Symfony: Unknown "humanize_bytes" filter - php

In a Symfony 2.7 app, we have attempted to set up a humanize_bytes Twig filter in order to convert long numbers of bytes into human-readable form -- 10 MB, for example.
Within our HumanReadableBytesExtension.php file is the following:
public function getFilters() {
return [
new TwigFilter('humanize_bytes', [$this, 'getHumanReadableBytesFilter'])
... and in our services.yml file lies the following:
class: MyCompany\TwigExtensions\HumanReadableBytesExtension
- '#translator'
- {name: twig.extension}
... but we find that the getFilters() method is not getting called, and that when we try to call the filter in a Twig template, we get:
Unknown "humanize_bytes" filter.
Both files pass syntax validation. The cache has been cleared. Is there somewhere else where we should be registering this filter?
Edit: Here is the output of the app/console debug:container mycompany.cms.twig.extension.human_readable_bytes_extension command:
[container] Information for service
mycompany.cms.twig.extension.human_readable_bytes_extension Service Id
mycompany.cms.twig.extension.human_readable_bytes_extension Class
MyCompany\TwigExtensions\HumanReadableBytesExtension Tags
- twig.extension () Scope container Public yes Synthetic no Lazy no
Synchronized no Abstract no

You mentioned you are using an abstract class. Did you override the getName method in your HumanReadableBytesExtension ?
If two extensions have the same name, only one will be loaded, the second will be silently ignored.

I ultimately just took all of my changes and put them on a fresh feature branch. That "fixed" the problem, albeit in a very non-satisfactory way. (We never really did figure out what was going wrong.)


Symfony 2 : services dependencies failed

Since yesterday, I can't understand why i have this error on my Symfony website.
I have a service which depends on others. When i try to use and inject the Symfony doctrine entity manager i have errors. I can't find a way to do it :(
My config :
class: %mycompany_jobs_bundle.processor.crm.product_matrix.class%
parent: pim_base_connector.processor.product_to_flat_array
- '#pim_catalog.repository.attribute'
- ''
- '#doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager'
(I also tried 'doctrine.orm.entity_manager' instead of '#doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager' -> same results)
Then, in my service :
I add a "use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;" with the other "use" lines.
And this is my constructor :
... but i have this error :
Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 8 passed to
must implement interface
instance of Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager given
Wherever i move my line "EntityManager $em" i have error with arguments position. What's wrong ? I can't understand ..
Thanks for your help
Edit : below the yml config of the parent service, pim_base_connector.processor.product_to_flat_array :
class: %pim_base_connector.processor.product_to_flat_array.class%
- '#pim_serializer'
- ''
- '#pim_catalog.builder.product'
- ['pim_catalog_file', 'pim_catalog_image']
- %pim_catalog.localization.decimal_separators%
- %pim_catalog.localization.date_formats%
- '#akeneo_storage_utils.doctrine.object_detacher'
Try to move the EntityManaer as the last parameter of your constructor arguments like this:
public function __construct()
//.. others
AttributeRepositoryInterface $attributeRepository,
EntityManager $em
You need to maintain the order of your dependencies declared inside the configuration
You constructor has 10 arguments and all of them should be configured. You specified only 7. You have to specify last 3 as well and check the order. It's important.

Symfony Monolog's IntrospectionProcessor logging after a FingersCrossedHandler Q&A

In monolog's fingers_crossed handler, the log records are held back until a certain level triggers to unload/show all those with-held records. So far, so good.
When those withheld messages are dumped after a fingers_crossed trigger, you may now actually want to know all the source lines. (And NOT before the fingers_crossed). For this the IntrospectionProcessor is used - but, as its creator specifies: 'Warning: This only works if the handler processes the logs directly. If you put the processor on a handler that is behind a FingersCrossedHandler for example, the processor will only be called once the trigger level is reached, and all the log records will have the same file/line/.. data from the call that triggered the FingersCrossedHandler.' - not good!.
This issue was raised for the 'Laravel 5' similar issue, without a satisfying answer. Here I present a working Symfony (2/3) solution.
namespace AppBundle;
class IntrospectionPreprocessor // ATTENTION TO THE 'PRE'
extends \Monolog\Processor\IntrospectionProcessor // SO USE THE ORIGINAL CLASS
public function processRecord(array $record)
return $this( $record ); // CALL TO ITS __INVOKE(..)
The services.logger.yml:
class: AppBundle\IntrospectionPreprocessor
arguments: [ DEBUG, [Helper, Google] ] # FILTER OUT CLASSES THAT CONTAIN [..], similar to IntrospectionProcessor
- { name: monolog.processor, method: processRecord }
This now inserts the correct file/line/class/function info, AFTER fingers_crossed triggers subsequent handlers.
Q. Is there a way to properly make this a part of my Symfony framework, so not in my application area (AppBundle), but neither touching the Symfony code (eg. gets lost with an upgrade?)

Testing Laravel Service Providers

I'm (we're) creating a package that acts as a core component for our future CMS and of course that package needs some unit tests.
When the package registeres, the first thing it does is set the back/frontend context like this:
class FoundationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
// ... stuff ...
public function register()
// Switch the context.
// Url's containing '/admin' will get the backend context
// all other urls will get the frontend context.
$this->app['build.context'] = request()->segment(1) === 'admin'
? Context::BACKEND
: Context::FRONTEND;
So when I visit the /admin url, the app('build.context') variable will be set to backend otherwise it will be set to `frontend.
To test this I've created the following test:
class ServiceProviderTest extends \TestCase
public function test_that_we_get_the_backend_context()
$this->assertEquals(Context::BACKEND, app('build.context'));
When I'm running the code in the browser (navigating to /admin) the context will get picked up and calling app('build.context') will return backend, but when running this test, I always get 'frontend'.
Is there something I did not notice or some incorrect code while using phpunit?
Thanks in advance
Well, this is a tricky situation. As I understand it, laravel initiates two instances of the framework when running tests - one that is running the tests and another that is being manipulated through instructions. You can see it in tests/TestCase.php file.
So in your case you are manipulating one instance, but checking the context of another (the one that did not visit /admin and is just running the tests). I don't know if there's a way to access the manipulated instance directly - there's nothing helpful in documentation on this issue.
One workaround would be to create a route just for testing purposes, something like /admin/test_context, which would output the current context, and the check it with
Not too elegant, but that should work. Otherwise, look around in laravel, maybe you will find some undocumented feature.

Symfony 2 - how to parse %parameter% in my own Yaml file loader?

I have a Yaml loader that loads additional config items for a "profile" (where one application can use different profiles, e.g. for different local editions of the same site).
My loader is very simple:
# YamlProfileLoader.php
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\FileLoader;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
class YamlProfileLoader extends FileLoader
public function load($resource, $type = null)
$configValues = Yaml::parse($resource);
return $configValues;
public function supports($resource, $type = null)
return is_string($resource) && 'yml' === pathinfo(
The loader is used more or less like this (simplified a bit, because there is caching too):
$loaderResolver = new LoaderResolver(array(new YamlProfileLoader($locator)));
$delegatingLoader = new DelegatingLoader($loaderResolver);
foreach ($yamlProfileFiles as $yamlProfileFile) {
$profileName = basename($yamlProfileFile, '.yml');
$profiles[$profileName] = $delegatingLoader->load($yamlProfileFile);
So is the Yaml file it's parsing:
# profiles/germany.yml
locale: de_DE
hostname: %profiles.germany.host_name%
At the moment, the resulting array contains literally '%profiles.germany.host_name%' for the 'hostname' array key.
So, how can I parse the % parameters to get the actual parameter values?
I've been trawling through the Symfony 2 code and docs (and this SO question and can't find where this is done within the framework itself. I could probably write my own parameter parser - get the parameters from the kernel, search for the %foo% strings and look-up/replace... but if there's a component ready to be used, I prefer to use this.
To give a bit more background, why I can't just include it into the main config.yml: I want to be able to load app/config/profiles/*.yml, where * is the profile name, and I am using my own Loader to accomplish this. If there's a way to wildcard import config files, then that might also work for me.
Note: currently using 2.4 but just about ready to upgrade to 2.5 if that helps.
I've been trawling through the Symfony 2 code and docs (and this SO question and can't find where this is done within the framework itself.
Symfony's dependency injection component uses a compiler pass to resolve parameter references during the optimisation phase.
The Compiler gets the registered compiler passes from its PassConfig instance. This class configures a few compiler passes by default, which includes the ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass.
During container compilation, the ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass uses the Container's ParameterBag to resolve strings containing %parameters%. The compiler pass then sets that resolved value back into the container.
So, how can I parse the % parameters to get the actual parameter values?
You'd need access to the container in your ProfileLoader (or wherever you see fit). Using the container, you can recursively iterate over your parsed yaml config and pass values to the container's parameter bag to be resolved via the resolveValue() method.
Seems to me like perhaps a cleaner approach would be for you to implement this in your bundle configuration. That way your config will be validated against a defined structure, which can catch configuration errors early. See the docs on bundle configuration for more information (that link is for v2.7, but hopefully will apply to your version also).
I realise this is an old question, but I have spent quite a while figuring this out for my own projects, so I'm posting the answer here for future reference.
I tried a lot of options to resolve %parameter% to parameters.yml but no luck at all. All I can think of is parsing %parameter% and fetch it from container, no innovation yet.
On the other hand I don't have enough information about your environment to see the big picture but I just come up with another idea. It can be quite handy if you declare your profiles in your parameters.yml file and load it as an array in your controller or service via container.
locale: de_DE
locale: en_EN
locale: tr_TR
You can have all your profiles as an array in your controller.
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
$profiles = $this->container->getParameter('profiles');
return $this->render('AcmeDemoBundle:Default:index.html.twig');
With this approach
you don't have to code a custom YamlLoader
you don't have to worry about importing parameters into other yml files
you can have your profiles as an array anytime you have the $container in your hand
you don't have to load/cache profile files one by one
you don't have to find a wildcard file loading solution
If I got your question correctly, this approach can help you.

Symfony 1.4 - Doctrine - Custom Plugin - Unknown connection

I am building a custom plugin, which consists of schema which I am trying to keep tightly coupled with the plugin. For example, I have a plugins/userPlugin/config/doctrine/schema.yml which references a 'store-rw-user' connection. My goal is to force the project's databases.yml to contain a connection for 'store-rw-user', this way the project will be responsible for setting up the separate user connection.
However, when I attempt to access plugin related code I keep getting: Doctrine_Manager_Exception Unknown connection: store-rw-user.
Here is the related snippet of the plugin schema file:
# plugins/userPlugin/config/doctrine/schema.yml
connection: store-rw-user
tableName: user
actAs: [Timestampable]
And here is the related snippet of the BaseUser.class.php (generated when doing a model build):
// lib/model/doctrine/userPlugin/base/BaseUser.class.php
// Connection Component Binding
Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->bindComponent('User', 'store-rw-user');
And finally the related snippet of the project's databases.yml file:
# config/databases.yml
class: sfDoctrineDatabase
On the outset, everything looks configured correctly. The plugin schema.yml resulted in the base class binding the correct database connection, which exists in the project's databases.yml file. However, I am running into the aforementioned issue. I'd like to know if there is another approach to this issue before I start trying to manipulate doctrine connection manager manually via the plugins initialize() method.
-- Update --
After further investigation, it appears that sfDatabaseManager is aware of the 'store-rw-user' connection, however, Doctrine_Manager is not. At first I thought this was maybe due to the order in which I added plugins within the main project config file, but it only affected whether sfDatabaseManager was connection aware, but for the sake of completeness, here is the snippet of the project config file:
// config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
public function setup()
And just in case it matters, here is the app.yml for the userPlugin:
# plugins/userPlugin/config/app.yml
# This entry was needed so build-model was executed, the plugin schema file would be pulled in for build as well
config_dir: %SF_PLUGINS_DIR%/userPlugin/config
recursive: true
And here is the confusing snippet of code, where I have access to 'store-rw-user' connection via sfDatabaseManager but not Doctrine_Manager, which is a problem because the error is being thrown from Doctrine_Manager and not sfDatabaseManager:
// plugins/userPlugin/config/userPluginConfiguration.class.php
class userPluginConfiguration extends sfPluginConfiguration
public function initialize()
$config = ProjectConfiguration::getActive();
$manager = new sfDatabaseManager($config);
And the results:
array (size=0)
protected '_doctrineConnection' =>
protected 'driverName' => string 'Mysql' (length=5)
protected 'dbh' => null
protected 'tables' =>
array (size=0)
protected '_name' => string 'store-rw-user' (length=13)
Not sure what's going on, tried looking at other plugins to see how they deal, and they don't have any database references that I could find.
After adding some debug code to select source files (Doctrine_Manager), I finally saw that in the above code snippet in the initialize() method, that by simply configuring sfDatabaseManager, doctrine then became aware of the connection. In short, my method ended up looking like this:
class userPluginConfiguration extends sfPluginConfiguration
public function initialize()
// Don't ask me why, without this the needed db connection never gets initialized and plugin craps out
$manager = new sfDatabaseManager(ProjectConfiguration::getActive());
And, magically, doctrine was now aware of all the connections in the project's databases.yml file. Seems weak to me that I have to explicitly make this call, but at least I can get on with some coding.
