I have recently completed the task of setting up database notifications with Laravel. I am now able to send notifications. What I want to do now, however, is: when I send a notification, I want an icon (such as a bell) to appear on my website, where users can hover over this icon and see the notification header, or click on it to read the full content. Is this possible?
Also, is there a way that I can get a database to see all notifications that I have sent? Perhaps using MySQL.
For the first question:
Yes, you can fetch the notification for every user like this:
In controller that you want to pass the result of notification for every user
$user = App\User::find(1);
foreach ($user->unreadNotifications as $notification) {
echo $notification->type;
For the second question you should add a value to toArray function like th
And you can count the notification and show the message on header on anywhere you want with helping Ajax call or by every refresh html page,
In notification file
public function toArray($notifiable)
return [
'sender_id' => $this->user->id,
After that when you want to fetch this data (query on notification table to find notifications that you send) you can use JSON Where Clauses
I hope it will help you,
It's super easy get the latest notification and count .. Though the only differentiating factor here is how do you know there is a new notification from all your notifications. So I would suggest this design on your database.
[id, name, latest]
Note: latest colunm is an integer type .eg. 0 or 1, where 0 is not latest and 1 is latest.
Inserting a Notification
So when you insert data save new notification in the db as latest e.g
$notification = new Notification();
$notification->name = 'whatever';
$notification->latest = 1; // important part
Retrieving latest notification and Displaying a Bell
$latest_notification = Notification::where('latest', 1)->first(); // latest
//before responding to view - save notification as 0
$latest_notification->latest = 0;
if(latest_notification->isNotNull) {
return["latest" => latest_notification]
return["latest" => 0];
Front End Displaying Bell
<span id="notifier"></span>
Javascript -- Jquery
// if your response is not 0 then you have notification
// After post request to the server post or axios whatever you use
if(response.latest !== 0) {
$('#notifier').html('<i class="fas fa-bell"></i>' + '1')
} else {
Sorry have not had time to test this but this sure point you somewhere, all the best.
Im using the Twilio PHP Sdk.
$AccountSid = env('TWILIO_SID');
$AuthToken = env('TWILIO_TOKEN');
$this->twi = new TwilioClient($AccountSid, $AuthToken );
And Im retrieving call logs like so.
$calls = $this->twi->calls->read(["to" => "+".$number->number], 15);
This is fine, and is returning 15 records of the latest calls.
But how do I access paging information such as how many total records are available, and how many pages are available to view. So that I can display some sort of pagination on my page??
I tried just accessing the Calls.json object, via CURL without using the SDK, like this...
$url = "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/".$AccountSid."/Calls.json?PageSize=15";
And that gave me a nice JSON object, with some paging info such as next_page_uri and previous_page_uri.
[previous_page_uri] =>/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC##########/Calls.json?PageSize=15&Page=0
[page_size] => 15
[start] => 0
[next_page_uri] => /2010-04-01/Accounts/AC##########/Calls.jsonPageSize=15&Page=1&PageToken=PACA27b63143f18c458f2abd35ef90753e5a
[page] => 0
But still, no totals such as total records, or total pages in the query??? So I cant display a nice bar of pagination at the bottom of my table, to show how many actual pages there are?
This seems dumb.
Is there no way to get this information?? Without actually storing the calls individually in my own database, so I can provide this manually?
Also.....one other question (assuming I cant retrieve that information)
I still want to be able to navigate from page to page, via the SDK instead of CURL requests. So....how do I pass the page number to the Twilio SDK? Ive tried...
$calls = $this->twi->calls->read(["To" => "+".$number->number,"Page"=>22], 15);
But it still just returns the first page. So how do I paginate these records via the SDK??
I am not sure about total pages, but for pagination i have used TWILIO PHP SDK's function,
Here how it will work,
//this will fetch first 10 calls
$calls = $twilio->calls->page([], 10, \Twilio\Values::NONE, 0);
//then you just need to call 2 methods for next and previous page
$nextPageData = $calls->nextPage(); //this will return data of next page
$previousPageData = $calls->previousPage(); // this will return data of previous page
// to check if current page has valid data
//Invalid page
This is what i used for pagination on my project.
I am developing an application in Laravel 5.5 ... it is kind of a testing system...
What I want to achieve is that when user clicks on RUN TEST, it will generate random set of questions (let's say 5) then I want them to be served to the user one by one ... I did a pagination in AJAX so the questions can be served by pages .. and after that user will click on SUBMIT which will submit the form ..
I am able to get the random list of questions
In the TestController within the method "exec_test" is
// get random id
$q_id = Question::select('id')
This will get 3 random ID's for that specific test ...
Following code in the same method is
// get data
$data = array (
'tests' => Test::select('id','code','name',DB::raw('duration_m * 60 as duration_m'),'questions','passing_score')
->orderBy('code', 'asc')
'test_questions' => Question::select('questions.id','questions.question_header','questions.question_detail_local_url')
'test_answers' => Answer::select('id','answer_text_cleaned')
// check for ajax requests
if ($request->ajax()) {
return view('/custom/test/run_test_quests', $data)->render();
return view('/custom/test/run_test_info',$data);
But I don't know how can I make that first query static and to make it served one by one (per page) to the user .. so he can go trough all questions
Do you have any suggestions please?
while paginating the first page would be 1, it would be specified in the url too.
try this:
if($request->input('page') ==1)
//code for first page
//code for random
this is just a suggestion. Sorry if I understood the question wrong
I have a social networking site built on a PHP framework. I'm using a plugin to award members points when they update their profile. Right now, whenever a member clicks on 'Save' it triggers the profileupdate event, and that event triggers the points being awarded. But, even if the profile fields are all empty, the event is still triggered and they still get points… so, my clever users are gaming the system to get points without really updating their profile :\
I want to add a function that checks that the profile fields aren't empty -- or, ideally, checks that a significant amount of changes have been made to at least 1 of the profile fields, but I'm not sure how to do that.
I'm still pretty new to PHP (about 1 year experience), so if anyone could help both with explaining what the checking process should be and the specifics on the code to execute the checking function, I'd really appreciate it!
Here are the current events and functions:
When the owner of the page clicks on 'Save', this is the event in the core of the PHP framework that gets triggered to notify the user of the update:
trigger_event('profileupdate', $owner->type, $owner);
This is the function in the points plugin that checks to see if the plugin is configured to award points based on a profile update, and then calls the points_add function to add points to the user:
function points_profile($event, $type, $object) {
if ($points = get_plugin_setting('profileupdate')) {
if (function_exists('points_add')) {
points_add(get_logged_in_user_guid(), $points, $event, $type, $object->entity_guid);
This is an example of how the individual profile fields are defined/labelled -- ie, "admin_defined_profile_1"
if (save_config("admin_defined_profile_$id", $label) &&
save_config("admin_defined_profile_type_$id", $type) &&
save_config('profile_custom_fields', $fieldlist))
look on rowcount() http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.rowcount.php
it will -on single UPDATE -return 1 if anything was actually changed and 0 if nothing was changed.
I implement the example from facebook credits, and create an test app, added the callback.php in the Callback Url, place my keys correctly. but I get this error:
Sorry, but we're having trouble processing your payment. You have not been charged for this transaction. Please try again.
I am trying to create a few buttons with different monetary values. Like:
Click to get 100 credits
Click to get 1000 credits
If I use this generic code, I get the payment window just fine, but I can't see my products there, I can only choose from already made presets :
function buyMore(){
// calling the API ...
var obj = {
app_id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
method: 'pay',
order_info: n,
purchase_type: 'item',
credits_purchase: true
to show the user my monetary presets I think I need to pass different values to the function:
<p><a onclick="buyMore('100'); return false;">Buy More Credits 100</a></p>
<p><a onclick="buyMore('1000'); return false;">Buy More Credits 1000</a></p>
function buyMore(price) {
var order_info = {
// calling the API ...
var obj = {
app_id: '153230661424821',
method: 'pay',
order_info: order_info,
purchase_type: 'item'
Not sure if I got it right.
Can anyone push me in the right direction?
Yeah, you'll have to have your users select the item they want to purchase, which will then call the buyMore function to have them confirm their purchase via the Credits dialog (like you're doing in your second example).
First thing I'd do is check my Credits setting in the Developer app though. I've gotten that error before on a new app before realizing I'd forgotten to set my credits callback URL or set my user as a Credits test user.
Why are you asking the user to buy a set number of credits?
Surely it's an easier flow if you ask the user to buy an item (priced in credits) and Facebook handles the step of the user buying the necessary credits themselves?
I am trying to write a module that syncs my newsletter subscribers in Magento with a external database. I need to be able to update the subscription status in Magento programmatically but I am having diffuculty getting the "setStatus" method in Magento to work. It does not throw any errors but the code does not seem to have any effect. Below is the code where I call the method:
$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('newsletter/subscriber_collection')->showStoreInfo()->showCustomerInfo();
foreach ($collection as $cust) {
In theory, this should set the status of all of my subscribers to "subscribed". I could optionally change the argument sent to "setStatus" to any of the below ints for a different status.
1: Subscribed
2: Status Not Active
3: Unsubscribed
How to best change the subscriber status or get this code working?
Here an import script:
$subscribers = array('email1#server1.com', 'email2#server2.com');
foreach ($subscribers as $email) {
# create new subscriber without send an confirmation email
# get just generated subscriber
$subscriber = Mage::getModel('newsletter/subscriber')->loadByEmail($email);
# change status to "subscribed" and save
It seems that newsletter subscribers are also stored elsewhere. What you are setting is just a check in the customer base for some other use.
You need to do the following for each customer as well.
See this link for a complete reference.
Thanks to the link #Ozair shared I was able to figure out what I needed to do.
I was successfully setting the status of the subscriber in the Magento subscriber object but I was not saving the object. I needed to call Magento's save method so it would call the ORM and write it to the database. All I need to do was add
in the for loop. Below is the whole code snippet.
$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('newsletter/subscriber_collection')->showStoreInfo()->showCustomerInfo();
foreach ($collection as $cust) {
I Hope this helps someone in the future. I needed it for a Constant Contact - Magento Synchronization extension I was making: http://www.freelunchlabs.com/store/constant-contact-and-magento-sync.html