I am working on an application that has date logic within i.e something will be returned from the database based on the date, and only the relevant data for that date should be returned. How would I go about unit testing this? There are 24 dates that return 24 different pieces of data, I thought maybe doing something like this,
public function testGetActiveData()
//Create the data
$dates = CarbonPeriod::create('2019-12-01', '2019-12-12');
$start_date = new Carbon("2019-12-01 00:00:00");
$data = factory(Data::class)->create([
'date_playable' => $date->toDateTimeString()
factory(LinkedData::class, 15)->create([
'data_id' => $data->id
for($day = 1; $day <= 24; $day++) {
if($day = 1) {
Cache::put('data_date', $start_date->toDateTimeString(), now()->addMinutes(30));
} else {
Cache::put('data_date', $start_date->toDateTimeString()->addDays($day), now()->addMinutes(30));
$response = $this->json('GET', '/api/data');
$response->assertJson(['date_playable' => Cache::get('data_date')]);
However this errors due to too many attempts, is there a better way to test this? An obvioulsy I am testing dates in the future so I am pushing a "future date" into cache and then using that is there a better of doing that also?
As described in this comment of a similar problem, you may disable the default Laravel rate limit in your test by applying withoutMiddleware before the TestCase get or json calls.
public function testGetActiveData()
//Create the data
$dates = CarbonPeriod::create('2019-12-01', '2019-12-12');
$start_date = new Carbon("2019-12-01 00:00:00");
$data = factory(Data::class)->create([
'date_playable' => $date->toDateTimeString()
factory(LinkedData::class, 15)->create([
'data_id' => $data->id
for($day = 1; $day <= 24; $day++) {
if($day = 1) {
Cache::put('data_date', $start_date->toDateTimeString(), now()->addMinutes(30));
} else {
Cache::put('data_date', $start_date->toDateTimeString()->addDays($day), now()->addMinutes(30));
// circumvent the throttle rate limit middleware
// with the "withoutMiddleware" method
$response = $this->withoutMiddleware()->json('GET', '/api/data');
$response->assertJson(['date_playable' => Cache::get('data_date')]);
I have built an Employee Management System using Laravel 5.7. Calculating salary works fine for 100-150 employees (but taking a long time to process the data) & for more than 150 employees it is showing a time out error.
I want to add the feature to calculate the salary of all employees in one go & also reduce the processing time for the same. Would it be appropriate to use chunk() for that? If yes, how do I implement that?
The web application is for a BPO so there are so many types of logic to apply while calculating a salary. The code is too lengthy to share here, but if anyone wants to see the code, I can share it.
Front-end form screenshot
Page after calculation
public function calculate_salary(Request $request){
'employee_id' => 'required',
'attendance_types' => 'required',
'month' => 'required_without:choose_date',
'choose_date' => 'required_without:month'
$download_salary = false;
$submit_salary = false;
if ($request->has('submit_data'))
$submit_salary = true;
$submit_salary = false;
if ($request->has('download_data'))
$download_salary = true;
$download_salary = false;
$dept = $request->input('salary_department');
$role = $request->input('salary_role');
$process = $request->input('salary_process');
$salary_dept = Department::where('id', $dept)->pluck('dept_name')->first();
$salary_role = Role::where('id', $role)->pluck('role_name')->first();
$salary_process = Process::where('id', $process)->pluck('process_name')->first();
if ($submit_salary == true || $download_salary == true)
$months = $request->input('month');
$month = $months[0];
$employee_ids = $request->input('employee_id');
$attendance_types = $request->input('attendance_types');
$attendance_type_temp_insert = $attendance_types[0];
$attendance_type = explode(',', $attendance_type_temp_insert);
if (!empty($request->input('choose_date')))
$dates = $request->input('choose_date');
$date = $dates[0];
$date = "";
$month = $request->input('month');
$employee_ids = $request->input('employee_id');
$attendance_type = $request->input('attendance_types');
$attendance_type_temp_insert = implode(',', $request->input('attendance_types'));
$date = $request->input('choose_date');
// Get start & end dates
$data = $this->get_salary_dates($month, $date);
$start_date = $data['start_date'];
$end_date = $data['end_date'];
$salary_start_date = $start_date->toDateString();
$salary_end_date = $end_date->toDateString();
$working_days_by_month = $this->get_working_days_of_given_month($start_date, $end_date);
$working_days = $working_days_by_month['working_days'];
$no_days = $working_days_by_month['no_days'];
Schema::create('temp_salary', function (Blueprint $table) {
$csv[] = ['Employee ID', 'Name','Department','Role','Process','Bank','Bank Account Number', 'Basic', 'HRA', 'Conveyance', 'Spcl Inc', 'Gross Salary','PF', 'ESI', 'Deductions', 'Total Working Days', 'Net Payable','Salary Month', 'Salary Start Date','Salary End Date'];
$csv1[] = ['Employee ID', 'Name','Department','Role','Process','Bank','Bank Account Number', 'Basic', 'HRA', 'Conveyance', 'Spcl Inc', 'Gross Salary','PF', 'ESI', 'Deductions', 'P','H','A','WO','WOP','WOH','UAL','Paid Leaves','PL','Combo','ual_deduct','Total Working Days', 'Net Payable','Salary Month', 'Salary Start Date','Salary End Date'];
foreach($employee_ids as $id) {
if($submit_salary == true){
DB::table('attendances')->where('employee_id', '=', $id)->whereBetween('attendance_date', [$start_date, $end_date])->update(['salary_status' => 1]);
$employee = Employee::find($id);
$name = $employee->name;
$emp_role = $employee->empRole->role_name;
$emp_department = $employee->empDepartment->dept_name;
$emp_process = $employee->empProcess->process_name;
$bank_account_number = $employee->bank_account_number;
$bank_name = $employee->bank_name;
$salary = Salary::where('employee_id', $id)->first();
$pl_balance = $salary->pl_balance;
$combo_balance = $salary->combo_balance;
$attendances = DB::table('attendances')->where('employee_id', '=', $id)->get();
if ($attendances->count() > 0)
foreach($attendances as $attendance)
$att_id = $attendance->id;
$att_date = Carbon::parse($attendance->attendance_date);
$dialer_in = strtotime($attendance->dialer_in_time);
$dialer_out = strtotime($attendance->dialer_out_time);
$bio_in = strtotime($attendance->biometric_in_time);
$bio_out = strtotime($attendance->biometric_out_time);
$bio_diff = $bio_out - $bio_in;
$crm_in = strtotime($attendance->crm_in_time);
$crm_out = strtotime($attendance->crm_out_time);
$week_off = $attendance->week_off;
$combo = $attendance->combo;
$holiday = $attendance->holiday;
$ual = $attendance->ual;
$dialer_duration = $attendance->dialer_difference;
$bio_duration = $attendance->biometric_difference;
$crm_duration = $attendance->crm_difference;
$chkatt = $this->get_attendance($attendance_type, $attendance->dialer_in_time, $attendance->dialer_out_time,$attendance->crm_in_time,$attendance->crm_out_time, $dialer_duration, $bio_duration, $crm_duration);
$attendance_status = $this->attendance_status($id, $chkatt, $holiday, $week_off, $ual);
DB::table('attendances')->where('id', $att_id)->update(['attendance_status' => $attendance_status]);
//echo $attendance_status;
$totalWorkingDays = $this->get_work_days($id,$start_date,$end_date,$combo_balance,$pl_balance, $submit_salary);
$totalWorkingDays = number_format((float)$totalWorkingDays, 2, '.', '');
$salary_data = $this->get_calculated_salary_data($no_days, $totalWorkingDays, $id, $submit_salary);
$basic = $salary_data['basic'];
$hra = $salary_data['hra'];
$conveyance = $salary_data['conveyance'];
$spcl_inc = $salary_data['spcl_inc'];
$gross_salary = $salary_data['gross_salary'];
$pf = $salary_data['pf'];
$esi = $salary_data['esi'];
$hp_charges = $salary_data['hp_charges'];
$idcard_charges = $salary_data['idcard_charges'];
$deductions = $salary_data['deductions'];
$net_payable = $salary_data['net_payable'];
DB::table('temp_salary')->insert(['employee_id' => $id, 'employee_name' => $name, 'working_days' => $working_days, 'emp_working_days' => $totalWorkingDays, 'basic' => $basic, 'hra' => $hra, 'conveyance' => $conveyance, 'spcl_inc' => $spcl_inc, 'gross_salary' => $gross_salary, 'pf' => $pf, 'esi' => $esi, 'headphone' => $hp_charges, 'id_card' => $idcard_charges, 'deductions' => $deductions, 'pl_balance' => $pl_balance, 'combo_balance' => $combo_balance, 'net_payable' => $net_payable, 'month' => $month, 'attendance_types' => $attendance_type_temp_insert, 'choose_date' => $date, 'department' => $salary_dept, 'role' => $salary_role, 'process' => $salary_process]);
$csv[] = [$id, $name, $emp_department, $emp_role, $emp_process, $bank_name, $bank_account_number, $basic, $hra, $conveyance, $spcl_inc, $gross_salary, $pf, $esi, $deductions, $totalWorkingDays, $net_payable, $month, $start_date, $end_date];
$get_days_status = $this->get_days_status($id, $start_date, $end_date);
$pCount = $get_days_status['pCount'];
$HalfDaysCount = $get_days_status['hCount'];
$lateLeaveCount = $get_days_status['late_leave'];
$wopCount = $get_days_status['wopCount'];
$leaves_count = $get_days_status['leaves_count'];
$UalCount = $get_days_status['UalCount'];
$woCount = $get_days_status['woCount'];
$wohCount = $get_days_status['wohCount'];
$ual_deduct = ($UalCount * 1.5) - $UalCount;
$get_paid_leaves_row = $get_days_status['pl_leaves'];
$csv1[] = [$id, $name, $emp_department, $emp_role, $emp_process, $bank_name, $bank_account_number, $basic, $hra, $conveyance, $spcl_inc, $gross_salary, $pf, $esi, $deductions, $pCount,$HalfDaysCount,$leaves_count,$woCount,$wopCount,$wohCount,$UalCount,$get_paid_leaves_row,$pl_balance, $combo_balance,$ual_deduct, $totalWorkingDays, $net_payable, $month, $start_date, $end_date];
$datas = DB::table('temp_salary')->get();
if($submit_salary == true){
return Excel::create('Employee_salary_report', function($excel) use ($csv) {
$excel->sheet('Employee_salary_report', function($sheet) use ($csv) {
$sheet->fromArray($csv, null, 'A1', false, false)
if($download_salary == true){
return Excel::create('salary_report', function($excel) use ($csv1) {
$excel->sheet('salary_report', function($sheet) use ($csv1) {
$sheet->fromArray($csv1, null, 'A1', false, false)
$departments = Department::all();
$processes = Process::all();
$roles = Role::all();
return view('sys_mg.salaries.get-salary')->with(['datas'=>$datas,'departments' => $departments, 'processes' => $processes, 'roles' => $roles, 'salary_dept' => $salary_dept, 'salary_role' => $salary_role, 'salary_process'=>$salary_process, 'salary_month'=>$month,'salary_startDate' => $salary_start_date, 'salary_endDate' => $salary_end_date, 'attendance_check_type' => $attendance_type]);
This is a huge process, doing many things at once, some of them deeply nested in each other.
The function is very, very long, which means it probably needs to be abstracted into various methods and classes (better OOP).
You may also be running into the N+1 problem with some of your Laravel queries, although it's hard to say at a glance.
I would recommend using Laravel's Queues, and adding each employee's payroll calculation to the queue: https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/queues
You can then use a worker process to perform each one individually.
All the database updates and transactions means PHP is constantly going to-and-fro from your database. Try to perform as many operations in pure code as possible, and then once completed, write to the DB. (Where possible, this is not a blanket rule).
Initially I would say, consider creating a SalaryCalculator class with methods such as getAttendances() and calculateSalaryFromEmployeeAttendances().
Separately, create a CSV exporter class. Process all your payroll calculations first, store the results in the DB, and then convert to CSV on demand later.
You'll refactor this later once you are able to look at all the different parts, someone else may be able to suggest a better way to break it down, but in some ways there are no right answers... just start with some OOP and abstraction of methods, and it will get better.
Use microtime(true) to get and calculate the time differences between when you start and finish operations, to start to track how long each function runs for... and go looking for the big optimisations first. What is the slowest part? Why?
You could probably ask a dozen Stack Overflow questions to optimise each of those methods, and that's Ok!
I wrote a following PHP+codeigniter code:
$msg = $this->db->get('Messages');
$curDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$array = array('IsRead =' => 0, 'Date <=' => $curDate);
$this->db->set(array('IsRead' => 1));
Which basically checks which records in Messages table meet the two conditions regarding fields IsRead and Date, and then updates only those records.
Now I would like to pick up every Date value that meets said criteria and execute some PHP code for it. I suppose it's a job that foreach directive could manage, but I have no success coding it.
Could I ask for some help.
Try following code, hope will help....
$curDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$array = array('IsRead' => 0, 'Date <=' => $curDate);
if ($this->db->affected_rows()>0) {
echo "Update successful";
echo "No any row updated";
So, the answer seems to be:
$curDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$array = array('IsRead =' => 0, 'Date<=' => $curDate);
$msg = $this->db->get('Messages');
foreach ($msg->result() as $row)
echo $row->Date . " "; //here goes the PHP code
$this->db->set(array('IsRead' => 1));
How to calculate a date before 10 days of every month end ?Am using codeigniter platform.
I need to check whether a date is within 10 days before the end of every month.
Please help
You can try using date_modify function for example see this php documentation
i need to check whether a date is within10 days before the end of a month
function testDate($date) {
$uDate = strtotime($date);
return date("m", $uDate) != date("m", strtotime("+10 days", $uDate));
echo testDate("2016-03-07") ? "Yes" :"No"; // No
echo testDate("2016-03-27") ? "Yes" :"No"; // Yes
you can create a library with this
class Calculate_days{
function __construct() {
function calculate( $to_day = date("j") ){
$days_month = date("t");
$result = (int) $days_month - $to_day;
if( $result <= 10){
$result = array("type" => TRUE, "missing" => $result . 'days');
return $result;
$result = array("type" => FASLE, "missing" => $result . 'days');
return $result;
function do_somthing(){
$result = $this->Calculate_days->calculate(date("j"));
I have a strange error, with No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header. I understand that I have to give some permission the origin domain(client) to be able to access the server and that works fine with some other requests I make. But when it comes to one other function to call, it says No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header only.
I have my client hosted in heroku and server in godaddy...
This is the function when that error shows:
public function store(Request $request)
$ffSpending = new FriendsFamilySpending();
$ffSpending->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$ffSpending->team_id = Auth::user()->student->team_id;
$ffSpending->management_units = $request->input('management_units');
$ffSpending->sales_units = $request->input('sales_units');
$ffSpending->product_units = $request->input('product_units');
$ffSpending->ip_units = $request->input('ip_units');
$ffSpendingRules = array(
'management_units' => 'required',
'sales_units' => 'required',
'product_units' => 'required',
'ip_units' => 'required'
$ffSpendingValidator = \Validator::make($ffSpending->getAttributes(), $ffSpendingRules);
if ($ffSpendingValidator->passes()) {
$team = Team::find($ffSpending->team_id);
$currentBalance = $this->teamService->checkBalance($team);
//Baseline costs
$BASELINE = FriendsFamilySpending::BASELINE;
//Get Prices for each unit
$IP_ONE_TIME_COST = OperationalExpensePrice::getPrice(OperationalExpense::IP, $request->input('ip_units'), OperationalExpenseSerie::FF);//one-time IP costs
$MANAGEMENT = OperationalExpensePrice::getPrice(OperationalExpense::MANAGEMENT, $request->input('management_units'), OperationalExpenseSerie::FF);
$SALES = OperationalExpensePrice::getPrice(OperationalExpense::SALES, $request->input('sales_units'), OperationalExpenseSerie::FF);
$PRODUCT = OperationalExpensePrice::getPrice(OperationalExpense::PRODUCT, $request->input('product_units'), OperationalExpenseSerie::FF);
//Monthly Costs
$newBalance = $currentBalance;
$workingMoney = $newBalance - $IP_ONE_TIME_COST;
$minimumMonth = 12; // the minimum amount of time they must be able to afford (Staging Day = 12 months)
//Calculate how many months they (team) can survive
$survivingMonths = 0;
while ($workingMoney >= $quartlyCosts) {
$workingMoney = $workingMoney - $quartlyCosts; //deduct monthly costs from the current working money
$survivingMonths = $survivingMonths + 3; // quartly spending
if ($survivingMonths > 24) { // team survives the whole staging and deal day
// month to minute - Conversation ratio
$monthToMinute = 6.25; // (75min / 12month) = 6.25min a month
$totalMinutes = $survivingMonths * $monthToMinute;
$minMinutes = 75; //the minimum amount of time they must be able to afford
//Check if team makes it till the deal day
if ($survivingMonths < $minimumMonth) {
return response()->json(['message' => 'With your current spending plan, you will not make it to deal day. Please try again with less spending plan. Currently you run out of money after ' . $totalMinutes . ' minutes. You have to survive at least 75 minutes."', 'success' => false, 'status' => 500, 'data' => null]);
$ffSpendingRes = $this->ffSpendingService->save($ffSpending);
if ($ffSpendingRes) {
$this->ffSpendingService->score(Auth::user()->student->team->class_id); // update ff spending scoring
//Update balance
$team = Team::find($ffSpending->team_id);
$this->teamService->updateBalance($team, $workingMoney);
if ($survivingMonths >= $minimumMonth && $survivingMonths < 24) {
$survivingMonthsAfterStagingDay = $survivingMonths - $minimumMonth;
$survivingMonthsAfterStagingDayToMinute = $survivingMonthsAfterStagingDay * $monthToMinute;
$outOfMoney = new OutOfMoney();
$outOfMoney->team_id = Auth::user()->student->team_id;
$outOfMoney->stage = OutOfMoney::$FF_SPENDING;
$outOfMoney->is_running_out_of_money_on_deal_day = 1;
$outOfMoney->month = $survivingMonthsAfterStagingDay;
$outOfMoney->minutes = $survivingMonthsAfterStagingDayToMinute;
$outOfMoney->monthly_cost = $quartlyCosts;
} else {
$outOfMoney = new OutOfMoney();
$outOfMoney->team_id = Auth::user()->student->team_id;
$outOfMoney->stage = OutOfMoney::$FF_SPENDING;
$outOfMoney->is_running_out_of_money_on_deal_day = 0;
$outOfMoney->monthly_cost = $quartlyCosts;
return response()->json(['message' => 'Success', 'success' => true, 'status' => 200, 'data' => $ffSpending]);
} else {
return response()->json(['message' => 'Error', 'success' => false, 'status' => 500, 'data' => null]);
} else {
return response()->json(['message' => 'Validation Failed', 'success' => false, 'status' => 400, 'data' => array('class' => $ffSpendingRules)]);
Note: if I change the function and make it simple, like return 'test', it does not show anymore that origin access error.
I wonder if there is any problem with function, why does not it show the actuall error, but it show that cors error instead.
Any suggestion?
What's happening is an ORIGINS request is coming in and getting declined because it's not in your allowed methods.
'allowedMethods' => ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'ORIGINS']
You'll also want to set your allowedOrigins to something.
I always use MDN for reference.