this->token",
"GData-Version: 3.0"
$method = "GET";
$req = new Google_Http_Request($url, $method, $headers);
$curl = new Google_IO_Curl($this->client);
$results = $curl->executeRequest($req);
if($results[2] == 200) {
$columnIDs = array();
$xml = simplexml_load_string($results[0]);
if($xml->entry) {
$columnSize = sizeof($xml->entry);
for($c = 0; $c < $columnSize; ++$c) {
$columnIDs[] = $this->formatColumnID($xml->entry[$c]->content);
return $columnIDs;
return "";
private function getPostUrl() {
if (empty($this->spreadsheetid)){
#find the id based on the spreadsheet name
$url = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/spreadsheets/private/full?title=" . urlencode($this->spreadsheet);
$method = 'GET';
$headers = ["Authorization" => "Bearer $this->token"];
$req = new Google_Http_Request($url, $method, $headers);
$curl = new Google_IO_Curl($this->client);
$results = $curl->executeRequest($req);
if($results[2] == 200) {
$spreadsheetXml = simplexml_load_string($results[0]);
if($spreadsheetXml->entry) {
$this->spreadsheetid = basename(trim($spreadsheetXml->entry[0]->id));
$url = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/" . $this->spreadsheetid . "/private/full";
if(!empty($this->worksheet)) {
$url .= "?title=" . $this->worksheet;
$req = new Google_Http_Request($url, $method, $headers);
$response = $curl->executeRequest($req);
if($response[2] == 200) {
$worksheetXml = simplexml_load_string($response[0]);
if($worksheetXml->entry) {
$this->worksheetid = basename(trim($worksheetXml->entry[0]->id));
if(!empty($this->spreadsheetid) && !empty($this->worksheetid)) {
return "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/" . $this->spreadsheetid . "/" . $this->worksheetid . "/private/full";
return "";
private function formatColumnID($val) {
return preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]/", "", strtolower($val));
I then use this test php file to add rows to to my spreadsheet:
$Spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
setSpreadsheet("test spreadsheet")->
add(array("name" => "Cell 1", "email" => "Cell 2"));
With this I can delete a row / update a row and append a row. However, the MAIN reason I needed this was to INSERT a row. Has anyone figured out a way to do this? Any language is fine although id prefer a php solution.
You can call an Apps Script stand alone script from PHP using an HTTPS GET or POST request. PHP can make a GET or POST request, and Apps Script can obviously insert the row anywhere using SpreadsheetApp service. You'll probably want to use Content Service also inside of the Apps Script code to get a return confirmation back that the code completed.
You might want to use a POST request for better security. So, again, you can use Apps Script as an intermediary between your PHP and your spreadsheet. The doPost() in the Apps Script file will need an event handler, normally assigned to the letter "e":
doPost(e) {
//Get e and retrieve what the code should do
//Insert the row
Also, see this answer:
Stackoverflow - Call a custom GAS function from external URL
I want to extract only the HTML content from a imap_body result.
The imap_body give a verbatim copy of the mail.
I found a solution:
function getBody($uid, $imap)
$body = $this->get_part($imap, $uid, "TEXT/HTML");
// if HTML body is empty, try getting text body
if ($body == "") {
$body = $this->get_part($imap, $uid, "TEXT/PLAIN");
return $body;
function get_part($imap, $uid, $mimetype, $structure = false, $partNumber = false)
if (!$structure) {
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($imap, $uid, FT_UID);
if ($structure) {
if ($mimetype == $this->get_mime_type($structure)) {
if (!$partNumber) {
$partNumber = 1;
$text = imap_fetchbody($imap, $uid, $partNumber, FT_UID);
switch ($structure->encoding) {
case 3:
return imap_base64($text);
case 4:
return imap_qprint($text);
return $text;
// multipart
if ($structure->type == 1) {
foreach ($structure->parts as $index => $subStruct) {
$prefix = "";
if ($partNumber) {
$prefix = $partNumber . ".";
$data = $this->get_part($imap, $uid, $mimetype, $subStruct, $prefix . ($index + 1));
if ($data) {
return $data;
return false;
function get_mime_type($structure)
if ($structure->subtype) {
return $primaryMimetype[(int)$structure->type] . "/" . $structure->subtype;
return "TEXT/PLAIN";
Parameter 3, "the section" is as follows:
The part number. It is a string of integers delimited by period which index into a body part list as per the IMAP4 specification
(empty) - Entire message
0 - Message header
2 - file.ext
Therefore, to grab the HTML part of the mail, you would have to use the 1.2 option as the third parameter. Like so:
$message = imap_fetchbody($inbox, $number, 1.2);
I don't have enough reputation to add a comment, but I just wanted to clarify in #GunniH's answer that your call to the function should look like this:
$message = imap_fetchbody($inbox, $number, '1.2');
instead of this
$message = imap_fetchbody($inbox, $number, 1.2);
That final argument should be a string, not an int.
Re-visiting this problem specified in my previous question, I tried and tried, also with different accounts (I tried gmail, as well as outlook), but the problem still persists. The error I get is the following if I try to access my google account
Error: Unable to get imap_thread after 4 retries. 'Can't open mailbox {imap.gmail.com:993/ssl/imap/tls/novalidate-cert}INBOX: invalid remote specification'
if I try accessing email on my outlook account, the error is the same :
Error: Unable to get imap_thread after 4 retries. 'Can't open mailbox {outlook.office365.com:993/ssl/imap/tls/novalidate-cert}INBOX: invalid remote specification'
My setup is as follows :
public $emailTicket = array(
'datasource' => 'ImapSource',
'server' => 'outlook.office365.com',
'connect' => 'imap/tls/novalidate-cert',
'username' => 'my email here',
'password' => 'my password here',
'port' => '993', //incoming port
'ssl' => true,
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
'error_handler' => 'php',
'auto_mark_as' => array(
// 'Answered',
// 'Flagged',
// 'Deleted',
// 'Draft',
I am working on a local machine, does anyone know if this might be the problem or not? Has anyone ever tried this and worked for him/her? I am open to all input!
I can't seem to find what's wrong here, I've been at this for about 2days now, so if anyone can help, I appreciate it!
Also here's the link for the plugin i'm using, by Nicolas Ramy..
You can use the following implemented code to fulfill your requirements:
public function generate_email_response_pdf()
$this->layout = false;
$this->autoRender = false;
$username = EMP_SMTP_MAIL_FROM;
$imap = imap_open('{imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX', $username, $password);
$emails = imap_search($imap, 'ALL');
//put the newest emails on top
foreach($emails as $email_number)
$flag = 0;
$mail_data = array();
$file_name = array();
$output = array();
$savefilename = null;
$filename = null;
$overview = imap_fetch_overview($imap, $email_number, 0);
//initialize the subject index with -000, considering not receving this will not be received in
//subject line of email
$output['subject'] = '-000x';
if(isset($overview[0] -> subject))
$output['subject'] = $overview[0] -> subject;
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($imap, $email_number);
if(property_exists($structure, 'parts'))
$flag = 1;
$flattened_parts = $this->flatten_parts($structure->parts);
foreach($flattened_parts as $part_number => $part)
case 0:
//the HTML or plain text part of the email
$part_number = 1.2;
else if(isset($part->subtype)=='HTML')
$part_number = $part_number;
$part_number = $part_number;
$message = $this->get_part($imap, $email_number, $part_number, $part->encoding);
//now do something with the message, e.g. render it
case 1:
// multi-part headers, can ignore
case 2:
// attached message headers, can ignore
case 3: // application
case 4: // audio
case 5: // image
case 6: // video
case 7: // other
$filename = $this->get_filename_from_part($part);
// it's an attachment
$attachment = $this->get_part($imap, $email_number, $part_number, $part->encoding);
$file_info = pathinfo($filename);
$savefilename = RESPONSE_ATTACHMENT_PREFIX.$file_info['filename'].'_'.$this->_getRandId(4).'.'.$file_info['extension'];
$file_name[] = $savefilename;
$attachment_file_name = $this->save_attachment($attachment, $savefilename, $directory_path);
//imap_fetchbody($imap, $email_number, 2); //This marks message as read
// don't know what it is
$encoding = $structure->encoding;
$message = imap_fetchbody($imap, $email_number, 1.2);
//echo $message; die;
if($message == "")
$message = imap_body($imap, $email_number);
if($encoding == 3)
$message = base64_decode($message);
else if($encoding == 4)
$message = quoted_printable_decode($message);
$header = imap_headerinfo($imap, $email_number);
$from_email = $header->from[0]->mailbox."#".$header->from[0]->host;
$to_email = $header->to[0]->mailbox."#".$header->to[0]->host;
$reply_to_email = $header->reply_to[0]->mailbox."#".$header->reply_to[0]->host;
$cc_email = array();
foreach($header->cc as $ccmail)
$cc_email[] = $ccmail->mailbox.'#'.$ccmail->host;
$cc_email = implode(", ", $cc_email);
$output['to'] = $to_email;
$output['from'] = $from_email;
$output['reply_to'] = $reply_to_email;
$output['cc'] = $cc_email;
$formatted_date = date('D, d M Y h:i A', strtotime($overview[0] -> date));
$output['date'] = $formatted_date;
$output['message'] = $message;
$output['flag'] = $flag;
$mail_data['Attachment'] = $file_name;
$mail_data['Data'] = $output;
$this->set('response_data', $mail_data);
$mail_content = null;
$this->viewPath = 'Elements/default';
$mail_content = $this->render('pdf_content');
$header = null;
$footer = null;
$html = preg_replace(array('/[^\r\n\t\x20-\x7E\xA0-\xFF]*/'), '', $mail_content);
$pdfFile = $this->_generateWkPdf($html, $directory_path, $new_file_name, $header, $footer);
$image_type = EXT_JPG;
$response_files_array = $this->_generateImagesFromPdf($directory_path.$pdfFile, $directory_path, $new_file_name, $image_type);
I have written/copied a script that reads emails from an inbox and updates a ticket and then moves the email to a proccessed folder. This all works perfectly on new emails to the inbox but when someone replys to an email and it ends up in the inbox my scrtipt reads nothing on the email.
Is there something different to the way an email is structured when its a reply? I need a way of reading whats in the email so I can update a ticket with the contents. Knowing which email it is to update is all taken care of its just purely reading the content Im struggling with.
Here is the code
class Email
// imap server connection
public $conn;
// inbox storage and inbox message count
public $inbox;
private $msg_cnt;
// email login credentials
private $server = '????????????';
private $user = '????????';
private $pass = '?????????????';
private $port = ??;
// connect to the server and get the inbox emails
function __construct()
function getdecodevalue($message,$coding)
switch($coding) {
case 0:
case 1:
$message = imap_8bit($message);
case 2:
$message = imap_binary($message);
case 3:
case 5:
case 4:
$message = imap_qprint($message);
return $message;
// close the server connection
function close()
$this->inbox = array();
$this->msg_cnt = 0;
// open the server connection
// the imap_open function parameters will need to be changed for the particular server
// these are laid out to connect to a Dreamhost IMAP server
function connect()
$this->conn = imap_open("{".$this->server.":".$this->port."/imap/novalidate-cert}INBOX", $this->user, $this->pass);
// move the message to a new folder
function move($msg_index, $folder='Read')
// move on server
imap_mail_move($this->conn, $msg_index, $folder);
// re-read the inbox
// get a specific message (1 = first email, 2 = second email, etc.)
function get($msg_index=NULL)
if(count($this->inbox) <= 0)
return array();
elseif( ! is_null($msg_index) && isset($this->inbox[$msg_index]))
return $this->inbox[$msg_index];
return $this->inbox[0];
// read the inbox
function inbox()
$this->msg_cnt = imap_num_msg($this->conn);
$in = array();
for($i = 1; $i <= $this->msg_cnt; $i++)
$in[] = array(
'index' => $i,
'header' => imap_headerinfo($this->conn, $i),
'body' => $this->cleanBody(imap_fetchbody($this->conn, $i,1)),
'structure' => imap_fetchstructure($this->conn, $i)
$this->inbox = $in;
function cleanBody($body)
$delimiter = '#';
$startTag = '----------START REPLY----------';
$endTag = '----------END REPLY----------';
$regex = $delimiter . preg_quote($startTag, $delimiter)
. '(.*?)'
. preg_quote($endTag, $delimiter)
. $delimiter
. 's';
$ret = trim($matches[1]);
return $ret;
$emails = new Email();
$email = array();
$emailCount = 1;
foreach($emails->inbox as $ems => $em)
$email[$emailCount]['subject'] = $sub = $em['header']->subject;
//echo $sub;
$subParts = explode('-',$sub);
$ticketUniqueCode = trim($subParts[1]);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ticket_main WHERE uniquecode = '".mysql_escape_string($ticketUniqueCode)."' LIMIT 1";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$res = mysql_fetch_object($query);
$ticketBody = $em['body'];
$customerID = $res->customerID;
$sql2 = "INSERT INTO ticket_updates SET ticketID = '".$res->ticketID."' , submitted = NOW() , submittedBy = '".$res->customerID."' , message = '".mysql_escape_string($ticketBody)."' , inhouse = 0";
$query = mysql_query($sql2);
// attachment section
$message_number = $em['index'];
$attachments = array();
if(isset($em['structure']->parts) && count($em['structure']->parts))
//echo 'hi';
for($i = 0; $i < count($em['structure']->parts); $i++)
$attachments[$i] = array(
'is_attachment' => false,
'filename' => '',
'name' => '',
'attachment' => ''
if($em['structure']->parts[$i]->ifdparameters) {
foreach($em['structure']->parts[$i]->dparameters as $object)
if(strtolower($object->attribute) == 'filename')
$attachments[$i]['is_attachment'] = true;
$attachments[$i]['filename'] = $object->value;
if($em['structure']->parts[$i]->ifparameters) {
foreach($em['structure']->parts[$i]->parameters as $object)
if(strtolower($object->attribute) == 'name')
$attachments[$i]['is_attachment'] = true;
$attachments[$i]['name'] = $object->value;
$attachments[$i]['attachment'] = imap_fetchbody($emails->conn, $message_number, $i+1);
if($em['structure']->parts[$i]->encoding == 3)
{ // 3 = BASE64
$attachments[$i]['attachment'] = base64_decode($attachments[$i]['attachment']);
elseif($em['structure']->parts[$i]->encoding == 4)
$attachments[$i]['attachment'] = quoted_printable_decode($attachments[$i]['attachment']);
if(isset($em['structure']->parts[$i]->disposition) && $em['structure']->parts[$i]->disposition == "attachment")
$filename = $attachments[$i]['name'];
$mege = imap_fetchbody($emails->conn, $message_number, $i+1);
$filename= $filename;
$email[$emailCount]['attachment'] = $attachments;
$emailNumbers = imap_search($emails->conn,'ALL');
foreach($emailNumbers as $a)
Hope that makes some sense and someone can actually help.
Many many thanks in advance
Well the most obvious thing is your code assumes a message is always in part 1, your line:
'body' => $this->cleanBody(imap_fetchbody($this->conn, $i,1)),
Means it's only looking at body 1. If it's a pure text email body 1 will be right, but if it's multipart/alternative (text & html) body 1 would be the base MIME message which tells you that there are sub bodies (body 1.1, 1.2) that actually contain the content.
Further if the reply includes embedded images, or includes the message it's replying to as an attachment then you could have even more bodies/locations.
So how do I find the body? (you ask)... well you can use imap_fetchstructure to learn about all the body parts, then search through it to find a piece with type=0 (text) and then download that body part. (The first found text should be the right one, but note there could be more than one text body type in an email).