PHP - merge two different data source in single source - php

I may mistitled this question here but i will explain what I want for you guys>>
so basically I have two data sources:
url that outputs pdf pages
another php file that outputs html
so what i simply want is to get the content of these sources from single file which would be the php file.
what i have in mind is to use file_get_contents function to inject my php file with those pdf pages but im not sure if this is right or good idea
any ideas how to do that ??? im really stuck guys


PHPExcel - sending to browser issue

I have a PHP script with HTML forms for user to pick several things, after that it communicates with database and prints out the result in the form of a table. Everything is formatted with CSS.
Now I would like to make those results also saved in an xls file, ideally using some sort of a "Save file" button appearing after the script finish its work. For that to work though I have to use PHPExcel write commands in several different parts of the script. But those parts are also responsible for the output on the website.
I have tried using PEAR and recently also PHPExcel and I think I can make it work with saving the file on the server, but I couldn't do it with sending to browser option (so popping up message with 'Save file as...'). When I try to do it that way, it prints out all kinds of gibberish signs on the website and doesn't pop up with save file option at all. I found out this is because I am printing and echoing all sort of things in between the PHPExcel write commands, but I am not sure how to do it differently.
So I guess my question is: Is it possible in PHPExcel or any other library to use its write commands all over the PHP script with all sort of echos and HTML code in between while using the send to browser option?
Thanks you in advance for answers and help.

Using JQuery or PHP to pull latest image?

I was trying to figure out a way to have JQuery (if possible) to display the latest image from a directory, regardless of its file name. Basically, I just want a simple tag to be updated to show the image. I realize this might not be possible with Jquery, so my fallback would be PHP.
I've been trying to research how to do this, but honestly do not know where to start. Any tips to get going would be greatly appreciated,
If you want to do it with JQuery, you can! You only need to add a few lines of logic to your app.
For example, when you add images to that folder, also write a text file with the name of the image just added. Then this text file is going to always have the filename of the last image uploaded. Finally, using JavaScript(with JQuery or anything else) you do one request to the text file and then you do the second request to obtain the image with that filename.
That is just a very basic example to try to share the idea of how to do it, then depending your particular case, you can add or change a lot of details to make this works for your case.
BTW, to do it with PHP, you are going to need to execute a system command, for example 'ls -ltrh' and parse the output to obtain the last filename.
You can use PHP script to get latest modified file in a specific directory.
Code can be found here: Get last modified file in a directory
You then can format that into JSON which can be passed through a jQuery AJAX call
With those 2 techniques, you can manipulate the data to display the image.

create an image from table

I have following problem. I have txt file here :
I use PHP to loop throgh the file and generate this table :
Table uses some basic styles and I like it that way.
txt file is generated and uploaded via python. I would like to create an image that looks like that table. Is there any way using python or PHP to do so ?
Any image format that is acceptable on the web is good, PNG being even quite welcome.
I've read somewhere that python reportlab can make styled tables with alignments and so on, so that could be a good start, but reportlab generates PDF. Of course, if that is just a step between it is also acceptable (if I could do the PDF > img conversion on my machine). ALso, IIRC every PDF contains a "screenshot" of each page for fast browsing, so that would also be cool.
All in all, I have this txt file and this HTML table that I want as image. If any1 can help that would be great :)
thanx in advance!
I can only speak for PHP.
You could try to build the image by hand with PHP's image functions
Or you could try executing a external script like:

webcontent save in csv format

I want to read the content from website and save then into a csv file in php, can anyone please tell me how I can do this.
How do you want to save a website's content as csv file? CSV means comma separated values, and it's really easy to save things as csv file but a website's content?
You say "the content from a website" - normally you'll start reading one sites content, which includes html markup, scripts and styles. Or do you only want to get the text contents or some meta data?
If your server supports opening urls via fopen I'd try this one (php.ini option: allow_url_fopen) - otherwise you'll have to use cURL or something.
Here's some more information about reading websites in php.
Regarding the storage of websites as csv I think you should be more precise what you want to achieve.
Regards, Daniel
There's no instant-magic answer for your question. We (You) need to know which website is in question, how the table is presented. If you know everything about your scenario, you should use PHP's DOM functions and parse your table then export it to a CSV.

Programmatic Way To Link Text Within A PDF

I am looking for some way to code a function (I'm open to any language or library at this point) to take an already existing PDF file as input and return a modified PDF file that links certain words to different URLs. I know PHP and ColdFusion both have good tools for dealing with PDF's, but I haven't been able to find anything that works.
I've been doing this by going through Acrobat and linking the text by hand and was wondering if there was any way to automate the procedure.
With ColdFusion you can extract the text with DDX (see Extracting text from a PDF document on the page), modify it using search/replace and generate new document.
If I understand what you're trying to do, you should be able to use CFPDF ( to read the pdf file into a ColdFusion variable, replace whatever content you want in that variable, then save the content back to pdf.
