How do I create a custom product types in woocommerce with over 400 child products pulled from categories selected in the data panel? - php

How do I create a custom product type in Woocommerce with over 400 child products pulled from categories selected in the data panel ?
I have over 400 products to group, how can I programmatically pull 400 products from certain categories to be grouped, without having to enter each child product manually in the back-end.
I imagine my best bet would be to make a custom product type, but how do I make a custom product type that inherits child products from a certain category.


Make sure a products taxonomy is also duplicated when product is duplicated

I am currently using a custom taxonomy called "occasions" on my products in WooCommerce.
This taxonomy is equivalent to my products except it is "custom".
Therefore the taxonomy is not duplicated when I duplicate a product.
What I want to achieve is, that if my product has two connected categories and one connected occasion - then the duplicated product should have the same.
Can I do this through a custom function - or is there any other functionality, that can handle this problem?

Woocommerce - Sort Default Shop Listing by Menu Order of Specific Category

We have a product catalogue, we have a custom taxonomy for the catalogue called 'Brand'. Each product will only be assigned to one term within brand (eg. 'Coca-Cola').
The client can sort the order of the brands in the admin area.
We want the default product archive (/shop) to show the products sorted by the order of the brands. For example:
All Coca-Cola products
All Cadbury products
All Mars products
and so on.
It doesn't matter if the products get shown twice if accidentally added to multiple brands.

WooCommerce Product Order Item Meta linked with Bundled products

I'm using Product Add-ons plugin to add extra fields to product "November School Lunches". Custom fields are Child Name, Child Grade and School.
I also have installed Bundled Products plugin to attach other products with "November School Lunches" product.
Below image is from the Orders page after the order has placed successfully. Now you can see Custom fields are only attached to Parent Product (November School Lunches). But I want theses custom fields to attach with the bundles products also.
Because in the end I want to export all my orders and custom fields value will be under their custom label. In that image, Custom fields (Child Name/Grade/School) are displaying value of only parent product "November School Lunches" while bundled (child) products are just showing. I want to display custom fields value in front of child products also which are linked to parent product.
Here I'm using Export Order Items Pro plugin to export orders list.

How to overwrite custom weight for particular product in woocommerce?

I have custom product which is linked to woocommerce products list. I have to add custom weight for that product. I would like to add custom field for particular product in the backend and pull those values in the front end for shipping calculation
For example:
I have template sizes 8*8 = 1KG, 12*12 = 21kg,.... like that i have to add multiple template sizes and i have to show when user selected and 8*8 means the product should pull weight from the backend particular weight. there will not be any additional price for select template sizes
Please advise on this.

Woocommerce admin product categories table

Can anyone tell me if there is a hook I can use to change the way product categories are displayed in the woo commerce admin products > categories section.
I want to customize the way categories are filtered depending on which account created them. Multiple users can create categories and I am storing a user id in wp_termmeta so I can relate the product category to the user that created it.
Here is an image of the area I want to be able to hook into and customize the data that is being displayed.
