Add parameters in result array - php

I'm using Code Igniter,I try to add $finalamount to the result_array.
$this->db->select('customer_id, customer_ref, i_points, group_points, created_on');
$run_q = $this->db->get('employees');
if($run_q->num_rows() > 0){
foreach ($run_q->result_array() as $get) {
$totalpoints = $get['i_points'] + $get['group_points'];
$percent = 17;
$amountbycustomer = $totalpoints * 26 * $percent;
$amountbypref = $this->final($get['customer_id'],$percent);
$finalamount = $amountbycustomer + $amountbypref;
$get['finalamount'] = $finalamount;
return $run_q->result_array();
But in my view, this error
<td class="employeeCustomer"><?=$get['customer_id']?></td>
<td class="employeeCustomerRef"><?=$get['customer_ref']?></td>
<td class="employeeAmount"><?=$get['finalamount']?></td>//line 65
Message: Undefined index: finalamount
Filename: employees/employeeslist.php
Line Number: 65

You are returning just the result array from the db and not actually adding the final amount to the individual rows. You have to do something like this:
public function stmt() {
$this->db->select('customer_id, customer_ref, i_points, group_points, created_on');
$run_q = $this->db->get('employees');
if ($run_q->num_rows() > 0) {
$rows = $run_q->result_array();
foreach ($rows as $k => $get) {
$totalpoints = $get['i_points'] + $get['group_points'];
$percent = 17;
$amountbycustomer = $totalpoints * 26 * $percent;
$amountbypref = $this->final($get['customer_id'], $percent);
$finalamount = $amountbycustomer + $amountbypref;
$rows[$k]['finalamount'] = $finalamount;
return $rows;
return false;
OR using pass by reference (notice: &get):
$rows = $run_q->result_array();
foreach ($run_q->result_array() as &$get) {
$totalpoints = $get['i_points'] + $get['group_points'];
$percent = 17;
$amountbycustomer = $totalpoints * 26 * $percent;
$amountbypref = $this->final($get['customer_id'], $percent);
$finalamount = $amountbycustomer + $amountbypref;
$get['finalamount'] = $finalamount;
return $rows;


85/5000 Asynchronous equation in PHP: a variable depends on another that has not yet been declared

I have a sum in my code that needs the return of a function, but the return of this function depends that the sum is already ready, because it uses a parameter that is still going to be created, can you solve it?
It's a calculator made in excel and I'm programming, but excel is that way and it works, but when I went to the code I got caught up in that problem.
//See the code:
public function valorRenda($rendaMensal, $valorEntrada, $tempoMeses, $imovelTipo){
$resultado = array();
$resultado['tipoSimulacao'] = 'rendaCliente';
$taxaMensal = $this->taxaPorTipo('rendaCliente', $imovelTipo, $rendaMensal) / 100;
//Cálculo do valor da primeira parcela
$primeiraParcela = $rendaMensal * 0.3;
//Calcula valor máximo do financiamento
$multiplicador = 0.5;
$i = 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9999999999; $i++) {
$amortizacao = ($i * $multiplicador) / $tempoMeses;
$juros = (($i * $multiplicador) * ($taxaMensal));
$valor = $amortizacao + $juros + $this->custoMensal($valorImovel,$valorEntrada);
if ($valor >= $primeiraParcela) {
$projecao = ($i * $multiplicador) + $valorEntrada;
$valorImovel = ($projecao * $primeiraParcela / $valor);
$financiamentoMaximo = round($valorImovel);
$financiamentoMaximo = $this->formatoReal($financiamentoMaximo);
$resultado['financiamentoMaximo'] = $financiamentoMaximo;
$resultado['financiamentoMaximoFormatado'] = $this->formatoReal($financiamentoMaximo, false);
//Calcula a primeira parcela
$primeiraParcelaSemTaxas = $primeiraParcela - $this->custoMensal($valorImovel,$valorEntrada);
$primeiraParcelaSemTaxas = round($primeiraParcelaSemTaxas, 2);
$primeiraParcelaSemTaxas = $this->formatoReal($primeiraParcelaSemTaxas);
$resultado['primeiraParcela'] = $primeiraParcelaSemTaxas;
$resultado['primeiraParcelaFormatado'] = $this->formatoReal($primeiraParcelaSemTaxas, false);
$primeiraParcelaTotal = $primeiraParcela;
$primeiraParcelaTotal = round($primeiraParcelaTotal, 2);
$primeiraParcelaTotal = $this->formatoReal($primeiraParcelaTotal);
$resultado['primeiraParcelaTotal'] = $primeiraParcelaTotal;
$resultado['primeiraParcelaTotalFormatado'] = $this->formatoReal($primeiraParcelaTotal, false);
$valorUltimaParcela = ((($valorImovel - $valorEntrada) - ((($valorImovel - $valorEntrada) / $tempoMeses) * ($tempoMeses - 1))) + ((($valorImovel - $valorEntrada) - ((($valorImovel - $valorEntrada) / $tempoMeses) * ($tempoMeses - 1)))) * $taxaMensal) + $this->custoMensal($valorImovel,$valorEntrada);
$ultimaParcelaSemTaxas = $valorUltimaParcela - $this->custoMensal($valorImovel,$valorEntrada);
$ultimaParcelaSemTaxas = round($ultimaParcelaSemTaxas, 2);
$ultimaParcelaSemTaxas = $this->formatoReal($ultimaParcelaSemTaxas);
$resultado['ultimaParcela'] = $ultimaParcelaSemTaxas;
$resultado['ultimaParcelaFormatado'] = $this->formatoReal($ultimaParcelaSemTaxas, false);
$primeiraParcelaTotal = $valorUltimaParcela;
$primeiraParcelaTotal = round($primeiraParcelaTotal, 2);
$primeiraParcelaTotal = $this->formatoReal($primeiraParcelaTotal);
$resultado['ultimaParcelaTotal'] = $primeiraParcelaTotal;
$resultado['ultimaParcelaTotalFormatado'] = $this->formatoReal($primeiraParcelaTotal, false);
$resultado['taxa'] = number_format(round(($taxaMensal * 100), 2), 2);
$resultado['periodo'] = $tempoMeses;
return $resultado;
//The function:
private function custoMensal($valorImovel, $entradaImovel)
{`enter code here`
$taxa_dfi = ($this->dfi / 100) * $valorImovel;
$taxa_mip = ($this->mip / 100) * ($valorImovel- $entradaImovel);
return $taxa_dfi + $taxa_mip + $this->tac;
Where is the problem:
$valor = $amortizacao + $juros + $this->custoMensal($valorImovel,$valorEntrada);
In this line I need to pass $valorImovelto the function custoMensal(), what happens is that the variable $valorImovel has not yet been created because it depends on the variable $valor.

Method paginate does not exist Laravel 5.2

I get the following error when I try to paginate in Laravel 5.2.
BadMethodCallException in Macroable.php line 81: Method paginate does
not exist.
And code:
$count = 0;
$gdprecords = Gdprecord::all();
foreach($gdprecords as $gdprecord) {
$Pa = $gdprecord->adultpopulation;
$Pc = $gdprecord->childpopulation;
$P = $Pa + $Pc; // total population
$T = ($gdprecord->gdpcapita * $P) * $gdpratio; // basic income for country
if($bi_ratio == 0) {
$gdprecord->bi_adult = round($T / $Pa, 2);
} else {
$gdprecord->bi_adult = round($T / ($Pa + ($Pc / $bi_ratio)), 2);
$gdprecord->bi_adult_monthly = round($gdprecord->bi_adult / 12, 2);
$gdprecord->bi_adult_daily = round($gdprecord->bi_adult / 365, 2);
if($bi_ratio == 0) {
$gdprecord->bi_child = 0;
} else {
$gdprecord->bi_child = round($gdprecord->bi_adult / $bi_ratio, 2);
$gdprecord->bi_child_monthly = round($gdprecord->bi_child / 12, 2);
$gdprecord->bi_child_daily = round($gdprecord->bi_child / 365, 2);
$sorted_gdprecords = $gdprecords->sortByDesc('bi_adult')->paginate(25);
I don't want to paginate until after the array has been sorted. How do I make this work?
Thanks, Philip
Here is a solution I found, borrowing code from someone else:
public function paginate($items,$perPage)
$pageStart = \Request::get('page', 1);
// Start displaying items from this number;
$offSet = ($pageStart * $perPage) - $perPage;
// Get only the items you need using array_slice
$itemsForCurrentPage = array_slice($items, $offSet, $perPage, true);
return new LengthAwarePaginator($itemsForCurrentPage, count($items), $perPage,Paginator::resolveCurrentPage(), array('path' => Paginator::resolveCurrentPath()));
and add this code:
$gdprecords2 = $gdprecords->sortByDesc('bi_adult')->all();
$perPage = 25;
$sorted_gdprecords = self::paginate($gdprecords2, $perPage);
Thanks for your help. -Philip

Rewrite a PHP function with arrays instead

Is there any way I could rewrite this function with an array instead of all these if statements? Could i maybe use some for loop together with an array? How would that look like? Any suggestions of simpler code?
Here is my php function:
function to_next_level($point) {
* This function check how much points user has achievents and how much procent it is until next level
$firstlevel = "3000";
$secondlevel = "7000";
$thirdlevel = "15000";
$forthlevel = "28000";
$fifthlevel = "45000";
$sixthlevel = "80000";
if($point <= $firstlevel) {
$total = ($point/$firstlevel) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
//echo number_format($remaining, 0, '.', ' ');
return $remaining;
} elseif ($point <= $secondlevel) {
$total = ($point/$secondlevel) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
//echo number_format($remaining, 0, '.', ' ');
return $remaining;
} elseif ($point <= $thirdlevel) {
$total = ($point/$thirdlevel) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
//echo number_format($remaining, 0, '.', ' ');
return $remaining;
} elseif ($point <= $forthlevel) {
$total = ($point/$forthlevel) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
//echo number_format($remaining, 0, '.', ' ');
return $remaining;
} elseif ($point <= $fifthlevel) {
$total = ($point/$fifthlevel) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
//echo number_format($remaining, 0, '.', ' ');
return $remaining;
} elseif ($point <= $sixthlevel) {
$total = ($point/$sixthlevel) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
//echo number_format($remaining, 0, '.', ' ');
return $remaining;
Try this:
function to_next_level($point) {
* This function check how much points user has achievents and how much procent it is until next level
$levelArray = array(3000, 7000, 15000, 28000, 45000, 80000);
foreach ($levelArray as $level)
if ($point <= $level) {
$total = ($point/$level) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
//echo number_format($remaining, 0, '.', ' ');
return $remaining;
Start using OOP programming style. This is the perfect opportunity since it is a task without much complexity. Create a class that acts as central authority. That class can receive more methods over time. That way your code stays easy to maintain since all those functions are kept inside a class.
class levelAuthority
public static $thresholds = [ 3000, 7000, 15000, 28000, 45000, 80000 ];
public static function getDistanceToNextlevel($points)
foreach (self::$thresholds as $threshold) {
if ($points <= $threshold) {
$total = ($points/$threshold) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
return $remaining;
// in the calling scope:
$points = 5000;
echo levelAuthority::getDistanceToNextlevel($points);
lots of answers to this!!
here is mine using a while loop - single exit point outside the loop:
function to_next_level($point) {
* This function check how much points user has achievements and how much percent it is until next level
$arr_level = array(3000,15000,28000,45000,80000);
$remaining = false;
while (!$remaining and list($key,$level) = each($arr_level)) {
if ($point <= $level) {
$total = ($point/$level) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
// will return false if $point is greater than highest value in $arr_level
return $remaining;
You could write an additional function, that does the calculations and trigger it from the if/else if/else blocks.
function calculate_remaining($points, $level) {
$total = ($point/$level) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
return $remaining;
You'd trigger this like:
if($point <= $firstlevel) {
return $calculate_remaining($point, $firstlevel);
} elseif ($point <= $secondlevel) {
return $calculate_remaining($point, $secondlevel);
} etc.
What about something like this?
function to_next_level($point)
$levels = array(
foreach ($levels as $level)
if ($point <= $level)
$total = ($point / $level) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
//echo number_format($remaining, 0, '.', ' ');
return $remaining;
The point levels are in order in the array, so [0] is $firstlevel, and so on. You simply iterate through the array and return whenever we reach the condition where $point is <= to the the $level.
Also, since $levels is static, it can be defined outside of the function.
$point = 100;
$remaining = 0;
$data = [
'firstlevel' => 3000,
'secondlevel' => 7000,
'thirdlevel' => 15000,
'forthlevel' => 28000,
'fifthlevel' => 45000,
'sixthlevel' => 80000
foreach($data as $item)
if($point <= $item)
$remaining = round(($point / $item ) * 100); //or return val
How about putting your variable into array and loop it?
function to_next_level($point) {
$data[0] = "3000";
$data[1] = "7000";
$data[2] = "15000";
$data[3] = "28000";
$data[4] = "45000";
$data[5] = "80000";
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if($point <= $value) {
$total = ($point/$value) * 100;
$remaining = round($total);
return $remaining;
I haven't try it. But it might work for you.

Retrieve All Data From One Table in Database into Array and Calculate it

Related to question from this Pearson correlation in PHP , now I'm using that function too for calculate similarity between 2 users with pearson correlation. What I wanna ask is :
I have database name ta_db
And I want to retrieve data from table interest which have 9 attributes into array
After that I want to calculate it with pearson correlation function.
public function similarity($user1, $user2) {
$sharedItem = array();
$pref1 = array();
$pref2 = array();
$result1 = $user1->fetchAllPreferences();
$result2 = $user2->fetchAllPreferences();
foreach($result1 as $pref){
$pref1[$pref->item_id] = $pref->rate;
foreach($result2 as $pref){
$pref2[$pref->item_id] = $pref->rate;
foreach ($pref1 as $item => $preferenza){
$sharedItem[$item] = 1;
$n = count($sharedItem);
if ($n == 0) return 0;
$sum1 = 0;$sum2 = 0;$sumSq1 = 0;$sumSq2 = 0;$pSum = 0;
foreach ($sharedItem as $item_id => $pre) {
$sum1 += $pref1[$item_id];
$sum2 += $pref2[$item_id];
$sumSq1 += pow($pref1[$item_id],2);
$sumSq2 += pow($pref2[$item_id],2);
$pSum += $pref1[$item_id] * $pref2[$item_id];
$num = $pSum - (($sum1 * $sum2) / $n);
$den = sqrt(($sumSq1 - pow($sum1,2)/$n) * ($sumSq2 - pow($sum2,2)/$n));
if ($den == 0) return 0;
return $num/$den;
From my explanation above, could you please tell me how to retrieve the data into Array? Thank you in advance for your help and clear explanation.

using foreach and while loop together

I have an array year_values containing some values like
$year_values = array();
foreach($year_strings as $str) {
$year_values[] = explode(",", $str);
then I apply a query for extracting some values from database
$sql = "SELECT inventory.holdingcost as holdingcost,
inventory.ordercost as ordercost, inventory.unitprice as unitprice,
inventory.lead_time as lead_time, as iid
FROM inventory, items
WHERE inventory.item_name = items.item_name";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
foreach($year_values as $vals) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$w = $row[2];
$e = $row[0];
$r = $row[1];
$tt = $row[3];
$eo = sqrt(2 * $vals[5] * $r / ($e * $w));
$eoq = round($eo, 1);
$ro = $vals[5] / 360;
$rop = round($ro * $tt);
$op = round($vals[5] / $eoq, 1);
$cc = round(89 / $op);
$h = round((($eoq * $e * $w) / 2), 2);
$o = round((($r * $vals[5]) / $eoq), 2);
$z = round($h + $o, 2);
When I use foreach above while loop it just takes first value of $year_values as $vals[5], I want to make computations inside while for every value of array $year_values.
How to correct it?
repetition is occurring in value1 i.e $val[5] currently:
Value1 Value 2 Value 3
199 202 0.25
199 205 0.25
199 210 0.25
199 230 0.25
1698 202 0.25
1698 205 0.25
1698 210 0.25
1698 230 0.25
instead i want the values to be displayed like
Value1 Value 2 Value 3
199 202 0.25
1698 205 0.25
15 210 0.25
971 230 0.25
I guess you just have to store all your data, so you could reuse it.
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$rows = array() ;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
$rows[] = $row ;
foreach($year_values as $vals) {
foreach($rows as $row){
$w = $row[2];
$e = $row[0];
$r = $row[1];
$tt = $row[3];
$eo = sqrt(2 * $vals[5] * $r / ($e * $w));
$eoq = round($eo, 1);
$ro = $vals[5] / 360;
$rop = round($ro * $tt);
$op = round($vals[5] / $eoq, 1);
$cc = round(89 / $op);
$h = round((($eoq * $e * $w) / 2), 2);
$o = round((($r * $vals[5]) / $eoq), 2);
$z = round($h + $o, 2);
Simply reverse the statements:
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
foreach($year_values as $vals) {
$w = $row[2];
$e = $row[0];
$r = $row[1];
$tt = $row[3];
$eo = sqrt(2 * $vals[5] * $r / ($e * $w));
$eoq = round($eo, 1);
$ro = $vals[5] / 360;
$rop = round($ro * $tt);
$op = round($vals[5] / $eoq, 1);
$cc = round(89 / $op);
$h = round((($eoq * $e * $w) / 2), 2);
$o = round((($r * $vals[5]) / $eoq), 2);
$z = round($h + $o, 2);
mysql_fetch_row will return false once the rows have been fetched all. To reuse it you should store them in a variable (like the response made by Jari) or you could switch the two cycles (see imulsion's answer)
