PHP recursive multidimensional loop - php

$printArr = recursive($newArray); //calls recursive function
$data = [];
function recursive($array, $level = 0)
$searchingValue = 'tableName';
foreach($array as $key => $value)
//If $value is an array.
recursive($value, $level + 1);
//It is not an array, so print it out.
if($key == $searchingValue)
echo "[".$key . "] => " . $value, '<br>';
$data[] = $value;
So I have this function and I am trying to save $value value into $data[] array. But it always returns it empty and I don't know why I can't get $value saved outside the function.
If i echo $value I get what i need but like I've mentioned the variables doesn't get saved in this case - table names.

You need to pass the $data to your recursive function. Also you need to return the $data.
Try this code :
function recursive($array, $level = 0, $data =[])
$searchingValue = 'tableName';
foreach($array as $key => $value)
//If $value is an array.
recursive($value, $level + 1 , $data);
//It is not an array, so print it out.
if($key == $searchingValue)
echo "[".$key . "] => " . $value, '<br>';
$data[] = $value;
return $data;

You can't access variable $data, which is outside the function, from the function. You need to pass it by reference or return it. Small example
$a = 1;
// Your case
function b() {
$a = 4;
return true;
// Passing by reference
function c(&$d) {
$d = 5;
return true;
// Using return
function d($d) {
$d = 6;
return $d;
$a = d($a);


How do you get the next key in an associative array php [duplicate]

I have a foreach loop and I want to see if there is a next element in the loop so I can compare the current element with the next. How can I do this? I've read about the current and next functions but I can't figure out how to use them.
A unique approach would be to reverse the array and then loop. This will work for non-numerically indexed arrays as well:
$items = array(
'one' => 'two',
'two' => 'two',
'three' => 'three'
$backwards = array_reverse($items);
$last_item = NULL;
foreach ($backwards as $current_item) {
if ($last_item === $current_item) {
// they match
$last_item = $current_item;
If you are still interested in using the current and next functions, you could do this:
$items = array('two', 'two', 'three');
$length = count($items);
for($i = 0; $i < $length - 1; ++$i) {
if (current($items) === next($items)) {
// they match
#2 is probably the best solution. Note, $i < $length - 1; will stop the loop after comparing the last two items in the array. I put this in the loop to be explicit with the example. You should probably just calculate $length = count($items) - 1;
You could probably use while loop instead of foreach:
while ($current = current($array) )
$next = next($array);
if (false !== $next && $next == $current)
//do something with $current
If the indexes are continuous:
foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
if (isset($arr[$key+1])) {
echo $arr[$key+1]; // next element
} else {
// end of array reached
As points out:
Unless the array is referenced, foreach operates on a copy of the specified array and not the array itself. foreach has some side effects on the array pointer. Don't rely on the array pointer during or after the foreach without resetting it.
In other words - it's not a very good idea to do what you're asking to do. Perhaps it would be a good idea to talk with someone about why you're trying to do this, see if there's a better solution? Feel free to ask us in ##PHP on if you don't have any other resources available.
You could get the keys/values and index
$a = array(
$keys = array_keys($a);
foreach(array_keys($keys) as $index ){
$current_key = current($keys); // or $current_key = $keys[$index];
$current_value = $a[$current_key]; // or $current_value = $a[$keys[$index]];
$next_key = next($keys);
$next_value = $a[$next_key] ?? null; // for php version >= 7.0
echo "{$index}: current = ({$current_key} => {$current_value}); next = ({$next_key} => {$next_value})\n";
0: current = (key1 => value1); next = (key2 => value2)
1: current = (key2 => value2); next = (key3 => value3)
2: current = (key3 => value3); next = (key4 => value4)
3: current = (key4 => value4); next = (key5 => value5)
4: current = (key5 => value5); next = ( => )
if its numerically indexed:
foreach ($foo as $key=>$var){
echo 'current and next var are the same';
The general solution could be a caching iterator. A properly implemented caching iterator works with any Iterator, and saves memory. PHP SPL has a CachingIterator, but it is very odd, and has very limited functionality. However, you can write your own lookahead iterator like this:
class NeighborIterator implements Iterator
protected $oInnerIterator;
protected $hasPrevious = false;
protected $previous = null;
protected $previousKey = null;
protected $hasCurrent = false;
protected $current = null;
protected $currentKey = null;
protected $hasNext = false;
protected $next = null;
protected $nextKey = null;
public function __construct(Iterator $oInnerIterator)
$this->oInnerIterator = $oInnerIterator;
public function current()
return $this->current;
public function key()
return $this->currentKey;
public function next()
if ($this->hasCurrent) {
$this->hasPrevious = true;
$this->previous = $this->current;
$this->previousKey = $this->currentKey;
$this->hasCurrent = $this->hasNext;
$this->current = $this->next;
$this->currentKey = $this->nextKey;
if ($this->hasNext) {
$this->hasNext = $this->oInnerIterator->valid();
if ($this->hasNext) {
$this->next = $this->oInnerIterator->current();
$this->nextKey = $this->oInnerIterator->key();
} else {
$this->next = null;
$this->nextKey = null;
public function rewind()
$this->hasPrevious = false;
$this->previous = null;
$this->previousKey = null;
$this->hasCurrent = $this->oInnerIterator->valid();
if ($this->hasCurrent) {
$this->current = $this->oInnerIterator->current();
$this->currentKey = $this->oInnerIterator->key();
$this->hasNext = $this->oInnerIterator->valid();
if ($this->hasNext) {
$this->next = $this->oInnerIterator->current();
$this->nextKey = $this->oInnerIterator->key();
} else {
$this->next = null;
$this->nextKey = null;
} else {
$this->current = null;
$this->currentKey = null;
$this->hasNext = false;
$this->next = null;
$this->nextKey = null;
public function valid()
return $this->hasCurrent;
public function hasNext()
return $this->hasNext;
public function getNext()
return $this->next;
public function getNextKey()
return $this->nextKey;
public function hasPrevious()
return $this->hasPrevious;
public function getPrevious()
return $this->previous;
public function getPreviousKey()
return $this->previousKey;
header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");
$arr = [
"a" => "alma",
"b" => "banan",
"c" => "cseresznye",
"d" => "dio",
"e" => "eper",
$oNeighborIterator = new NeighborIterator(new ArrayIterator($arr));
foreach ($oNeighborIterator as $key => $value) {
// you can get previous and next values:
if (!$oNeighborIterator->hasPrevious()) {
echo "{FIRST}\n";
echo $oNeighborIterator->getPreviousKey() . " => " . $oNeighborIterator->getPrevious() . " -----> ";
echo "[ " . $key . " => " . $value . " ] -----> ";
echo $oNeighborIterator->getNextKey() . " => " . $oNeighborIterator->getNext() . "\n";
if (!$oNeighborIterator->hasNext()) {
echo "{LAST}\n";
You could get the keys of the array before the foreach, then use a counter to check the next element, something like:
//$arr is the array you wish to cycle through
$keys = array_keys($arr);
$num_keys = count($keys);
$i = 1;
foreach ($arr as $a)
if ($i < $num_keys && $arr[$keys[$i]] == $a)
// we have a match
This will work for both simple arrays, such as array(1,2,3), and keyed arrays such as array('first'=>1, 'second'=>2, 'thrid'=>3).
A foreach loop in php will iterate over a copy of the original array, making next() and prev() functions useless. If you have an associative array and need to fetch the next item, you could iterate over the array keys instead:
foreach (array_keys($items) as $index => $key) {
// first, get current item
$item = $items[$key];
// now get next item in array
$next = $items[array_keys($items)[$index + 1]];
Since the resulting array of keys has a continuous index itself, you can use that instead to access the original array.
Be aware that $next will be null for the last iteration, since there is no next item after the last. Accessing non existent array keys will throw a php notice. To avoid that, either:
Check for the last iteration before assigning values to $next
Check if the key with index + 1 exists with array_key_exists()
Using method 2 the complete foreach could look like this:
foreach (array_keys($items) as $index => $key) {
// first, get current item
$item = $items[$key];
// now get next item in array
$next = null;
if (array_key_exists($index + 1, array_keys($items))) {
$next = $items[array_keys($items)[$index + 1]];
$next_data = $data;
$prev_key = null;
$prev_value = null;
foreach($data as $key => $value)
$next_key = key($next_data);
$next_value = $next_data[$next_key] ?? null;
// Do something here...
$prev_key = $key;
$prev_value = $value;
or if the array is associative then you could use current() similar to Andrei Krasutski's solution and key()
$values = [];
array_push($values, ["XYZ"=>100]);
array_push($values, ["ABC"=>10]);
array_push($values, ["XYZ"=>130]);
array_push($values, ["DEF"=>4]);
array_push($values, ["XYZ"=>5]);
$count = count($values);
foreach ($values as $index => $currentValue) {
if ($index < $count - 1) {
$nextValue = $values[$index + 1];
echo key($currentValue) . "=" . current($currentValue) . " followed by " . key($nextValue) . "/" . current($nextValue) . "<br>\n";
} else {
echo key($currentValue) . "=" . current($currentValue);
See for a running example.
or if the array is using named pairs:
$values = [];
array_push($values, ["type"=>"XYZ", "value"=>100]);
array_push($values, ["type"=>"ABC", "value"=>10]);
array_push($values, ["type"=>"XYZ", "value"=>130]);
array_push($values, ["type"=>"DEF", "value"=>"Lorem"]);
array_push($values, ["type"=>"XYZ", "value"=>5]);
$count = count($values);
foreach ($values as $index => $currentValue) {
if ($index < $count - 1) {
$nextValue = $values[$index + 1];
echo $currentValue['type'] . "=" . $currentValue['value']
. " followed by " . $nextValue['type'] . "/" . $nextValue['value'] . "<br>\n";
} else {
echo $currentValue['type'] . "=" . $currentValue['value'];

Key exist in complexe array

I would like to test if the key of an associative array exist in my $_POST.
my $_POST is like that:
$_POST["balle"]["x"] = 5;
$_POST["balle"]["y"] = 5;
$_POST["balle"]["z"] = 5;
or like that by example:
$_POST["p1"][1]["vit"] = 7;
$_POST["p1"][1]["angle"] = 32;
$_POST["p2"][2]["vit"] = 17;
$_POST["p2"][2]["angle"] = 2;
the values don't matter but I must check how are my $_POST keys.
I don't understand how i can test recursivly that because the $_POST can change and have differents forms.
I have try this:
function Check_post($new, $arr)
echo "Init<br/>";
$res = true;
if (is_array($new))
foreach ($new as $key => $value)
if (!in_array($key, $arr))
echo "Fail $key";
return (false);
$res = $res & Check_post($new[$key], $arr[$key]);
$res = in_array($new, $arr);
echo "MY RESULT";
return ($res);
$b = array();
$b["balle"] = array("x", "y", "z");
$post = array();
$post["balle"] = array();
$post["balle"]["x"] = 50;
$post["balle"]["y"] = 50;
$post["balle"]["z"] = 50;
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre><pre>";
echo "</pre>";
Check_post($b, $post);
but i got "Fail balle". my $post variable is to simulate the real $_POST and for make it easier to test.
The function should work like that:
1) test if "balle" exist in $post
2) "balle" exist so recursive call
3) test if "x" exist in $post["balle"](recursive)
4) test if "y" exist in $post["balle"](recursive)
5) test if "z" exist in $post["balle"](recursive)
6) all existe so $res = true
I finaly editet the whole function:
function Check_post($needle, $haystack)
foreach ($needle as $key => $element){
$result = true;
if($result = (array_key_exists($key, $haystack) || array_key_exists($element, $haystack))){
$key = (isset($haystack[$key]) ? $key : $element);
$result = Check_post($element, $haystack[$key]);
return false;
return $result;
}else {
return array_key_exists($needle, $haystack);
Now it should work as you want it
$_POST["balle"]["x"] = 5;
$_POST["balle"]["y"] = 5;
$_POST["balle"]["z"] = 5;
$b = array();
$b["balle"] = array("x", "y", "z");
var_dump(Check_post($b, $_POST)); //returns true
$b["balle"] = array("x", "y", "z", "b");
var_dump(Check_post($b, $_POST)); //returns false
The in_array function you're using checks if $key is contained in $arr as a value. If I got you right, you want to check if there is the same key in $arr instead. Use array_key_exists($key, $arr) for this.
Try this
$_POST["p1"][1]["vit"] = 7;
$_POST["p1"][1]["angle"] = 32;
$_POST["p2"][2]["vit"] = 17;
$_POST["p2"][2]["angle"] = 2;
$needle = "2";
$samp = Check_post($_POST,$needle);
echo $samp;
function Check_post($array,$needle)
foreach($array as $key=>$value)
if($key == $needle)
echo $key." key exists ";

Is it possible for a variable to evaluate to a multi-dimensional PHP array index

Given a multidimensional array or dictionary $array.
And assuming that $array['foo']['bar']['baz'] = 'something';
Is there a way other than via an eval statement for me use the multi-dimentional index foo/bar/baz? (The use case is in creating the index dynamically i.e. The function does not know what /foo/bar/baz/ is).
The only way I could figure to do this was:
$item = testGetIndex($array, "'foo']['bar']['baz'");
function testGetIndex($array, $index) {
eval('$item = $array[' . $index . '];');
return $item;
I should mention that I do not want to search this array. This is a weird use case. I am being passed a very large multi dimensional array and it's ugly to have to use constructs like..
$array[foo][bar]..[baz] to make modifications to the array.
Blatently reusing my answer here:
function recurseKeys(array $keys,array $array){
$key = array_shift($keys);
if(!isset($array[$key])) return null;
return empty($keys) ?
$values = recurseKeys(explode('/','foo/bar/baz'),$yourArray);
edit: as Jack pointed out, recursion is not needed:
function findByKey(array $keys,array $array){
while(!is_null($key = array_shift($keys))){
if(!isset($array[$key])) return null;
$array = $array[$key];
return $array;
$values = findByKey(explode('/','foo/bar/baz'),$yourArray);
To modify an array using a path:
function setPath(&$root, $path, $value)
$paths = explode('/', $path);
$current = &$root;
foreach ($paths as $path) {
if (isset($current[$path])) {
$current = &$current[$path];
} else {
return null;
return $current = $value;
$path = 'foo/bar/baz';
$root = array('foo' => array('bar' => array('baz' => 'something')));
setPath($root, $path, '123');
You can tweak the function to just return a reference to the element you wish to change:
function &getPath(&$root, $path)
$paths = explode('/', $path);
$current = &$root;
foreach ($paths as $path) {
if (isset($current[$path])) {
$current = &$current[$path];
} else {
return null;
return $current;
$x = &getPath($root, $path);
$x = 456; // $root['foo']['bar']['baz'] == 456
A simple loop can make it, like:
function get(array $array, $keys) {
$val = $array;
foreach (explode('/', $keys) as $part) {
if (!isset($val[$part])) {
return null;
$val = $val[$part];
return $val;
$array['foo']['bar']['baz'] = 'something';
echo get($array, 'foo/bar/baz');
For modification, just use references:
function set(array &$array, $keys, $value) {
$val = &$array;
foreach (explode('/', $keys) as $part) {
if (!isset($val[$part])) {
$val[$part] = array();
$val = &$val[$part];
$val = $value;

Get next element in foreach loop

I have a foreach loop and I want to see if there is a next element in the loop so I can compare the current element with the next. How can I do this? I've read about the current and next functions but I can't figure out how to use them.
A unique approach would be to reverse the array and then loop. This will work for non-numerically indexed arrays as well:
$items = array(
'one' => 'two',
'two' => 'two',
'three' => 'three'
$backwards = array_reverse($items);
$last_item = NULL;
foreach ($backwards as $current_item) {
if ($last_item === $current_item) {
// they match
$last_item = $current_item;
If you are still interested in using the current and next functions, you could do this:
$items = array('two', 'two', 'three');
$length = count($items);
for($i = 0; $i < $length - 1; ++$i) {
if (current($items) === next($items)) {
// they match
#2 is probably the best solution. Note, $i < $length - 1; will stop the loop after comparing the last two items in the array. I put this in the loop to be explicit with the example. You should probably just calculate $length = count($items) - 1;
You could probably use while loop instead of foreach:
while ($current = current($array) )
$next = next($array);
if (false !== $next && $next == $current)
//do something with $current
If the indexes are continuous:
foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
if (isset($arr[$key+1])) {
echo $arr[$key+1]; // next element
} else {
// end of array reached
As points out:
Unless the array is referenced, foreach operates on a copy of the specified array and not the array itself. foreach has some side effects on the array pointer. Don't rely on the array pointer during or after the foreach without resetting it.
In other words - it's not a very good idea to do what you're asking to do. Perhaps it would be a good idea to talk with someone about why you're trying to do this, see if there's a better solution? Feel free to ask us in ##PHP on if you don't have any other resources available.
You could get the keys/values and index
$a = array(
$keys = array_keys($a);
foreach(array_keys($keys) as $index ){
$current_key = current($keys); // or $current_key = $keys[$index];
$current_value = $a[$current_key]; // or $current_value = $a[$keys[$index]];
$next_key = next($keys);
$next_value = $a[$next_key] ?? null; // for php version >= 7.0
echo "{$index}: current = ({$current_key} => {$current_value}); next = ({$next_key} => {$next_value})\n";
0: current = (key1 => value1); next = (key2 => value2)
1: current = (key2 => value2); next = (key3 => value3)
2: current = (key3 => value3); next = (key4 => value4)
3: current = (key4 => value4); next = (key5 => value5)
4: current = (key5 => value5); next = ( => )
if its numerically indexed:
foreach ($foo as $key=>$var){
echo 'current and next var are the same';
The general solution could be a caching iterator. A properly implemented caching iterator works with any Iterator, and saves memory. PHP SPL has a CachingIterator, but it is very odd, and has very limited functionality. However, you can write your own lookahead iterator like this:
class NeighborIterator implements Iterator
protected $oInnerIterator;
protected $hasPrevious = false;
protected $previous = null;
protected $previousKey = null;
protected $hasCurrent = false;
protected $current = null;
protected $currentKey = null;
protected $hasNext = false;
protected $next = null;
protected $nextKey = null;
public function __construct(Iterator $oInnerIterator)
$this->oInnerIterator = $oInnerIterator;
public function current()
return $this->current;
public function key()
return $this->currentKey;
public function next()
if ($this->hasCurrent) {
$this->hasPrevious = true;
$this->previous = $this->current;
$this->previousKey = $this->currentKey;
$this->hasCurrent = $this->hasNext;
$this->current = $this->next;
$this->currentKey = $this->nextKey;
if ($this->hasNext) {
$this->hasNext = $this->oInnerIterator->valid();
if ($this->hasNext) {
$this->next = $this->oInnerIterator->current();
$this->nextKey = $this->oInnerIterator->key();
} else {
$this->next = null;
$this->nextKey = null;
public function rewind()
$this->hasPrevious = false;
$this->previous = null;
$this->previousKey = null;
$this->hasCurrent = $this->oInnerIterator->valid();
if ($this->hasCurrent) {
$this->current = $this->oInnerIterator->current();
$this->currentKey = $this->oInnerIterator->key();
$this->hasNext = $this->oInnerIterator->valid();
if ($this->hasNext) {
$this->next = $this->oInnerIterator->current();
$this->nextKey = $this->oInnerIterator->key();
} else {
$this->next = null;
$this->nextKey = null;
} else {
$this->current = null;
$this->currentKey = null;
$this->hasNext = false;
$this->next = null;
$this->nextKey = null;
public function valid()
return $this->hasCurrent;
public function hasNext()
return $this->hasNext;
public function getNext()
return $this->next;
public function getNextKey()
return $this->nextKey;
public function hasPrevious()
return $this->hasPrevious;
public function getPrevious()
return $this->previous;
public function getPreviousKey()
return $this->previousKey;
header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");
$arr = [
"a" => "alma",
"b" => "banan",
"c" => "cseresznye",
"d" => "dio",
"e" => "eper",
$oNeighborIterator = new NeighborIterator(new ArrayIterator($arr));
foreach ($oNeighborIterator as $key => $value) {
// you can get previous and next values:
if (!$oNeighborIterator->hasPrevious()) {
echo "{FIRST}\n";
echo $oNeighborIterator->getPreviousKey() . " => " . $oNeighborIterator->getPrevious() . " -----> ";
echo "[ " . $key . " => " . $value . " ] -----> ";
echo $oNeighborIterator->getNextKey() . " => " . $oNeighborIterator->getNext() . "\n";
if (!$oNeighborIterator->hasNext()) {
echo "{LAST}\n";
You could get the keys of the array before the foreach, then use a counter to check the next element, something like:
//$arr is the array you wish to cycle through
$keys = array_keys($arr);
$num_keys = count($keys);
$i = 1;
foreach ($arr as $a)
if ($i < $num_keys && $arr[$keys[$i]] == $a)
// we have a match
This will work for both simple arrays, such as array(1,2,3), and keyed arrays such as array('first'=>1, 'second'=>2, 'thrid'=>3).
A foreach loop in php will iterate over a copy of the original array, making next() and prev() functions useless. If you have an associative array and need to fetch the next item, you could iterate over the array keys instead:
foreach (array_keys($items) as $index => $key) {
// first, get current item
$item = $items[$key];
// now get next item in array
$next = $items[array_keys($items)[$index + 1]];
Since the resulting array of keys has a continuous index itself, you can use that instead to access the original array.
Be aware that $next will be null for the last iteration, since there is no next item after the last. Accessing non existent array keys will throw a php notice. To avoid that, either:
Check for the last iteration before assigning values to $next
Check if the key with index + 1 exists with array_key_exists()
Using method 2 the complete foreach could look like this:
foreach (array_keys($items) as $index => $key) {
// first, get current item
$item = $items[$key];
// now get next item in array
$next = null;
if (array_key_exists($index + 1, array_keys($items))) {
$next = $items[array_keys($items)[$index + 1]];
$next_data = $data;
$prev_key = null;
$prev_value = null;
foreach($data as $key => $value)
$next_key = key($next_data);
$next_value = $next_data[$next_key] ?? null;
// Do something here...
$prev_key = $key;
$prev_value = $value;
or if the array is associative then you could use current() similar to Andrei Krasutski's solution and key()
$values = [];
array_push($values, ["XYZ"=>100]);
array_push($values, ["ABC"=>10]);
array_push($values, ["XYZ"=>130]);
array_push($values, ["DEF"=>4]);
array_push($values, ["XYZ"=>5]);
$count = count($values);
foreach ($values as $index => $currentValue) {
if ($index < $count - 1) {
$nextValue = $values[$index + 1];
echo key($currentValue) . "=" . current($currentValue) . " followed by " . key($nextValue) . "/" . current($nextValue) . "<br>\n";
} else {
echo key($currentValue) . "=" . current($currentValue);
See for a running example.
or if the array is using named pairs:
$values = [];
array_push($values, ["type"=>"XYZ", "value"=>100]);
array_push($values, ["type"=>"ABC", "value"=>10]);
array_push($values, ["type"=>"XYZ", "value"=>130]);
array_push($values, ["type"=>"DEF", "value"=>"Lorem"]);
array_push($values, ["type"=>"XYZ", "value"=>5]);
$count = count($values);
foreach ($values as $index => $currentValue) {
if ($index < $count - 1) {
$nextValue = $values[$index + 1];
echo $currentValue['type'] . "=" . $currentValue['value']
. " followed by " . $nextValue['type'] . "/" . $nextValue['value'] . "<br>\n";
} else {
echo $currentValue['type'] . "=" . $currentValue['value'];

Check if key exists in $_SESSION by building index string

I need to check if a key exists and return its value if it does.
Key can be an array with subkeys or endkey with a value.
$_SESSION['mainKey']['testkey'] = 'value';
function doesKeyExist($where) {
$parts = explode('/',$where);
$str = '';
for($i = 0,$len = count($parts);$i<$len;$i++) {
$str .= '[\''. $parts[$i] .'\']';
$keycheck = '$_SESSION[\'mainKey\']' . $str;
if (isset(${$keycheck})) {
return ${$keycheck};
// isset($keycheck) = true, as its non-empty. actual content is not checked
// isset(${$keycheck}) = false, but should be true. ${$var} forces a evaluate content
// isset($_SESSION['mainKey']['testkey']) = true
Using PHP 5.3.3.
Instead of building the string, just check if the key exists within your loop.
For instance:
function doesKeyExist($where) {
$parts = explode('/',$where);
$currentPart = $_SESSION['mainKey'];
foreach($parts as $part) {
if (!isset($currentPart[$part])) {
return false;
$currentPart = $currentPart[$part];
return true;
function getByKeys($keys, $array) {
$value = $array;
foreach (explode('/', $keys) as $key) {
if (isset($value[$key])) {
$value = $value[$key];
} else {
return null;
return $value;
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the question, but this would appear to be the simplest way of doing it:
function getKey($arr, $key) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $arr)) {
return $arr[$key];
} else {
return false;
$value = getKey($_SESSION['mainKey'], 'testkey');
You should use $$keycheck, not ${$keycheck}.
The last notation is only if you use the variable inside a string (e.g. "${$keycheck}")
See for more details about variable variables
You might want to use the eval() php function for this.
function doesKeyExist($where) {
$parts = explode('/',$where);
$str = '';
for($i = 0,$len = count($parts);$i<$len;$i++) {
$str .= '["'. $parts[$i] .'"]';
eval('$keycheck = $_SESSION["mainKey"]' . $str . ';');
if (isset($keycheck)) {
return $keycheck;
