Get Text From URL in PHP - php

How can i call in php words from url?
Example 1
I want to display "Keyword One" as page title in php
Example 2
I want to display "Keyword Two" as page title in php
Thank you! :-)

the simplest solution in those cases would be using (untested code, but should work):
//get path
$urlPath = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
//get last element
$end = array_slice(explode('/', rtrim($urlPath, '/')), -1)[0];
//replace dashes with spaces and display
echo ucwords(str_replace('-',' ',$end));


basic php 'if then' URL link in wordpress

I'm trying to write code that will display a URL link if there one present from a form sumbmission;
If > [a link exists]
then [display the text 'more info' with the href link wrapped around it]
I've confused myself mixing wordpress and php, and can't quite get it. Any help would be great.
This question isn't very specific, but the pseudo-code I can offer is this:
<?php if (isset($_GET['url'])): ?>
Read more
<?php endif; ?>
Are you looking to do something like this to the comments displayed on a post?
Comment: "I like" becomes "I like more info".
If that's the case, perhaps adding a filter to functions.php to search for and replace URL might do the trick:
// define the get_comment_text callback
function filter_get_comment_text( $comment_comment_content, $comment, $args ) {
// Regular expression to find URL
$pattern = '/(https?):\/\/(www\.)?[a-z0-9\.:].*?(?=\s)/i';
// Replace url with linked "more info"
$replacement = 'more info';
// Find matches & replace
$newcomment = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $comment_comment_content);
// Return the comment
return $newcomment;
// add the filter
add_filter( 'get_comment_text', 'filter_get_comment_text', 10, 3 );

Fetching specific URL with preg_match

This is my code :
$patt = "#href=\"(.*?)\"#";
echo $match[1];`
i.e. theres a URL in the HTML code of the page $data
<a href="">
I want to grab this link above. Thanks

How can I insert text in an html element stored in a variable?

I have a program which is copying the text from another website and showing it.
It is storing the text in a variable $string.
The variable is containing html tags in it and I want to add text before a html tag stored in the variable.
For example: $string="<div id='1'><div id='game'></div>"; I want to add text before the div whose id is game.
To add the text before the div whose id is 'game'. simply use:
$string = "<div id='1'><div id='game'></div>";
$new = "texttoinsert";
$pos = "<div id='game'></div>";
echo str_replace($pos, $new.$pos ,$string);
In php the easiest way to do this would be using str_replace (
$textToInsert = "test";
$string = str_replace("<div id='game'>", $textToInsert."<div id='game'>" ,$string);
For that particular case the following works:
Using jQuery the solution is simple:
var text = $("<div id='1'><div id='game'></div></div>");
$('#1', text).prepend('text-to-insert');
and the result HTML can be obtained like this: text.html()
I hope this help.

How to chain in phpquery (almost everything can be a chain)

Good day everyone,
I'm very new with phpquery and this is my first post here at stackoverflow for a reason that i cant find the correct for syntax for the phpquery chaining. I know someone knows what i been looking for.
I only want to remove the a certain div inside a div.
<div id = "content">
<p>The text that i want to display</p>
<div class="node-links">Stuff i want to remove</div>
This few lines of codes works perfect
$text = pq('div#content');
print $text; //output: The text that i want to display
But when I tried
$text = pq('div#content')->removeClass('div.node-links'); //or
$text = pq('div#content')->remove('div.node-links');
//output: The text that i want to display (+) Stuff i want to remove
Can someone tell me why the second block of code is not working?
The first line of code will only work if your trying to remove the class from div.node-links, it won't remove the node.
If you are trying to remove the class you need to change it from:
$text = pq('div#content')->removeClass('div.node-links');
// to
$text = pq('div#content')->find('.node-links')->removeClass('node-links')->end();
which will output:
<div id="content">
<p>The text that i want to display</p>
<div>Stuff i want to remove</div>
As for the second line of code.. I'm not exactly sure why it is not working, it seems like your not selecting .node-links but I was able to get the desired results using these.
// $markup = file_get_contents('test.html');
// $doc = phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($markup);
$text = $doc->find('div#content')->children()->remove('.node-links')->end();
// or
$text = pq('div#content')->find('.node-links')->remove()->end();
// or
$text = pq('div#content > *')->remove('.node-links')->parent();
Hope that helps
Since remove() does not take any parameter, you can do:
$text = pq('div#content div.node-links')->remove();

php - get the source of an image

I need to get all the source values from all image inside a container. I'm having some difficulty with this.
Allow me to explain the process.
All the data comes from a database. Inside the backofficce the user enter all the text and the image inside a textarea. To separate the text with the image the user must enter a pagebreak.
Let's go to the code
while ($rowClients = mysql_fetch_array($rsClients)) {
$result = $rowClients['content'];
$resultExplode = explode('<!-- pagebreak -->', $result);
// with resultExplode[0] I get the code and with resultExplde[1] I get the image
// Now with I want to get only the src value from resultExplode[1]
I already tried with strip_tags
$imageSrc = strip_tags($resultadoExplode[1]);
but it doesn't print anything.
I found this post but without success. I stopped in the first print_r.
Can anyone help me??
try foreach, if you can't print it out.. (if that's the problem)
foreach($resultExplode as $key => $value){
echo "[".$key."]".$value;
I found a solution:
continuing with the previous code I worked with the split function.
So I start to strip the tags. This way I get the img isolated from the rest.
$image = strip_tags($resultExplode[1],"<img>");
Because all the img has the same structure like this: <img width="111" height="28" alt="alternative text" src="/path/to/the/file.png" title="title of the image">
I split this string, using " as a delimiter
$imgSplit = split('"', $image);
$src = $imgSplit[3];
Voilá. It's working
What do you say about this procedeure??
