My website is running smoothly with Laravel in a sub-domain, but now I have added a new dependency to my local project using composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet.
The code is already working fine in my local environment, but now I need to push my new changes to the website.
Pushing the controllers, routes, views, etc it's easy, but how do I push the dependency?
I have full access to the cPanel
I can create SSH keys
The project is running in a sub-domain
I'm using Visual Studio Code
I have generated a private and public key for SSH
I have initially deployed my Laravel project to the server using FTP Filezilla
For what I have read so far, I should be using SSH with PuTTY, but if I could use an extension in Visual Studio Code, would be great.
Composer stores all the imported libraries in the /vendor folder. When you push your local copy of the website up, it will push up the vendor folder and you'll be set.
If you're working on a remote server and you need to still download the dependencies, run
php composer.phar update
That will download the dependencies for the project. You'll need to run it from the command line (ssh) and be in the website directory.
Some companies don't allow ssh access to the server. In that case, you can run php composer.phar update on your local machine, assuming you have a php runtime install (WAMP, XXAMP, ect). Then when you push or copy your code to your server, the libraries will be included.
Well I can create SSH keys but don't have access to login with them. With that said I follow the tutorial here that teaches how to use FTP to upload/update the application.
what my aim here is to, upload my project that is basically a controller returning a twig template its as simple as that, i just cant figure out how to get it on the hosting.
I have been using symfony for a few months now, so still new to it all. and all the hosting/details stuff is new too me.
Whats throwing me off is my understanding of a hosting web/ folder
and how azures its wwwroot/
i used this website
but i'm finding it rather difficult to follow it..
does anyone have any better sites with more clear steps on how to deploy? i've read a lot about a public_html folder but i've never heard/used it before
If someone could explain how the works that would help, i know that, that is the file that is called, but not too sure if i need to say call this file "app.php" or if its done kinda like the way a standard websites looks for 'index.php'
any kinda help or pointers would be much appreciated here as i'm kinda lost
Generally, we can build our project and test on local, then deploy on Azure Web Apps via Git or FTP tools.
Here is my test steps:
Build Symfony project on local, referring Using the Symfony full-stack framework
Login to Azure preview Portal, click NEW=> Web+Mobile=> Marketplace, in Web Apps section click Web app + MySQL, then click create.
When finishing creating Web app service, we can find MySQL connection string in Settings=>Application settings=>Connection strings click show connection string.
then click Set up continuous deployment in Deployment section. Select Local Git Repository for the source. Then in Essentials section, we can find there added a Git URL. Copy it.
In your local symfony project, make sure your Symfony repository has a .gitignore file at its root directory with at least the following contents:
run the following commands to init git repo and first-time push to Azure:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add azure [URL for remote repository]
git push azure master
Sign on Kudu console of your Azure web site, at https://<your-website-name>, run following commands:
cd site\wwwroot
curl -sS | php
php composer.phar install
Now visit http://<your-website-name> in browser, we should see the project.
Now we need to configure URL rewrite to remove /web/app.php pattern of the url. Add a file named web.config with the content shown in Deploying to Microsoft Azure Website Cloud in the root directory which is /site/wwwroot on Azure. Click restart on Azure portal, now we can visit the site at http://<your-website-name> .
By the way, for deploying a PHP-MySQL application on Azure Web Apps, we can get more information at Create a PHP-MySQL web app in Azure App Service and deploy using Git. And specifically for Symfony project, the Symfony guide is still useful, and we can ignore section Enabling the PHP intl Extension .
If you can't change the name of the "wwwroot" directory to "web", you have to change the configuration of symfony to use "wwwroot" instead.
Have a look at this page!
I think the easiest solution is the one with the symlink:
Some shared hosts have a public_html web directory root. Renaming your web directory from web to public_html is one way to make your Symfony project work on your shared host. Another way is to deploy your application to a directory outside of your web root, delete your public_html directory, and then replace it with a symbolic link to the web in your project.
I have developed a Symfony2 app on my local machine. I access it using PHP's built-in server, via http://localhost:8000/
Question: how do I move this application to my VPS (LAMP CentOS) so that it can be accessed like this:
and is it any different for installing it on:
PLEASE if by any chance you can provide a step by step instructions, it will be much appreciated and I'm sure useful to many others too. I'm used to working with stuff where you can simply move files from one place to another, update some config data and it works (Wordpress, coding without frameworks etc.)
The best solution to me is to have your project in a versionning system like git or svn without the vendors dir of course ...
This way, your simply have to do :
1) git clone your project into the prod dir
2) php composer.phar install to install your vendors
2b) create the mysql user with correct login and password according to your parameters.yml
3) php app/console doctrine:database:create to create your database with the credentials you set up in mysql
4) php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force to perform the database tables creation
5) testing the project :)
If you are not using a versionning system just upload your project to your server with an ftp software without the vendors directory ( it will be feeded by step 2) then perform 3rd , 4th and 5th steps !
For the subdomain part of your request you have to creats a subdomain folder on your server ( by using plesk if you have it ) or by manually creating a vhost config to specify the sub domain path. I can t provide you an example right now ( i m writing this from my mobile device and i don t have clear step by step procedure in order to achieve this )
[Install your environment]
So, First you need to install and run an apache Server. Find here the minimum basics to get your application running under Apache2. Then make sure you've PHP5 and MySQL up and running. Otherwise check,
Install and Configure MySQL Database Server
Installing and Configuring PHP
[Deploy your application]
Deploying can be a complex and varied task depending on your setup and
needs -
It's then up to you to choose the right way to deploy your application, you can do it,
Using Basic File Transfer
Using Source Control
Using Build scripts
I would recommend using Capifony which was build on top of Capistrano to adapt it to Symfony applications.
[Post-Deployment Tasks]
Your deployment process should be tailored to guarantee that all the required post-deployment tasks (Like updating your dependencies, setting your application configuration files, clearing the cache and dumping your assets, etc) are executed.
To get the big picture, read the How to deploy a Symfony2 application of the Cookbook.
I am new to GitHub. I managed to install GitHub for Windows and created a github repository. I'm a PHP developer and this is my current situation before GitHub.
Currently, all of my work go to C:\xampp\Dropbox\* ("htdocs"). Everything I code is in there with each application under its own subdirectory. Whenever I need to update the production server, I FTP our production server and upload the necessary files. This is good when I am working alone but working with other developers would be hard because we need to know who edited which, when what was edited, etc.
Could you help explain how I can maintain my codes using GitHub? I suppose that I shouldn't make the entire htdocs as a local repository. I access my codes via http://localhost/ when testing it locally. Since I develop web applications using PHP, code changes regularly. We don't compile codes and I was used to simply saving all the files and letting Dropbox save all the versions I made.
It's a bit confusing what to do next since the GitHub for Windows application created local repositories in C:\Users\Admin\Documents\GitHub\test-app folder. Should I edit the code in htdocs and ALSO edit the code in My Documents\GitHub? Then also "push" the update to GitHub AND also update our production server via FTP?
So, to summarize, from the primitive perspective of web development, what steps must be changed so that I can enjoy the benefits of using version control systems such as GitHub?
Thank you!
The global idea is to use a versioning server to push code directly into your production server, bypassing FTP boring method.
You can tell GitHub application to clone your code at Xampp htdocs root, instead cloning it into your documents, if you have already initialized your repositories.
Every project must be a GitHub (or Git, more generally) repository.
So, you have to :
git init all your projects into your local server, at root of your project (so, not htdocs, but htdocs\<YOURPROJECT>
create repositories on GitHub for each of your projects
Follow GitHub instructions to initialize projects, git push on GitHub to finish.
You can do all that with a command line. In my opinion, it's easier.
Your code is on GitHub now. You won't have to edit your code into your documents AND htdocs if you initialize your repos in htdocs.
Next, it could be "fun" to install Git on your production server to grab most recent code from GitHub repository. Without Git, it's a pain in the a** to push code on a production server.
Now, when your local dev server and your production server are in sync, every time you will commit and push on GitHub, you can grab latest copy with a simple git pull on your production server.
I am very new to github. I was trying to pull a branch from a repository which contains some php code.
I used git clone <url>
then I used git checkout <branchname> to switch to a specific branch.
Since I am using Github for Windows, the files are stored in Github folder of My Documents. Now I want to test the code and make some changes to it in my localserver. So should I copy paste the project folder in the www directory of my wamp folder? Or should I do something else? And if after copying the folder, if I want to commit any changes, what command should I use to push?
Github for Windows does mention in the help page that:
GitHub for Windows is optimized to work with GitHub remotes — but if you wish to use a non-GitHub remote, it will work just fine. Set the remote manually in the settings tab and everything else should work as expected. You can also drag in repositories from the file system and GitHub for Windows will respect the configuration of the origin remote.
So you can pull from a non-GitHub repo, like I did in this answer or as illustrated in this blog post.
But from your local clone, you cannot easily push to another repo (like one in your wamp folder for instance)
it does not support multiple Git remotes and it will only work with the origin remote.
If you wish to push & pull to other remotes, we suggest you use the command line client that is included with the application.
An alternative to command-line would be to use a GUI which does support multiple remote, like SourceTree.
Or you can clone the GitHub repo from the command-line directly in the right folder, and then declare that local repo in your GitHub for Windows app.
Or you could create a virtual host that has a DocumentRoot of the Github folder of My Documents (meaning you don't have to move anything, and can keep using GitHub for Windows as you were).
I have been able to connect a local repository to a private Github repo (using the Github for Windows GUI), which should then automatically deploy to a development server. Everything is running smoothly until I make an attempt at the following:
<?php `git pull -f`;
Once I commit then sync/push through Github for Windows, this script is supposed to call the Linux command 'git pull -f'. I have used a SSH key without a passphrase in an effort to make it easier but to no avail. However, if I were to execute the command via command-line, everything works perfectly.
File & folder permissions are set to 777 throughout the root directory (including the /.git folder), which is what I thought was the reason for not being able to see updates when viewing the website I am developing.
If anyone has had a similar experience with this I would be grateful for a solution.
Note: I have searched high and low on SO and elsewhere on the web for a potential fix to this but any resources will be met with open arms.