Can´t load Ressources with PhpFileLoader with Bundle Syntax inside Routing.php - php

I try to load all the routes from all Bundles in a specific namespace dynamically. So I set up a CustomRoute Loader as a service and determine there which route to add. But the PhpFileLoader can´t find the Bundle. I get the name of thee Bundles with $this->container->getParameter('kernel.bundles'); so there can´t be a typo. Loading these Bundles hardcoded from within the routing.php works fine but not from the service class. Inside of the routing.php I can´t determine with Bundles are loaded, so using only the routing.php is not a solution. What do I miss? This is my code so far:
// app/config/routing.php
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
$path = "/Controller/";
$defaultAnnotationRoutes = [
$routes = new RouteCollection();
$routes->add('somedefaulRoute', new Route('/', array(
'_controller' => 'SomeDefaultBundle:Welcome:page',
foreach ($defaultAnnotationRoutes as $bundleName) {
$routingConfigPath = "#" . $bundleName . $path;
// loads routes from the given routing file stored in some bundle
$loader->import($routingConfigPath, "annotation"));
$loader->import('mapbender.routing_loader:load', "service"));
return $routes;
namespace Mapbender\CoreBundle\Routing;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Exception\FileLoaderImportCircularReferenceException;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Exception\FileLoaderLoadException;
use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\PhpFileLoader;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
class BundleLoader
protected $container;
protected $path = "/Controller/";
protected $loader;
* BundleLoader constructor.
* #param $container
public function __construct($container)
$this->container = $container;
$rootdir = $this->container->get('kernel')->getRootDir();
$this->loader = new PhpFileLoader(new FileLocator());
* #param $resource
* #param null $type
* #return RouteCollection
public function load($resource, $type = null)
$routes = new RouteCollection();
$bundles = $this->container->getParameter('kernel.bundles');
foreach ($bundles as $bundleName => $bundlePath) {
if (preg_match('/CompanyVendor/', $bundleName, $matches)) {
$routingConfigPath = "#" . $bundleName. $this->path;
try {
} catch (FileLoaderImportCircularReferenceException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (FileLoaderLoadException $e) {
throw $e;
return $routes;


how to use require_once in magento 2

I'm trying to include a PHP class in magento 2.
I use a require_once and create a folder lib in the root of my module and there I put the folder that contains the class 'lib / Meli / Meli.php'
Also try in the project folder 'lib / lib_web / Meli / Meli.php'
All without success, any suggestion
This is my controller 'Controller / Adminhtml / Action / publicar.php'
namespace Uno\MercadoLibre\Controller\Adminhtml\Action;
use \Magento\Backend\App\Action;
class publicar extends Action {
protected $_session;
protected $_filesystem;
protected $_directoryList;
* #param Action\Context $context
public function __construct(
Action\Context $context,
\Magento\Framework\Filesystem\DirectoryList $directoryList,
\Magento\Framework\Filesystem $filesystem,
\Magento\Customer\Model\Session $session
) {
$this->_directoryList = $directoryList;
$this->_filesystem = $filesystem;
$this->_session = $session;
* {#inheritdoc}
protected function _isAllowed() {
return $this->_authorization->isAllowed('Uno_MercadoLibre::action_publicar');
* Publicar action
* #return \Magento\Framework\Controller\ResultInterface
public function execute() {
$appId = '123';
$secretKey = 'abcdefghijkl';
$redirectURI = '';
$siteId = 'MLM';
//$path = $this->_directoryList->getPath('lib_web');
//echo "PATH " . $path.'/Meli/Meli.php';
//$libPath = $this->_filesystem->getDirectoryRead(\Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList::LIB)->getAbsolutePath();
$mediapath = $this->_filesystem->getDirectoryRead(\Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList::APP)->getAbsolutePath();
$modulePath = $mediapath.'code/Uno/MecadoLibre/lib/Meli/Meli.php';
echo $modulePath;
$meli = new Meli($appId, $secretKey);
$params = array();
$url = '/sites/' . $siteId;
$result = $meli->get($url, $params);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
the path of the class returns to me, but it does not help me for the require_once
I think the solution of your problem the composer.
Please check it the accepted answer:
How to I use Composer to autoload classes from outside the vendor?
Thank you, your information, I told you how I resolved this.
In my class Meli.php add:
namespace Uno\MercadoLibre\Controller\Adminhtml\Action;
In my controller add:
use \Uno\MercadoLibre\Lib\Meli\Meli;
Object Manager
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $ml_session = $ objectManager->create('\Uno\MercadoLibre\Lib\Meli\Meli', ['client_id' => $ appId, 'client_secret' => $ secretKey, 'access_token' => $ accessToken]);

Laravel model observer repository injection

I'm trying to wrap my head around how to inject Laravel's model observers with repositories.
Currently, I have this setup.
<?php namespace Bunny\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Bunny\Observers\Pet\UserPetObserver;
class UserPetServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register()
// User pets
$this->app->bind('Bunny\Repos\Pet\IUserPetRepo', 'Bunny\Repos\Pet\UserPetRepo');
// User pet layers
$this->app->bind('Bunny\Repos\Pet\IUserPetLayerRepo', 'Bunny\Repos\Pet\UserPetLayerRepo');
// User pet markings
$this->app->bind('Bunny\Repos\Pet\IUserPetMarkingRepo', 'Bunny\Repos\Pet\UserPetMarkingRepo');
$this->app->events->subscribe(new UserPetObserver());
It binds all the interfaces and repositories fine and would with the observer, but I need repository injection which I do in the constructor. Nothing is being passed in the constructor so it would explain why it fails.
<?php namespace Bunny\Repos\Pet;
use Bunny\Repos\BaseRepo;
use Bunny\Models\Pet\UserPet;
use Bunny\Repos\User\IUserRepo;
use Bunny\Repos\Breed\IStageRepo;
use Bunny\Repos\Breed\IBreedLayerRepo;
use Illuminate\Config\Repository as Config;
use Illuminate\Support\Str as String;
use Illuminate\Session\SessionManager as Session;
use Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher;
class UserPetRepo extends BaseRepo implements IUserPetRepo {
public function __construct(UserPet $pet, IUserRepo $user, IStageRepo $stage, IBreedLayerRepo $layer, Config $config, String $string, Session $session, Dispatcher $events)
$this->model = $pet;
$this->user = $user;
$this->stage = $stage;
$this->layer = $layer;
$this->config = $config;
$this->string = $string;
$this->session = $session;
$this->events = $events;
$this->directory = $this->config->get('pathurl.userpets');
$this->url = $this->config->get('pathurl.userpets_url');
* Create new user pet
* #param attributes Attributes
public function createWithImage( array $attributes, array $colors, $domMarkings = null, $domMarkingColors = null, $recMarkings = null, $recMarkingColors = null )
$this->model->name = $attributes['name'];
$this->model->breed_id = $attributes['breed_id'];
$this->model->user_id = $this->user->getId();
$this->model->stage_id = $this->stage->getBaby()->id;
// Get image
$image = $this->layer->compile(
// Write image and set
$file = $this->writeImage( $image );
if( ! $file )
return false;
$this->model->base_image = $file;
$this->model->image = $file;
if( ! $this->model->save() )
return false;
$this->events->fire('userpet.create', array($this->model));
return $this->model;
* Write image
* #param image Imagick Object
protected function writeImage( $image )
$fileName = $this->string->random(50) . '.png';
if( $image->writeImage( $this->directory . $fileName ) )
return $fileName;
$this->model->errors()->add('writeImage', 'There was an error writing your image. Please contact an administrator');
return false;
use Bunny\Repos\Pet\IUserPetLayerRepo;
use Bunny\Repos\Pet\IUserPetMarkingRepo;
use Bunny\Observers\BaseObserver;
class UserPetObserver extends BaseObserver {
public function __construct(IUserPetLayerRepo $layers, IUserPetMarkingRepo $markings)
$this->layers = $layers;
$this->markings = $markings;
* After create
public function onCreate( $model )
$this->layers->user_pet_id = $model->id;
$this->layers->breed_layer_id = $model->id;
public function subscribe( $event )
$event->listen('userpet.create', 'UserPetObserver#onCreate');
It throws this as the error:
Argument 1 passed to
Bunny\Observers\Pet\UserPetObserver::__construct() must be an instance
of Bunny\Repos\Pet\IUserPetLayerRepo, none given, called in H:\WD
on line 22 and defined
Which makes sense since I'm not passing anything in the constructor. So I try to pass my repository manually.
$this->app->events->subscribe(new UserPetObserver(new UserPetLayerRepo, new UserPetMarkingRepo));
But then it throws errors of UserPetLayerRepo needing injections... and it just chains on and on. Is there anyway of doing this that I'm just overthinking?
This is the only thing I could think of doing. This seems like a really ugly/bad way of doing it though:
$this->app->events->subscribe(new UserPetObserver($this->app->make('Bunny\Repos\Pet\UserPetLayerRepo'), $this->app->make('Bunny\Repos\Pet\UserPetMarkingRepo')));
Any other ideas?
Try just:
When Laravel makes the UserPetObserver object, it will read the type-hinted dependencies in the constructor and automatically make them, as well.

spl_autoload with namespace php

I am makeing a small framework for scheduled job that are run by a nodejs external process. I would like to use an auto loader but for some reason data is not getting to it. I am also using namespaces. Here is what my folder structure looks like:
|_ Core
|_ JobConfig.php
|_ Utilities
|_ Loader.php
|_ Scheduled
|_ SomeJob.php
|_ Config.php
My Config.php just has some definitions and an instance of my Loader.php.
Loader.php looks like:
public function __constructor()
spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'coreLoader'));
spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'utilitiesLoader'));
private function coreLoader($class)
echo $class;
return true;
private function utilitiesLoader($lass)
echo $class;
return true;
So for my SomeJob.php I am including Config.php and then try to instantiate JobConfig.php when it fails. My namespaces look like Library\Core\JobConfig and so on. I am not sure if this is the best approach without the ability to bootsrapt things. But I am not seeing the echo's from the loader before it fails.
I tried the sugestion by #Layne but did not work. I am still getting a class not found and seems like the class in not getting in the spl stack. Here is a link to the code
If you actually use namespaces in the same way you're using your directory structure, this should be rather easy.
namespace Library {
class Autoloader {
public static function default_autoloader($class) {
$class = ltrim($class, '\\');
$file = __DIR__ . '/../';
if ($lastNsPos = strrpos($class, '\\')) {
$namespace = substr($class, 0, $lastNsPos);
$class = substr($class, $lastNsPos + 1);
$file .= str_replace('\\', '/', $namespace) . '/';
$file .= $class . '.php';
include $file;
Put that into your Library directory and require it on a higher level. Hopefully I didn't mess that one up, didn't test it.
EDIT: Fixed path.
use this class to index of your project, just replace WP_CONTENT_DIR with another directory level to scan php files, this class automatically include files:
class autoloader
public static function instance()
static $instance = false;
if( $instance === false )
// Late static binding
$instance = new static();
return $instance;
* #param $dir_level directory level is for file searching
* #param $php_files_json_name name of the file who all the PHP files will be stored inside it
private function export_php_files($dir_level, $php_files_json_name)
$filePaths = array(mktime());
/**Get all files and directories using iterator.*/
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir_level));
foreach ($iterator as $path) {
if (is_string(strval($path)) and pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'php') {
$filePaths[] = strval($path);
/**Encode and save php files dir in a local json file */
$fileOpen = fopen($dir_level . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $php_files_json_name, 'w');
fwrite($fileOpen, json_encode($filePaths));
* #param $php_files_json_address json file contains all the PHP files inside it
* #param $class_file_name name of the class that was taken from #spl_autoload_register_register plus .php extension
* #return bool Succeeding end of work
private function include_matching_files($php_files_json_address, $class_file_name)
static $files;
$inc_is_done = false;
if ($files == null) {
$files = json_decode(file_get_contents($php_files_json_address), false);
/**Include matching files here.*/
foreach ($files as $path) {
if (stripos($path, $class_file_name) !== false) {
require_once $path;
$inc_is_done = true;
return $inc_is_done;
* #param $dir_level directory level is for file searching
* #param $class_name name of the class that was taken from #spl_autoload_register
* #param bool $try_for_new_files Try again to include new files, that this feature is #true in development mode
* it will renew including file each time after every 30 seconds #see $refresh_time.
* #return bool Succeeding end of work
public function request_system_files($dir_level, $class_name, $try_for_new_files = false)
$php_files_json = 'phpfiles.json';
$php_files_json_address = $dir_level . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $php_files_json;
$class_file_name = $class_name . '.php';
$files_refresh_time = 30;
/**Include required php files.*/
if (is_file($php_files_json_address)) {
$last_update = json_decode(file_get_contents($php_files_json_address), false)[0];
if ((mktime() - intval($last_update)) < $files_refresh_time || !$try_for_new_files) {
return $this->include_matching_files($php_files_json_address, $class_file_name);
$this->export_php_files($dir_level, $php_files_json);
return $this->include_matching_files($php_files_json_address, $class_file_name);
* Make constructor private, so nobody can call "new Class".
private function __construct()
* Make clone magic method private, so nobody can clone instance.
private function __clone()
* Make sleep magic method private, so nobody can serialize instance.
private function __sleep()
* Make wakeup magic method private, so nobody can unserialize instance.
private function __wakeup()
* Register autoloader.
try {
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
$autoloader = autoloader::instance();
return $autoloader->request_system_files(WP_CONTENT_DIR, $className, true);
} catch (Exception $e) {

Creating customer specific routes in Zend Framework 2

I'm developing a WebApp which (as usual) must support customer specific functionalities.
To achieve it I plan to set the customer name in the local app configuration (config/autoload/local.php )
configuration file so that I can use it to call the specialized code later on.
The module folder structure is this:
Using a custom ViewModel I inject the specific customer name to the template path:
namespace Application\Model;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
use Zend\View\Resolver\TemplatePathStack;
use Zend\Mvc\Service\ViewTemplatePathStackFactory;
class MyViewModel extends ViewModel
private $customInstanceName;
private $pathStack;
* Constructor
* #param null|array|Traversable $variables
* #param array|Traversable $options
public function __construct($variables = null, $options = null)
parent::__construct ( $variables, $options );
$serviceLocator = MySingleton::instance()->serviceLocator;
$factory = new ViewTemplatePathStackFactory();
$this->pathStack = $factory->createService($serviceLocator);
$config = $serviceLocator->get('config');
if (isset($config['custom_instance_name']) AND ($config['custom_instance_name']!='')) {
$this->customInstanceName = $config['custom_instance_name'];
} else {
$this->customInstanceName = false;
* Set the template to be used by this model
* #param string $template
* #return ViewModel
public function setTemplate($template)
$this->template = (string) $template;
if ( $this->customInstanceName === false) {
return $this;
$pathComponents = explode('/', (string) $template);
$last = array_pop($pathComponents);
array_push($pathComponents, $this->customInstanceName);
array_push($pathComponents, $last);
$customTemplate = implode('/', $pathComponents);
if ($this->pathStack->resolve($customTemplate) !== false) {
$this->template = $customTemplate;
return $this;
Using the "Decorator Pattern" I can achieve the same customization level on my Models.
I'm having problem to handle specific behavior. In this case I plan to create custom Controllers extending
my base controller class, but I'unable to call those controllers since the routing is defined on the module
config (and I was unable to change it in runtime).
My questions are:
1) Is this approach correct, or there is a better way to do it?
2) If the approach is correct, how can I define a custom router to be used when the ServiceManager reads my routing config?
Just found a solution. Will register it here hoping someone will benefit from it.
All I had to do was to create a specific router class with a match method which returns the correct routing target for each customer controller, and add it to my module.config.php as the type for each action.
use Traversable;
use Zend\Mvc\Router\Exception;
use Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\RouteInterface;
use Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\RouteMatch;
use Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Literal;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils;
use Zend\Stdlib\RequestInterface as Request;
class MyRouterLiteral extends Literal {
public function match(Request $request, $pathOffset = null) {
if (! method_exists($request, 'getUri')) {
return null;
$uri = $request->getUri();
$path = $uri->getPath();
if ($pathOffset !== null) {
if ($pathOffset >= 0 && strlen($path) >= $pathOffset && ! empty($this->route)) {
if (strpos($path, $this->route, $pathOffset) === $pathOffset) {
return new RouteMatch($this->getDefaults(), strlen($this->route));
return null;
if ($path === $this->route) {
return new RouteMatch($this->getDefaults(), strlen($this->route));
return null;
private function getDefaults() {
$aux = explode('\\', $this->defaults['controller']);
$last = array_pop($aux);
array_push($aux, '[CUSTOM_INSTANCE_NAME]');
array_push($aux, '[CUSTOM_INSTANCE_NAME]'.$last);
$result = $this->defaults;
$result['controller'] = implode('\\', $aux);
return $result;
To address all cases I had to create a second custom router (for segment routes) which follows the same rules and can be easily derived from the above code.

How to load a template from full path in the template engine TWIG

I'm wondering how to load a template from it's full path (like FILE constant give).
Actually you have to set a "root" path for template like this :
require_once '/path/to/lib/Twig/Autoloader.php';
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('/path/to/templates');
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array(
'cache' => '/path/to/compilation_cache',
And then :
$template = $twig->loadTemplate('index.html');
echo $template->render(array('the' => 'variables', 'go' => 'here'));
I want to call the loadTemplate method with a full path and not the just the name of the file.
How can i do ?
I don't want to create my own loader for such an thing..
Just do that:
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('/');
So that ->loadTemplate() will load templates relatively to /.
Or if you want to be able to load templates both with relative and absolute path:
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(array('/', '/path/to/templates'));
Here is a loader that load an absolute (or not) path given :
class TwigLoaderAdapter implements Twig_LoaderInterface
protected $paths;
protected $cache;
public function __construct()
public function getSource($name)
return file_get_contents($this->findTemplate($name));
public function getCacheKey($name)
return $this->findTemplate($name);
public function isFresh($name, $time)
return filemtime($this->findTemplate($name)) < $time;
protected function findTemplate($path)
if(is_file($path)) {
if (isset($this->cache[$path])) {
return $this->cache[$path];
else {
return $this->cache[$path] = $path;
else {
throw new Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('Unable to find template "%s".', $path));
Extend the loader better than modify the library:
* Twig_Loader_File
class Twig_Loader_File extends Twig_Loader_Filesystem
protected function findTemplate($name)
if(isset($this->cache[$name])) {
return $this->cache[$name];
if(is_file($name)) {
$this->cache[$name] = $name;
return $name;
return parent::findTemplate($name);
This works for me (Twig 1.x):
final class UtilTwig
* #param string $pathAbsTwig
* #param array $vars
* #return string
* #throws \Twig\Error\LoaderError
* #throws \Twig\Error\RuntimeError
* #throws \Twig\Error\SyntaxError
public static function renderTemplate(string $pathAbsTwig, array $vars)
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem([''], '/');
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);
$template = $twig->loadTemplate($pathAbsTwig);
$mailBodyHtml = $template->render($vars);
return $mailBodyHtml;
$htmlBody = UtilTwig::renderTemplate('/absolute/path/to/template.html.twig', [
'some' => 'var',
'foo' => 'bar'
In Symfony's (version 5.4) config add new core path to folder with your templates.
default_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/templates'
'%kernel.project_dir%/src/Service/SendEmail/EmailTpl': EmailTpl
Now you can render template.
In controller:
In any other place:
$content = $this->container->get('twig')->render('#EmailTpl/bobo_reg.html.twig');
