nohup process keep shutting down - php

I am trying to run 10.000 processes to create asterisks phone accounts.
This is to stress-test our Asterisk server.
I called with php an exec() function to create a Linux command.
nohup /usr/src/pjproject-2.3/pjsip-apps/bin/pjsua-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --id=sip:%s# --registrar=sip: --realm=* --username=%s --password=123456 --local-port=%s --null-audio --no-vad --max-calls=32 --no-tcp >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null & $(echo -ne \'\r\')"
Everything works perfect and the script does exactly what I am expecting.
But here comes also the next problem; after creating the 10.000 accounts, the processes are suddenly all getting killed.
Why is this?
Isn't it so that the nohup function keeps the processes alive?
After calling the nohup function I am also calling the disown function.
Thank you for the help
I also tried this project with the function screen, the screen functions work like a charm, but the problem is the cpu usage. To create 10.000 screens, makes a linux server go nuts, this is why I choose for nohup.
The full php code:
# count
$count_screens = 0;
# port count start
$port_count = 30000;
# register accounts number
$ext_number = 1000;
# amount of times you want this loop to go
$min_accounts = 0;
$max_accounts = 1000;
Class shell {
const CREATE_SESSION = 'screen -dmS stress[%s]';
const RUN_PJSUA = 'screen -S stress[%s] -p 0 -rX stuff "nohup /usr/src/pjproject-2.3/pjsip-apps/bin/pjsua-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --id=sip:%s# --registrar=sip: --realm=* --username=%s --password=123456 --local-port=%s --null-audio --no-vad --max-calls=32 --no-tcp >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null &"';
const DISOWN_PJSUA = 'screen -S stress[%s] -p 0 -rX stuff "disown -l $(echo -ne \'\r\')"';
public function openShell($count_screens) {
# creating a new screen to make the second call
$command = sprintf(static:: CREATE_SESSION, $count_screens);
$string = exec($command);
return var_dump($string);
public function runPJSUA($count_screens, $ext_number, $ext_number, $port_count) {
# register a new pjsua client
$command = sprintf(static:: RUN_PJSUA, $count_screens, $ext_number, $ext_number, $port_count);
$string = exec($command);
return var_dump($string);
public function disownPJSUA($count_screens) {
# register a new pjsua client
$command = sprintf(static:: DISOWN_PJSUA, $count_screens);
$string = exec($command);
return var_dump($string);
while ($min_accounts < $max_accounts) {
$shell = new shell();
if ($count_screens == '0') {
echo $shell->openShell($count_screens);
} else {
$count_screens = 1;
echo $shell->runPJSUA($count_screens, $ext_number, $ext_number, $port_count);
echo $shell->disownPJSUA($count_screens);

Pjsua is relatively heavy application, definitely too heavy to run 10000 instances, not intended for this kind of testing. As you are configuring it for 32 calls even running out of ports would be a problem (there are two ports per call reserved plus port for SIP). If you want to stay with pjsua you might at least optimize test by configuring multiple accounts for single pjsua instance. It might be limited by command line length, but ~30 accounts per instance might work.


Execute every N command in parallel in shell_exec() in PHP

I'd like to execute N commands in bash in parallel. And then the next N commands after all the commands finish, and then the next N commands …
Because I am not an expert in shell scripting, I have resorted to PHP. But I suspect my code is not doing what I needed optimally:
// d() is a function like var_dump()
$ips = array(
"" => 8,
"" => 77,
"" => 77,);
$prx = "storm";
$f = array();
foreach ($d as $calln) {
$ip = current($ips);
$ipkey = key($ips);
d($ip, $ipkey);
$comd = choose_comd($prx);
d( $comd);
$f[] = shell_exec($comd);
choose_limiting ($prx);
function choose_comd ($prx) {
switch ($prx) {
case "storm":
return "cd /Users/jMac-NEW/HoldingForDO/phub/phubalt_pages && curl -x {$GLOBALS['ipkey']} \"{$GLOBALS['calln']}&searchCode=CALL%2B&searchType=1&limitTo=none&fromYear=&toYear=&limitTo=LOCA%3Dall&limitTo=PLAC%3Dall&limitTo=TYPE%3Dall&limitTo=LANG%3Dall&recCount=1200\" >trial_{$GLOBALS['calln']}_out.html 2> trial_{$GLOBALS['calln']}_error.txt &";;
// more cases ...
function choose_limiting ($prx){
switch ($prx) {
case "":
if (!next($ips)) {
sleep (80);
case "storm":
if (!isset($GLOBALS['a'])) {
echo "if";
$GLOBALS['a'] = 0;
elseif ($GLOBALS['a'] == current($GLOBALS['ips'])) {
echo "elseif";
sleep(80/count($GLOBALS['ips']) - 7); // 80 is the standard
$GLOBALS['a'] = 0;
else {
echo "else";
function trying () {
Firstly, I am not sure if running a loop around shell_exec("command… &") will make all the commands run in parallel.
Secondly, the loop runs around all the possible commands, but is made to sleep() with an arbitrary / estimated duration of 70 after every N commands are run with shell_exec(). 70 seconds sleep period may or may not correspond with the completion of all previous N commands that have been executed, but i am just assuming that it will be around there.
May I know if what I have done has fulfilled my aim? If no, why? And what other solution is there?
Actually I do not mind just using bash directly, but the problem is that every iteration of loop is supposed to be fed with a variable $calln from a php array $d populated in earlier parts of the script not shown. If PHP can do what I need, pls stick to PHP.

shell_exec command in php not working properly

I am trying to execute a C program using the shell_exec command, which needs arguments to be passed. It is working for one input, but not working for others. I tried to run the C program through terminal, it is working for all the inputs.
This is my execprog.php file. I have to give 2 inputs as command line arguments to file. /var/www/project is the path.
$query = "/var/www/project/./a.out /var/www/project/constraints.txt /var/www/project/constraints_keyword.txt /var/www/project/FIB.txt /var/www/project/ANS.txt";
echo $query;
$var = shell_exec($query);
echo $var;
$query = "/var/www/project/./a.out";
$arguments = array
$string = '';
$string.= ' %s';
$command = vsprintf("{$query}{$string}", $arguments);
$var = shell_exec($command);
echo $var;
As you it works on the terminal and not on apache then apache's php.ini file may be disabling the use of shell_exec().
Your apache's php.ini file may look something like
Remove shell_exec from this list and restart the web server, although this is a security risk and I don't recommend it.
In general functions such as exec,shell_exec and system are always used to execute the external programs. Even a shell command can also be executed. If these two functions are enabled then a user can enter any command as input and execute into your server. So usually people disable in apache config as disable_functions to secure their site.
It works for me - Here is test run
Sample test c code
[akshay#gold tmp]$ cat test.c
int main(int args, char *argv[]) {
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < args; i++)
printf("Arg[%d] = %s\n",i, argv[i]);
return 0;
[akshay#gold tmp]$ gcc test.c
Sample php script
[akshay#gold tmp]$ cat test.php
$query = "/tmp/./a.out /var/www/project/constraints.txt /var/www/project/constraints_keyword.txt /var/www/project/FIB.txt /var/www/project/ANS.txt";
$var = shell_exec($query);
echo $var;
Execution and output
[akshay#gold tmp]$ php test.php
Arg[0] = /tmp/./a.out
Arg[1] = /var/www/project/constraints.txt
Arg[2] = /var/www/project/constraints_keyword.txt
Arg[3] = /var/www/project/FIB.txt
Arg[4] = /var/www/project/ANS.txt

PHP pthreads failing when run from cron

Ok, so lets start slow...
I have a pthreads script running and working for me, tested and working 100% of the time when I run it manually from the command line via ssh. The script is as follows with the main thread process code adjusted to simulate random process' run time.
class ProcessingPool extends Worker {
public function run(){}
class LongRunningProcess extends Threaded implements Collectable {
public function __construct($id,$data) {
$this->id = $id;
$this->data = $data;
public function run() {
$data = $this->data;
$this->garbage = true;
$this->result = 'START TIME:'.time().PHP_EOL;
// Here is our actual logic which will be handled within a single thread (obviously simulated here instead of the real functionality)
$this->result .= 'ID:'.$this->id.' RESULT: '.print_r($this->data,true).PHP_EOL;
$this->result .= 'END TIME:'.time().PHP_EOL;
$this->finished = time();
public function __destruct () {
if($this->finished > 0) {
$Finished = 'FINISHED';
if ($this->id === null) {
print_r("nullified thread $Finished!");
} else {
print_r("Thread w/ ID {$this->id} $Finished!");
public function isGarbage() : bool { return $this->garbage; }
public function getData() {
return $this->data;
public function getResult() {
return $this->result;
protected $id;
protected $data;
protected $result;
private $garbage = false;
private $finished = 0;
$LoopDelay = 500000; // microseconds
$MinimumRunTime = 300; // seconds (5 minutes)
// So we setup our pthreads pool which will hold our collection of threads
$pool = new Pool(4, ProcessingPool::class, []);
$Count = 0;
$StillCollecting = true;
$CountCollection = 0;
do {
// Grab all items from the conversion_queue which have not been processed
$result = $DB->prepare("SELECT * FROM `processing_queue` WHERE `processed` = 0 ORDER BY `queue_id` ASC");
$rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if(!empty($rows)) {
// for each of the rows returned from the queue, and allow the workers to run and return
foreach($rows as $id => $row) {
$update = $DB->prepare("UPDATE `processing_queue` SET `processed` = 1 WHERE `queue_id` = ?");
$pool->submit(new LongRunningProcess($row['fqueue_id'],$row));
} else {
// 0 Rows To Add To Pool From The Queue, Do Nothing...
// Before we allow the loop to move on to the next part, lets try and collect anything that finished
$pool->collect(function ($Processed) use(&$CountCollection) {
global $DB;
$data = $Processed->getData();
$result = $Processed->getResult();
$update = $DB->prepare("UPDATE `processing_queue` SET `processed` = 2 WHERE `queue_id` = ?");
return $Processed->isGarbage();
print_r('Collecting Loop...'.$CountCollection.'/'.$Count);
// If we have collected the same total amount as we have processed then we can consider ourselves done collecting everything that has been added to the database during the time this script started and was running
if($CountCollection == $Count) {
$StillCollecting = false;
print_r('Done Collecting Everything...');
// If we have not reached the full MinimumRunTime that this cron should run for, then lets continue to loop
$EndTime = microtime(true);
$TimeElapsed = ($EndTime - $StartTime);
if(($TimeElapsed/($LoopDelay/1000000)) < ($MinimumRunTime/($LoopDelay/1000000))) {
$StillCollecting = true;
print_r('Ended To Early, Lets Force Another Loop...');
} while($StillCollecting);
So while the above script will run via a command line (which has been adjusted to the basic example, and detailed processing code has been simulated in the above example), the below command gives a different result when run from a cron setup for every 5 minutes...
/opt/php7zts/bin/php -q /home/account/cron-entry.php file=every-5-minutes/processing-queue.php
The above script, when using the above command line call, will loop over and over during the run time of the script and collect any new items from the DB queue, and insert them into the pool, which allows 4 processes at a time to run and finish, which is then collected and the queue is updated before another loop happens, pulling any new items from the DB. This script will run until we have processed and collected all processes in the queue during the execution of the script. If the script has not run for the full 5 minute expected period of time, the loop is forced to continue checking the queue, if the script has run over the 5 minute mark it allows any current threads to finish & be collected before closing. Note that the above code also includes a code based "flock" functionality which makes future crons of this idle loop and exit or start once the lock has lifted, ensuring that the queue and threads are not bumping into each other. Again, ALL OF THIS WORKS FROM THE COMMAND LINE VIA SSH.
Once I take the above command, and put it into a cron to run for every 5 minutes, essentially giving me a never ending loop, while maintaining memory, I get a different result...
That result is described as follows... The script starts, checks the flock, and continues if the lock is not there, it creates the lock, and runs the above script. The items are taken from the queue in the DB, and inserted into the pool, the pool fires off the 4 threads at a time as expected.. But the unexpected result is that the run() command does not seem to be executed, and instead the __destruct function runs, and a "Thread w/ ID 2 FINISHED!" type of message is returned to the output. This in turn means that the collection side of things does not collect anything, and the initiating script (the cron script itself /home/account/cron-entry.php file=every-5-minutes/processing-queue.php) finishes after everything has been put into the pool, and destructed. Which prematurely "finishes" the cron job, since there is nothing else to do but loop and pull nothing new from the queue, since they are considered "being processed" when processed == 1 in the queue.
The question then finally becomes... How do I make the cron's script aware of the threads that where spawned and run() them without closing the pool out before they can do anything?
(note... if you copy / paste the provided script, note that I did not test it after removing the detailed logic, so it may need some simple fixes... please do not nit-pick said code, as the key here is that pthreads works if the script is executed FROM the Command Line, but fails to properly run when the script is executed FROM a CRON. If you plan on commenting with non-constructive criticism, please go use your fingers to do something else!)
Joe Watkins! I Need Your Brilliance! Thanks In Advance!
After all of that, it seems that the issue was with regards to user permissions. I was setting this specific cron up inside of cpanel, and when running the command manually I was logged in as root.
After setting this command up in roots crontab, I was able to get it to successfully run the threads from the pool. Only issue I have now is some threads never finish, and sometimes I am unable to close the pool. But this is a different issue, so I will open another question elsewhere.
For those running into this issue, make sure you know who the owner of the cron is as it matters with php's pthreads.

Codeigniter run code in background

I'm developing an iOS app and I need to call to a web developed with CodeIgniter. The problem is that I have the response very quickly, but then I need to do some actions with it in CodeIgniter.
How can I do it in background?
My code is something like this:
$data = json_decode($response);
echo $response;
//Data has around 100 rows
foreach ($data as $info)
//Database inserts and updates
If I comment the foreach, it works perfect, but with it, it takes a lot of time.
I don't want to speed up database, because that's not the problem... what really takes time its what i need to do with my data...
you can try something like below,
class Proc_test extends CI_Controller
public function index()
echo "Proc_text::Index is called at ".$this->rightnow()."<br>";
$param = 5000000;
$command = "php ".FCPATH."index.php tools proc1 $param > /dev/null &";
$command = "php ".FCPATH."index.php tools proc2 $param > /dev/null &";
echo "Proc_text::Index is done at ".$this->rightnow()."<br>";
//a helper to give time of day with microseconds
public function rightnow()
$time = microtime(true);
$micro_time = sprintf("%06d", ($time - floor($time)) * 1000000);
$date = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s.'.$micro_time, $time));
return $date->format("H:i:s.u");
Here background command executes as per below example.
$command = "php ".FCPATH."index.php tools proc1 $param > /dev/null &";
It's basically a cli command which follows this form
"php absolute/path/to/codeigniter/index.php controller method argument_1 argument_2 argument_n > pipe to null statement".
Ref. Url :
You can solve this issue in two ways.
Create a cronjob to do the time consuming task in the main method you just need to add an enrty to a job table to the post processing after sending the response. So reponse will not wait until all the processing is completed. Also you can schedule the cronjob time as you need depend on the urgency of the post processing and server load.
You can use CodeIgniter hook function to do the processing after sending the response to the caller. The hook method will be "post_system" Read more about it at

linux worker script/queue (php)

I need a binary/script (php) that does the following.
Start n process of X in the background and maintain the number processes.
An example:
n = 50
initially 50 processes are started
a process exits
49 are still running
so 1 should be started again.
P.S.: I posted the same question on SV, which makes me probably very unpopular.
Can you use the crontab linux and write to a db or file the number of current process?.
If DB, the advantage is that you can use to procedure and lock the table, and write the number of process.
But to backgroun you should use & at the end of the call to script
# php-f pro.php &
for (i=1; i<=50; i++)
while true
while ( $(ps --no-headers -C myprocess|wc -l) < 50 )
If you translate this to php and fix its flaws, it might just do what you want.
I would go in the direction that andres suggested. Just put something like this at the top of your pro.php file...
$this_file = __FILE__;
$final_count = 50;
$processes = `ps auwx | grep "php -f $this_file"`;
$processes = explode("\n", $processes);
if (count($processes)>$final_count+3) {
//... Remaining code goes here
Have you tried making a PHP Daemon before?
Here's something in Perl I have in my library (and hey, let's be honest, I'm not going to rig this up in PHP just to give you something working in that language this moment. I'm just using what I can copy / paste).
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
my #workers;
my $num_threads = shift;
my $dbname = shift;
my $queue = new Thread::Queue;
for (0..$num_threads-1) {
$workers[$_] = new threads(\&worker);
print "TEST!\n";
while ($_ = shift #ARGV) {
sub worker() {
while ($file = $queue->dequeue) {
system ('./', $dbname, $file);
for (0..$num_threads-1) { $queue->enqueue(undef); }
for (0..$num_threads-1) { $workers[$_]->join; }
Whenever one of those systems calls finishes up, it moves on dequeing. Oh, and damn if I know hwy I did 0..$numthreads instead of the normal my $i = 0; $i < ... idiom, but I did it that way that time.
I have to solutions to propose. Both do child process reboot on exit, do child process reloading on USR1 signal, wait for the children exit on SIGTERM and so on.
The first is based on swoole php extension. It is very performant, async, non-blocking. Here's the usage example code:
use Symfony\Component\Process\PhpExecutableFinder;
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$phpBin = (new PhpExecutableFinder)->find();
if (false === $phpBin) {
throw new \LogicException('Php executable could not be found');
$daemon = new \App\Infra\Swoole\Daemon();
$daemon->addWorker(1, $phpBin, [__DIR__ . '/console', 'quartz:scheduler', '-vvv']);
$daemon->addWorker(3, $phpBin, [__DIR__ . '/console', 'enqueue:consume', '--setup-broker', '-vvv']);
The daemon code is here
Another is based on Symfony process library. It does not require any extra extensions. The usage example and daemon code could be found here
