Find number of days ( comma separated ) between two dates in php - php

I have comma separated days(1,3,5,6) and i want to count number of days between two days.
I have done this as below.
$days=$model->days; // comma saperated days
$days=explode(',',$days); // converting days into array
$start_date = $model->activity_start_date; // i.e. 2018-03-27
$end_date = date('Y-m-d');
while(strtotime($start_date) <= strtotime($end_date)){
if(in_array(date("N",strtotime($start_date)),$days)){ // check for day no
$start_date = date ("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($start_date)));
This code is working fine. But the problem is if difference between two date will be year or more than a year than it loop 365 times or more.
Is there any way to reduce execution time to count days. Or it is possible to get counts of days using mysql query.
Real Scenario : I have one event which have start date and it occurs multiple in week(i.e. Monday and Wednesday ) and i want to find how many times event occur from start date to now. If start date is 2018-04-9 and today is 2018-05-9 than count will be 9

This requires no looping.
I find how many weeks between start and end and multiply full weeks (in your example 16,17,18) with count of days.
Then I find how many days there is in first week (15) that is higher than or equal to daynumber of startday.
Then the opposit for week 19.
$days="1,3"; // comma saperated days
$days=explode(',',$days); // converting days into array
$start_date = "2018-04-09";
$end_date = "2018-05-09";
// calculate number of weeks between start and end date
$yearW = floor(((strtotime($end_date) - strtotime($start_date)) / 86400)/7);
if($yearW >0) $count = ($yearW -1)*count($days); //full weeks multiplied with count of event days
$startday = date("N", strtotime($start_date));
$endday = date("N", strtotime($end_date));
//find numer of event days in first week (less than or equal to $startday)
$count += count(array_filter($days,function ($value) use($startday) {return ($value >= $startday);}));
//find numer of event days in last week (less than $endday)
$count += count(array_filter($days,function ($value) use($endday) {return ($value < $endday);}));
echo $count; // 9
Added $yearW to hold year weeks

Here, I have a code I have used previously in a project. It is used to find the distance between date from today.
public function diffFromToday($date){
$today = date('jS F, Y');
$today = str_replace(',','',$today);
$today = date_format($today,"Y-m-j");
$date = str_replace(',','',$date);
$date = date_format($date,"Y-m-j");
$result = $diff->format("%R%a");
$result = str_replace('+','',$result);
return $result;
You can use this function according to your requirement. Date format used in this function is 'jS F, Y' DO not be confused and use your own format to convert.

$start_date = date_create('2018-03-27');
$end_date = date_create('2018-04-27');
$t = ceil(abs($endDate- $start_date) / 86400);
echo date_diff($start_date, $end_date)->format('%a');
Output with like this

Could you not use the date->diff function to get the values you can directly use like -5 or 5?
$diffInDays = (int)$dDiff->format("%r%a");
Here is something for format parameter descriptions if it could be helpful to you.

You may use tplaner/when library for this:
$days = str_replace(
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '0', '7'],
['mo', 'tu', 'sa', 'th', 'fr', 'sa', 'su', 'su'],
$when = new When();
$when->rangeLimit = 1000;
$occurrences = $when->startDate(new DateTime('2018-04-9'))
->getOccurrencesBetween(new DateTime('2018-04-9'), new DateTime('2018-05-9'));
echo count($occurrences);


Generate random dates with random times between two dates for selected period and frequency

I have to create a scheduling component that will plan e-mails that need to be sent out. Users can select a start time, end time, and frequency. Code should produce a random moment for every frequency, between start and end time. Outside of office hours.
User can select a period between 01/01/2020 (the start) and 01/01/2021 (the end). In this case user selects a timespan of one exactly year.
User can select a frequency. In this case user selects '2 months'.
Code produces a list of datetimes. The total time (one year) is divided by frequency (2 months). We expect a list of 6 datetimes.
Every datetime is a random moment in said frequency (2 months). Within office hours.
An example result for these paramaters might as follows, with the calculated frequency bounds for clarity:
[jan/feb] 21-02-2020 11.36
[mrt/apr] 04-03-2020 16.11
[mei/jun] 13-05-2020 09.49
[jul-aug] 14-07-2020 15.25
[sep-okt] 02-09-2020 14.09
[nov-dec] 25-12-2020 13.55
I've been thinking about how to implement this best, but I can't figure out an elegant solution.
How could one do this using PHP?
Any insights, references, or code spikes would be greatly appreciated. I'm really stuck on this one.
I think you're just asking for suggestions on how to generate a list of repeating (2 weekly) dates with a random time between say 9am and 5pm? Is that right?
If so - something like this (untested, pseudo code) might be a starting point:
$start = new Datetime('1st January 2021');
$end = new Datetime('1st July 2021');
$day_start = 9;
$day_end = 17;
$date = $start;
$dates = [$date]; // Start date into array
while($date < $end) {
$new_date = clone($date->modify("+ 2 weeks"));
$new_date->setTime(mt_rand($day_start, $day_end), mt_rand(0, 59));
$dates[] = $new_date;
Steve's anwser seems good, but you should consider 2 additional things
holiday check, in the while after first $new_date line, like:
$holiday = array('2021-01-01', '2021-01-06', '2021-12-25');
if (!in_array($new_date,$holiday))
also a check if date is a office day or a weekend in a similar way as above with working days as an array.
It's kind of crappy code but I think it will work as you wish.
function getDiffInSeconds(\DateTime $start, \DateTime $end) : int
$startTimestamp = $start->getTimestamp();
$endTimestamp = $end->getTimestamp();
return $endTimestamp - $startTimestamp;
function getShiftData(\DateTime $start, \DateTime $end) : array
$shiftStartHour = \DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i:s', $start->format('H:i:s'));
$shiftEndHour = \DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i:s', $end->format('H:i:s'));
$shiftInSeconds = intval($shiftEndHour->getTimestamp() - $shiftStartHour->getTimestamp());
return [
function dayIsWeekendOrHoliday(\DateTime $date, array $holidays = []) : bool
$weekendDayIndexes = [
0 => 'Sunday',
6 => 'Saturday',
$dayOfWeek = $date->format('w');
if (empty($holidays)) {
$dayIsWeekendOrHoliday = isset($weekendDayIndexes[$dayOfWeek]);
} else {
$dayMonthDate = $date->format('d/m');
$dayMonthYearDate = $date->format('d/m/Y');
$dayIsWeekendOrHoliday = (isset($weekendDayIndexes[$dayOfWeek]) || isset($holidays[$dayMonthDate]) || isset($holidays[$dayMonthYearDate]));
return $dayIsWeekendOrHoliday;
function getScheduleDates(\DateTime $start, \DateTime $end, int $frequencyInSeconds) : array
if ($frequencyInSeconds < (24 * 60 * 60)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Frequency must be bigger than one day');
$diffInSeconds = getDiffInSeconds($start, $end);
// If difference between $start and $end is bigger than two days
if ($diffInSeconds > (2 * 24 * 60 * 60)) {
// If difference is bigger than 2 days we add 1 day to start and subtract 1 day from end
$start->modify('+1 day');
$end->modify('-1 day');
// Getting new $diffInSeconds after $start and $end changes
$diffInSeconds = getDiffInSeconds($start, $end);
if ($frequencyInSeconds > $diffInSeconds) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Frequency is bigger than difference between dates');
$holidays = [
'01/01' => 'New Year',
'18/04/2020' => 'Easter 1st official holiday because 19/04/2020',
'20/04/2020' => 'Easter',
'21/04/2020' => 'Easter 2nd day',
'27/04' => 'Konings',
'04/05' => '4mei',
'05/05' => '4mei',
'24/12' => 'Christmas 1st day',
'25/12' => 'Christmas 2nd day',
'26/12' => 'Christmas 3nd day',
'27/12' => 'Christmas 3rd day',
'31/12' => 'Old Year'
[$shiftStartHour, $shiftEndHour, $shiftInSeconds] = getShiftData($start, $end);
$amountOfNotifications = floor($diffInSeconds / $frequencyInSeconds);
$periodInSeconds = intval($diffInSeconds / $amountOfNotifications);
$maxDaysBetweenNotifications = intval($periodInSeconds / (24 * 60 * 60));
// If $maxDaysBetweenNotifications is equals to 1 then we have to change $periodInSeconds to amount of seconds for one day
if ($maxDaysBetweenNotifications === 1) {
$periodInSeconds = (24 * 60 * 60);
$dates = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $amountOfNotifications; $i++) {
$periodStart = clone $start;
$periodStart->setTimestamp($start->getTimestamp() + ($i * $periodInSeconds));
$seconds = mt_rand(0, $shiftInSeconds);
// If $maxDaysBetweenNotifications is equals to 1 then we have to check only one day without loop through the dates
if ($maxDaysBetweenNotifications === 1) {
$interval = new \DateInterval('P' . $maxDaysBetweenNotifications . 'DT' . $seconds . 'S');
$date = clone $periodStart;
$dayIsWeekendOrHoliday = dayIsWeekendOrHoliday($date, $holidays);
} else {
// When $maxDaysBetweenNotifications we have to loop through the dates to pick them
$loopsCount = 0;
$maxLoops = 3; // Max loops before breaking and skipping the period
do {
$day = mt_rand(0, $maxDaysBetweenNotifications);
$interval = new \DateInterval('P' . $day . 'DT' . $seconds . 'S');
$date = clone $periodStart;
$dayIsWeekendOrHoliday = dayIsWeekendOrHoliday($date, $holidays);
// If the day is weekend or holiday then we have to increment $loopsCount by 1 for each loop
if ($dayIsWeekendOrHoliday === true) {
// If $loopsCount is equals to $maxLoops then we have to break the loop
if ($loopsCount === $maxLoops) {
} while ($dayIsWeekendOrHoliday);
// Adds the date to $dates only if the day is not a weekend day and holiday
if ($dayIsWeekendOrHoliday === false) {
$dates[] = $date;
return $dates;
$start = new \DateTime('2020-12-30 08:00:00', new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Sofia'));
$end = new \DateTime('2021-01-18 17:00:00', new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Sofia'));
$frequencyInSeconds = 86400; // 1 day
$dates = getScheduleDates($start, $end, $frequencyInSeconds);
You have to pass $start, $end and $frequencyInSeconds as I showed in example and then you will get your random dates. Notice that I $start and $end must have hours in them because they are used as start and end hours for shifts. Because the rule is to return a date within a shift time only in working days. Also you have to provide frequency in seconds - you can calculate them outside the function or you can change it to calculate them inside. I did it this way because I don't know what are your predefined periods.
This function returns an array of \DateTime() instances so you can do whatever you want with them.
UPDATE 08/01/2020:
Holidays now are part of calculation and they will be excluded from returned dates if they are passed when you are calling the function. You can pass them in d/m and d/m/Y formats because of holidays like Easter and in case when the holiday is on weekend but people will get additional dayoff during the working week.
UPDATE 13/01/2020:
I've made updated code version to fix the issue with infinite loops when $frequencyInSeconds is shorter like 1 day. The new code used few functions getDiffInSeconds, getShiftData and dayIsWeekendOrHoliday as helper methods to reduce code duplication and cleaner and more readable code

PHP Between X date and X Date break into periods of months

Making a report:
User inputs 2 dates: E.G start:04-03-12 end: 15-06-12
$ROStartDateTimestamp = strtotime('04-03-12');
$ROStartDate = date('d/m/Y', $ROStartDateTimestamp);
$ROEndDateTimestamp = strtotime('15-06-12');
$ROEndDate = date('d/m/Y', $ROEndDateTimestamp);
I want to break the periods down into months.
How do I find out;
How many days are in the start month?
Whats the date of the last day in the start month?
How many days between start date and end of the month?
Thanks Heep's :)
You can loop it and create an array that later can be used with count or array_sum.
I create a multidimensional array with year month and day of all days between the start and end.
$start = strtotime('04-03-12');
$end = strtotime('15-06-12');
For($i = $start; $i<=$end;){
List($y, $m, $d) = explode(" ", date("Y m d", $i));
$arr[$y][$m][$d] = 1;
$i += 86400;
The same thing can be done with DateTime but it's usually heavier to use, that is why I use strtotime.
$ROStartDateTimestamp = strtotime('04-03-12');
$ROStartDate = date('d/m/Y', $ROStartDateTimestamp);
$ROEndDateTimestamp = strtotime('15-06-12');
$ROEndDate = date('d/m/Y', $ROEndDateTimestamp);
//To find month in start date:
$ROMonthofStartDate = date('m',$ROStartDateTimestamp);
//To find year in start date:
$ROYearofStartDate = date('Y',$ROStartDateTimestamp);
//To find number of days in a month:
//To find last date of month:
$lastDateTimestamp = strtotime($lastDateInMonthofStartDate);
//To find number of days from start date to the end of month:
$numDaysFromStartToEndDate = round( ($lastDateTimestamp-$ROStartDateTimestamp) / (60 * 60 * 24));
echo $numDaysFromStartToEndDate;

How to get timespan values Codeigniter

I am trying to get the values from timespan() function in Code Igniter. I have one problem, how can I know whether each of the date format is displayed? For example in regards with the codes below, one timespan might be 2 Months, 6 Days, 13 Hours, 14 Minutes which would have 4 elements but another might be 2 Months, 1 Week, 3 Days, 4 Hours, 39 Minutes which has 5 elements. If do the preg_replace then I won't know which are the months or weeks or days etc.
So how do I find out if it is the week or days or hours etc? Because I want to convert the values into cycles like 39mins/1440mins would be 0.0270833 days, then I will calculate for the hours days weeks months and years and add all of them together
// Hold Cycle Time Conversion
foreach($results as $key => $values)
// Convert mysql timestamp to unix
$remove = array('-', ':', ' ');
$hold_timestamp = mysql_to_unix( str_replace( $remove, '', $values['hold_date'] ) );
// Get timespan
$hold_timestamp = timespan($hold_timestamp);
// Explode into arrays
$timestamp_format = explode(',', $hold_timestamp);
// Check each array to get value
foreach($timestamp_format as $ts)
$separated_stamp = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $ts);
/*** Stuck here, incomplete ***/
I've decided to abandon that logic and use PHP's Date Time class instead. Got some help from this post as well. Not sure if it's the best way but it's what I've found.
// Hold Cycle Time Conversion
foreach($results as $key => $values)
// Declare timestamps
$last = new DateTime( $values['hold_date'] );
$now = new DateTime( date( 'Y-m-d h:i:s', time() )) ;
// Find difference
$interval = $last->diff($now);
// Store in variable to be used for calculation etc
$years = (int)$interval->format('%Y');
$months = (int)$interval->format('%m');
$days = (int)$interval->format('%d');
$hours = (int)$interval->format('%H');
$minutes = (int)$interval->format('%i');

PHP | count num of days for current month in a date range

i am trying to get dates of current month or any other month from a date range.
Let Suppose I have a Date Range as Below.
$startDate = "2014-12-10";
$endDate = "2015-2-3";
I want to count only days/dates of current month "February"
which would result in 3 if start date and end date is above one.
but how can i make it work in a programming manner??
I think i could not explain my question,
Lets Take the same date range..
if i want to programmatically take out days of December Month
it would be like
21 days, as start date is 2014-12-10;
Dates Are in Range Coming Programmatically from database..
An other simple example
Lets Suppose If Leaves Have Been Approved For an Employee from 28-1-2015 to 6-2-2015
so Here Employees Leaves Taken Start Date Would Be
$sartDate = '28-1-2015';
$endDate = '6-2-2015';
So Total Leaves Employee would be taking is
$totalleaves = $endDate - $startDate //It is not right way to take out the differece only For sake of Example shown it
which would give me total leaves 9 or 10 days
But If We See, These Leaves Are Divided in Two Different Months.
And i want to generate a Report and i want to see how many leaves employee has taken for specific month which is lets suppose last month January
it would be 4 days i suppose for below dates as below dates comes in date range and they belong to January.
so if i would like to have a result of array of every month leaves it would
be like
'January' => array(
'TotalLeavesTaken' => 4
'February' => array(
'TotalLeavesTaken' => 6
I think thats the best i could explain..
Adjusted after update in question
Ok, now I have adjusted after your last update. Hope it is what you're looking for:
function getLeavesInPeriod($start, $end) {
$date = new DateTime($start);
$endDate = new DateTime($end);
$leaves = array();
while($date <= $endDate ) {
$year = $date->format('Y');
$month = $date->format('M');
if(!array_key_exists($year, $leaves))
$leaves[$year] = array();
if(!array_key_exists($month, $leaves[$year]))
$leaves[$year][$month] = 0;
$date->modify("+1 day");
return $leaves;
$leaves = getLeavesInPeriod("2015-1-5", "2015-2-3");
print $leaves[2015]["Jan"]; //27
Not sure if understood your question correctly,
date('d', strtotime($endDate));
Lets try this
$month = strtotime(date('Y-m-01', time()));
$daysCount = (int)(time() - $month) / (24 * 3600);
It will help you: i m using this to get days
$date_diff = $end_date - $start_date;
//difference of two dates
This will return you number of days.Is just you want this or something else.Please confirm if it will help you.
$days_left = floor($date_diff / (60*60*24));// No. of days

Finding all weekdays in a month

How do I go about getting all the work days (mon-fri) in a given time period (let's say, today till the end of the next month) ?
If you're using PHP 5.2+ you can use the library I wrote in order to handle date recursion in PHP called When.
With the library, the code would be something like:
$r = new When();
$r->recur(<start date here>, 'weekly')
->until(<end date here>)
->byday(array('MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR'));
while($result = $r->next())
echo $result->format('c') . '<br />';
This sample does exactly what you need, in an quick and efficient way.
It doesn't do nested loops and uses the totally awesome DateTime object.
$oDateTime = new DateTime();
$oDayIncrease = new DateInterval("P1D");
$aWeekDays = array();
$sStart = $oDateTime->format("m-Y");
while($oDateTime->format("m-Y") == $sStart) {
$iDayInWeek = $oDateTime->format("w");
if ($iDayInWeek > 0 && $iDayInWeek < 6) {
$aWeekDays[] = clone $oDateTime;
Try it here:
To use it, simply pass a timestamp to get_weekdays. You'll get back an array of all the weekdays, as timestamps, for the rest of the current month. Optionally, you can pass a $to argument - you will get all weekdays between $from and $to.
function get_weekdays ($from, $to=false) {
if ($to == false)
$to = last_day_of_month($from);
$days = array();
for ($x = $from; $x < $to; $x+=86400 ) {
if (date('w', $x) > 0 && date('w', $x) < 6)
$days[] = $x;
return $days;
function last_day_of_month($ts=false) {
$m = date('m', $ts);
$y = date('y', $ts);
return mktime(23, 59, 59, ($m+1), 0, $y);
I suppose you could loop through the dates and check the day for each one, and increment a counter.
Can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
Pseudocode coming your way:
Calculate the number of days between now and the last day of the month
Get the current day of the week (i.e. Wednesday)
Based on the current day of the week, and the number of days left in the month, it's simple calculation to figure out how many weekend days are left in the month - it's going to be the number of days remaining in the month, minus the number of Sundays/Saturdays left in the month.
I would write a function, something like:
daysLeftInMonth(daysLeftInMonth, startingDayOfWeek, dayOfWeekToCalculate)
daysLeftInMonth is last day of the month (30), minus the current date (15)
startingDayOfWeek is the day of the week you want to start on (for today it would be Wednesday)
dayOfWeekToCalculate is the day of the week you want to count, e.g. Saturday or Sunday. June 2011 currently has 2 Sunday, and 2 Saturdays left 'til the end of the month
So, your algorithm becomes something like:
...getWeekdaysLeft is something like:
sundaysLeft = daysLeftInMonth(lastDayOfMonth - todaysDate, "Wednesday", "Sunday");
saturdaysLeft = daysLeftInMonth(lastDayOfMonth - todaysDate, "Wednesday", "Saturday");
return ((lastDayOfMonth - todaysDate) - (sundaysLeft + saturdaysLeft));
This code does at least one part you ask for. Instead of "end of next month" it simply works with a given number of days.
$dfrom = time();
$fourweeks = 7 * 4;
for ($i = 0; $i < $fourweeks; $i ++) {
$stamp = $dfrom + ($i * 24 * 60 * 60);
$weekday = date("D", $stamp);
if (in_array($weekday, array("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"))) {
print date(DATE_RSS, $stamp) . "\n";
// Find today's day of the month (i.e. 15)
$today = intval(date('d'));
// Define the array that will hold the work days.
$work_days = array()
// Find this month's last day. (i.e. 30)
$last = intval(date('d', strtotime('last day of this month')));
// Loop through all of the days between today and the last day of the month (i.e. 15 through 30)
for ( $i = $today; $i <= $last; $i++ )
// Create a timestamp.
$timestamp = mktime(null, null, null, null, $i);
// If the day of the week is greater than Sunday (0) but less than Saturday (6), add the timestamp to an array.
if ( intval(date('w', $timestamp)) > 0 && intval(date('w', $timestamp)) < 6 )
$work_days[] = mktime($timestamp);
The $work_days array will contain timestamps which you could use this way:
echo date('Y-m-d', $work_days[0]);
The code above with work in PHP 4 as well as PHP 5. It does not rely on the functionality of the DateTime class which was not available until PHP 5.2 and does not require the use of "libraries" created by other people.
