How to get the string after a certain a HTML Dom - php

Here is the html:
<td width="551">
<p><strong>Full Time Faculty<br>
<strong></strong>Assistant Professor</strong></p>Doctorate of Business Administration<br><br>
<strong>Phone</strong>: +88 01756567676<br>
<strong>Office</strong>: NAC739<br>
<br><p><b>Curriculum Vitae</b></p></td>
The output I want is:
+88 01756567676
I used simple_html_dom to parse the data.
Here's the code I wrote. It works if the contact info part is wrapped with a paragraph tag. ()
$contact = $facultyData->find('strong[plaintext^=Phone]');
$contact = $contact[0]->parent();
$element = explode("\n", strip_tags($contact->plaintext));
$regex = '/Phone:(.*)/';
if (preg_match($regex, $element[0], $match))
$phone = $match[1];
$regex = '/Email:(.*)/';
if (preg_match($regex, $element[1], $match))
$email = $match[1];
$regex = '/Office:(.*)/';
if (preg_match($regex, $element[2], $match))
$office = $match[1];
Is there any way to get those 3 lines by matching with tag?

maybe you could use xpath function like
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($DomAsString);
$theText = $xml->xpath('//strong[. ="Phone"]/following-sibling::text()');
some snippings to remove the ': ', and of course fixing the dom structure

Or just use straight regex:
preg_match('|Phone</strong>: [^<]+|', $str, $m) or die('no phone');
$phone = $m[1];

You really don't need to parse this as HTML or deal with DOM tree. You can explode your HTML string into pieces, then remove what is extra in each piece to get what you want:
$str = <<<str
<td width="551">
<p><strong>Full Time Faculty<br>
<strong></strong>Assistant Professor</strong></p>Doctorate of Business Administration<br><br>
<strong>Phone</strong>: +88 01756567676<br>
<strong>Office</strong>: NAC739<br>
<br><p><b>Curriculum Vitae</b></p></td>
// We explode $str and use '</strong>' as delimiter and get only the part of result that we need
$lines = array_slice(explode('</strong>', $str), 3, 3);
// Define a function to remove extra text from left and right of our so called lines
function stripLine($line) {
// ltrim ' ;' characters and remove everything after (and including) '<br>'
return preg_replace('/<br>.*/is', '', ltrim($line, ' :'));
$lines = array_map('stripLine', $lines);
See code output here.


PHP regex - replace all text between a tag

I have a link being outputted on my site, what i want to do is replace the visible text that the user sees, but the link will always remain the same.
There will be many different dynamic urls with the text being changed, so all the example regex that i have found so far only use exact tags like '/.*/'...or something similar
Edited for a better example
$link = '<a href='some-dynamic-link'>Text to replace</a>';
$pattern = '/#(<a.*?>).*?(</a>)#/';
$new_text = 'New text';
$new_link = preg_replace($pattern, $new_text, $link);
When printing the output, the following is what i am looking for, against my result.
<a href='some-dynamic-link'>New text</a>
'New text'
As you're already using the capture groups, why not actually use them.
$link = "<a href='some-dynamic-link'>Text to replace</a>";
$newText = "Replaced!";
$result = preg_replace('/(<a.*?>).*?(<\/a>)/', '$1'.$newText.'$2', $link);
If you needs to get everything in Between tags then you can use below function
function getEverything_inBetween_tags(string $htmlStr, string $tagname)
$pattern = "#<\s*?$tagname\b[^>]*>(.*?)</$tagname\b[^>]*>#s";
preg_match_all($pattern, $htmlStr, $matches);
return $matches[1];
$str = 'see here for more details about';
echo getEverything_inBetween_tags($str, 'a');
//output:- see here for more details about
if you needs to extract HTML Tag & get Array of that tag
function extractHtmlTag_into_array(string $htmlStr, string $tagname)
preg_match_all("#<\s*?$tagname\b[^>]*>.*?</$tagname\b[^>]*>#s", $htmlStr , $matches);
return $matches[0];
$str = '<p>test</p><span>testing string</span>';
$res = extractHtmlTag_into_array($str, 'a');
//output:- Array([0] => "")

PHP - Inner HTML recursive replace

I need to perform a recursive str_replace on a portion of HTML (with recursive I mean inner nodes first), so I wrote:
$str = //get HTML;
$pttOpen = '(\w+) *([^<]{1,100}?)';
$pttClose = '\w+';
$pttHtml = '(?:(?!(?:<x-)).+)';
while (preg_match("%<x-(?:$pttOpen)>($pttHtml)*</x-($pttClose)>%m", $str, $match)) {
list($outerHtml, $open, $attributes, $innerHtml, $close) = $match;
$newHtml = //some work....
str_replace($outerHtml, $newHtml, $str);
The idea is to first replace non-nested x-tags.
But it only works if innerHtml in on the same line of the opening tag (so I guess I misunderstood what the /m modifier does). I don't want to use a DOM library, because I just need simple string replacement. Any help?
Try this regex:
Sample code
$str = // get HTML
$pattern = '%<x-(?P<open>\w+)\s*(?P<attributes>[^>]*)>(?P<innerHtml>.*)</x-(?P=open)>%s';
while (preg_match($pattern, $str, $matches)) {
$newHtml = sprintf('<ns:%1$s>%2$s</ns:%1$s>', $matches['open'], $matches['innerHtml']);
$str = str_replace($matches[0], $newHtml, $str);
echo htmlspecialchars($str);
Initially, $str contained this text:
<x-baz attr1='5'>
It ends up with:
Since, I didn't know what work is done on $newHtml, I mimic this work somehow by replacing x-with ns: and removing any attributes.
Thanks to #Alex I came up with this:
Without the ((?!<x-).)*) in the innerHtml pattern it won't work with nested tags (it will first match outer ones, which isn't what I wanted). This way innermost ones are matched first. Hope this helps.
I don't know exactly what kind of changes you are trying to do, however this is the way I will proceed:
$pattern = <<<'EOD'
<x-(?<tagName>\w++) (?<attributes>[^>]*+) >
(?<content>(?>[^<]++|<(?!/?x-))*) #by far more efficient than (?:(?!</?x-).)*
function callback($m) { // exemple function
return '<n-' . $m['tagName'] . $m['attributes'] . '>' . $m['content']
. '</n-' . $m['tagName'] . '>';
do {
$code = preg_replace_callback($pattern, 'callback', $code, -1, $count);
} while ($count);
echo htmlspecialchars(print_r($code, true));

Replace text ignoring HTML tags

I have a simple text with HTML tags, for example:
Once <u>the</u> activity reaches the resumed state, you can freely add and remove fragments to the activity. Thus, <i>only</i> while the activity is in the resumed state can the <b>lifecycle</b> of a <hr/> fragment change independently.
I need to replace some parts of this text ignoring its html tags when I do this replace, for example this string - Thus, <i>only</i> while I need to replace with my string Hello, <i>its only</i> while . Text and strings to be replaced are dynamically. I need your help with my preg_replace pattern
$text = '<b>Some html</b> tags with <u>and</u> there are a lot of tags <i>in</i> this text';
$arrayKeys= array('Some html' => 'My html', 'and there' => 'is there', 'in this text' => 'in this code');
foreach ($arrayKeys as $key => $value)
$text = preg_replace('...$key...', '...$value...', $text);
echo $text; // output should be: <b>My html</b> tags with <u>is</u> there are a lot of tags <i>in</i> this code';
Please help me to find solution. Thank you
Basically we're going to build dynamic arrays of matches and patterns off of plain text using Regex. This code only matches what was originally asked for, but you should be able to get an idea of how to edit the code from the way I've spelled it all out. We're catching either an open or a close tag and white space as a passthru variable and replacing the text around it. This is setup based on two and three word combinations.
$text = '<b>Some html</b> tags with <u>and</u> there are a lot of tags <i>in</i> this text';
$arrayKeys= array(
'Some html' => 'My html',
'and there' => 'is there',
'in this text' =>'in this code');
function make_pattern($string){
$patterns = array(
'! !',
$replacements = array(
//This next line is where we capture the possible tag or
//whitespace so we can ignore it and pass it through.
$new_string = preg_replace($patterns,$replacements,$string);
return $new_string;
function make_replacement($replacement){
$patterns = array(
$replacements = array(
$new_replacement = preg_replace($patterns,$replacements,$replacement);
return $new_replacement;
foreach ($arrayKeys as $key => $value){
$new_Patterns[] = make_pattern($key);
$new_Replacements[] = make_replacement($value);
//For debugging
$new_text = preg_replace($new_Patterns,$new_Replacements,$text);
echo $new_text."\n";
echo $text;
<b>My html</b> tags with <u>is</u> there are a lot of tags <i>in</i> this code
<b>Some html</b> tags with <u>and</u> there are a lot of tags <i>in</i> this text
Here we go. this piece of code should work, assuming you're respecting only twp constraints :
Pattern and replacement must have the same number of words. (Logical, since you want to keep position)
You must not split a word around a tag. (<b>Hel</b>lo World won't work.)
But if these are respected, this should work just fine !
// Splits a string in parts delimited with the sequence.
// '<b>Hey</b> you' becomes '~-=<b>~-=Hey~-=</b>~-= you' that make us get
// array ("<b>", "Hey" " you")
function getTextArray ($text, $special) {
$text = preg_replace ('#(<.*>)#isU', $special . '$1' . $special, $text); // Adding spaces to make explode work fine.
return preg_split ('#' . $special . '#', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$text = "
<b>Hey</b> you ! No, you don't have <em>to</em> go!
$replacement = array (
"Hey you" => "Bye me",
"have to" => "need to",
"to go" => "to run");
// This is a special sequence that you must be sure to find nowhere in your code. It is used to split sequences, and will disappear.
$special = '~-=';
$text_array = getTextArray ($text, $special);
// $restore is the array that will finally contain the result.
// Now we're only storing the tags.
// We'll be story the text later.
// $clean_text is the text without the tags, but with the special sequence instead.
$restore = array ();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($text_array); $i++) {
$str = $text_array[$i];
if (preg_match('#<.+>#', $str)) {
$restore[$i] = $str;
$clean_text .= $special;
else {
$clean_text .= $str;
// Here comes the tricky part.
// We wanna keep the position of each part of the text so the tags don't
// move after.
// So we're making the regex look like (~-=)*Hey(~-=)* you(~-=)*
// And the replacement look like $1Bye$2 me $3.
// So that we keep the separators at the right place.
foreach ($replacement as $regex => $newstr) {
$regex_array = explode (' ', $regex);
$regex = '(' . $special . '*)' . implode ('(' . $special . '*) ', $regex_array) . '(' . $special . '*)';
$newstr_array = explode (' ', $newstr);
$newstr = "$1";
for ($i = 0; $i < count ($regex_array) - 1; $i++) {
$newstr .= $newstr_array[$i] . '$' . ($i + 2) . ' ';
$newstr .= $newstr_array[count($regex_array) - 1] . '$' . (count ($regex_array) + 1);
$clean_text = preg_replace ('#' . $regex . '#isU', $newstr, $clean_text);
// Here we re-split one last time.
$clean_text_array = preg_split ('#' . $special . '#', $clean_text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
// And we merge with $restore.
for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < count ($text_array); $i++) {
if (!isset($restore[$i])) {
$restore[$i] = $clean_text_array[$j];
// Now we reorder everything, and make it go back to a string.
ksort ($restore);
$result = implode ($restore);
echo $result;
Will output Bye me ! No, you don't need to run!
[EDIT] Now supporting a custom pattern, which allows to avoid adding useless spaces.

Add id attribute to hyperlinks through PHP Regular Expressions

I am still relatively new to Regular Expressions and feel My code is being too greedy. I am trying to add an id attribute to existing links in a piece of code. My functions is like so:
function addClassHref($str) {
//$str = stripslashes($str);
$preg = "/<[\s]*a[\s]*href=[\s]*[\"\']?([\w.-]*)[\"\']?[^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>/i";
preg_match_all($preg, $str, $match);
foreach ($match[1] as $key => $val) {
$pattern[] = '/' . preg_quote($match[0][$key], '/') . '/';
$replace[] = "<a id='buttonRed' href='$val'>{$match[2][$key]}</a>";
return preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $str);
This adds the id tag like I want but it breaks the hyperlink. For example:
If the original code is : Link
Instead of <a id="class" href="">Link</a>
It is giving
<a id="class" href="http">Link</a>
Any suggestions or thoughts?
Do not use regular expressions to parse XML or HTML.
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$all_a = $doc->getElementsByTagName('a');
$firsta = $all_a->item(0);
$firsta->setAttribute('id', 'idvalue');
echo $doc->saveHTML($firsta);
You've got some overcomplications in your regex :)
Also, there's no need for the loop as preg_replace() will hit all the instances of the search pattern in the relevant string. The first regex below will take everything in the a tag and simply add the id attribute on at the end.
$str = 'Link' . "\n" .
'Link' . "\n" .
$p = "{<\s*a\s*(href=[^>]*)>([^<]*)</a>}i";
$r = "<a $1 id=\"class\">$2</a>";
echo preg_replace($p, $r, $str);
If you only want to capture the href attribute you could do the following:
$p = '{<\s*a\s*href=["\']([^"\']*)["\'][^>]*>([^<]*)</a>}i';
$r = "<a href='$1' id='class'>$2</a>";
Your first subpattern ([\w.-]*) doesn't match :, thus it stops at "http".
Couldn't you just use a simple str_replace() for this? Regex seems like overkill if this is all you're doing.
$str = str_replace('<a ', '<a id="someID" ', $str);

preg_replace - How to remove contents inside a tag?

Say I have this.
$string = "<div class=\"name\">anyting</div>1234<div class=\"name\">anyting</div>abcd";
$regex = "#([<]div)(.*)([<]/div[>])#";
echo preg_replace($regex,'',$string);
The output is
But I want
How do I do it?
Like this:
preg_replace('/(<div[^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/div>)/i', '$1$3', $string);
If you want to remove the divs too:
preg_replace('/<div[^>]*>.*?<\/div>/i', '', $string);
To replace only the content in the divs with class name and not other classes:
preg_replace('/(<div.*?class="name"[^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/div>)/i', '$1$3', $string);
$string = "<div class=\"name\">anything</div>1234<div class=\"name\">anything</div>abcd";
echo preg_replace('%<div.*?</div>%i', '', $string); // echo's 1234abcd
Live example:
add ?, it will find FIRST occurence
preg_replace('~<div .*?>(.*?)</div>~','', $string);
This might be a simple example, but if you have a more complex one, use an HTML/XML parser. For example with DOMDocument:
$doc = DOMDocument::loadHTML($string);
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$query = "//body/text()";
$nodes = $xpath->query($query);
$text = "";
foreach($nodes as $node) {
$text .= $node->wholeText;
Which query you have to use or whether you have to process the DOM tree in some other way, depends on the particular content you have.
