How to call method that takes interface as a parameter? Symfony - PHP - php

I feel so stupid, but I don't know how to call a function that takes interface as a parameter. So I added a method in my class:
public function sendSpool($messages = 10, KernelInterface $kernel)
$application = new Application($kernel);
$input = new ArrayInput(array(
'command' => 'swiftmailer:spool:send',));
$output = new BufferedOutput();
$application->run($input, $output);
$content = $output->fetch();
return new Response($content);
How would I call it from my controller?
I tried:
$this->sendSpool('test', KernelInterface::class);
$kernel = new HttpKernel();
$this->sendSpool('test', $kernel );
This Kernel interface is in my use statement
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface;
, but I don't know how to pass it, please help explaining it to me if someone has couple of minutes. Thanks.

You need to use an instance of a class that implements the interface. Basically, it's asking to give you a class that has the functions available as described in the interface.
class MyKernel implements KernelInterface { /* functions here */ }
class x {
function x() {
$obj = new MyKernel();
$this->sendSpool('test', $obj);
In Symfony usually there is a way to get your kernel. Something like:
But it depends on your use case.
Also, you need the use statement in the class that implements the interface, you don't need it on the place where you are using it.


PHP DI - cannot be resolved Parameter $logger of __construct() has no value defined or guessable

I am trying to get a basic example of PHP-DI work, but I simple to be stuck at a fairly basic example. I assume I am missing something simple here, but have not been able to single it out.
It is not recognising the LoggerInterface type hinting, but that is taken straight out of the examples so I do not understand what I am doing wrong.
The example works fine when I remove LoggerInterface from the Service signature.
Service class:
namespace test\ServiceLayer;
class TestService extends BaseService{
public function __construct(\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger){}
use Monolog\Logger;
return [
'TestService' => \DI\create(\test\ServiceLayer\TestService::class),
Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class => DI\factory(function () {
$logger = new Logger('mylog');
return $logger;
$builder = new \DI\ContainerBuilder();
$container = $builder->build();
$service = $container->get('TestService');
object(DI\Definition\Exception\InvalidDefinition)#115 (7) {
["message":protected]=> string(196) "Entry "TestService" cannot be
resolved: Parameter $logger of __construct() has no value defined or
guessable Full definition: Object (
class = arkon\ServiceLayer\TestService
lazy = false )"
You are using create(), if you want the entry to be autowired you need to use autowire() instead.
See this documentation.

Pimple ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function

I'm trying to understand dependency injection, and I in theory, I get it, but, I wanted to make an example just to help me. However, I'm getting the following error
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Main\Services\UserService::__construct(), 0 passed
in ...
Here's my "main" file, I've called it index.php
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Main\Controllers\UserController;
use Main\Services\UserService;
use Main\Models\UserModel;
use Pimple\Container;
$container = new Container;
$container['UserModel'] = function($c) {
return new UserModel();
$container['UserService'] = function ($c) {
return new UserService($c['UserModel']);
$container['UserController'] = function ($c) {
echo "creating a new UserController\n";
$aUserService = $c['UserService'];
return new UserController($aUserService);
$myUserService = new $container['UserService'];
$myResult = $myUserService->parseGet();
echo $myResult, PHP_EOL;
Here's the model that's being passed into the service
# Models/UserModel.php
namespace Main\Models;
class UserModel
private $record;
public function getRecord()
return [
'first_name' => 'Bob',
'last_name' => 'Jones',
'email' => '',
'date_joined' => '11-12-2014',
And, here's the service, which takes the model as it's constructor argument
namespace Main\Services;
use Main\Models\UserModel;
class UserService
private $userModel;
public function __construct(UserModel $userModel)
echo "verifying that the userModel passed in was a valid UserModel\n";
$this->userModel = $userModel;
public function parseGet()
$retVal = $this->userModel->getRecord();
return json_encode($retVal);
So, in theory, Pimple should be able to instantiate a UserService object. I even verified that the UserModel passed into the UserService class is a valid UserModel object (which it is as is evident that it prints out an array)
What am I missing? Is there something that I have failed to account for?
Oh, here's the composer.json file
"require": {
"pimple/pimple": "~3.0"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Main\\" : "./"
I made a gitHub link so the project can be checked out and ran without having to copy past everything (
The problem was I have an extra new in the line
$myUserService = new $container['UserService'];
It was so obvious, I couldn't see it
$container['UserService'] already is a UserService object. check yer service definition:
$container['UserService'] = function ($c) {
return new UserService($c['UserModel']);
That sets $container['UserService'] to be return new UserService($c['UserModel']) when it's invoked, right?
Your code is basically going:
$o1 = new UserService($c['UserModel']);
$o2 = new $o2;
You use dependency injection containers to free yourself form the pain of manipulating objects' dependencies. Creating a new UserService is not necessary (if it really is a service). In that case, you define it in your $container once, and use it whenever you need to.
So instead of creating a new UserService object and calling its method parseGet() (what you did in your code) you can do something like this:
$myResult = $container['UserService']->parseGet();
When you define something like:
$container['UserService'] = function ($c) {
return new UserService($c['UserModel']);
you are telling Pimple how to handle creation of a UserService once you try to access $container['UserService']
That's why you define dependencies as functions.
This might be related to your question Why use a closure for assignment instead of directly assigning a value to a key?

Yii2 dynamically loading class from name

I struggle with this problem for a while - and the reason is probably trivial.
I've created parser module for my Yii2 application so I can call it from other places (mobile app, etc.) to get data from various websites. There may be many parser classes, all implementing same interface.
Project structure
\_ parser
I've removed some code for better readability.
namespace app\modules\parser\controllers;
use Yii;
use yii\web\Controller;
use app\modules\parser\components\parsers;
use app\modules\parser\components\parsers\SampleParser;
* Default controller for the `parser` module
class DefaultController extends Controller
private function loadParser($parserName){
return new SampleParser(); // if I leave this here, everything works okay
$className = $parserName.'Parser';
$object = new $className();
if ($object instanceof IParseProvider){
return $object;
public function actionIndex()
$url = "";
$parser = 'Sample';
$loadedParser = $this->loadParser($parser);
$response = $loadedParser->parse($url);
\Yii::$app->response->format = 'json';
return $response->toJson();
namespace app\modules\parser\components\parsers;
use app\modules\parser\models\IParseProvider;
class SampleParser implements IParseProvider {
public function canParse($url){
public function parse($url){
Right now everything works more or less ok, so I guess I'm importing correct namespaces. But when I remove return new SampleParser(); and let the object to be created by string name, it fails with error:
PHP Fatal Error – yii\base\ErrorException
Class 'SampleParser' not found
with highlighted line:
$object = new $className();
What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
Try again with help of Yii:
private function loadParser($parserName)
return \yii\di\Instance::ensure(
'app\modules\parser\components\parsers\\' . $parserName . 'Parser',
Remember that ensure() throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException when passed reference is not of the type you expect so you need to catch it at some point.
If you are using PHP < 5.5 instead of IParseProvider::class you can use full class name with it's namespace.
P.S. remove use app\modules\parser\components\parsers; unless you have got class named parsers you want to use.

ZF2 phpunit Zend Logger

I am trying to write unit test for my application. which as logging the information functionality.
To start with i have service called LogInfo, this how my class look like
use Zend\Log\Logger;
class LogInfo {
$logger = new Logger;
return $logger;
I have another class which will process data. which is below.
class Processor
public $log;
public function processData($file)
$this->log = $this->getLoggerObj('data');
$this->log->info("Received File");
public function getLoggerObj($logType)
return $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Processor\Service\LogInfo')->logger($logType);
here i am calling service Loginfo and using it and writing information in a file.
now i need to write phpunit for class Processor
below is my unit test cases
class ProcessorTest{
public function setUp() {
$mockLog = $this->getMockBuilder('FileProcessor\Service\LogInfo', array('logger'))->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
$mockLogger = $this->getMockBuilder('Zend\Log\Logger', array('info'))->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
$serviceManager = new ServiceManager();
$serviceManager->setService('FileProcessor\Service\LogInfo', $mockLog);
$serviceManager->setService('Zend\Log\Logger', $mockLogger);
$this->fileProcessor = new Processor();
public function testProcess() {
$data = 'I have data here';
I try to run it, i am getting an error "......PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function info() on a non-object in"
i am not sure , how can i mock Zend logger and pass it to class.
Lets check out some of your code first, starting with the actual test class ProcessorTest. This class constructs a new ServiceManager(). This means you are going to have to do this in every test class, which is not efficient (DRY). I would suggest constructing the ServiceMananger like the Zend Framework 2 documentation describes in the headline Bootstrapping your tests. The following code is the method we are interested in.
public static function getServiceManager()
return static::$serviceManager;
Using this approach makes it possible to obtain the instance of ServiceManager through Bootstrap::getServiceManager(). Lets refactor the test class using this method.
class ProcessorTest
protected $serviceManager;
protected $fileProcessor;
public function setUp()
$this->serviceManager = Bootstrap::getServiceManager();
$fileProcessor = new Processor();
$this->fileProcessor = $fileProcessor;
public function testProcess()
$mockLog = $this->getMockBuilder('FileProcessor\Service\LogInfo', array('logger'))
$mockLogger = $this->getMockBuilder('Zend\Log\Logger', array('info'))
$serviceManager->setService('FileProcessor\Service\LogInfo', $mockLog);
$serviceManager->setService('Zend\Log\Logger', $mockLogger);
$data = 'I have data here';
This method also makes it possible to change expectations on the mock objects per test function. The Processor instance is constructed in ProcessorTest::setUp() which should be possible in this case.
Any way this does not solve your problem yet. I can see Processor::getLoggerObj() asks the ServiceManager for the service 'Processor\Service\LogInfo' but your test class does not set this instance anywhere. Make sure you set this service in your test class like the following example.
$this->serviceManager->setService('Processor\Service\LogInfo', $processor);

How to remove multiple instances and just have one instance while multiple function calls in php?

public function getHelperInstance()
$user = new Helper();
return $user;
I am calling getHelper() class multiple times and if $user is not empty than am calling getHelperInstance(), now in my case getHelperInstance() always creates a new instance of Helper() class and so every time I call getHelperInstance() function am creating a new instance of Helper() so is there any way where can I can just create one instance of Helper() and use it multiple times instead of creating a new instance everytime. Any suggestions !!!
public function getHelper()
$user = array();
if (!empty($user))
$user = $this->getHelperInstance();
return $user;
Here is what Erich Gamma, one of the Singleton pattern's inventors, has to say about it:
"I'm in favor of dropping Singleton. Its use is almost always a design smell"
So, instead of a Singleton, I suggest to use Dependency Injection.
Create the Helper instance before you create what is $this. Then set the helper instance to the $this instance from the outside, either through a setter method or through the constructor.
As an alternative, create a Helper broker that knows how to instantiate helpers by name and pass that to the $this instance:
class HelperBroker
protected $helpers = array();
public function getHelper($name)
// check if we have a helper of this name already
if(!array_key_exists($name, $this->helpers)) {
// create helper and store for later subsequent calls
$this->helpers[$name] = new $name;
return $this->helpers[$name];
This way you can lazy load helpers as needed and will never get a second instance, without having to use Singleton. Pass an instance of the broker to every class that needs to use helpers.
Example with a single helper
$helper = new Helper;
$someClass = new Something($helper);
class Something
protected $helper;
public function __construct($helper)
$this->helper = $helper;
public function useHelper()
$return = $this->helper->doSomethingHelpful();
Inside $something you can now store and access the helper instance directly. You don't need to instantiate anything. In fact, $something doesn't even have to bother about how a helper is instantiated, because we give $something everything it might need upfront.
Now, if you want to use more than one helper in $someClass, you'd use the same principle:
$helper1 = new Helper;
$helper2 = new OtherHelper;
$something = new Something($helper1, $helper2);
This list will get rather long the more dependencies you insert upfront. We might not want to instantiate all helpers all the time as well. That's where the HelperBroker comes into play. Instead of passing every helper as a ready instance to the $something, we inject an object that knows how to create helpers and also keeps track of them.
$broker = new HelperBroker;
$something = new Something($broker);
class Something
protected $helperBroker;
public function __construct($broker)
$this->helperBroker = $broker;
public function doSomethingHelpful()
$return = $this->getHelper('foo')->doSomethingHelpful();
public function doSomethingElse()
$return = $this->getHelper('bar')->doSomethingElse();
Now $something can get the helpers it needs, when it needs them from the broker. In addition, any class that needs to access helpers does now no longer need to bother about how to create the helper, because this logic is encapsulated inside the broker.
$broker = new HelperBroker;
$something = new Something($broker);
$other = new Other($broker);
The broker also makes sure that you only have one helper instance, because when a helper was instantiated, it is stored inside the broker and returned on subsequent calls. This solves your initial problem, that you don't want to reinstance any helpers. It also doesn't force your helpers to know anything about how to manage themselves in the global state, like the Singleton does. Instead you helpers can concentrate on their responsibility: helping. That's clean, simple and reusable.
It sounds like you are interested in the singleton pattern. If you are using PHP5+, you should be able to take advantage of PHP's OOP stuff.
Here's an article on how to implement a singleton in php4. (But I would strongly suggest updating to php5 if that is an option at all)
class Singleton {
function Singleton() {
// Perform object initialization here.
function &getInstance() {
static $instance = null;
if (null === $instance) {
$instance = new Singleton();
return $instance;
PHP 4 Singleton Pattern
FYI, if you have any control over which PHP version you use you really should migrate to PHP 5.
