Recursive function to find the number of ways a number can be generated out of a set of numbers - php

I had a job interview test and the question I got was about making a function which would return the number of ways a number could be generated by using numbers from a certain set and any number in the set can be used N times.
It is like if I have the number 10 and I want to find out how many ways 10 can be generated using [2,3,5]
2+2+2+2+2 = 10
5+3+2 = 10
2+2+3+3 = 10
5+5 = 10
to solve it I made this function:
function getNumberOfWays($money, $coins) {
static $level = 0;
if (!$level) {
if ($level && !$money) {
return 1;
} elseif (!$level && !$money) {
return 0;
if ($money === 1 && array_search(1, $coins) !== false) {
return 1;
} elseif ($money === 1 && array_search(1, $coins) === false) {
return 0;
$r = 0;
$tmpCoins = $coins;
foreach ($coins as $index => $coin) {
if (!$coin || $coin > $money) {
$tmpCoins[$index] = 0;
$tmpMoney = $money;
do {
$tmpMoney -= $coin;
if ($tmpMoney >= 0) {
$r += getNumberOfWays($tmpMoney, $tmpCoins);
} elseif (!$tmpMoney) {
} while ($tmpMoney >= 0);
return $r;
This function works ok and returns the right value.
My question is if there is a better way for it.


PHP Function to detect rar files completion (*.r01) not working with *.s01

I have a php function to detect multiple rar file completion. The problem i have is that when old style rar is used eg:
The limit is archive.r99 and then goes to:
I can't do anything about the source.. and I have no idea how to adjust this function.
I tried do a || in strpos:
if (strpos($b[0], '.r') > - 1 || strpos($b[0], '.s') > - 1 ) {
but that doesn't work. It doesn't detect the s01 and keeps saying incomplete archive/missing files s01, s02, s03 etc...
here is the function:
private function detectMissingFiles($array) {
$typ = 0;
$tid = $t["id"];
$breaked = false;
$arr = array();
foreach($array as $b) {
if (stripos($b[0], 'disc') > - 1) {
return false;
if (strpos($b[0], '/') > - 1) {
if ($typ == 0) {
if (strpos($b[0], '.part0') > - 1) {
$typ = 2;
if (strpos($b[0], '.r') > - 1) {
$typ = 1;
else {
if ($typ == 1) {
if (is_numeric($s = substr($b[0], -2))) {
$arr[] = array(
id => $s,
s => $b[1]
if ($typ == 2) {
if (is_numeric($s = substr($b[0], -6, 2)) && substr($b[0], -4) == '.rar') {
$arr[] = array(
id => $s,
s => $b[1]
if ($typ == 1) $sista = - 1;
if ($typ == 2) $sista = 0;
$status = "";
$antal = count($arr) - 1;
if ($antal > 30) {
foreach($arr as $ar) {
if ($antal > $ar["id"]) {
if ($ar["s"] < 50000000) {
$status.= L::get("WRONG_RAR_FILE_SIZE", [$ar["id"]]);
if ($sista + 1 != $ar["id"]) {
$status.= L::get("MISSING_FILE", [$sista + 1]);
$sista = $ar["id"];
if (strlen($status) > 1 && strlen($status) < 200) return $status;
else return 0;
I am hoping someone can enlighten me here. Thank you in advance!
my best guess is that the "old style rar" name algorithm is as follows:
function rar_int_to_string(int $i):string{
return $c.$i;
which produces
and so on, with "ab09" meaning "file chunk #999"

combine all posible conditions in PHP

In my application I need to get best value
the application code like:
function funcA($data, $index) {
if ($data[$index]['a'] > 0)
return true;
return false;
function funcB($data, $index) {
if ($data[$index]['b'] > 0)
return true;
return false;
function funcC($data, $index) {
if ($data[$index]['c'] > 0)
return true;
return false;
I want to combine all possible conditions to get max value like:
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
if (funcA($data, $i) && funcC($data, $i))
if ($data[$i]['val'] > $max) {
$max = $data[$i]['val'];
$condition = 'funcA&&funcC';
if ((funcA($data, $i) || funcB($data, $i)) && funcC($data, $i))
if ($data[$i]['val'] > $max) {
$max = $data[$i]['val'];
$condition = '(funcA||funcB)&&funcC';
How can combine all possible conditions?

How to find backward primes within a range of integers?

I'm trying to solve a backward prime question.
Following is the question:
Find all Backwards Read Primes between two positive given numbers (both inclusive), the second one being greater than the first one. The resulting array or the resulting string will be ordered following the natural order of the prime numbers.
backwardsPrime(2, 100) => [13, 17, 31, 37, 71, 73, 79, 97]
backwardsPrime(9900, 10000) => [9923, 9931, 9941, 9967]
I tried doing something like this:
public function backwardPrime()
$start = 7000;
$stop = 7100;
$ans = [];
while($start <= $stop)
if($start > 10)
if($start !== $this->reverse($start))
if($this->isPrime($start) && $this->isPrime($this->reverse($start)))
array_push($ans, $start);
return $ans;
public function reverse($num)
$reverse = 0;
while($num > 0)
$reverse = $reverse * 10;
$reverse = $reverse + $num%10;
$num = (int)($num/10);
return $reverse;
public function isPrime($num)
if($num == 1 || $num == 2 || $num == 3)
return true;
elseif ($num%2 == 0 || $num%3 == 0)
return false;
return false;
return true;
I'm able to get the appropriate answer but while doing the same in single function I'm not able to get it:
public function backwardPrimes()
$start = 7000;
$stop = 7100;
$ans = [];
while($start <= $stop)
$isStartPrime = true;
$isReversePrime = true;
if($start > 10)
$reverse = 0;
$num = $start;
while($num > 0)
$reverse = $reverse * 10;
$reverse = $reverse + $num%10;
$num = (int)($num/10);
if($start !== $reverse)
if($start%2 != 0 && $start%3 != 0)
$i =5;
if($start%$i === 0)
$isStartPrime = false;
if($reverse%2 != 0 && $reverse%3 != 0)
$i =5;
if($reverse%$i === 0)
$isReversePrime = false;
if($isStartPrime && $isReversePrime)
array_push($ans, $start);
return $ans;
I don't know where I'm having mistake, guide me.
An emirp ("prime" spelled backwards) is a prime whose (base 10) reversal is also prime, but which is not a palindromic prime. in other words
Backwards Read Primes are primes that when read backwards in base 10 (from right to left) are a different prime. (This rules out primes which are palindromes.)
try this short solution in which I use two helper function reverse and isPrime :
isPrime: Thanks to #Jeff Clayton for his method to test prime numbers, for more information click the link below
reverse: that use the php function [strrev()][1], this method take a string a reverse it, we'll use this trick to reverse a number by converting it to a string reverse it and converting back to an integer.
backwardsPrime: this last function's job is itterating over a range of numbers from $min value to $max value and test if the number if a prime number and it's reverse is a prime number as well and it's not a palindrome number if all of those conditions are true then we addit to the result array.
function isPrime($number)
return !preg_match('/^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/x', str_repeat('1', $number));
function reverse($n)
return (int) strrev((string) $n);
function backwardsPrime($min, $max)
$result = [];
foreach(range($min, $max) as $number) {
$reverse = reverse($number);
if($reverse !== $number && isPrime($number) && isPrime($reverse)) {
$result[] = $number;
return $result;
echo "<pre>";
print_r(backwardsPrime(2, 100));
print_r(backwardsPrime(9900, 10000));
output :
[0] => 13
[1] => 17
[2] => 31
[3] => 37
[4] => 71
[5] => 73
[6] => 79
[7] => 97
[0] => 9923
[1] => 9931
[2] => 9941
[3] => 9967
you can even optimize the backwardsPrime function like this :
function backwardsPrime($min, $max)
$result = [];
foreach(range($min, $max) as $number) {
$reverse = reverse($number);
if($reverse !== $number && !in_array($number, $result) && isPrime($number) && isPrime($reverse)) {
$result[] = $number;
return $result;

Recursive function loops infinitely [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
I am working on a personal project, a bot that plays connect 4. So something is seriously wrong with the recursive function I have written to manage the bots move. No errors are thrown, and any debug info I can be shown does not tell me anything useful. Additionally, I am sure that I have not overflown my stack and that my php.ini file is good to go. This script just runs (consumes a sane amount of memory) and never returns. Only about 2400 function calls should be happening, so this script should return after only a second or two. This has stumped me for days. I believe there is something I have not properly researched. Additonally I should mention that the game board is a simple 2D array to simulate a 7 x 7 board. ai_move_helper is the recursive function and I just cannot figure out why it will not function correctly.
// this class is a code igniter library
class ConnectFour
public function __construct()
// these are expensive opperations this will give the server enough time
ini_set('memory_limit', '2048M');
public $board_width = 7;
public $board_length = 7;
public $game_array = array();
public $depth_limit = 3;
// this function gets a human made move from a CI controller ($game board)
// and returns the board after the new AI move is applied
public function ai_player_move($game_array, $active_players_move)
$this->game_array = $game_array;
$this->game_array = $this->calculate_ai_move($active_players_move);
return $this->game_array;
public function calculate_ai_move($active_players_move)
$move_weight_array = array();
$prime_game_board = array();
// we hardcast the active player because at this point we know it is the AI
// here we also have to prime the move computer
for($q = 0; $q < $this->board_length; $q++)
// MAGIC NUMBERS are the active players!!!
$prime_game_board[] = $this->apply_prime_move($q, 2, $this->game_array);
$move_weight_array[] = $this->ai_move_helper($prime_game_board[$q], 2, 0);
//choose your move
for($u = 0; $u < $this->board_length; $u)
if($move_weight_array[$u][0] == 1)
return $prime_game_board[$u];
// otherwise return a random acceptable move
$random = rand(0, 6);
return $prime_game_board[$random];
public function ai_move_helper($game_board, $active_player, $depth)
// build the object that will be needed at this level of recusion
$depth = $depth + 1;
$score_object = new stdClass;
$move_array = array();
$game_boards_generated_at_this_level = array();
$new_game_boards_generated_at_this_level = array();
$return_end_state_detected = 0;
$score_agregate = array();
if($this->depth_limit < $depth)
$score_agregate[0] = 0;
$score_agregate[1] = 0;
return $score_agregate;
$active_player = ($active_player == 1) ? 2 : 1;
// check for possible moves
for($i=0; $i < $this->board_width; $i++)
// calculate all of the possible recusions (all of the next moves)
$game_boards_generated_at_this_level[$i] = $this->apply_ai_move($i, $active_player, $game_board);
// this is the recusive level
$score_agregate = $this->ai_move_helper($game_boards_generated_at_this_level[$i]->game_board, $active_player, $depth);
// check to see if there are more moves of if it is time to return
foreach($game_boards_generated_at_this_level as $game_state)
//compute the agragate of the scores only for player two (AI)
if($active_player == 2)
$score_agregate[0] = $score_agregate[0] + $game_state->score_array[0];
$score_agregate[1] = $score_agregate[1] + $game_state->score_array[1];
return $score_agregate;
public function apply_ai_move($move, $active_players_move, $board_to_use)
$board_for_function = array();
$location_of_new_pieces = 0;
$return_object = new stdClass;
// this makes sure that this function is being called with the right board
$board_for_function = $board_to_use;
} else {
$board_for_function = $this->game_array;
// check that this move is possible
if(!$this->move_possible($move, $board_for_function))
$return_object->game_board = NULL;
$return_object->score_array = NULL;
return $return_object;
// this part of the function applies a valid move
foreach($board_for_function[$move] as $column_key => $column_space)
// check if you are at the edge of an empty row
if(!array_key_exists(($location_of_new_pieces + 1), $board_for_function[$move]) && $column_space == '_')
$board_for_function[$move][$location_of_new_pieces] = ($active_players_move == 1) ? 'x' : 'o';
// check if the next place has stuff in it too
if($column_space != '_')
// check the edge of the board to make sure that exists
if(array_key_exists(($location_of_new_pieces - 1), $board_for_function))
$board_for_function[$move][$location_of_new_pieces - 1] = ($active_players_move == 1) ? 'x' : 'o';
} else {
echo "well fuck...1"; exit;
$return_object->game_board = $board_for_function;
// now check if this state is a win loss or draw
$test_for_complete = $this->check_for_winner_or_draw($board_for_function, $active_players_move);
// this is a draw
if($test_for_complete == -1)
$return_object->score_array = array(0, 1);
} else if($test_for_complete > 3) {
$return_object->score_array = array(1, 0);
} else {
$return_object->score_array = array(0, 0);
return $return_object;
public function apply_prime_move($move, $active_players_move, $board_to_use)
$location_of_new_pieces = 0;
foreach($board_to_use[$move] as $column_key => $column_space)
// check if you are at the edge of an empty row
if(!array_key_exists(($location_of_new_pieces + 1), $board_to_use[$move]) && $column_space == '_')
$board_to_use[$move][$location_of_new_pieces] = ($active_players_move == 1) ? 'x' : 'o';
// check if the next place has stuff in it too
if($column_space != '_')
// check the edge of the board to make sure that exists
if(array_key_exists(($location_of_new_pieces - 1), $board_to_use))
$board_to_use[$move][$location_of_new_pieces - 1] = ($active_players_move == 1) ? 'x' : 'o';
} else {
echo "well fuck...1"; exit;
return $board_to_use;
public function move_possible($move, $game_board)
// check that this move is not going to fall out of the board
if($game_board[$move][0] != "_")
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
public function check_for_winner_or_draw($game_array, $active_player_move)
$present_possible_winner = "";
$count_to_win = 0;
$game_not_a_draw = FALSE;
for($i = 0; $i < $this->board_length; $i++)
for($j = 0; $j < $this->board_width; $j++)
// start checking for a winner
if($game_array[$i][$j] != "_")
$present_possible_winner = $game_array[$i][$j];
// check for a winner horizontally
for($x = 0; $x < 4; $x++)
if($j+$x < $this->board_width)
if($game_array[$i][$j+$x] == $present_possible_winner)
$count_to_win = $count_to_win + 1;
if($count_to_win > 3)
return $present_possible_winner; // this player has won
} else {
$count_to_win = 0;
// check for a winner horizontally
for($y = 0; $y < 4; $y++)
if($i+$y < $this->board_width)
if($game_array[$i+$y][$j] == $present_possible_winner)
$count_to_win = $count_to_win + 1;
if($count_to_win > 3)
return $present_possible_winner; // this player has won
} else {
$count_to_win = 0;
// check for a winner up to down diagonal
for($z = 0; $z < 4; $z++)
if(($i+$z < $this->board_width) && ($j+$z < $this->board_length))
if($game_array[$i+$z][$j+$z] == $present_possible_winner)
$count_to_win = $count_to_win + 1;
if($count_to_win > 3)
return $present_possible_winner; // this player has won
} else {
$count_to_win = 0;
// check for a winner down to up diagonal
for($w = 0; $w < 4; $w++)
if(($i+$w < $this->board_width) && ($j-$w >= 0))
if($game_array[$i+$w][$j-$w] == $present_possible_winner)
$count_to_win = $count_to_win + 1;
if($count_to_win > 3)
return $present_possible_winner; // this player has won
} else {
$count_to_win = 0;
// check for a drawed game and return accordingly
for($i = 0; $i < $this->board_length; $i++)
for($j = 0; $j < $this->board_width; $j++)
if($game_array[$i][$j] == "_")
$game_not_a_draw = TRUE;
return -1;
return 0;
// this is a private debugging function that I wrote for this script
public function debug($value = NULL, $name = NULL, $exit = NULL)
echo $name . "<br />";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
Well I found it: The calculate ai move had an infinite loop in it...
//choose your move
for($u = 0; $u < $this->board_length; $u)
if($move_weight_array[$u][0] == 1)
return $prime_game_board[$u];
Should be
//choose your move
for($u = 0; $u < $this->board_length; $u++)
if($move_weight_array[$u][0] == 1)
return $prime_game_board[$u];
Back to work for me...

What is wrong with my code - circularly sorted array does not show any results

I had an interview today and the person asked me this question:
How do you find easily an item in a circularly sorted array
Since I didn't know the answer, I tried to find a solution. Here's what I have:
function searchincircularsorterlist($a, $len, $num) {
$mid = 0;
while($start<$end) {
if ($num == $a[$mid]) {
return $num;
if($num<$a[$mid]) {
if($num<$a[$start] && $a[$start]<=$a[$start+1])
else {
if($num>$a[$end] && $a[$end-1]<=$a[end])
if ($start == $end && $num == $a[$start]) {
return $num;
return -1;
$array = array(7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6);
I am trying to work with a circularly sorted array but for some reason it does not work. What's wrong with my code?
1) learn priority of operations. You should have: $mid=($start+$end)/2; which you ended up dividing $end by 2 and then $start - the result. This is why you got an infinite loop.
2) use: $start=$mid+1; and not $start=$mid++; that will help reducing the number of loops
function searchincircularsorterlist($a, $len, $num) {
$mid = 0;
while($start<$end) {
if ($num == $a[$mid]) {
return $num;
if($num<$a[$mid]) {
if($num<$a[$start] && $a[$start]<=$a[$start+1])
else {
if($num>$a[$end] && $a[$end-1]<=$a[end])
if ($start == $end && $num == $a[$start]) {
return $num;
return -1;
$array = array(7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6);
