I want to get a channel's active members' count but I don't know which method should I use?
You should use the Bot API
Bot API 2.1. Added more tools for group administrator bots. Your bot can now get a list of administrators and members count in a group,
hi I'm a facebook api php developer. I developed some apps with me/friend . now this return friends only for my admin account. when another user use this app, it retune nothing.
why this return friends only for my admin account.
if should I get special permission how can I get it.
could you any one please help me.
Make app live
You need to make the app and all its live features available to the general public. This can be done by making the app live by going to https://developers.facebook.com, select Apps --> Your App Name --> 'Status & Review'.
Login Review
You might need to do a Login review.
Review is not required to ask for the three basic permissions: public_profile, user_friends and email. In order to use Facebook Login in your app and access additional elements of a person's Facebook profile, you will need to submit your app for review. If your app is not approved or you don't submit for review, people will not be able to use Facebook Login in your app.
According to Facebook Graph API for Friends you need user_friends permissions which states that:
Only friends who installed this app are returned in API v2.0 and higher. total_count in summary represents the total number of friends, including those who haven't installed the app.
Friend list now only returns friends who also use your app: The list of friends returned via the /me/friends endpoint is now limited to the list of friends that have authorized your app.
Read change log
You can debug me/friends endpoint as well.
I want to calculate favorite_count when I searched a word in twitter. I am using Twitter api in PHP and now, I can search words successfully. Also, I can calculate retweet count.
But I could't find ant way to get favorites_count. Here is a link for help: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/favorites
have a look in the twitter faq
How do I count favorites?
The number of times a tweet was favorited is now available as part of tweet objects in the REST, Streaming, and Search APIs -- you'll find it presented in the "favorite_count" field.
Additionally, User streams and Site streams both stream events when an authenticated user favorites tweets or has their tweets favorited. Using these authenticated streaming APIs, you can count favorites in real-time as they happen.
You have Graph Api, and you have the token of the user. When a user is member of a group, and we know the group ID.
Is there a way to get the online users count of a Facebook group via the API?
Short answer to your question:
Is there a way to get the online users count of a Facebook group via
the API?
NO, you can't.
The closest result you can get is by using the members connection of the group object:
All of the users who are members of this group (can only currently
return the first 500 members).
I am working on a wordpress website where I need to get the number of members in a particular linkedin group.
The person viewing the website will likely not be logged into linkedin, or ever have a profile.
This is simply for a Check out our linked in group and join 12345 other members! type thing.
Is there a simple way to get the number of members in a linkedin group?
This can be PHP using a rest API, a Javascript API, or whatever works as long as it can work with wordpress.
You would pull the group membership totals from the LinkedIn API via the Groups API.
Unfortunately, in order to comply with the API platform guidelines, you can only retrieve and show the membership totals of a group to the user if the user has authenticated your application against the API via OAuth.
Once you have authenticated the user, you can retrieve the information from the Groups API via a call along the lines of:
Where XXXX is the group ID.
Can this information be useful for you?
I created a FB game which allows users to invite there friends. Via the Graph API I retrieve the list of friends and the user selects which friends they want to send a invite. Next the system posts this invite on the friends profile page. This works fine.
But when the users wants to send more than, say 10, invites the API returns this error:
(#341) Feed action request limit reached
I assume this means there is some sort of limit on the amount of posts the system can make on behalf of the user. The users is notified that there will be send an invite to his friend.
Is it possible to get your app certified or something so that the limit will be upgraded. If this isn't possible is there an other way to invite a greater sum of friends.
Paul du Long
The Netherlands
News Feed was not intended for invites. Use requests instead: