Counting items in a PHP array_chunk - php

I have the below function which gets wordpress posts and outputs them in a bootstrap grid (3 posts per row). Each array chunk has 3 posts in it. Basically what I want to do is if the chunk is not complete and only has say 2 posts in it then the first post in that chunk gets "col-sm-offset-2" class added. I believe I need some way off counting the posts in the chunk but I'm not sure how to implement.
function post_events($atts) {
global $post;
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'event',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'orderby' => 'date',
'order' => 'ASC',
$posts = get_posts($args);
$posts_chunks = array_chunk($posts, 3);
$output = '';
foreach ($posts_chunks as $row) {
$output .= '<div class="row">';
foreach ($row as $post) {
$output .= '<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 event-item">';
$output .= '' .get_the_post_thumbnail(). '';
$output .= '<div class="event-item-text">';
$output .= '<h3>' .get_the_title(). '</h3>';
$output .= '<span class="event-date">' .get_the_date("d-m-Y"). '</span>';
$output .= '<p>' .wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 40, '...' ). '</p>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;

You can just use count() on $row, and then set the class based on whether it's the first iteration or not:
$class = 'col-md-6 col-sm-6 event-item';
$count = count($row);
foreach( $row as $k => $post )
$cls = ($k == 0 && $count < 2) ? $class.' col-sm-offset-2' : $class;
$output.= '<div class="'.$cls.'">';

Since you have chunked, the subarrays will be 0 based and the first post will be 0. So just check that and if the count is less than 3:
foreach ($posts_chunks as $row) {
$output .= '<div class="row">';
foreach ($row as $key => $post) {
$extra = ''; //set extra class to empty
if($key == 0 && count($row) < 3) { //check first post and count less than 3
$extra = 'col-sm-offset-2 '; //set extra class
//use $extra somewhere
$output .= '<div class="'.$extra.'col-md-6 col-sm-6 event-item">';
$output .= '' .get_the_post_thumbnail(). '';
$output .= '<div class="event-item-text">';
$output .= '<h3>' .get_the_title(). '</h3>';
$output .= '<span class="event-date">' .get_the_date("d-m-Y"). '</span>';
$output .= '<p>' .wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 40, '...' ). '</p>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';


php - foreach loop, custom slide

It should be a slider, which shows all posts, but only 15 posts on each slide. I get all Posts.
(I use Wordpress functions.)
In the -div class = "slide"- there are 15 posts, after that a new -div class = "slide"- with 15 posts should be created.
Here is the code for all posts:
$myposts = get_posts($args);
$result = '<div id="fullpage">';
$result .= '<div class="section" id="section1">';
$result .= '<div class="slide">';
foreach ($myposts as $post) {
$result .= '' . $post->post_title . '';
// the_post_thumbnail('full');
$result .= '</div>';
$result .= ' </div>';
$result .= '</div>';
return $result;
After 15 posts, I would like a new slide. I do not know how to adjust the foreach loop. Should I do this with an if statement, or can I do this with a foreach loop?
Use a counter, and reset it after 15. (Not tested, I have no PHP at the moment)
$counter = 1;
foreach ($myposts as $post) {
if ($counter == 1) {
$result .= '<div class="slide">';
$result .= '' . $post->post_title . '';
if ($counter == 16) {
$counter = 1;
$result .= '</div>';

PHP Printing JSON Array Shows the Word "Array" At Top Of Values

Have the following Array that functions perfectly on the site, but before the first output the word "Array" is printed.
I figure it has to be in the $json_object or $fbdata query but cannot isolate or eliminate it from showing.
$page_id = '{page_id_here}';
$access_token = '{access_token_here}';
//Get the JSON
$json_object = #file_get_contents('' . $page_id .
'/posts?fields=full_picture,link,message&limit=3&access_token=' .
//Interpret data
$fbdata = json_decode($json_object);
foreach ($fbdata->data as $post )
$posts .= '<div class="col-sm-4">';
$posts .= '<div class="stay-connected-inner">';
$posts .= '<div class="stay-connected-info">';
$posts .= '<div class="stay-connected-left"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></div>';
$posts .= '<div class="stay-connected-right">';
$posts .= '<h5>Title</h5>';
$posts .= '<p>' . $post->message . '</p>';
$posts .= '</div>';
$posts .= '</div>';
$posts .= '<div class="stay-connected-fig">';
$posts .= '<p><img src="' . $post->full_picture . '"></p>';
$posts .= '</div>';
$posts .= '</div>';
$posts .= '</div>';
//Display the posts
print_r ($posts)
Declare $posts as a String before your foreach loop.
$page_id = '{page_id_here}';
$access_token = '{access_token_here}';
//Get the JSON
$json_object = #file_get_contents('' . $page_id .
'/posts?fields=full_picture,link,message&limit=3&access_token=' .
//Interpret data
$fbdata = json_decode($json_object);
$posts = ''; // Add this
foreach ($fbdata->data as $post )
$posts .= '<div class="col-sm-4">';
$posts .= '<div class="stay-connected-inner">';
$posts .= '<div class="stay-connected-info">';
$posts .= '<div class="stay-connected-left"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></div>';
$posts .= '<div class="stay-connected-right">';
$posts .= '<h5>Title</h5>';
$posts .= '<p>' . $post->message . '</p>';
$posts .= '</div>';
$posts .= '</div>';
$posts .= '<div class="stay-connected-fig">';
$posts .= '<p><img src="' . $post->full_picture . '"></p>';
$posts .= '</div>';
$posts .= '</div>';
$posts .= '</div>';
//Display the posts
print_r ($posts)
Otherwise it is making $posts into an array, so when it is printed, it also prints that it's an array.
Figured it out. I changed my 'posts' variable to 'postst'. The word 'post' was being used in the URL and that seems to have confused the array in some way.
Updated code:
$page_id = '{page_id_here}';
$access_token = '{access_token_here}';
//Get the JSON
$json_object = #file_get_contents('' . $page_id .
'/posts?fields=full_picture,link,message&limit=3&access_token=' .
//Interpret data
$fbdata = json_decode($json_object);
foreach ($fbdata->data as $post )
$postst .= '<div class="col-sm-4">';
$postst .= '<div class="stay-connected-inner">';
$postst .= '<div class="stay-connected-info">';
$postst .= '<div class="stay-connected-left"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></div>';
$postst .= '<div class="stay-connected-right">';
$postst .= '<h5>Title</h5>';
$postst .= '<p>' . $post->message . '</p>';
$postst .= '</div>';
$postst .= '</div>';
$postst .= '<div class="stay-connected-fig">';
$postst .= '<p><img src="' . $post->full_picture . '"></p>';
$postst .= '</div>';
$postst .= '</div>';
$postst .= '</div>';
//Display the posts
print_r ($postst);

Related posts, wordpress query

The theme that I have been using for my wp site has related posts shortcode which works, but it doesn't hide the currently viewed post. I had some idea to add a variable before the query to a post so the query sees that post which is currently viewed has that variable set to true and skip it. Here is the code:
global $post;
$categories = get_the_category();
foreach ($categories as $category[0]) {
if ($ceker == false){
content etc...
I use this in my own themes and it works. How can I do something similar to these shortcode that this theme uses:
if(!function_exists('dt_blog_posts')) {
function dt_blog_posts( $atts, $content = null ) {
'show_feature_image' => 'true',
'excerpt_length' => 35,
'show_meta' => 'true',
'limit' => -1,
'categories' => '',
'posts_column' => 'one-column', // one-column, one-half-column, one-third-column
), $atts));
global $post;
$meta_set = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_tpl_default_settings', true);
$page_layout = !empty($meta_set['layout']) ? $meta_set['layout'] : 'content-full-width';
$post_layout = $posts_column;
$article_class = "";
$feature_image = "";
$column = ""; $out = "";
if($post_layout == "one-column") {
$article_class = "column dt-sc-one-column blog-fullwidth";
$feature_image = "blog-full";
elseif($post_layout == "one-half-column") {
$article_class = "column dt-sc-one-half";
$feature_image = "blog-twocolumn";
$column = 2;
elseif($post_layout == "one-third-column") {
$article_class = "column dt-sc-one-third";
$feature_image = "blog-threecolumn";
$column = 3;
if($page_layout != "content-full-width") {
$article_class = $article_class." with-sidebar";
$feature_image = $feature_image."-sidebar";
if($categories == "") $categories = 0;
if ( get_query_var('paged') ) { $paged = get_query_var('paged'); }
elseif ( get_query_var('page') ) { $paged = get_query_var('page'); }
else { $paged = 1; }
$args = array('post_type' => 'post', 'paged' => $paged, 'posts_per_page' => $limit, 'cat' => $categories, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1);
$wp_query = new WP_Query($args);
$pholder = dt_theme_option('general', 'disable-placeholder-images');
if($wp_query->have_posts()): $i = 1;
while($wp_query->have_posts()): $wp_query->the_post();
$temp_class = $format = "";
if($i == 1) $temp_class = $article_class." first"; else $temp_class = $article_class;
if($i == $column) $i = 1; else $i = $i + 1;
$out .= '<div class="'.$temp_class.'"><!-- Post Starts -->';
$out .= '<article id="post-'.get_the_ID().'" class="'.implode(" ", get_post_class("blog-post", $post->ID)).'">';
if($show_meta != "false"):
$out .= '<div class="post-details"><!-- Post Details Starts -->';
$out .= '<div class="date"><span>'.get_the_date('d').'</span>'.get_the_date('M').'<br />'.get_the_date('Y').'</div>';
$out .= '<div class="post-comments">';
$commtext = "";
if((wp_count_comments($post->ID)->approved) == 0) $commtext = '0';
else $commtext = wp_count_comments($post->ID)->approved;
$out .= ''.$commtext.' <i class="fa fa-comment"></i>';
$out .= '</div>';
$format = get_post_format();
$out .= '<span class="post-icon-format"> </span>';
$out .= '</div><!-- Post Details ends -->';
$out .= '<div class="post-content"><!-- Post Content Starts -->';
$out .= '<div class="entry-thumb">';
$out .= '<div class="featured-post">'.__('Featured','iamd_text_domain').'</div>';
if( $format === "image" || empty($format) ):
if( has_post_thumbnail() && $show_feature_image != 'false'):
$out .= '<a href="'.get_permalink().'" title="'.get_the_title().'">';
$attr = array('title' => get_the_title()); $out .= get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, $feature_image, $attr);
$out .= '</a>';
elseif($pholder != "true" && $show_feature_image != 'false'):
$out .= '<a href="'.get_permalink().'" title="'.get_the_title().'">';
$out .= '<img src="'.get_the_title().'" alt="'.get_the_title().'" />';
$out .= '</a>';
elseif( $format === "gallery" ):
$post_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID ,'_dt_post_settings', true);
$post_meta = is_array($post_meta) ? $post_meta : array();
if( array_key_exists("items", $post_meta) ):
$out .= "<ul class='entry-gallery-post-slider'>";
foreach ( $post_meta['items'] as $item ) { $out .= "<li><img src='{$item}' alt='gal-img' /></li>"; }
$out .= "</ul>";
elseif( $format === "video" ):
$post_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID ,'_dt_post_settings', true);
$post_meta = is_array($post_meta) ? $post_meta : array();
if( array_key_exists('oembed-url', $post_meta) || array_key_exists('self-hosted-url', $post_meta) ):
if( array_key_exists('oembed-url', $post_meta) ):
$out .= "<div class='dt-video-wrap'>".wp_oembed_get($post_meta['oembed-url']).'</div>';
elseif( array_key_exists('self-hosted-url', $post_meta) ):
$out .= "<div class='dt-video-wrap'>".wp_video_shortcode( array('src' => $post_meta['self-hosted-url']) ).'</div>';
elseif( $format === "audio" ):
$post_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID ,'_dt_post_settings', true);
$post_meta = is_array($post_meta) ? $post_meta : array();
if( array_key_exists('oembed-url', $post_meta) || array_key_exists('self-hosted-url', $post_meta) ):
if( array_key_exists('oembed-url', $post_meta) ):
$out .= wp_oembed_get($post_meta['oembed-url']);
elseif( array_key_exists('self-hosted-url', $post_meta) ):
$out .= wp_audio_shortcode( array('src' => $post_meta['self-hosted-url']) );
if( has_post_thumbnail() && $show_feature_image != 'false'):
$out .= '<a href="'.get_permalink().'" title="'.get_the_title().'">';
$attr = array('title' => get_the_title()); $out .= get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, $feature_image, $attr);
$out .= '</a>';
elseif($pholder != "true" && $show_feature_image != 'false'):
$out .= '<a href="'.get_permalink().'" title="'.get_the_title().'">';
$out .= '<img src="'.get_the_title().'" alt="'.get_the_title().'" />';
$out .= '</a>';
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= '<div class="entry-detail">';
$out .= '<h2>'.get_the_title().'</h2>';
if($excerpt_length != "" || $excerpt_length != 0) $out .= dt_theme_excerpt($excerpt_length);
$out .= '</div>';
if($show_meta != "true"):
$out .= '<div class="post-meta">';
$out .= '<div class="opsirnije">';
$out .= ''.'Opširnije »'.'';
$out .= '<ul>';
$out .= '<li><span class="fa fa-user"></span>'.get_the_author_meta('display_name').'</li>';
$categories = get_the_category();
$thiscats = "";
if($categories) {
foreach($categories as $category) {
$thiscats .= ''.$category->cat_name.', '; }
$thiscats = substr($thiscats,0, (strlen($thiscats)-2));
$out .= '<li><span class="fa fa-thumb-tack"></span>'.$thiscats.'</li>';
$out .= get_the_tag_list('<li><span class="fa fa-pencil"></span>', ', ', '</li>');
$out .= '</ul>';
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= '</div><!-- Post Content Ends -->';
$out .= '</article>';
$out .= '</div><!-- Post Ends -->';
if($wp_query->max_num_pages > 1):
$out .= '<div class="pagination-wrapper">';
if(function_exists("dt_theme_pagination")) $out .= dt_theme_pagination("", $wp_query->max_num_pages, $wp_query);
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= '<h2>'.__('Nothing Found.', 'iamd_text_domain').'</h2>';
$out .= '<p>'.__('Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive.', 'iamd_text_domain').'</p>';
return $out;
add_shortcode('dt_blog_posts', 'dt_blog_posts');
add_shortcode('dt_sc_blogposts', 'dt_blog_posts');
Answer was simple. Just added
'post__not_in' => array( get_the_ID() ))
in array.
Thx all...

How to filter featured products slider by category?

I'm trying to display a "featured products slider" on the Category Page of the WooCommerce shop in such a way that only 'featured' products of the current category (or a specific child category) will be displayed in the slider.
I've placed the code below in the functions.php file of my child-theme.
I tried adding this conditional in archive.php:
if(is_product_category('slug'){echo featured_products_slider_fun($atts, $content);}
I can't figure out how to combine this condition with the function below to essentially show 'featured products' of a certain category'.
function featured_products_slider_func( $atts, $content ) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'num' => 4
), $atts ) );
$return = '';
$first_product_title = "";
$first_product_excerpt = "";
function get_the_popular_excerpt(){
$excerpt = get_the_content();
$excerpt = preg_replace(" (\[.*?\])",'',$excerpt);
$excerpt = strip_shortcodes($excerpt);
$excerpt = strip_tags($excerpt);
$excerpt = substr($excerpt, 0, 190);
$excerpt = substr($excerpt, 0, strripos($excerpt, " "));
$excerpt = trim(preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $excerpt));
$excerpt = $excerpt.'. view product';
return $excerpt;
$post = new WP_Query(array(
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => 'product',
'meta_key' => '_featured',
'meta_value' => 'yes',
'posts_per_page' => $num
$return .= '<div class="featured-slider-outer box clearfix"><div class="featured-slider-inner">';
$return .= '<ul class="products featured-slider">';
$selected_class = " selected";
if ($post ->have_posts()) : while ($post ->have_posts()) : $post ->the_post();
global $product;
if( $selected_class != "" ) {
$first_product_title = get_the_title();
$first_product_excerpt = get_the_popular_excerpt();
$return .= '<li class="product' . $selected_class . '">';
$return .= get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, "blog-two-column");
if ($price_html = $product->get_price_html()) :
$return .= '<span class="price">';
$return .= $price_html;
$return .= '</span>';
$return .= "<div class='none'>";
$return .= "<h3 id='infos-title'>" . get_the_title() . "</h3>";
$return .= "<div id='infos-excerpt'>" . get_the_popular_excerpt() . "</div>";
$return .= "</div>";
$return .= '</li>';
$selected_class = "";
$return .= '</ul>';
$return .= '</div>';
$return .= '<div class="featured-slider-right">';
$return .= '<button class="btn-left"></button><button class="btn-right"></button><h2>' . $first_product_title . '</h2>';
$return .= '<div class="description">' . $first_product_excerpt . '</div>';
$return .= '</div>';
$return .= '</div>';
$return = __("No featured products found!", "shopifiq");
return $return;
add_shortcode( 'featured_products_slider', 'featured_products_slider_func' );

Terms by vocabulary in node.tpl

I've created a variable in template.php that let's me print terms by vocabulary. The problem is that I want to be able to pass in a vocabulary id to select a specific vocabulary. My code looks like this:
function xnalaraart_classic_print_terms($node, $vocabularies){
foreach($vocabularies as $vocabulary){
if($terms = taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary($node, $vocabulary->vid)){
$output .= '<div>';
$output .= '<ul class="links inline">';
foreach ($terms as $term){
$output .= '<li class="taxonomy_term_' . $term->tid . '">';
$output .= l($term->name, taxonomy_term_path($term), array('rel' => 'tag', 'title' => strip_tags($term->description)));
$output .= '</li>';
$output .= '</ul>';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
and in the preprocess_node function:
$vars['terms_split'] = xnalaraart_classic_print_terms($vars['node']);
How do I write it so that I can pass in an id to $vocabularies?
I think you made this more difficult on yourself than it really is. See below for final function.
function xnalaraart_classic_print_vocab_terms($node, $vid){
if($terms = taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary($node, $vid)){
$output .= '<div>';
$output .= '<ul class="links inline">';
foreach ($terms as $term){
$output .= '<li class="taxonomy_term_' . $term->tid . '">';
$output .= l($term->name, taxonomy_term_path($term), array('rel' => 'tag', 'title' => strip_tags($term->description)));
$output .= '</li>';
$output .= '</ul>';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
And then call
$vars['terms_split'] = xnalaraart_classic_print_terms($vars['node'], 10); //Where 10 is the vocab ID
