CSV Data not Writing to Database, SuiteCRM, Custom Import Script - php

I'm writing a custom import script for SuiteCRM and I'm getting the error:
Warning: array_combine() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean
given in /var/www/html/afscmedbv5test/custom/wimporter/newimporter.php
on line 162
My Script is as follows:
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die ('Not a Valid Entry Point!');
$date = new DateTime();
echo '<H2>Wilderness Import Started</h2>';
echo $date->format('r').'<br>';
echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------------
function var_dump_ret($mixed = null) {
$content = ob_get_contents();
return $content;
function time_elapsed()
static $first = null;
static $previous = null;
$now = microtime(true);
if ($first == null) $first = $now;
if ($previous != null)
echo '--- Partial ' . round(($now - $previous), 2) . ', Total ' . round(($now
- $first), 2) . ' ---'; // 109s
$ret = round(($now - $previous), 2);
$previous = $now;
return $ret;
function myLog ($str2log)
file_put_contents('./zlog_'.date("j.n.Y").'.txt', date("H:i:s", time())."
".$str2log.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
function calcDelta($a1, $a2)
//combine into a nice associative array:
foreach ($a1 as $key=>$value)
if ($a1[$key] != $a2->$key)
$delta[] = array($key => ("Was ". $a1[$key]. ", became " . $a2->$key));
$num = count($data);
if (empty($a1)) $delta[] = array("a1" => ("Was empty"));
if (empty($a2)) $delta[] = array("a2" => ("Was empty"));
return $delta;
function fillPerson($record, &$person)
// $record is what is being imported from CSV
// $person is the bean about to be filled and going into the SuitCRM DB. It
may be new or not, depending on whether it exists in the DB previously.
// name: only updates if not existant yet, because it's the key we use for
search, and because names are more complex with parts
if ($person->full_name_c == "") {
$recordname = $record["FULL NAME"]; // != "") ? $record["FULL NAME"] : "
//echo $prefix;
$recordname = str_replace(" ", " ", $recordname);
echo $recordname;
$parts = explode(" ", $recordname);
$person->last_name = array_pop($parts);
$person->first_name = $parts[0];
$person->name = $person->first_name . " " . $person->last_name;
$person->full_name_c = $record["FULL NAME"]; // custom field created in
//$datanasc = DateTime::createFromFormat('!m/d/Y', $record["PPE"]);
// $datasnasc->setTime(0, 0);
// $person->ppe_date_c = ($datanasc == false) ? "" : $datanasc->format('m-d-
//$person->ppe_date_c = $record["PPE"];
// finish by making a complete analysis of what changed:
return calcDelta($person->fetched_row, $person);
function GetOrCreateMember ($the_name)
//Check if the fullname is null
if ($the_name != "")
$person = BeanFactory::getBean("locte_Members");
$person = $person->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('full_name_c' =>
if (is_null($person))
//get members bean
$person = BeanFactory::newBean("locte_Members");
//set full_name_c to the_name variable
$person->full_name_c = $the_name;
// $person->lcl_employee_id = $personEmployeeID;
$person_name = str_replace(" ", " ", $the_name);
$parts = explode(" ", $person_name);
$person->last_name = array_pop($parts);
$person->first_name = $parts[0];
//combine first and last name to populate the fullname field
$person->name = $person->first_name . " " . $person->last_name;
$person_id = $person->save();
// add new duespayment to member record
// $rosterDuesPayments = BeanFactory::getBean('Dues Payments')-
>retrieve_by_string_fields(array('name'=> $duesEmployeeID));
// $person->load_relationship('locte_Members_adues_dues'); //confirm
relationship name in cache
// $person->dues_payments->add($rosterDuesPayments->id);
return $person;
return null;
function WildernessImportJob()
$GLOBALS['log']->info('Wilderness Import');
$config = new Configurator();
$xmlDataDir = 'custom/wimporter/ToImport'; //$config->config['WildernessImporter_DataFilePath'];
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Wilderness Import: Scanning XML Data dir $xmlDataDir...");
echo("<h3>Wilderness Import: Scanning XML Data dir $xmlDataDir...<br /></h3>");
$directoryContent = scandir($xmlDataDir);
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Wilderness Import: Scanning XML Data dir $xmlDataDir... [Found " . count($directoryContent) . " files]");
echo("<h3>Wilderness Import: Scanning XML Data dir $xmlDataDir... [Found " . count($directoryContent) . " files]</h3><br />");
foreach ($directoryContent as $itemFile)
if (is_dir($xmlDataDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $itemFile)) continue;
if (strcasecmp(substr($itemFile, -4), ".csv") != 0) continue;
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Wilderness Import: Processing $itemFile file...");
myLog("Wilderness Import: Processing $itemFile file...");
echo("<h4>Wilderness Import: Processing $itemFile file...</h4>");
$oFile = fopen($xmlDataDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $itemFile, 'r');
if ($oFile !== FALSE)
// read entire file at once:
// expected separator is ",", expected encoding is UTF-8 without BOM (BOM is 3 weird characters in beginning of file)
while (($data[] = fgetcsv($oFile, 0, ',')) !== FALSE) { }
echo('File opened..... <br /> <br />');
//combine into a nice associative array:
echo('Building CSV File Row Array <br /><br />');
$fields = array_shift($data);
echo('Building CSV Header Fields Array as shown below:<strong> <br /><br />');
echo implode(", ", $fields) . "</strong><br /><br />\n";
foreach ($data as $i=>$arow)
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Wilderness Import: array_combine " . $i);
$data[$i] = array_combine($fields, $arow);
unset($arow); // **********************************************! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !! !
$num = count($data);
echo('Build Full Array of Roster to be Imported Complete. Entries to be imported are shown below <br /><br />');
for ($row=0; $row < $num - 1 ; $row++)
{ // normal bounds: from 0 to $num
//$num is the number of lines including header in csv file
echo "<strong>Filename: $itemFile | Roster Import, Row" . ($row + 1) . ":</strong><br />\n";
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Wilderness Import: Importing " . $data[$row]["FULL NAME"]);
// echo("<strong>Importing Roster Row #: ". ($row + 1) . "<br />" . "Local Number " . $data[$row]["AFFILIATE"] . "<br />" . "Employee: " . $data[$row]["FULL NAME"] . "</strong><br /><br />");
echo "<strong><table>\n";
foreach ($fields as $field) {
//echo "<tr><td>" . $field . "</td><td>" . $data[$row][$field] . "</td><td>" . $data[$row+1][$field] . "</td><td>" . $data[$row+2][$field] . "</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "File Row Data: ";
echo implode(", ", $data[$row]) . "</strong><br /><br />\n";
$Member = BeanFactory::getBean("locte_Members");
//$myfield_defs = $Member->getFieldDefinitions(); // just to help while developing
//foreach($myfield_defs as $def) echo $def["name"] . "<br />\n";
$Member=$Member->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('full_name_c' => $data[$row]["FULL NAME"]));
if (is_null($Member)) {
$Member = BeanFactory::newBean("locte_Members");
$delta = fillPerson($data[$row], $Member, ""); //->full_name_c, "FULL NAME");
if (count($delta)) {
$Member_id = $Member->save();
// Records have been saved: from this point on, only work on relationships:
$GLOBALS['log']->info('End: Wilderness Import');
myLog('End: Wilderness Import');
return true;
} catch (Exception $e)
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Wilderness Import: Exception " . $e->getMessage());
myLog("Wilderness Import: Exception " . $e->getMessage());
echo '\n\nCaught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
return false;
It does return info from both the database and the csv file.
Image of error below.
Error - Capture from browser
Help always appreciated :)

This script is throwing error because the parameter $arow given to array_combine is not an array. So a check should be there to check whether $arow is an array or not.
Try code following:
foreach ($data as $i => $arow) {
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Wilderness Import: array_combine " . $i);
if (is_array($arow)) {
$data[$i] = array_combine($fields, $arow);
Read more about array_combine
Code you are using to read csv need to be changed. Second parameter in fgetcsv must be greater than the longest line (in characters) to be found in the CSV file. So replace code
while (($data[] = fgetcsv($oFile, 0, ', ')) !== FALSE) {
while (($data[] = fgetcsv($oFile, 10, ', ')) !== FALSE) {
Read more about fgetcsv

This block is doing the saving of records using the beanfactory.... I think :|
$Member = BeanFactory::getBean("locte_Members");
//$myfield_defs = $Member->getFieldDefinitions(); // just to help while developing
//foreach($myfield_defs as $def) echo $def["name"] . "<br />\n";
$Member=$Member->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('full_name_c' => $data[$row]["FULL NAME"]));
if (is_null($Member)) {
$Member = BeanFactory::newBean("locte_Members");
$delta = fillPerson($data[$row], $Member->full_name_c, "FULL NAME");
if (count($delta)) {
$Member_id = $Member->save();
// Records have been saved: from this point on, only work on relationships:
Here's the output of the script in the browser with field definition dump
Wilderness Import Started
Tue, 19 Jun 2018 02:05:56 -0400
Wilderness Import: Scanning XML Data dir custom/wimporter/ToImport...
Wilderness Import: Scanning XML Data dir custom/wimporter/ToImport... [Found 3 files]
Wilderness Import: Processing L1554v4.csv file...
File opened.....
Building CSV File Row Array
Building CSV Header Fields Array as shown below:
Build Full Array of Roster to be Imported Complete. Entries to be imported are shown below
Filename: L1554v4.csv | Roster Import, Row1:
--- Partial 0.01, Total 0.01 ---


Scrape E-Mails using IMAP without Exceeding Bandwidth

I have the following code which works great to do what it is meant to do. It scrapes bodys of all e-mails in the inbox at an e-mail address using IMAP and retrieves the unique code sent inside the body and stores it in a database with the amount paid. I'm hoping to make it so when a user purchases something they can send an Interac e-transfer and then enter the code that both of us receive via e-mail in the website and it will apply the credit of the e-transfer to their account/purchase.
However; after setting it up on a cron job to cycle every few minutes so the content in the database stays fresh it eventually exceeds the bandwidth for the account within a day or so (not positive on how long it took but it didn't take long). Now, like I said the code works it's just very resource intensive apparently.
I do not pipe the script because the e-mail account has already been set up a while ago and we do use the account for other e-transfers which I review manually for other transactions.
Is there anyway to clean it up so it works the same but uses less resources/bandwidth?
Would it be better to run it when a user enters their payment code? Depending on the number of users running it this could also lead to bandwidth troubles.
Is there any improvements or what ideas do you have?
define("MAX_EMAIL_COUNT", $_POST['maxcount']);
/* took from https://gist.github.com/agarzon/3123118 */
function extractEmail($content) {
$regexp = '/([a-z0-9_\.\-])+\#(([a-z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-z0-9]{2,4})+/i';
preg_match_all($regexp, $content, $m);
return isset($m[0]) ? $m[0] : array ();
function getAddressText(&$emailList, &$nameList, $addressObject) {
$emailList = '';
$nameList = '';
foreach ($addressObject as $object) {
$emailList .= ';';
if (isset($object->personal)) {
$emailList .= $object->personal;
$nameList .= ';';
if (isset($object->mailbox) && isset($object->host)) {
$nameList .= $object->mailbox . "#" . $object->host;
$emailList = ltrim($emailList, ';');
$nameList = ltrim($nameList, ';');
function processMessage($mbox, $messageNumber) {
global $db;
// get imap_fetch header and put single lines into array
$header = imap_rfc822_parse_headers(imap_fetchheader($mbox, $messageNumber));
$timestamp = strtotime($header->Date);
$fromEmailList = '';
$fromNameList = '';
if (isset($header->from)) {
getAddressText($fromEmailList, $fromNameList, $header->from);
$toEmailList = '';
$toNameList = '';
if (isset($header->to)) {
getAddressText($toEmailList, $toNameList, $header->to);
$body = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $messageNumber, 1);
//echo "<pre>".print_r($body,true)."</pre>";
/* Find Reference Number */
//echo "<pre style='background-color: #A2A2A2; border: 1px solid black'>$body</pre>";
$searchfor = 'Reference Number';
// get the file contents, assuming the file to be readable (and exist)
$contents = $body;
// escape special characters in the query
$pattern = preg_quote($searchfor, '/');
// finalise the regular expression, matching the whole line
$pattern = "/^.*$pattern.*\$/m";
// search, and store all matching occurences in $matches
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches)){
$reference = trim(str_replace('Reference Number : ','',$matches[0][0]));
/* Find Amount Paid */
//echo "<pre style='background-color: #A2A2A2; border: 1px solid black'>$body</pre>";
$searchfor = 'has sent you a money transfer for the amount of';
// get the file contents, assuming the file to be readable (and exist)
$contents = $body;
// escape special characters in the query
$pattern = preg_quote($searchfor, '/');
// finalise the regular expression, matching the whole line
$pattern = "/^.*$pattern.*\$/m";
// search, and store all matching occurences in $matches
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches)){
$amount = trim(preg_replace("/[^0-9\.]/", "",$matches[0][0]),'.');
$bodyEmailList = implode(';', extractEmail($body));
// Delete all messages older than one year (31557600 seconds). Divide it by two for six months.
if($timestamp < time()-31557600) {
if(imap_delete($mbox,$messageNumber)) {
/*echo "<strong>";
print_r($messageNumber . ' , ' . date("F j, Y g:i A",$timestamp).' , ' . 'Deleted' . "\n");
echo "</strong>";*/
else {
if(!empty($reference) && !empty($amount)) {
if($fromNameList == "catch#payments.interac.ca" && $toNameList!='etransfers#example.com') {
$query = "SELECT * FROM `".$db->prefix."payments_etransfer` WHERE `reference_id` = '".$reference."'";
$select = $db->select($query);
if($db->num_rows($select) > 0) {
else {
$do = $db->insert_sql("INSERT INTO `".$db->prefix."payments_etransfer` SET
`email_id` = '".$messageNumber."',
`timestamp` = '".$timestamp."',
`reference_id` = '".$reference."',
`amount` = '".$amount."',
`sender` = '".$fromEmailList."'");
if($do) {
else {
echo "Error<br><blockquote><pre>";
print_r($messageNumber . ',' . $timestamp. ',' . $reference . ',$' . $amount .
',' . $fromEmailList . ',' . $fromNameList
. ',' . $toEmailList . ',' . $toNameList
. ',' . $bodyEmailList . "\n"
echo "</pre></blockquote>";
// imap_timeout(IMAP_OPENTIMEOUT, 300);
// Open pop mailbox
if (!$mbox = imap_open($_POST['mailbox'], $_POST['login'], $_POST['password'])) {
die('Cannot connect/check pop mail! Exiting');
if ($hdr = imap_check($mbox)) {
$msgCount = $hdr->Nmsgs;
} else {
echo "Failed to get mail";
/* echo "<pre>";
echo 'emails count=' . $msgCount . "\n\n\n";
echo "record number,from emails list,from names list,to emails list, to names list,extracted from body\n";
/* might improve performance according to
for ($X = $msgCount; $X > 0; $X--) {
if($X > 0) {
processMessage($mbox, $X);
/*echo "</pre>";*/

Why is do while loop creating/overwriting 2 separate arrays

I have the following code that is overwriting my array on the second pass through of the while loop.
Here is my code:
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once 'constants/constants.php';
use net\authorize\api\contract\v1 as AnetAPI;
use net\authorize\api\controller as AnetController;
define("AUTHORIZENET_LOG_FILE", "phplog");
function getUnsettledTransactionList()
//get orders that are in the exp status
$orders_pending_query = tep_db_query("select orders_id as invoice_number from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_status = '14' order by invoice_number");
$orders_pending = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($orders_pending_query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$orders_pending[] = $row;
/* Create a merchantAuthenticationType object with authentication details
retrieved from the constants file */
$merchantAuthentication = new AnetAPI\MerchantAuthenticationType();
// Set the transaction's refId
$refId = 'ref' . time();
$pagenum = 1;
do {
$request = new AnetAPI\GetUnsettledTransactionListRequest();
$paging = new AnetAPI\PagingType;
$controller = new AnetController\GetUnsettledTransactionListController($request);
$response = $controller->executeWithApiResponse(\net\authorize\api\constants\ANetEnvironment::PRODUCTION);
$transactionArray = array();
$resulttrans = array();
if (($response != null) && ($response->getMessages()->getResultCode() == "Ok")) {
if (null != $response->getTransactions()) {
foreach ($response->getTransactions() as $tx) {
$transactionArray[] = array(
'transaction_id' => $tx->getTransId(),
'invoice_number' => $tx->getInvoiceNumber()
// echo "TransactionID: " . $tx->getTransId() . "order ID:" . $tx->getInvoiceNumber() . "Amount:" . $tx->getSettleAmount() . "<br/>";
$invoiceNumbers = array_column($orders_pending, "invoice_number");
$result = array_filter($transactionArray, function ($x) use ($invoiceNumbers) {
return in_array($x["invoice_number"], $invoiceNumbers);
$resulttrans = array_column($result, "transaction_id");
} else {
echo "No unsettled transactions for the merchant." . "\n";
} else {
echo "ERROR : Invalid response\n";
$errorMessages = $response->getMessages()->getMessage();
echo "Response : " . $errorMessages[0]->getCode() . " " . $errorMessages[0]->getText() . "\n";
$numResults = (int) $response->getTotalNumInResultSet();
} while ($numResults === 1000);
return $resulttrans;
the print_r($resulttrans); is actually printing 2 separate arrays, instead of my desired 1 array.
If I move the print_r($resulttrans) to after the while loop, I am only seeing the second array, meaning the first array was overwritten. I am not seeing where this is happening though as to me it seems like all results should be added onto the array.
Your code is supposed to work as you described because you are reassigning the array variable in your loop like this
$resulttrans = array_column($result, "transaction_id");
If you need to get all the resulting values in the same array you need to append it to the array. you can do that by merging the new result into your array variable like this
$resulttrans = array_merge($resulttrans, array_column($result, "transaction_id"));

How to compare data from two tables

I have two database (mysql) with the same structure. I want to:
compare data in two table. Table one - home and the second work,
send email with results,
update data in table work.
My query:
select id, code, quantity from wpx_products
I run this query in table home and work (two databases). And this is output:
"3";"home 005-07";"2"
"63";"home 033-12";"2"
"15";"home 005-19";"2"
and from work:
"1";"work 005-07";"2"
"2";"work 033-12";"5"
"3";"work 005-19";"2"
What I want to do ? What I mean by "compare" ? I want find record with excluding tag work or home in column 'code'. For example I want to find 033-12 and check quantity. If the difference copy value from home to work.
In first second I want to use trigger in mysql. But this is not solution for me because I cant run it by myself and I can't send email with results. What is the best way to achieve this functionality ? Thanks for help.
Kind regards
I check this code below (thanks #AntG). And I have one problem. When I print
foreach ($result_target AS $target) {
$code_target = substr($target['code'], 4);
if ($code_source === $code_target) {
if ($source['quantity'] !== $target['quantity']) {
print $source['quantity'] .' -> ' . $target['quantity']."<br /><br />";
$match[] = array('code' => $source['code'], 'quantity' => $source['quantity'], 'targetid' => $target['id'], 'sourceid' => $source['id']);
$found = true;
I have this results: http://suszek.info/projekt1/ Like You see there is 50 values. When I print $match there is much more, duplicated value and I don't know why ?
$msg = '';
foreach ($match AS $entry) {
$msg .= 'Change identified: Home_ID=' . $entry['sourceid'] . ' code: ' . $entry['code'] . ' quantity:' . $entry['quantity'] . PHP_EOL . '<br />';
print $msg;
/* Perform DB updates using $entry['targetid'] and $entry['quantity'] */
I have this results: http://suszek.info/projekt1/index_1.php And all code:
$match = array(); $new = array();
foreach ($result_source AS $source) {
$found = false;
$code_source = substr($source['code'], 4);
foreach ($result_target AS $target) {
$code_target = substr($target['code'], 4);
if ($code_source === $code_target) {
if ($source['quantity'] !== $target['quantity']) {
print $source['quantity'] .' -> ' . $target['quantity']."<br /><br />";
$match[] = array('code' => $source['code'], 'quantity' => $source['quantity'], 'targetid' => $target['id'], 'sourceid' => $source['id']);
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$new[] = array('code' => $source['code'], 'quantity' => $source['quantity'], 'sourceid' => $source['id']);
} } $msg = ''; foreach ($match AS $entry) {
$msg .= 'Change identified: Home_ID=' . $entry['sourceid'] . ' code: ' . $entry['code'] . ' quantity:' . $entry['quantity'] . PHP_EOL
. '<br />';
print $msg;
/* Perform DB updates using $entry['targetid'] and $entry['quantity'] */ }
foreach ($new AS $entry) {
$msg .= 'New Entry: Home_ID=' . $entry['sourceid'] . ' code: ' . $entry['code'] . ' quantity:' . $entry['quantity'] . PHP_EOL . '<br
#print $msg;
/* Perform DB inserts using $entry['code'] and $entry['quantity'] if this is desired behaviour */ }
/* Send email with $msg */
If you are capturing both query results in a $results array, then I think substr() is the PHP function that you are after here:
foreach($results_home AS $home)
foreach($results_work AS $work)
foreach($match AS $entry)
$msg.='Change identified: Home_ID='.$entry['homeid'].' code: '.$entry['code'].' quantity:'.$entry['quantity'].PHP_EOL;
/* Perform DB updates using $entry['workid'] and $entry['quantity'] */
foreach($new AS $entry)
$msg.='New Entry: Home_ID='.$entry['homeid'].' code: '.$entry['code'].' quantity:'.$entry['quantity'].PHP_EOL;
/* Perform DB inserts using $entry['code'] and $entry['quantity'] if this is desired behaviour */
/* Send email with $msg */

How to get attribute values of an object stored in $_SESSION?

I have this code that store a "student" object in $_SESSION:
if(isset($_POST["name"]) && isset($_POST["note"]) && isset($_POST["year"]))
$nom = $_POST["name"];
$note = $_POST["note"];
$session = $_POST["year"];
$vec = array("name" => $name, "note" => $note, "year" => $year);
$_SESSION["students"][] = $vec;
echo "The student has been added.<br><br>";
Then I have this code in another page:
function calculateAverage()
$av = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach($_SESSION['students'] as $student)
$av = $av + $student["note"];
$count = $count + 1;
return $av / $count;
function bestNote()
//$best = array_search(max())
return $best;
function worstNote()
$worst = min(array_search(["note"], $_SESSION['students']));
return $worst;
echo "The average note of the group is = " . calculateAverage() . "\n";
echo "The one with the best note is " . bestNote()["name"] . " is " . hauteNote()["note"] . " points.\n";
echo "The one with the worst note is " . worstNote()["name"] . " with " . basseNote()["note"] . " points.\n";
As you can see, it is not finished. What I want to do is to be able to get the note of a student that is stored in $_SESSION["students"]. How can I do this?
Thanks for answers.
you can access the stored values within a nested array like so:
$studentNote = $_SESSION["students"][YourActiveStudent]["note"];
However, you are currently not adding but overwriting data. Use array_push() to add data to an array (your students).
And when adding a student to the array, make sure to give it a name to make it associative so you can simply "call a student":
$_SESSION["students"][$nom] = $vec;
this way, if the $nom was "Max", you could say
to get Max's note (BTW, I assume you are talking about grades or marks, rather than notes?)

php array not saved in object

I do not understand fully why this PHP code is not saving the data in the arrays. when I echo out the array during the while loop, the values are set but after I exit the loop, the values in the array are missing. The other variables did contain their values after leaving the array.
public $year;
public $month;
public $day = array();
public $views = array();
$viewdatabase = array();
$connection = MySQL_Connection($host, Session_Get("username"), Session_Get("password"), $database);
$dayviewindex = 0; $monthyearindex = 0; $previousmonth = "";
$information = MySQL_Script($connection, "SELECT * FROM viewdatabase");
while ($index = mysqli_fetch_array($information)) {
if ($index["month"] != $previousmonth) {
$viewdatabase[$monthyearindex] = new VIEWARRAY;
$viewdatabase[$monthyearindex]->year = $index["year"];
$viewdatabase[$monthyearindex]->month = $index["month"];
$dayviewindex = 0;
$previousmonth = $index["month"];
$viewdatabase[$monthyearindex]->day[$dayviewindex] = $index["day"];
$viewdatabase[$monthyearindex]->views[$dayviewindex] = $index["views"];
//testing area
echo "->" . $viewdatabase[0]->year . " + " . $viewdatabase[0]->month . "<br />"; //prints out ->2013 + 8
echo "------>" . $viewdatabase[0]->day[2] . " + " . $viewdatabase[0]->views[2] . "<br />"; //prints out ------> +
echo count($viewdatabase[0]->views) . "<br />"; //prints out 0
echo count($viewdatabase[1]->views) . "<br />"; //prints out 0
I made sure that I was able to connect to my database just fine and that my database did return information. This is how my database is setup
year month day views
2013 8 25 1
2013 8 26 1
2013 8 27 1
2013 9 3 1
At first run, after if ($index["month"] != $previousmonth), $monthyearindex will be 1.
That means you'll next try to access $viewdatabase[1] but it's NULL.
On the next iteration you won't enter the if, $monthyearindex will be 1, and $viewdatabase[1] will still be NULL.
So you never actually get to set anything in day and views.
if ($index["month"] !== $previousmonth) {
instead of
if ($index["month"] != $previousmonth) {
, because
0 == ''
, but
0 !== ''
. Because,
$index['month'] != ''
, your if statement fails.
