I created a virtual host on apache localhost, when I try to access it on the browser it's saying "Your connection is not pricate".
Here's the virtual host from httpd-vhosts.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs"
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/newkolabo/public"
ServerName kolabo.dev
#1 Wrong Date & Time
Your computer or device's date & time have changed to be an incorrect value. It could be sooner or later but will make your browser can't verify the SSL certificate. That said, your browser will display this error to notify you. To resolve, you need to check your date & time again and make sure they are correct.
#2 Antivirus Blocked SSL Connection
Besides the wrong date & time configuration, your antivirus software can block all SSL connections as well, especially if it has the SSL scanning feature, as seen on here. In this case, you can turn off your antivirus software temporarily to verify it's the cause or not. Also, you can locate the SSL scanning feature and turn it off.
#3 Invalid Google Chrome's Cookies & Cached Files
According to reports from users, many of them have cleared all cookies, and cached files in Google Chrome and this irritating error was gone. So, it could be caused by invalid cookies or cached files. To fix it, simply clean up all those details. Besides, resetting your Google Chrome would be helpful, but make sure you have backed up bookmarks and saved passwords. Otherwise, all those details will be deleted. You can also use Google Sync to back up those critical details.
#4 Expired SSL Certificates
Turning a website into HTTPS is to make it more secure and protect users' information. Benefits of HTTPS are real, but you also need to purchase SSL certificate to make your website work in the HTTPS version. In some cases, if the owner of the website forgot to renew the SSL certificate, you will get this error when visiting it. In this case, there is nothing you can do to get rid of it, except notify to website owner, as well as bypass it by clicking on the "Proceed" link.
#5 Invalid SSL Certificate Setup
If the website owner set up SSL certificate in wrong way, there is no way to access the HTTPS version correctly. Subsequently, you always get this error every time you access that website.
Alongside those solutions above, you can also turn off your firewall to get rid of this error (if it was caused this error). Just need to turn it off temporarily to test and then turn it on.
To turn this error message off in Google Chrome for temporary, you can add the --ignore-certificate-errors tag in the shortcut. Source
Do not forget to edit your hosts file. Also there are some problems with your virtual config file.
Try this.
In your hosts file localhost kolabo.dev
::1 localhost kolabo.dev
In virtual config
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/public"
ServerAdmin admin#localhost
ServerName kolabo.dev
ServerAlias kolabo.dev
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/public">
Allow from all
Require all granted
I’m new to SSO and trying to set up simplesamlphp on an existing Windows, PHP/MySQL server. I have installed the latest version of simplesamlphp, and followed the configuration instructions on the simplesaml.org site, including setting up the VirtualHost in the Apache config file, setting the basurlpath, auth.password, secretsalt and technical contact info in the simplesaml config file. At this point, I am able to load the frontpage_federation.php page, but when I try to log in as administrator, the process times out. I get an error message saying the site can’t be reached, and the site took too long to respond. Has anyone experienced this before & can you give me some ideas on what mistake(s) I am making in my configuration?
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName service.example.corp:8080
DocumentRoot G:/localhost/simplesamlphp/www/service.example.corp
SetEnv SIMPLESAMLPHP_CONFIG_DIR G:/localhost/simplesamlphp/config
Alias /simplesaml G:/localhost/simplesamlphp/www
<Directory G:/localhost/simplesamlphp/www>
Require all granted
'baseurlpath' => 'https://service.example.corp:8080/simplesaml/',
I'm guessing that something goes wrong in redirecting you after you've entered credentials and that you end up on a URL without that port number. Your browser's web development toolbar, or the excellent SAML Tracer browser extension, should be able to confirm what requests are sent to what exact URLs. That will likely help to pinpoint your problem.
I am not so into PHP and I have the following problem.
After that I reinstalled XAMPP each time that I access to a website containing a form into the form field I have something like this:
The warning message says something like that "the connection is not secure. The inserted credential could be vulnerable."
And in the browser URL bar I can see something like:
In this case my application is under a virtual host configured in this way into the C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/BeTrivius-Panda"
ServerName panda.dev
I really don't know if I have to put something related the certificate also into the virtual host configuration or if there could be something else missconfigured on my Apache.
What could be the problem? What am I missing? How can I try to solve it?
Chrome and Firefox are alerting, if there is no HTTPS, in the newest versions on pages with a login form.
To avoid this, you have to create a Self Signed SSL Certificate and enable SSL in your XAMPP Installation.
You will need to create a self-signed SSL cert and enable SSL in XAMPP.
Here's a great resource
It's a browser feature. Signing in on in-secure websites (websites without SSL/https) gives you that alert.
Doesn't have anything to do with php.
I have a strange problem. I have a website, running on an Ubuntu 16.04 server, with Apache 2.4.18. In the beginning of the developer, I can only access the site in the Local Network, from my computer. I edit my hosts file to access:
< Local Server Ip > < Website Url >
For example: test.website.com
And I could access the site without problem. But now, the site needs to be visible from outside our LAN, in other words, from internet. So, the guys from Networks add our public IP and the Domain DNS and the subdomain of the site. This is where the problem is.
Sometimes, when I try to access the site from outside, from my cellphone or in my house, the site is displayed correctly, without problem (with some styles problem, but that is other theme). But, sometimes, I think 7 of 10 times, the site is not displayed, and shows me the Apache "It Works!" page instead. Local, I still see the site correctly, but from external, the problem persists.
I tested in the server, checking the access_log of the site. I see that when the site is displayed correctly, in the log is printed the http request:
"GET / HTTP/1.1" 200
But, when it throws at me the "It Works!" page, the log does not show me anything.
So, I have two theories:
1) Sometimes, the requests is sent to other server.
2) Sometimes, the requests reach my server, but with other request different to my site (for example, other url), If it is possible in any way.
Does someone know how can I verify and fix this? Some recommendations or guide for what could be happening?
From your comments:
#alanlittle: I don´t have a general access log, how can I enable it? (To be honest, I did not know that I could). About mod_rewrite, well, it is displayed in the Loaded Modules entries of phpinfo(), Is it could be cause of something?
#Ray O'Donnell: Here is my virtualhost example of the cofiguration:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/inetpub/test.website.com
ServerName test.website.com
ServerAdmin eliacim.davila#xxxxxxx.xxx
ErrorLog "${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/test-error.log"
CustomLog "${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/test-access.log" common
<Directory /var/inetpub/test.website.com>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Content"
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
# Require all granted
#Jeff Puckett II: We don´t have a load balancer (As Far As I Know). I run the nslookup command, and it show me this:
Server: b.resolvers.Level13.net
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: test.website.com
Address: 189.219.xx.xxx (NOTE: Our Public IP)
I'm trying to create a copy of an existing Magento website on my localhost for developing purposes.
I followed all the steps listed here: Copy ec2 files to local
I also created a fake domain for my localhost so that there’s a “.” in it as I read somewhere this is required by magento. So now my localhost fake URL is something like: www.mysite.local
I have XAMPP installed on OS X 10.9.1 and I placed the magento filesystem as follows:
In the database I added the local URL as follows:
update core_config_data
set value = ‘http://www.mysite.local/’
where config_id = 6;
and on local.xml I entered the following parameters:
where localhost is just localhost, myusername is the username for the db I restored on my local XAMPP server, mypassword is the password for that same db, mydatabase is the name of the same db.
Still, when I browse to www.mysite.local/magento/ or www.mysite.local I don’t see anything appear.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you so much!
If you're using a local server, here's some basic trouble shooting to help you debug:
Firstly, is the local server active? Can you visit http://localhost without it displaying server not found? If you can't, your local server is most not running. Try firing up xampp and launching Apache.
Secondly, it seems you're trying to create a virtual host for your local server. That's great! Virtual hosts allow you to create individual URLs for projects on the same server. E.g. http://myproject.dev.
However, you first need to make sure that the server understands what you're doing.
You will need to create a virtual host in your server if you haven't already.
I see you're using xampp. What you need to do is navigate to your xampp install, and edit your apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf file, which is the file xampp recommends you use solely for virtual hosts.
Reading: Setting Up Virtual Hosts for XAMPP
For example, in Apache, a hosts config file may look like this:
# Base
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "X:/"
ServerName localhost
# Project - Some Project of Mine
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "X:/projects/myproject/public"
ServerName myproject.dev
ErrorLog X:/projects/myproject/logs/apache.error.log
CustomLog X:/projects/myproject/logs/apache.access.log common
php_value error_log X:/projects/myproject/logs/php.error.log
(navigating to myproject.dev displays the files in my X:/projects/myproject/public directory)
This answer is not to explain virtual hosts to you however. There are plenty of amazing resources online to help you get started with setting up your own.
Don't forget to restart your server when you add a virtual host!
If this is already set up, is your computer's hosts file set up to point to your server?
Your hosts file on your computer is used to tell it to do certain actions when you enter a matching url in your browser.
Reading: The Hosts File and what it can do for you
Reading: How to Edit Your Hosts File
For example, using the apache conf file settings above, my hosts file must also include:
# My project - Localhost myproject.dev
It tells my computer to send the request to my local server (at localhost) when I use the URL myproject.dev. The local server then picks up the request, sees that you're accessing myproject.dev and checks if it has any virtual hosts matching that name. Well, whaddya know, it does! It then looks at the DocumentRoot setting for the location of the server files, and continues the process. Think of your hosts file as a local DNS of sorts.
If you've just added the site to your hosts file, it may take a few minutes to start resolving correctly. Wait a little, clear your browser cache and try again.
Finally, if these steps are done, and you're receiving nothing, it may be a server configuration problem, or a .htaccess issue.
If you're running on windows, you can check your event log for apache server errors. If you have set up logging on the virtual host, you can check those files to see if it's picking up your requests, and what it's doing with them if it is.
Most issues after that point will at least yield a visible error in your browser (or a blank page).
I hope this helps!
Also checking the magento error logs could tell you what the issue is, assuming it's actually hitting magento at all at this point.
As Sean mentioned above, one of the most common problems I've seen when copying a magento site is accidentally omitting the .htaccess file - make sure it's present in your site root.
If you tested your site before making the change to core_config_data, then you can also try deleting everything in var/cache and var/session. Also make sure that the web user has write permissions on var.
Virtual host not working in the NETWORK
I just followed this site tutorial,
Virtual host steps
The tutorial was excellent but when I try this alias URL in another system, its not working. I have checked in my other system, I am able to see my application, after I did these changes I am not able to see my application on the other system.
I have even changed Allow from 127.0.0 to all but that is not working.
My C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf
This what I added
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster#developertalk
DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www/developertalk"
ServerName developertalk
ServerAlias www.developertalk
ErrorLog "logs/developertalk-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/developertalk-access.log" common
<directory "C:/wamp/www/developertalk">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride all
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from all
When hitting URL in another system, getting following error:
Server not found
In my local host i am having 3 web application.
Due to above changes my local host other sites not working.
How to make it work other sites.
You need to use local DNS to say every PC in Your network, that You have on Your PC host 'myApp', also You can add to every client's hosts file something like myapp where Your static IP in network
For every computer you want to have access to http://developertalk, you need to edit the Hosts file in each one.
Located at (xp/win7): C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
You need to add only 1 line on every computer.
(your static internal ip) www.developertalk
example: www.developertalk
you can check your internal ip address on your windows by opening cmd and typing ipconfig.
Look for the IPv4 address under the Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection column.
If you don't request or assign a static internal IP to your computer, others will not be able to connect to http://developertalk which was forwarded to your old internal IP.
Egor Sazanovich has actually answered your question and provided you with extra information, so accept his instead of this one, if this helped at all.