Pass several columns to an orderBy method via URL - php

I have this code in Lumen 5.6 (Laravel microframework) and I want to have an orderBy method for several columns, for example, http://apisurl/books?orderBy=devices,name,restrictions,category also send asc or desc order.
Lumen's documentation says that we can use the orderBy like this
$books = PartnersBooks::all()->orderBy('device', 'asc')->orderBy('restrictions', 'asc')->get();
So, I made a function with a foreach to fill an array with different orderBy requests values and tried to put on eloquent queries without succeeding.
Can anybody help me?
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
public function index(Request $request)
$limit = $request->input('limit');
$books = PartnersBooks::where('is_direct', '=', 1)
->whereHas('direct', function ($query) {
->select(['id', 'book_id', 'name', 'devices', 'flow', 'restrictions', 'countries', 'targeting']);
->orderBy('id', 'asc')
->paginate($limit, ['id', 'category', 'description']);
$status = !is_null($books) ? 200 : 204;
return response()->json($books, $status);

You can do this:
// Get order by input
$orderByInput = $request->input('orderBy');
// If it's not empty explode by ',' to get them in an array,
// otherwise make an empty array
$orderByParams = !empty($orderByInput)
? explode(',', $orderByInput)
: [];
$query = PartnersBooks::where('is_direct', '=', 1)
->whereHas('direct', function ($query) {
->select(['id', 'book_id', 'name', 'devices', 'flow', 'restrictions', 'countries', 'targeting']);
// Foreach over the parameters and dynamically add an orderBy
// to the query for each parameter
foreach ($orderByParams as $param) {
$query = $query->orderBy($param);
// End the query and get the results
$result = $query->paginate($limit);


How to add filter and pagination with Laravel Eloquent

I am trying to create an API that will return all customers record from the database. But this provides pagination and filtering.,
The filtering feature is an optional query parameter. So would not necessary included it inside query parameter.
But i am facing an issues in doing that.
Here is my index methods from CustomerController file:
public function index(Request $request)
// Get how many item per page
$itemPerPage = $request->query('per_page');
// SQL Query
$customers = Customer::all();
// Filter data
if (!empty($request->name)) {
$customers = $customers->where('name', '=', $request->name);
// Return the result as JSON
return new CustomerCollection($customers->paginate($itemPerPage));
Or have any better approach to combine optional filtering feature with pagination?
Thank you.
Your main issue is this line:
$customers = Customer::all();
The all() method immediately returns all customers records as a Collection, which does not have a ->paginate() method:
To optionally chain, use the ->query() method, or a ->when() clause:
Using ::query() instead of ::all():
$itemPerPage = $request->query('per_page');
// SQL Query
$customers = Customer::query();
// Filter data
if (!empty($request->name)) {
$customers = $customers->where('name', '=', $request->name);
// Return the result as JSON
return new CustomerCollection($customers->paginate($itemPerPage));
Using a ->when() clause:
$itemPerPage = $request->query('per_page');
$customers = Customer::when(!empty($request->name), function ($query) use ($request) {
$query->where('name', '=', $request->name);
return new CustomerCollection($customers->paginate($itemPerPage));

Multiline Eloquent query

I'm trying to filter my products based on selected filters and possibly a search term/word. My filters have a relationship with categories, which in their turn have a relation ship with my products. My code below only works (without the if statement checking for a search term/word) when everything is chained together, but when I try to break the query into multiple lines (which I've read is possible, right?) it returns an empty array.
Here's a my code:
// Create array from selected categories/filters
$filter_ids = explode(',', $request->get('cats'));
// Query for active products
$products = Product::where('active', '=', 1);
$products->with(['categories' => function($query) use ($filter_ids) {
// Query for active categories
$query->where('active', 1)->whereHas('filters', function ($query) use ($filter_ids) {
// Query for the selected filters from the request
$query->whereIn('id', $filter_ids);
// Check for search term/word
if ($request->get('q')) {
$q = $request->get('q') ? urldecode($request->get('q')) : null;
$products->where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$q}%");
// Limit to 10 items and get results
return response()->json([
'status' => 'success',
'response' => $products
], 200);
I think you could but don't need to query all products with title first, before adding the relationships. But whats wrong here is that you must store the result of get() in a variable before adding it to your json response body:
Try to do something like:
if ($request->get('q')) {
$q = $request->get('q') ? urldecode($request->get('q')) : null;
$products->where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$q}%");
$products->with(['categories' => function($query) use ($filter_ids) {
// Query for active categories
$query->where('active', 1)->whereHas('filters', function ($query) use ($filter_ids) {
// Query for the selected filters from the request
$query->whereIn('id', $filter_ids);
$response = $products->limit(10)->get();
return response()->json([
'status' => 'success',
'response' => $response
], 200);
Lukas' answer led me to do some more debugging and eventually solving my problem, though it was not the position of the if statement checking if there's a search term/word.
The problem lies in the following line:
I needed to store the retrieved results from the get(); method in another variable, in my case:
$response = $products->limit(10)->get();
I eventually ended up with the following working code:
// Create array from selected categories/filters
$filter_ids = explode(',', $request->get('cats'));
// Query for active products
$products = Product::where('active', '=', 1);
$products->with(['categories' => function($query) use ($filter_ids) {
// Query for active categories
$query->where('active', 1)->whereHas('filters', function ($query) use ($filter_ids) {
// Query for the selected filters from the request
$query->whereIn('id', $filter_ids);
// Check for search term/word
if ($request->get('q')) {
$q = $request->get('q') ? urldecode($request->get('q')) : null;
$products->where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$q}%");
// Limit to 10 items, get results and store in '$response'
$response = products->limit(10)->get();
return response()->json([
'status' => 'success',
'response' => $response
], 200);

Filtering in Laravel using regex

I'm trying to filter products based on query string. My goal is to get products from a collection if it's given, otherwise get every product. Could someone help me what's wrong with the following code?
$products = \App\Product::where([
'collection' => (request()->has('collection')) ? request('collection') : '[a-z]+',
'type' => (request()->has('type')) ? request('type') : '[a-z]+'
PS.: I've also tried with 'regex:/[a-z]+', it's not working...
$products = \App\Product::where(['collection' => (request()->has('collection')) ? request('collection') : 'regex:/[a-z]+'])->get();
What you can do is use when eloquent clause, so your where clause for collections will be triggered only when the request('collection') exists, same logis applie to type as well.
$products = \App\Product::
when(request()->has('collection'), function ($q) {
return $q->where('collection', request('collection'));
->when(request()->has('type'), function ($q) {
return $q->where('type', request('type'));
Or another way if you have your request values assigned to a variable something like:
$collection = request('collection');
$type= request('type');
$products = \App\Product::
when(!empty($collection), function ($q) use ($collection) {
return $q->where('collection', $collection);
->when(!empty($type), function ($q) use ($type) {
return $q->where('type', $type);

Pass limit and offset values through URL using Lumen

I'm new on Resfully services and Lumen (Laravel micro-framework).
I want to pass the /books?limit=10&offset=5 parameters to the controller and set it on the json response and I can't figure out how.
$router->get('/books/', ['uses' => 'BooksController#index']);
public function index()
$books = PartnersBooks::where('is_direct', '=', 1)
->whereHas('direct', function ($query) {
->select(['id', 'book_id', 'name', 'devices', 'flow', 'restrictions', 'countries', 'targeting']);
->offset(5) // This should have an default value until the user pass a value through url
->limit(30) // This should have an default value until the user pass a value through url
->orderBy('id', 'asc')
->get(['id', 'category', 'description']);
$status = !is_null($books) ? 200 : 204;
return response()->json($books, $status);
Could you please help me?
You could to use the Request object to do that:
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
public function index(Request $request)
$limit = $request->input('limit');
$offset = $request->input('offset');
$books = PartnersBooks::where('is_direct', '=', 1)
->whereHas('direct', function ($query) {
->select(['id', 'book_id', 'name', 'devices', 'flow', 'restrictions', 'countries', 'targeting']);
->offset($offset) // This should have an default value until the user pass a value through url
->limit($limit) // This should have an default value until the user pass a value through url
->orderBy('id', 'asc')
->get(['id', 'category', 'description']);
$status = !is_null($books) ? 200 : 204;
return response()->json($books, $status);

Selecting required fields using relations in Laravel

I have a model Meetings like this:
public function meeting_comments(){
return $this->hasMany('App\MeetingsComments', 'meeting_id', 'id');
public function meeting_users() {
return $this->hasMany('App\UserMeetingDetails', 'meeting_id', 'id');
The Controller is like this:
$res = Meetings::with('meeting_comments', 'meeting_users')
I only need comments from meeting_comments and user_id from meeting_users.
What do I put in select to only get the required fields from meeting_comments and meeting_users ??
You do it through a closure in the with call:
$res = Meetings::with(['meeting_comments' => function($query) {
$query->select('comments', 'meeting_id');
}, 'meeting_users' => function($query) {
$query->select('user_id', 'meeting_id');
I'm taking this from memory, so the syntax may be slightly incorrect, but it should work. :)
