In PHP, I have learned that to be able to get values from an object is to do something like this:
However, for the data below, how will I be able to get the name "NO_1"?
Since its in an array, I want to be able to extract the data in it, and I'm thinking of getting the name of it first.
"NO_1": [
"NUMBER": 1,
"NUMBER": 2,
"NO_2": [
"NUMBER": 3,
"NUMBER": 4,
Any ideas?
There are two ways to get this. Either you can access direct index or iterate the loop to get all the members. Below is the example you can apply checks for error handling while accessing array indexes.
$json = '{
"NO_1": [
"NUMBER": 1,
"NUMBER": 2,
"NO_2": [
"NUMBER": 3,
"NUMBER": 4,
$arr = json_decode($json,TRUE);
echo $arr['SAMPLE'][0]['NO_1'][0]['RESULT'][0]['F_NAME']; // Direct access
foreach ($arr as $key => $result){ // iterate in loop
foreach ($result as $key => $no) {
foreach ($no['NO_1'] as $key => $res) {
foreach ($res['RESULT'] as $key => $name) {
echo $name['F_NAME'];
This question already has answers here:
How to group subarrays by a column value?
(20 answers)
PHP - Group Array by its Sub Array Value (Indexed Array)
(1 answer)
Closed 6 months ago.
i have this array in php json.
i have made it to sort array by first Characther.
but now i'm stuck on how to merge the data under the same title.
my response now is.
"title": "A",
"data": {
"id": "317",
"name": "Aesethetica"
"title": "A",
"data": {
"id": "318",
"name": "Astonos"
"title": "B",
"data": {
"id": "320",
"name": "Bourjois"
"title": "B",
"data": {
"id": "321",
"name": "Bioderma"
i need to merge all data under each same title.
something like this:
"title": "A",
"data": [
"id": "317",
"name": "Aesethetica"
"id": "318",
"name": "Astonos"
"title": "B",
"data": [
"id": "320",
"name": "Bourjois"
"id": "321",
"name": "Bioderma"
kindly help.
i got this now:
i made this update.. but still not the needed result.
this is my php code...
$result = [];
foreach ($data as $item) {
$firstLetter = substr($item['name'], 0, 1);
$result[] = [
'title' => $firstLetter = ctype_alnum($firstLetter) ? $firstLetter : '#',
'data' => $item
foreach ($result as $key => $item) {
$arr[$item['title']][$key] = $item;
and this is the result.
"A": [
"title": "A",
"data": {
"brand_id": "312",
"brand_name": "Adidsa"
"title": "A",
"data": {
"id": "314",
"name": "Adio"
still can't find make the needed response..
This is not perfomance optimized, but shows a simple solution.
Collect all data grouped by title, then reformat the array to your expected result.
$array = json_decode($json, true);
$collect = [];
foreach($array as $item) {
$collect[$item['title']][] = $item['data'];
$titles = [];
foreach($collect as $title => $data) {
$names = array_column($data, 'name');
array_multisort($names, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $data);
$titles[] = ['title' => $title, 'data' => $data];
echo json_encode($titles, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); results in
"title": "A",
"data": [
"id": "317",
"name": "Aesethetica"
"id": "318",
"name": "Astonos"
"title": "B",
"data": [
"id": "321",
"name": "Bioderma"
"id": "320",
"name": "Bourjois"
"status": true,
"data": [
"id": 2,
"name": "Algeria",
"country_code": "DZ",
"regions": [
"id": 2,
"country_id": 2,
"region_code": "RG01",
"depots": [
"id": 5,
"region_id": 2,
"depot_code": "DP04",
"depot_name": "North Depot",
"area": [
"id": 1,
"depot_id": 5,
"area_code": "AR1",
"area_name": "Area-1"
"id": 2,
"depot_id": 5,
"area_code": "AR2",
"area_name": "Area-2"
"id": 6,
"region_id": 2,
"depot_code": "DP06",
"depot_name": "east Depot",
"area": [
"id": 3,
"depot_id": 6,
"area_code": "AR3",
"area_name": "Area-3"
"id": 3,
"country_id": 2,
"region_code": "RG02",
"depots": []
i want to merge area into single array like
"area": [
"id": 1,
"depot_id": 5,
"area_code": "AR1",
"area_name": "Area-1"
"id": 2,
"depot_id": 5,
"area_code": "AR2",
"area_name": "Area-2"
"id": 3,
"depot_id": 6,
"area_code": "AR3",
"area_name": "Area-3"
i don't want to use multiple foreach.
thanks in advance.
You can use the following code to recursively iterate of all your structure and extract only data you need (by key). I assume $data has your original data structure and within $result you will get array of area:
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($data), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
$result = [];
foreach ($it as $k => $v) {
if ($k === 'area') {
$result = array_merge($result, $v);
I would not overcomplicate things, loop through you data structure. Add all areas to a collection. Prepare your data structure and i added a check to secure there is no duplicates with unique().
$data = 'your-data';
$areas = collect();
foreach($data->data as $country) {
foreach($country->regions as $region) {
foreach ($region->depots as $depot) {
$result = ['area' => $areas->unique('id')->all()];
This is my JSON Response came from an URL API. I use GuzzleHttp\Client and json_decode() inorder to manage.
"INDEX_ID": "0",
"NOTES": "0; Farming"
"INDEX_ID": "1",
"NOTES": "Fruit Name; List of Fruits;"
"INDEX_ID": "2",
"NOTES": "Apple"
"INDEX_ID": "3",
"NOTES": "Orange"
"INDEX_ID": "4",
"NOTES": "Grapes"
"INDEX_ID": "5",
"NOTES": "Mango"
"INDEX_ID": "6",
"NOTES": "Animal Name; List of Animal;"
"INDEX_ID": "7",
"NOTES": "Pig"
"INDEX_ID": "8",
"NOTES": "Goat"
"INDEX_ID": "9",
"NOTES": "Cow"
But I only need to save list of Fruits in my logfile. Can someone help me how to exclude the other json parameters and get only the particular json parameters using foreach loop or any method inorder to get that result.
I just want it to be like this:
"NOTE_NO." : "001",
"FRUITS": "Apple"
"FRUITS": "Orange"
"FRUITS": "Grapes"
"FRUITS": "Mango"
He're my codes so far:
$response_body = json_decode($json_response, true);
$json_new_param = [];
foreach ($response_body as $value) {
$json_new_param[] = [
'FRUITS' => $value['NOTES']
$header = [
'NOTE_NO.' => '001',
'LISTS_TO_BUY' => $json_new_param
echo json_encode($header);
$json_response is the response given above.
You might use array_reduce to return an array where the key will be the first word from the value using implode which has this structure: "NOTES": "Fruit Name; List of Fruits;". The key for this would then be "Fruits".
During the array_reduce keep track of the current key using a variable $currKey
At the end you could then get the data by using "FRUIT" (Which is the first word) as the array key: $response_body["FRUIT"]
$response_body = json_decode($json_response, true);
$currKey = "0";
$response_body = array_reduce($response_body, function ($carry, $item) use (&$currKey){
if (strpos($item['NOTES'], 'Name; List') !== false) {
$currKey = strtoupper(explode(" ", $item["NOTES"], 2)[0]);
return $carry;
$carry[$currKey][] = ["FRUITS" => $item["NOTES"]];
return $carry;
$result = [
"NOTE_NO" => "001",
"CATEGORY" => ($name = "FRUITS"),
"LISTS_TO_BUY" => $response_body["FRUIT"]
echo json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
That will result in:
"NOTE_NO": "001",
"FRUITS": "Apple"
"FRUITS": "Orange"
"FRUITS": "Grapes"
"FRUITS": "Mango"
Try this code .
$json_new_param = [];
$fruitFlag = false;
foreach ($response_body as $value) {
if(strpos($value['NOTES'],'Fruit Name') !== false){
$fruitFlag = true;
if(strpos($value['NOTES'],'Animal Name') !== false){
$fruitFlag = false;
if($fruitFlag == true){
$json_new_param[] = [
'FRUITS' => $value['NOTES']
echo json_encode($json_new_param, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
I have this array of object:
"id": 1,
"name": "Carbo",
"menus": [
"id": 33,
"name": "FloralWhite",
"image": {
"web": "",
"mobile": "",
"square": ""
"logs": {
"price": 2
"id": 40,
"name": "LightGray",
"image": {
"web": "",
"mobile": "",
"square": ""
"logs": {
"price": 2
What I want to achieve:
"id": 1,
"name": "Carbo",
"menus": [
"id": 33,
"name": "FloralWhite",
"image": {
"web": "",
"mobile": "",
"square": ""
"price": 2
"id": 40,
"name": "LightGray",
"image": {
"web": "",
"mobile": "",
"square": ""
"price": 2
I've tried using laravel collection flatten with depth but it fail
$data = collect($data->menus);
$data = $data->flatten(1);
How can I flatten the menus['logs'] object so it can one level with menu?
Something like this should do the trick. Simply iterate over your array, set the new property and remove the one you don't want.
$data = json_decode("[{
\"id\": 1,
\"name\": \"Carbo\",
\"menus\": [
\"id\": 33,
\"name\": \"FloralWhite\",
\"image\": {
\"web\": \"\",
\"mobile\": \"\",
\"square\": \"\"
\"logs\": {
\"price\": 2
\"id\": 40,
\"name\": \"LightGray\",
\"image\": {
\"web\": \"\",
\"mobile\": \"\",
\"square\": \"\"
\"logs\": {
\"price\": 2
foreach($data as $val){
foreach($val->menus as $menuVal){
$menuVal->price = $menuVal->logs->price;
#Stefen Suhat i really don't know what is the syntax for laravel but i did it with a simple php foreach() hope this will help you, as your array's depth is long so i had gone to all the levels of your array, check code and output snippet here
try below one:
$array = array(
"id"=> 1,
"name"=> "Carbo",
"menus"=> array(
"id"=> 33,
"name"=> "FloralWhite",
"image"=> array(
"web"=> "https=>//",
"mobile"=> "https=>//",
"square"=> "https=>//"
"logs"=> array(
"price"=> 2
"id"=> 40,
"name"=> "LightGray",
"image"=> array(
"web"=> "https=>//",
"mobile"=> "https=>//",
"square"=> "https=>//"
"logs"=> array(
"price"=> 2
foreach($array as $key => $value){
foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) {
if(is_array($value1) && $key1 == "menus"){
foreach($value1 as $key2 => $value2) {
foreach ($value2 as $key3 => $value3) {
if(is_array($value3) && $key3 == "logs"){
$array[$key][$key1][$key2] = array_merge($array[$key][$key1][$key2], $value3);
echo "array after<br>";
echo "<pre>";
print_r($array); //your array after
I cant seem to get this working right it just returns each of value0. I only want the first key under data1 so the values of 1111 and 3333. If I add a key to value0 I get "1" as its value and the same number of them are displayed. In this example there are four and only two should return.
"json": "success",
"data": [
"data0": "123",
"data1": [
"value0": "1111",
"value1": "aaaa"
"value0": "2222",
"value1": "bbbb"
"data0": "abc",
"data1": [
"value0": "3333",
"value1": "cccc"
"value0": "4444",
"value1": "dddd"
"number": 300,
"end": ""
foreach( $json->data as $data) {
foreach($data->data1 as $value) {
echo "{$value->value0}<br>";
if you want both array 0 index
$json = json_decode($json, true);
foreach( $json['data'] as $data) {
echo $data['data1'][0]['value0']; //11113333
or use directly without foreach for get one value
echo $json['data'][0]['data1'][0]['value0']; //1111
To keep your object version, you could loop like so:
$jsonObj = json_decode($json);
foreach($jsonObj as $value) {
foreach($value as $data => $object) {
echo $object->data1[0]->value0;
Should give you: