Updated code
$office = $this->session->userdata('department');
$query = "SELECT `doc`.`id`, `doc`.`barcode`, `doc`.`sub`, `doc`.`source_type`, `doc`.`sender`, `doc`.`address`, `doc`.`description`, `doc`.`receipient`, `doc`.`status`, DATE_FORMAT(`doc`.`datetime_added`, '%m/%d/%Y-%h:%i %p') as datetime_added,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`tag`) FROM `tags` WHERE `tags`.`documentId` = `doc`.`id` GROUP BY `tags`.`documentId`) as `tags`
FROM `documents` AS `doc`
JOIN `transactions` AS `trans` ON `doc`.`id` = `trans`.`document_id`
JOIN `trackers` AS `track` ON `doc`.`id` = `track`.`document_id`
WHERE `doc`.`status` = 'Processing'
AND `track`.`action` = '1')
AND `track`.`location` = '$office'
ORDER BY `doc`.`id` DESC";
$go = $this->db->query($query)->result_array();
var_dump($go); exit();
What I'm try to accomplish, is to display all documents located in our office that are Processing and has action 1. Documents may have tags like memo, request, finance, etc. The output is incorrect and not showing all the records that is in our office. I think there is a problem in WHERE clause? What could be the culprit in my code?
Update your query by removing the single quotes surrounding 1:
$query = "SELECT `doc`.`id`, `doc`.`barcode`, `doc`.`sub`, `doc`.`source_type`, `doc`.`sender`, `doc`.`address`, `doc`.`description`, `doc`.`receipient`, `doc`.`status`, DATE_FORMAT(`doc`.`datetime_added`, '%m/%d/%Y-%h:%i %p') as datetime_added,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`tag`) FROM `tags` WHERE `tags`.`documentId` = `doc`.`id` GROUP BY `tags`.`documentId`) as `tags`
FROM `documents` AS `doc`
JOIN `transactions` AS `trans` ON `doc`.`id` = `trans`.`document_id`
JOIN `trackers` AS `track` ON `doc`.`id` = `track`.`document_id`
WHERE `doc`.`status` = 'Processing'
**AND `track`.`action` = 1)**
AND `track`.`location` = '$office'
ORDER BY `doc`.`id` DESC";
$this->db->select("doc.id, doc.barcode, doc.sub, doc.source_type, doc.sender, doc.address, doc.description, doc.receipient, doc.status, DATE_FORMAT(doc.datetime_added, %m/%d/%Y-%h:%i %p) as datetime_added,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(tag) FROM tags WHERE tags.documentId = doc.id GROUP BY tags.documentId) as tags")
->from("documents AS doc")
->join("transactions AS trans",'doc.id=trans.document_id')
->join("trackers AS track",'doc.id=track.document_id')
->order_by("doc.id", "DESC");
I am trying to develop a post model which has a one-to-many relationship with postmeta model (including id, post_id, meta_key, meta_value columns) and also has a many-to-many relationship with term model (including term_id and some other columns, as well as post_term table including id, post_postId, term_term_term_id columns).
I created a form which contains some post_metas and terms to search and to filter my posts.
This sample PHP code highlights what I used:
$posts_query = Post::where('post_type', 'add')->where('author', Auth::id())->where(function ($q0) use($filter_metas){
foreach ($filter_metas as $index => $meta) {
$q0->whereHas('postmetas', function ($q0) use ($index,$meta) {
$q0->where('meta_key', $index)->where('meta_value', $meta);
and this is the executed query to get results.
select * from `posts` where `post_type` = ? and `author` = ? and (exists (select * from `postmeta` where `posts`.`postId` = `postmeta`.`post_id` and `meta_key` = ?) and exists (select * from `postmeta` where `posts`.`postId` = `postmeta`.`post_id` and `meta_key` = ? and `meta_value` in (?, ?, ?, ?)) and exists (select * from `postmeta` where `posts`.`postId` = `postmeta`.`post_id` and `meta_key` = ? and `meta_value` in (?, ?, ?)) and exists (select * from `postmeta` where `posts`.`postId` = `postmeta`.`post_id` and `meta_key` = ? and `meta_value` > ?) and exists (select * from `postmeta` where `posts`.`postId` = `postmeta`.`post_id` and `meta_key` = ? and `meta_value` = ?) and exists (select * from `postmeta` where `posts`.`postId` = `postmeta`.`post_id` and `meta_key` = ? and `meta_value` = ?) and exists (select * from `postmeta` where `posts`.`postId` = `postmeta`.`post_id` and `meta_key` = ? and `meta_value` = ?) and exists (select * from `postmeta` where `posts`.`postId` = `postmeta`.`post_id` and `meta_key` = ? and `meta_value` = ?) and exists (select * from `postmeta` where `posts`.`postId` = `postmeta`.`post_id` and `meta_key` = ? and `meta_value` = ?) and exists (select * from `postmeta` where `posts`.`postId` = `postmeta`.`post_id` and `meta_key` = ? and `meta_value` = ?)
I can get correct results from this query but the query executes too slow and that is my main problem. Are there any alternative approaches?
You can use a single joined query with aggregation to filter on meta attributes of each post
$posts = Post::select(['posts.postId','posts.name'])
->where('post_type', 'add')
->where('author', Auth::id())
->join('postmeta', 'posts.postId', '=', 'postmeta.post_id')
->where(function ($query) use ($filter_metas) {
foreach ($filter_metas as $index => $meta) {
$query->havingRaw('sum(case when meta_key = ? and meta_value = ? then 1 else 0 end) > 0', [$index, $meta]);
In above query havingRaw part is the key it will conditionally filter out posts which don't match with the meta information,
Try this code, not sure whether it's working, hope you can get the idea.
$posts_query = Post::where('post_type', 'add')
->where('author', Auth::id())
->leftJoin('postmeta', function($join){
$join->on('posts.postId', 'postmeta.post_id');
->where(function ($query) use ($filter_metas) {
foreach ($filter_metas as $index => $meta) {
$query->where('postmeta.meta_key', $index)
->where('postmeta.meta_value', $meta);
I have this query to convert into the Active record
SELECT (SELECT image FROM bc_item_image WHERE item_id = i.id LIMIT 1) as item_image, i.description, i.condition,c.cat_name as category_name,i.id as ID FROM bc_item i,bc_category c WHERE i.cat_id = c.id and i.user_id !='$user_id' and i.status = '1' and i.is_bartered = '0' and i.is_cancel = '0' and FIND_IN_SET('$subcat_id',i.interested_cat) order by i.display_count desc
$this->db->query('here your SQL query');
$this->db->select(" i.description, i.condition,c.cat_name as category_name,i.id,(SELECT image FROM bc_item_image WHERE item_id = i.id LIMIT 1) as item_image");
$this->db->from('bc_item as i');
$this->db->join('bc_category as c', 'i.cat_id = c.id');
$this->db->where('i.status', 1);
$this->db->where('i.is_bartered', 0);
$this->db->where('i.user_id','!=', $user_id);
$this->db->where('i.is_cancel', 0);
$query = $this->db->get();
I am having a problem producing a result with my query. I wanted to produce SUM of the result of rows from another table which is related to the primary table.
What I failed to output is the sum of payments, and the sum of payables.
PROBLEM #1 - I cannot produce a correct output of the Payments. The
query seemed to produce an formula of numrows * sum_of_payments
PROBLEM #2 - I cannot produce an output of the total payables.
I am using Codeigniter 3 and this is my model.
function fetch_billing_records($case_id, $patient_id, $status) {
$this->db->join('cases', 'cases.id = billing.case_id', 'left');
$this->db->join('patients', 'patients.id = cases.patient_id', 'left');
$this->db->join('users', 'users.username = billing.user', 'left');
$this->db->join('billing_payments', 'billing_payments.billing_id = billing.id', 'left');
$this->db->join('billing_items', 'billing_items.billing_id = billing.id', 'left');
$this->db->join('services', 'services.title = billing_items.service', 'left');
users.name as user,
cases.id as case_id,
cases.title as case_title,
patients.id as patient_id,
CONCAT(patients.lastname, ", ", patients.fullname) as patient_name,
SUM(billing_payments.amount) as payments,
SUM((services.amount - billing_items.discount)*billing_items.qty) as payables
if(is_int($case_id)) {
$this->db->where('billing.case_id', $case_id);
if(is_int($patient_id)) {
$this->db->where('patients.id', $patient_id);
if(is_int($status)) {
$this->db->where('billing.status', $status);
$this->db->where('billing.is_deleted', 0);
$query = $this->db->get("billing");
log_message('error', $this->db->last_query());
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $query->result_array();
return false;
I saved the Last Query with the Last Query and Log Helpers, and it seemed that the query for my instance is
SELECT `billing`.`id`, `billing`.`remarks`, `billing`.`status`, `billing`.`created_at`, `billing`.`updated_at`, `users`.`name` as `user`, `users`.`username`, `cases`.`id` as `case_id`, `cases`.`title` as `case_title`, `patients`.`id` as `patient_id`, CONCAT(patients.lastname, ", ", patients.fullname) as patient_name, SUM(billing_payments.amount) as payments, SUM((services.amount - billing_items.discount)*billing_items.qty) as payables
FROM `billing`
LEFT JOIN `cases` ON `cases`.`id` = `billing`.`case_id`
LEFT JOIN `patients` ON `patients`.`id` = `cases`.`patient_id`
LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`username` = `billing`.`user`
LEFT JOIN `billing_payments` ON `billing_payments`.`billing_id` = `billing`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `billing_items` ON `billing_items`.`billing_id` = `billing`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `services` ON `services`.`title` = `billing_items`.`service`
WHERE `billing`.`is_deleted` =0
To guide you more with my present problem, this is the schema of the related tables:
and this is the schema of the entire database.
Use group by statement. because mysql aggregate functions work well with group by. if you want billing sum against patient then use following query
`billing`.`updated_at`, `
users`.`name` as `user`,
`cases`.`id` as `case_id`,
`cases`.`title` as `case_title`,
`patients`.`id` as `patient_id`,
CONCAT(patients.lastname, ", ", patients.fullname) as patient_name,
SUM(billing_payments.amount) as payments,
SUM((services.amount - billing_items.discount)*billing_items.qty) as payables
FROM `billing`
LEFT JOIN `cases` ON `cases`.`id` = `billing`.`case_id`
LEFT JOIN `patients` ON `patients`.`id` = `cases`.`patient_id`
LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`username` = `billing`.`user`
LEFT JOIN `billing_payments` ON `billing_payments`.`billing_id` = `billing`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `billing_items` ON `billing_items`.`billing_id` = `billing`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `services` ON `services`.`title` = `billing_items`.`service`
WHERE `billing`.`is_deleted` =0
GROUP BY patients.id
Okay, I've been tasked with rewriting a small, old PHP app in Codeigniter, and I ran into a bit a road bump. I'm not sure how to go about handling the joins in the query.
(mobiledoc.labdata labdata JOIN mobiledoc.items items
ON (labdata.ItemId = items.itemID)
) JOIN mobiledoc.enc enc
ON (labdata.EncounterId = enc.encounterID)
) JOIN mobiledoc.users users_patient
ON (users_patient.uid = enc.patientID)
) JOIN mobiledoc.users users_Provider
ON (users_Provider.uid = enc.doctorID)
) JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroupmembers facilitygroupmembers
ON (enc.facilityId = facilitygroupmembers.FacilityId)
And then after that FROM there are a few more joins, which I think would be fairly easy.
JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroups facilitygroups ON (facilitygroups.Id = acilitygroupmembers.GroupId)
JOIN mobiledoc.patients patients ON (enc.patientID = patients.pid)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I decided to just put the nested joins inside the for statement, and move on. Here's the original query.
$result = mysql_query("SELECT patients.ControlNO AS PatientID, users_patient.ulname AS patulname,
users_patient.ufname AS patufname, users_patient.uminitial AS patuminitial, users_patient.dob AS
patdob, users_Provider.ulname AS ULname, users_Provider.ufname AS UFname, items.itemName,
labdata.Notes,enc.date, enc.startTime FROM(((((mobiledoc.labdata labdata JOIN mobiledoc.items
items ON (labdata.ItemId = items.itemID)) JOIN mobiledoc.enc enc ON (labdata.EncounterId =
enc.encounterID)) JOIN mobiledoc.users users_patient ON (users_patient.uid = enc.patientID)) JOIN
mobiledoc.users users_Provider ON (users_Provider.uid = enc.doctorID)) JOIN
mobiledoc.facilitygroupmembers facilitygroupmembers ON (enc.facilityId =
facilitygroupmembers.FacilityId)) JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroups facilitygroups ON
(facilitygroups.Id = facilitygroupmembers.GroupId) JOIN mobiledoc.patients patients ON
(enc.patientID = patients.pid) WHERE (facilitygroups.Name = '". $_POST['facility_id'] . "') AND
(items.itemName LIKE '%X RAY%' OR items.itemName LIKE '%Cast%' OR items.itemName LIKE '%Splint%'
OR items.itemName LIKE '%DEXA%') AND (enc.VisitType NOT IN ('', 'MT', 'TEL')) AND (enc.`date` =
'" . $_POST['txtYear'] . "-" . $_POST['txtMonth'] . "-" . $_POST['txtDay'] ."') ORDER BY
enc.startTime ASC") or die ("could not execute query!");
Here's the new query:
$this->db->select('patients.ControlNO as id');
$this->db->select('users_patient.ulname as lastName');
$this->db->select('users_patient.ufname as firstName');
$this->db->select('users_patient.uminitial as mInitial');
$this->db->select('users_patient.dob as dob');
$this->db->select('users_Provider.ulname as phys_lastName');
$this->db->from('((((mobiledoc.labdata labdata JOIN mobiledoc.items items ON (labdata.ItemId
= items.itemID)) JOIN mobiledoc.enc enc ON (labdata.EncounterId = enc.encounterID)) JOIN
mobiledoc.users users_patient ON (users_patient.uid = enc.patientID)) JOIN mobiledoc.users
users_Provider ON (users_Provider.uid = enc.doctorID)) JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroupmembers
facilitygroupmembers ON (enc.facilityId = facilitygroupmembers.FacilityId)) JOIN
mobiledoc.facilitygroups facilitygroups ON (facilitygroups.Id = facilitygroupmembers.GroupId)
JOIN mobiledoc.patients patients ON (enc.patientID = patients.pid)');
$this->db->where_not_in('enc.VisitType', $not_in);
$this->db->order_by('enc.startTime', 'asc');
And the output from that query:
SELECT `patients`.`ControlNO` as id, `users_patient`.`ulname` as lastName,
`users_patient`.`ufname` as firstName, `users_patient`.`uminitial` as mInitial,
`users_patient`.`dob` as dob, `users_Provider`.`ulname` as phys_lastName, `items`.`itemName`,
`labdata`.`notes`, `enc`.`date`, `enc`.`startTime` FROM ((((((mobiledoc.labdata labdata JOIN
mobiledoc.items items ON (labdata.ItemId = items.itemID)) JOIN mobiledoc.enc enc ON
(labdata.EncounterId = enc.encounterID)) JOIN mobiledoc.users users_patient ON (users_patient.uid
= enc.patientID)) JOIN mobiledoc.users users_Provider ON (users_Provider.uid = enc.doctorID))
JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroupmembers facilitygroupmembers ON (enc.facilityId =
facilitygroupmembers.FacilityId)) JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroups facilitygroups ON
(facilitygroups.Id = facilitygroupmembers.GroupId) JOIN mobiledoc.patients patients ON
(enc.patientID = patients.pid)) WHERE `facilitygroups`.`Name` = 0 AND `enc`.`date` = '12/05/2014'
AND `enc`.`VisitType` NOT IN ('', 'MT', 'TEL') AND `items`.`itemName` LIKE '%X RAY%' OR
`items`.`itemName` LIKE '%DEXA%' OR `0` LIKE '%items.itemName%' ORDER BY `enc`.`startTime` asc
With CI's active record you can easily join tables by using the following format
$qry = $this->db->select('*')
->where('table1.id', 1)
->join('table2','table2.t_id = table1.id')
For more information take a look at CI's active record documentation
Also you can specify the join type by adding a third parameter to the join() function
$this->db->join('table3', 'table3.id = table2.t_id', 'left');
Hi I want to convert my normal mysql query to zend.db.select;
I want to use this script:
$select = $db->select();
// Add a FROM clause
$select->from( ...specify table and columns... )
// Add a WHERE clause
$select->where( ...specify search criteria... )
// Add an ORDER BY clause
$select->order( ...specify sorting criteria... );
$select->limit(20, 10);
for my query below
IF(derived_messages.toid = '$user', derived_messages.fromid,
derived_messages.toid) friend1,c.UserName,
derived_messages.message, derived_messages.fromid, derived_messages.toid,
derived_messages.is_read,derived_messages.type,derived_messages.id as mesid,
(SELECT M.message_id FROM messagesmapped M where M.message_id= derived_messages.id AND M.user_id ='$user' AND M.important = 1) as MesMapid
FROM messages
WHERE messages.deleted_by NOT
IN ( $user )
) derived_messages
INNER JOIN Users c ON c.MemberID = IF(derived_messages.toid = '$user', derived_messages.fromid,
WHERE (derived_messages.id IN
(SELECT M.message_id FROM messagesmapped M where M.message_id= derived_messages.id AND M.user_id ='$user' AND M.important = 1)
(derived_messages.toid='$user' OR derived_messages.fromid='$user'))
GROUP BY friend1 ASC
ORDER BY derived_messages.date DESC, derived_messages.id DESC LIMIT $limit $offset
I hope someone can help m on this.
Thank you.
It's possible but unlikely someone will write the query for you.
My recommendation on tackling such a query is to write each individual subquery as its own Zend_Db_Select object and then build the final query using the subqueries that you already have objects for.
Zend_Db_Select doesn't directly support the IF function, so for that you will need to use Zend_Db_Expr to add that statement into your select.
Here is a basic example of what I am talking about. Let's build the following query:
SELECT IF(msg.toId = 'drew010', msg.fromId, msg.toId), id, name, age, history.ip
FROM users
JOIN history ON users.id = history.userId
WHERE users.id = (
SELECT id FROM users WHERE loginCount > 1000
First build the subselect that select users where loginCount > 1000.
$subquery1 = $db->select()
->from('users', array('id'))
->where('loginCount > ?', 1000);
Next, build the outer query with the IF function:
$cols = array(
new Zend_Db_Expr('IF(' . $db->quoteInto('msg.toId = ?', 'drew010') . '), msg.fromId, msg.toId'),
'id', 'name', 'age'
$query = $db->select()
->from('users', $cols)
->join('history', 'users.id = history.userId', array('ip'))
->where('id = ?', $subquery1)
->order('age DESC');
echo $query;
The output:
IF(msg.toId = 'drew010', msg.fromId, msg.toId),
FROM `users`
INNER JOIN `history`
ON users.id = history.userId
WHERE id = (
(SELECT `users`.`id`
FROM `users`
WHERE (loginCount > 1000))
So the way to go is break the entire query into individual queries first, and then construct the outer query. Just have patience and take it slow. That and read over the Zend_Db_Select docs to get a full picture of what you have available to you.