Multiple PHP / Apache Versions on MacOs - php

At the moment I'm using two machines for Web (Win10) & iOS development (MacOS) and looking to combine them into a one computer that I would use on a daily basis.
My current challenge is to ensure that I can develop and run two or more environments on the same machine (not necessary at the same time, a simple switch would do the job).
I've tried MAMP and AMPPS and they both do the job, with an exception to the PHP-CLI version.
Every time I run php from the console it opens up the latest version completely ignoring the one that is specified by the MAMP or AMPPS.
What is the best way to ensure that php-cli always points to a currently active version of the PHP as stipulated by MAMP or AMPPS?
On Windows I was using that had it's own internal terminal window that would automatically load the current version of php-cli.
I am fully aware of docker/vagrant but they would be an overkill in this case.

Unfortunately there is no simple answer to my question. As a solution:
Get multiple version installed
Design a script that changes the PATH environment to the right version as required.
alternatively a script that rewrites a symlink to a required version of the PHP.

For MAMP user, you must edit the file /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf and set the PHP version you prefer to use in your stack. I only installed one version of Apache HTTPD with multiple PHP versions - you have to specify the version.
If you don't, the default is the Mac's pre-installed PHP version.


PHP Version in Wamp and Command Line Windows not compatible

So basically i am trying to run yii-framework on wamp server but required higher version of php (5.4 above). In my Wamp server, the php version is 5.5 which i have checked on browser (localhost). But the when i run it on windows, it fails because the windows version is only 5.3. It causes the yii framework fail too because when i type php requirements.php. it does not work.
There is no Windows version of PHP so basically you must have installed a version of PHP manually i.e. not with WAMPServer.
This will probably have added an entry on you PATH ( always a bad idea when using WAMPServer anyway as you can have many versions of PHP on your system at one time with WAMPServer)
Look at your PATH and if you must, amend it to point to the PHP in \wamp\bin\php\php{version}
A better way is to remove any reference to PHP from the PATH environmant variable and write a simple batch file to add php to your path only when you want to, like this
Batch file saved in C:\windows\phppath.cmd
echo off
Assuming you have php5.4.16 on your wampserver install.

Restart Specific Version of PHP/Apache?

I just installed PHP version 5.5 on my server (Centos 6 / Plesk 12) and changed the php version for one of my sites. I can see via a php info file that the site IS using the new PHP version, but I don't know how to start that VERSION of php. I made some changes to PHP5 ini file but when I restart apache, it restarts the old version (php 5.4) and not php5.5 ..sorry I am not the best at shell commands but does anyone know how to restart the NEW php version if i have multiple versions installed on the server? Thanks!
additional info- the changes that i made to the php5.5 ini file is loading the zend_extension ..which is why i installed php 5.5 in the first place!
BONUS QUESTION: will zend opcache be effective running php 5.5 as fastcgi? I've heard that object cache modules are not compatible with fastcgi because it lets users run the application as their own user so the cache can not create x number of caches for each user..if that makes
Not sure if anyone is still following this but I also got stuck with this too. The solution I found to work was this:
Depending on what PHP versions you have setup with Plesk you need to run the following command:
service plesk-php{version}-fpm restart
For example:
service plesk-php54.fpm restart
service plesk-php56.fpm restart
In centos 7 the "service" command actually just calls another function so you end up calling:
/bin/systemctl restart plesk-php54-fpm.service
You can call that directly if you want but it is a few extra characters to type in.
With the above in mind you are now free to edit your php.ini files for each specific version you have enabled via Plesk. For those who don't know the ini files are usually located here:
Where {version} is 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, etc...
Hope this helps someone else.
In regards to your bonus question - sorry I'm not sure as I've not worked with that specifically.

Multiple versions of Apache installed and conflicting

I started trying to create a website which uses PHP on an old computer (previously used by another programmer).
I wanted to test my PHP code without uploading it each time, so I downloaded Apache and installed it. I was starting to set Apache up when I discovered this computer already had Apache on it.
Now I had multiple versions of Apache, so I went into add/remove programs and got rid of Apache (which only showed up once in the list).
Unfortunately windows decided it would uninstall the old version and keep mine which was not functioning properly. Also for whatever reason it seemed to have kept a good few files from the old version, but not enough that I could actually use it in any way. I believe it just had some configurations files.
I thought I would copy my files from the new version into the old version and not replace anything so hopefully I would be able to run under the older configurations, but that didn't work.
At this point I just wanted to cut my losses, so I put all the versions of Apache in an archive so there was no way the computer could be using them. I also removed Apache from the windows startup and rebooted the computer after configuring one single version of the newer copy of Apache to supposedly run PHP.
The problem is upon startup I could immediately log in to localhost and apache was already running. Also when I opened Apache manually from the files I had left unzipped, it only gives me the option to start Apache (not an option to stop or restart implying it is not running) and when I click it, it says "The requested operation has failed!" which is less than helpful.
So anyway, I just want to be able to run PHP locally and now I don't feel like I can even successfully uninstall and start from scratch anymore. Does anyone know what I have to do to get this to work? Sorry for the long description, I wove such a tangled knot.
One way to solve is use a XAMP (Apache + MySQL + PHP) client like XAMPP brings it all set up for you to use. The problem of conflict can be caused by any IDE (Netbeans for example) that already carries a version of Apache.
Try to configure config files of Apache case exist.
Assumption: Running Windows OS for development and linux for production environment.
My recommendation is to not mix the Windows and Linux worlds as while they can be made to behave after lots of work, it is usually more pain than good.
Instead, as a humble windows and linux user, download and install Virtualbox [], a free open source virtualisation tool.
Then download a linux distribution of your choice and install that into a new virtual machine.
Configure the linux tools inside linux and leave your windows machine relatively untouched.
A useful linux service to install would be Samba - windows file sharing - you can use this to edit your code in windows using any IDE of your choice, while saving directly to linux and testing through linux. When happy, upload from the linux system (again like any other file uploader) and all will be well.
If you are deploying to a linux based environment in your production service then this will help you avoid common mistakes such as case-sensitivity trouble and many others.
Building and running this system is free and it will help teach you more about the linux environment you are deploying to also.
Equally, when you don't have the virtual machine booted, there's no services lying around exposing your computer to possible local network threats and consuming resources - as opposed to installing Apache on Windows where it will be using some resources all the time.

How to downgrade PHP version from 5.3 to 5.2 in Ubuntu 12.04?

I have freshly installed Ubuntu 12.04 and I have installed PHP as well. By default, it is installed with version 5.3.10 but my PHP project doesn't support PHP v5.3.10.
I want to downgrade PHP version to 5.2. How can I do it?
You would have to uninstall PHP and then reinstall an older version. However if your working on a project that your going to sell, or give to clients, or whatever the case my suggestion would be take out any functionality thats actually breaking between 5.2x and 5.3x and replace it with its new counter parts, as most people will not want to revert to older versions of PHP for any needs, and generally speaking php versions only goin in one direction, if you block yourself into 5.2 and your making software in one shape or another for people, what are you going to do next year when all the servers come stock with PHP 6? Not to mention a lot of hosted solutions try to provide the latest and greatest on there new machines, and will not revert for a single client especially on a shared hosting environment.
Anyway yea, back to your question again in your terminal under Ubuntu, you can try the following. sudo apt-get purge php5 which will then prompt you for a password, then proceed with removing PHP assuming you have the PHP package standalone and not bundled in with some preconfigured LAMP stack, but then again it should still work generally speaking so long as the version is right.
As for reinstalling it, remove purge from the command and use install. However you will need to look up the means of getting an archived version installed of PHP as apt-get will get you the latest

Is there a tool to manage multiple installations of PHP on one machine (e.g. to support different versions)?

perlbrew is a tool to manage multiple installations of Perl on your system, making it easy to, say, quickly run a suite of test scripts against many different versions of Perl.
Is there anything like that for PHP? For now when I want to change the version of PHP that my system uses, I'll go into the build directory for my desired version and run make install.
Here's one: - it allows you to switch between different versions of php in one click (just install them into different directories)
And here's a free one:
Also - you might like this solution as an alternative, if you don't want to use side software:
Also missed that you use linux environment, so you would really like this:
Install all php versions you need and switch between them using this tiny bash script.
Maybe phpfarm could help you...
When you run ./configure, add --prefix=/usr/local/php-{version} (replacing {version} with the php version). Then to run a script with a certain version:
/usr/local/php-{version}/bin/php script.php
To run under a CGI environment
Make a symlink from /usr/local/bin/php-cgi to /usr/local/php-{version}/bin/php-cgi and then remake the symlink and restart the server when you want to switch php versions.
Maybe light offtopic, but for local development under windows some WAMP stacks provide excellent one-click switching of php versions. i had positive experiences with:
Not sure whether this is all clear for you, but let me know if it's not :)
For simple cli testing you can just install each version into their own folders, e.g. /usr/local/php-5.4/bin, /usr/local/php-5.3.10/bin, etc.
For some time you can run PHP in FastCGI mode. You can let a few versions run simultaneously and bind them to different ports, e.g. :9000, :9001, :9002, etc.
The next step is to set up multiple name based virtual hosts in either Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd or Node.js. Each virtual host binds to another FastCGI process and therefore uses a different version of PHP.
Maybe this is overkill for what you need, but if you don't mind using virtual machines Vagrant may be helpful.
