Route stopped working - php

One of my routes is returning this error message:
Not Found
The requested resource /jackpots was not found on this server.
When I change the route name to anything else e.g. route-1, it works.
Server is running on via artisan serve
How can I resolve this?
Edit 1:
Does not work:
Route::get('jackpots', 'JackpotsController#getIndex');
Route::get('jackpot', 'JackpotsController#getIndex');

Turns out the problem had nothing to do with anything in the routes/web.php script.
In my public directory, I also had a folder with the same name as a URL endpoint i.e.
Folder structure
Route::get('jackpots', 'JackpotsController#getIndex');
This somehow confuses the php server (as well as apache) into thinking you're trying to access the public/jackpots folder whose permissions won't allow you to do that.
I renamed the public/jackpots folder and the problem was resolved.


Larverl's response()->file() must be prefixed with the current directory

On a fresh Laravel 8 installation I follow these steps:
php artisan storage:link
Inside /public/storage/ I create folder images/ and inside I paste an image called picture.png
In web.php I define a route like this:
Route::get('/picture', function(
return response()->file(Storage::url("images/picture.png"));
However, if I visit this route in browser, the picture is not shown and the following error is thrown:
The file "/storage/images/picture.png" does not exist
It works only if the url inside response()->file() is prefixed with ./ indicating the current directory like this:
return response()->file('./'.Storage::url("images/picture.png"));
I don't think it is a good idea to work with relative paths locally, the Storage and file methods should handle this. Maybe it is even an issue with the framework.
Any ideas how to go around this hack?
I think you didn't configure the local driver check the documentation and look for local driver.
If you configure it right it should return the "/" that you're adding manually.

Error 404 after migrating laravel 8 to a shared host

Hello everyone i am new to laravel and i hope someone can help me about my problem. I created a laravel project. After that I import it to cpanel using softaculous. Then, I made some changes base on what i research in the net to avoid showing important file like .env . I created a folder relative to public_html, let say the folder name is 'tamangbilang' where i put almost all of my code except the index.php. Inside my public_html folder, I have another folder named as 'tamangbilang' where my index.php resides. I have followed this instruction the only difference is that I put another folder inside public_html.I also did some changes on the index.php code
require __DIR__.'/../../tamangbilang/vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../../tamangbilang/bootstrap/app.php';
Everything is working fine on my login page(my first page) but when I try to login, an error occur.
The requested URL was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
It seems like the connection between routes was lost. I did further testing and I notice that the code is working well only if there is an index.php, before the route in the url. example
P.S. I don't have access for ssh.
go to bootstrap folder & open cache folder then delete config. after that please check your routes this error basically arises due to routes not found for that go to your project installed on local and write php artisan route: list check if the route is present or not.

How to put laravel 5.3 project on shared hosting

I made a laravel project on my localserver. I just copy the project folder and pasted on my web server in public_html folder. It's giving an error when i open it.
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Can anyone please let me know step by step how to put my laravel project on web serve?
Well there are three ways to upload and make workable on shared hosting which I came to know.
Rename server.php file to index.php (which is not the correct way)
Shift public/* to root (also, its not the correct way)
Need to add a line in public/index.php after initialization of $app
$app->bind('path.public', function() {
return _DIR_;
and that's proper way as per my knowledge.
(My last answer was deleted before I could submit my edits, so here's another, more complete answer)
There is an easy answer, and a long answer.
Long answer
The most important part to know is that the only part of Laravel that should be accessible to the public is in the public folder. Which means that, on your shared host, the content of public should reside in whatever folder is the public on your host (they usually are named "www", or "public_html", but it can be anything, really).
I'm going to assume here that you have only one project on your account and say that, if it's the case, you now only need to upload every other file and folder at the same level as the public folder you have and set the correct permission to the storage folder.
In the end, if the only thing you do is upload all of your project to the root folder of your account, then rename Laravel's public folder to public_html, this is supposed to work (of course, assuming that you can also use the CLI and call artisan and composer commands).
Easy answer
If you can use the command line and create synlinks on your host, you can simplify your life by uploading all of your project into a folder outside of the public_html folder and symlink public to your public_html like so: ln -s /full/path1/project/public /full/path/to/public_html
Detailed answer and more tips
You can read this article that goes into more detail and gives commands to achieve everything. I tried to keep my answer as concise as possible, so if you want a more step by step approach, this link or a bit of google searching will do the trick!

Laravel base route errors "NotFoundHttpException"

I'm too newbie to Laravel...I have written this route to echo "Hello World", but It errors NotFoundHttpException
This is my routes.php (no other code is in the file but the following):
Route::get('/', function(){
return "HELLO WORLD";
I have also enable mode_rewrite, and also set AlloOverride to 'all' in apache module.
This is also the URL is use to access the page:
php artisan serve
Use that URL to visit your website.
You will see that you get some output like:
Laravel development server started on http://localhost:8000
When you have no clue what Artisan is take a look at this;
Navigate into your project directory with your command prompt and run there the serve command from above.
Sometimes the default .htaccess file located in public folder doesn't work in apache. Try altering the .htacess as mentioned here. Alternatively renaming your laravel project folder would work especially in XAMPP.
Some other frameworks treat route definitions as relative to the project web root so a path defined as /foo/bar will match and will work without changes even if you move the project tree somewhere else in your public web hierarchy. Laravel, however, considers routes as absolute paths so /foo/bar will only match
The simplest solution is probably to move your code into a separate virtual host and point its document root to laravel/public/. (In this case it seems that's actually the intended set-up.)
(I suppose there's a way to make the framework assume an implicit prefix but I've only been using Laravel for 10 minutes.)

Error on rendering yii view

The following URL part works as expected on my Windows WAMP machine (running using AMPPS), but fails on the Linux production host:
I get the following error:
Unable to resolve the request "customchocolates/index"
On Windows, I followed the naming convention of CustomChocolates in all the relevant files. However, after searching on-line, I changed the following files to:
controller: customChocolatesController.php
model: customChocolates.php
views dir: customChocolates
I've also updated all the class names to the new name, but I'm still getting the error.
Windows = file name case insensitive
Linux = file name case sensitive
Change your route to customChocolates/index
Try to rename customChocolatesController.php to CustomChocolatesController.php, and be sure, that controller class name also CustomChocolatesController.
And rename you route as nkamm says.
Moved my site to my Linux laptop to reproduce the problem. Got the same problem as on production.
I solved it (I don't know why - perhaps someone more knowledgeable and experienced can explain) by doing the following:
renamed controller file and class names to CustomchocolatesController
Removed caseSensitive from URLManager block in config
Renamed views folder to customchocolates
Thanks to #nkamm and #Mihail for their time last night.
