Elements values empties parsing XML with PHP - php

The xml file to parse https://webassos.com/uploads/results/ffnex_performances_54059.xml
$file = 'https://webassos.com/uploads/results/ffnex_performances_54059.xml';
$xml = simplexml_load_file($file);
Return a well formated array with XML elements and attributes
$meeting = $xml->MEET;
Return an empty object.
Same result with a DOM document and trying to get element MEET by tagName.
Why this method that I usually use does not work in this case, please?

Please check your structure You have a child node meets and there you find meet


PHP - Extract node value from nested xml file

I have I'm trying to get the "extract" node value from an xml file/url. Below is my code, but I'm not getting any output.
$url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=xml&action=query&prop=extracts&exintro=&explaintext=&titles=unix";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
echo $xml->extract ;
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
$xml->extract would work if the node was a direct child of the xml file.
After looking at the api response, I am able to get and display the extract node using the full path:
$url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=xml&action=query&prop=extracts&exintro=&explaintext=&titles=unix";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
echo $xml->query->pages->page->extract ;

php - SimpleXMLElement insert xml content

Say, I have the following php code:
$resultXML = "<root><book></book></root>";
$resultXML = new SimpleXMLElement($resultXML);
How can I insert the following XML: <car><bmw></bmw></car> such that I get <root><car><bmw></bmw></car><book></book></root>
Basically, I want to generic solution to insert an element (with its children, grandchildren etc) in an existing XML. Any help?
Try this
$resultXML = new SimpleXMLElement('<root><book></book></root>');

Parsing inline tags with SimpleXML

I'm using SimpleXML & PHP to parse an XML element in the following form:
random text with <inlinetag src="http://url.com/">inline</inlinetag> XML to parse
I know I can reach inlinetag using $element->inlinetag, but I don't know how to reach it in such a way that I can basically replace the inlinetag with a link to the attribute source without using it's location in the text. The result would basically have to look like this:
here is a random text with inline XML
This may be a stupid questions, I hope someone here can help! :)
I found a way to do this using DOMElement.
One way to replace the element is by cloning it with a different name/attributes. Here is is a way to do this, using the accepted answer given on How do you rename a tag in SimpleXML through a DOM object?
function clonishNode(DOMNode $oldNode, $newName, $replaceAttrs = [])
$newNode = $oldNode->ownerDocument->createElement($newName);
foreach ($oldNode->attributes as $attr)
if (isset($replaceAttrs[$attr->name]))
$newNode->setAttribute($replaceAttrs[$attr->name], $attr->value);
foreach ($oldNode->childNodes as $child)
$oldNode->parentNode->replaceChild($newNode, $oldNode);
Now, we use this function to clone the inline element with a new element and attribute name. Here comes the tricky part: iterating over all the nodes will not work as expected. The length of the selected nodes will change as you clone them, as the original node is removed. Therefore, we only select the first element until there are no elements left to clone.
$xml = '<element>
random text with <inlinetag src="http://url.com/">inline</inlinetag> XML to parse
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$nodes= $dom->getElementsByTagName('inlinetag');
echo $dom->saveXML(); //<element>random text with <inlinetag src="http://url.com/">inline</inlinetag> XML to parse</element>
while($nodes->length > 0) {
clonishNode($nodes->item(0), 'a', ['src' => 'href']);
echo $dom->saveXML(); //<element>random text with inline XML to parse</element>
That's it! All that's left to do is getting the content of the element tag.
Is this the result you want to achieve?
$data = '<element>
random text with
<inlinetag src="http://url.com/">inline
</inlinetag> XML to parse
$xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
foreach($xml->inlinetag as $resource)
echo 'Your SRC attribute = '. $resource->attributes()->src; // e.g. name, price, symbol

Change the value of a text node using SimpleXML

I am trying to write a code where it will find a specific element in my XML file and then change the value of the text node. The XML file has different namespaces. Till now, I have managed to register the namespaces and also echo the text node of the element, which I want to change.
$xml = simplexml_load_file('getobs.xml');
$result = $xml->xpath('//g:beginPosition');
foreach ($result as $title) {
echo $title . "\n";
My question is: How can I change the value of this element using SimpleXML? I tried to use the nodeValue command but I am not able to make it work.
This is a part of the XML:
<sos:GetObservation xmlns:sos="http://www.opengis.net/sos/1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" service="SOS" version="1.0.0" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326">
<ogc:TM_During xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" xsi:type="ogc:BinaryTemporalOpType">
<gml:TimePeriod xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml">
In the end I managed to do it by using the PHP XML DOM.
Here is the code that I used in order to change the text node of a specific element:
// create new DOM document and load the data
$dom = new DOMDocument;
// Create new xpath and register the namespace
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
// query the result amd change the value to the new date
$result = $xpath->query("//g:beginPosition");
$result->item(0)->nodeValue = 'sds';
// save the values in a new xml
Not wanting to switch from the code I've already made for SimpleXML, I found this solution:
$numvotes = $xml->xpath('/gallery/image[path="'.$_GET["image"].'"]/numvotes');
$numvotes[0][0] = $votes;
Hope this helps!

Modify xml nodes using DOM or SIMPLE XML?

I have source XML here: http://www.grilykrby.cz/rss/pf-heureka.xml. I want to use this xml feed and create another modified on my own server. I would like to change every node CATEGORYTEXT which contains word Prislusenstvi. I just tried something but I got only the listing of all categories without changing XML :-(
Here is the example of my code. The row $kategorie="nejaka kategorie"; doesn't work.
$file = "http://www.grilykrby.cz/rss/pf-heureka.xml";
foreach ($xml->xpath('//SHOPITEM/CATEGORYTEXT') as $kategorie) {
echo $kategorie."<br />";
$kategorie="nejaka kategorie";
file_put_contents('test.xml', $xml->asXML());
$kategorie is just a temp variable used in the loop which contains a copy of the data returned by xpath query. You would need to actually set the value directly in the $xml object.
I would personally also consider doing a str_replace or preg_replace within the XML content itself before parsing it into a simpleXML object.
Final Accepted Answer
$xml = simplexml_load_file('http://www.grilykrby.cz/rss/pf-heureka.xml');
foreach($xml -> SHOPITEM as $polozka) {
if ($polozka -> CATEGORYTEXT == "Příslušenství") $xml -> SHOPITEM[$i] -> CATEGORYTEXT = "Some other text";
