I have a little generator, It generate a random phone numbers and here is my code.
limit_phone = 8; //limit phone number
$randomphone = substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat("0123456789", $limit_phone)), 0, $limit_phone); //random numbers
$randomphonecomp = array('010','011','012','015'); // company
$randomphonecomp1 = array_rand($randomphonecomp);
$phonefinaal = $randomphonecomp[$randomphonecomp1] . $randomphone;
echo $phonefinaal. "<br>";
What I want is, when i run this file to work more than one time, means that i want this file to generate automatically with out stop until i stop the page from the browser
You can use a loop to generate specified number of phone numbers, Don't use an infinite loop, it will kill your browser and you will not able to stop the loop.
$total_numbers = 100;
$limit_phone = 8; //limit phone number
$randomphone = substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat("0123456789", $limit_phone)), 0, $limit_phone); //random numbers
$randomphonecomp = array('010','011','012','015'); // company
$randomphonecomp1 = array_rand($randomphonecomp);
$phonefinaal = $randomphonecomp[$randomphonecomp1] . $randomphone;
echo $phonefinaal. "<br>";
As #bcperth said, you most likely need to generate phone numbers using Javascript in the page, it could be something like this:
var divNumbers = document.getElementById("numbers")
var btnStop = document.getElementById("stop")
function generate() {
var randomphone = ""
for(var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) randomphone += Math.floor(Math.random()*10)
var randomcomp = ['010', '011', '012', '015'][Math.floor(Math.random()*4)] + ""
divNumbers.innerHTML += randomcomp + randomphone + "<br>"
generate() // first generated number
var intervalGen = setInterval(generate, 2000) // others generated number
function stop() {
btnStop.addEventListener("click", stop)
#stop {
border: 1px solid grey;
padding: 2px 5px;
cursor: pointer;
<span id="stop"> STOP </span>
<div id="numbers"></div>
setInterval() - Web APIs | MDN
Math.random() - JavaScript | MDN
Math.floor() - JavaScript | MDN
In this project I'm sending my html form to PHP. I use Xamp for the PHP side of things but I'm having issues with my PHP displaying after receiving information from the form. I've used the validator and the problem has to deal with <?PHP in my code. I've heard that you are suppose to include <?PHP outside of the but I'm not entirely sure. Not to mention, if you guys want me to include my html form to see if it helps I can do it anytime. Any veteran advice is very much appreciated. Thanks for the help!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!--Name: Michael Fields
Filename: fields-group3-l13-lab-project-code.php
Blackboard User Name: ddedominicis
Class Section: CTI.110.0008
Purpose: Using the flowgorithm algorithm attached complete the missing statements of code
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>L13 Event Form </title>
body {
h1 {
color: navy;
ul {
border: solid green;
color: navy;
li {
padding: 1.5px;
border: solid blue;
color: navy;
//Using the flowgorithm algorithm transComplete logic, create the php code that follow the logic
//The $_POST superglobal takes the passed values from the html form input. These values are then assigned a PHP variables name using the assignment statement. the $_POST MUST match the name=xxx in the form input type
$name = $_POST['name'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$childTickets = $_POST['childTickets'];
$adultTickets = $_POST['adultTickets'];
$date = $_POST['date'];
$subtotal = $_POST['subtotal'];
$salesTax = $_POST['salesTax'];
$fee = $_POST['fee'];
$totalCost = $_POST['totalCost'];
/*TAX, MAXFee, MINFee, and ATTENDcompare are declared as constants. You can use the define function and the language construct const.*/
function transComplete($adultTickets, $childTickets, $date, $name, $phone) {
const TAX = 0.07;
const MAXfee = 1.00;
const ATTENDcompare = 5;
const MINfee = 0.5;
const subtotal = 0;
const salesTax = 0;
const totalAttend = 0;
const fee = 0;
const totalCost = 0;
if ($totalAttend <= $ATTENDcompare) {
$fee = $totalAttend * $MAXfee;
} else {
$fee = $totalAttend * $MINfee;
$subtotal = ($adultTickets * 35.00) + ($childTickets * 30.00);
$salesTax = ($subtotal * TAX);
$totalCost = ($subtotal + $salesTax + $fee);
//Print is also considered to be a function while echo is a language construct. Either will work for this course
print "<h1>Summary Ticket Cost for Concert</h1>";
//The period (.) is a concatenation symbol. For Flowgorithm you used an (&) ampersand
print ("<p>Thank you <b>".$name."</b> at <b>".$phone. "</b>. Details of your total cost <b>$" .$totalCost. "</b> are shown below:</p>");
print("<ul><li>Adult Tickets: $adultTickets. </li></ul>");
print("<ul><li>Child Tickets:" .$childTickets. "</li></ul>");
/*All languages have a way to format output. The number_format function does this for numbers in PHP. We are asking for two decimal points since this is dollar data*/
echo("<li>Sub-total: $".number_format($subtotal, 2)."</li>");
print("<li>Sales tax: $" "</li>");
print("<ul><li>Fee: $".number_format($fee, 2)."</li></ul>");
echo("<ul><li><b>TOTAL:</b><b> $".number_format($totalCost, 2)."</b></li></ul>");
print ('<br>Return to Main Page');
I have implemented three star rating system based on popularity count in my website, but now my client wants to change colors of those three stars (default blue) to red, blue and green which shows the (degree of) popularity.
I've implemented this star rating system using CSS sprites, where I included two star images - golden and gray, in one sprite and displaying these using some logic. Works fine for one color, but how to implement three colours for each star?
<div class="star-box">
<span class="stars"><?php echo $position;?></span>
if( !isset($_SESSION['ranking']) || $_SESSION['ranking']['points'] <= 1000 ) {
if( !isset($_SESSION['ranking']['points']) || $_SESSION['ranking']['points'] == '' ) {
$position = '0px';
$position = 0.00;
} else {
$position = ($_SESSION['ranking']['points'] * 0.14).'px';
$position = 0.75;
$str1 = 'class="active" ';
$str1 .= ' style="background-position:'.$position.' 9px;"';
if( $_SESSION['ranking']['points'] > 1000 && $_SESSION['ranking']['points'] <= 5000 ) {
if( !isset($_SESSION['ranking']['points']) || $_SESSION['ranking']['points'] == '' ) {
$position = '0px';
$position = 0.00;
} else {
$position = ($_SESSION['ranking']['points']*0.035).'px';
$position = 1.40;
$(function() {
$.fn.stars = function() {
return $(this).each(function() {
// get the value
var val = parseFloat($(this).html());
// make sure that the value is in (0 - 5) range, multiply to get width
val = Math.round(val * 4) / 4;
var size = Math.max(0, (Math.min(5, val))) * 16;
// create stars holder
var $span = $('<span />').width(size);
// replace the numerical value with stars
span.stars, span.stars span {
display: block;
background: url(../../images/stars.png) 0 -16px repeat-x;
width: 50px;
height: 20px;
text-indent: -9999px;
span.stars span {
background-position: 0 0;
You could use session variables etc to control your CSS directly by using a php/css file. You could set star color, sprite position, all based on logic.
Link to your css
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/style.php' />
Your css/php document
header("Content-type: text/css; charset: UTF-8");
$CSSposition = $position;
span.stars span {
background-position: <?php echo $CSSposition ?>;
Here's a link to php/css document tutorial click here
Check this tutorial on knockout they show how to do the star rating system which you can apply to your code http://learn.knockoutjs.com/#/?tutorial=custombindings
if(boothsizerGlobal == 3){
var cellWidth = 112;
var cellHeight = 52;
var innerDivElectricTop = 41;
var innerDivElectricLeft = 110;
$('.imgBox').css("background-image", "url(booth_top_images/5X20TOP.jpg)");
$('.imgBox').css("width", "900px");
$('.imgBox').css("height", "225px");
sidewalls = 2;
backwalls = 6;
Can anybody help me on converting above code into PHP?
I mean how to set CSS for a DIV in more than 40 if conditions I have?
background:url(booth_top_images/5X20TOP.jpg) no-repeat;
Well, your original code made no sense to begin with as half of the declared variables weren't even being used. Furthermore, it is beyond me why you'd want to convert front-end code into server-side code like this, php is not the right way to do this!
if(boothsizerGlobal == 3){
$cellWidth = '112px';
$cellHeight = '52px';
$innerDivElectricTop = '41px';
$innerDivElectricLeft = '110px';
$backgroundImage = 'url(booth_top_images/5X20TOP.jpg)';
$divCode = '<div style="width: ' . $cellWidth . '; height: ' . $cellHeight . '; "';
return $divCode
Never could have imagined that chrome would have been the browser giving me grief, but the slideshow for our new website does not function properly in some versions of Chrome.
The error occurs here:
"mainPicture.src = \''.$directory.$current_pic.'\'; setMarkerPos('.$i.')"
Claiming that I can't modify mainPicture, an id that doesn't exist.
Obviously, other browsers don't have a problem seeing this object.
All help is much appreciated!
You can find the page here.
Source code:
// Define directory where images are stored
$directory = "../../images/slideshow/";
// Create blank array to store image names
$pic_array = array("");
// Create number to define position of images in array
$counter = 0;
// Gather pictures from image directory
// Open directory to view files
if($dh = opendir($directory))
// Continue while still files to view
while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
// Stop if picture limit of 6 reached
if($counter == 6)
// Gather if object found is file or directory
$file_check = filetype($directory.$file);
// If object is a file, add it to the slideshow
if ($file_check == "file")
$extension = substr($file, strpos($file, "."));
if ($extension == ".png" || $extension == ".jpg")
$pic_array[$counter] = $file;
// Determine number of pics gathered
$num_pics = count($pic_array);
<link href="scripts/slideshow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!-- Begin script to control slideshow -->
<script type = "text/javascript">
var thumbTop = 450; // starting value of thumb.style.top (make sure multiple of increment)
var highestTop = 342; // highest point mask can be on screen ,-, (make sure multiple of increment)
var lowestTop = 450; // lowest point mask can be on screen ,_, (make sure multiple of increment)
var delay = 2; // speed in which slide up and down methods are called
var increment = 5; // value that thumbTop increments with each method call
var intervalUp; // interval for thumb upward movements
var intervalDown; // interval for thumb downward movements
function startThumbSlideUp()
intervalUp = window.setInterval(thumbSlideUp,delay);
function startThumbSlideDown()
intervalDown = window.setInterval(thumbSlideDown,delay);
function thumbSlideUp()
thumbTop -= increment;
if (thumbTop <= highestTop)
thumbTop = highestTop;
thumbMask.style.top = thumbTop;
function thumbSlideDown()
// Added to fix issue where images would start from too large a height
if (thumbTop <= highestTop)
thumbTop = highestTop;
thumbTop += increment;
if (thumbTop >= lowestTop)
thumbTop = lowestTop;
thumbMask.style.top = thumbTop;
// Move marker above image <pos>
function setMarkerPos(pos)
marker.style.left = 600 - (66 * (pos)) + 19;
// Start body and make images unhighlightable
echo '<body onselectstart="return false" style="margin: 0px;">';
// Create base value to increment horizontal position of thumbnails
$curr_thumb_left = 595; // (ignore this comment) 660<width of image> - 66<width of thumb> - 10<space between side> // 660
// Create and display main (large) image and image thumbnails
echo '<div id="mask" onmouseout = "startThumbSlideDown()" onmouseover = "startThumbSlideUp();">
echo '<img src = "'.$directory.$pic_array[0].'" id = "mainPicture" height = "420" width = "660" style = "z-index: -1; position:absolute;"/>
echo '<div id="thumbMask" height="66" width="660" style="z-index: 1; top: 450px; position: absolute;">
echo '<img id="marker" src="images/marker.png" height="10" width="10" style="z-index: 2; top: 0px; position: absolute;" onload="setMarkerPos(0);"/>';
// Search through image array, then assign names to and display thumbnails
for ($i=0; $i < $num_pics; $i++)
// Point to pic in array
$current_pic = $pic_array[$i];
// Create and display image thumbnails
if ($current_pic !== "")
echo '<img src = "'.$directory.$current_pic.'" id = "thumb'.$i.'" height = "50" width = "50" style = "left:'.$curr_thumb_left.'px; top: 10px; border: 3px white solid; position: absolute;" onclick = "mainPicture.src = \''.$directory.$current_pic.'\'; setMarkerPos('.$i.')"/>
// Move left value to the left [50px width + (3px padding * 2 sides) + 10px space between = 66px]
$curr_thumb_left -= 66;
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
Chrome doesn't make image elements available by just their "id" value; you have to use document.getElementById("mainPicture") to get a reference to the DOM element. That'll work in all browsers anyway, so it's safe to just code it that way.
You are attempting to alter the src of mainPicture as though it were a global variable:
mainPicture.src = '.....';
Try referencing mainPicture by its id instead:
document.getElementById('mainPicture').src = '......';
You're not actually setting what mainPicture is, other browsers must be guessing whereas Chrome is doing what it should. Change:
echo '<img src = "'.$directory.$current_pic.'" id = "thumb'.$i.'" height = "50" width = "50" style = "left:'.$curr_thumb_left.'px; top: 10px; border: 3px white solid; position: absolute;" onclick = "mainPicture.src = \''.$directory.$current_pic.'\'; setMarkerPos('.$i.')"/>
echo '<img src = "'.$directory.$current_pic.'" id = "thumb'.$i.'" height = "50" width = "50" style = "left:'.$curr_thumb_left.'px; top: 10px; border: 3px white solid; position: absolute;" onclick = "document.getElementById('mainPicture').src = \''.$directory.$current_pic.'\'; setMarkerPos('.$i.')"/>
$img = imagecreatefrompng("img/".$image);
$w = imagesx($img);
$h = imagesy($img);
$pixelcount = 0;
echo "<div id='container' style='width: {$w}px; height: {$h}px;'>\r\n";
for($y=0;$y<$h;$y++) {
for($x=0;$x<$w;$x++) {
$rgb = imagecolorat($img, $x, $y);
$r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
$g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
$b = $rgb & 0xFF;
$alpha = (imagecolorat($img,$x,$y) & 0x7F000000) >> 24;
if($alpha == 127)
$newcolor = "transparent";
$newcolor = sprintf('#%02X%02X%02X', $r, $g, $b);
if(isset($prevcolor) && strcmp($newcolor, $prevcolor) != 0)
echo "<div style='background: {$prevcolor}; height: 1px; width: {$pixelcount}px; float: left;'></div>\r\n";
$pixelcount = 0;
$prevcolor = $newcolor;
echo "<div style='background: {$prevcolor}; height: 1px; width: {$pixelcount}px; float: left;'></div>\r\n";
$pixelcount = 0;
echo "</div>\r\n";
Here's a link to the tool in its current form.
Mousewheel up, I and +/= key zoom in. Mousewheel down, O and -/_ key zoom out. No need to focus on any particular element, the entire document registers a keystroke/mousewheel.
Edit - Thanks for the fix that that one problem, guys! Got a new one now though. If you go to the tool and attempt to blow it up by zooming in, the sprite just falls apart. If you leave it alone and do nothing, it looks fine. What's weird too is that you can't fix the picture by reseting the size, it will stay messed up until you refresh the page.
Edit2 - Found the source of the trouble.
function resize(width, height)
$('div#container').css('height', factor * height);
$('div#container').css('width', factor * width);
$('div#container > div').css('height', factor).css('width', function(i, val) { return parseInt(val * factor) + 'px'; });
$('div#container').css('margin-top', ($(window).height() - $('div#container').height())/2 + "px");
Width isn't getting multiplied by 'factor' for some reason. I'm trying to do it in such a way that jQuery does it to each and every child div, basing the new width off the old, without having to do a huge for loop or anything, but nothing I'm coming up with is working.
Edit3 - Finally got it working! I just stored the original lengths of each div as the 'id' attribute in each and then access that when it comes time to resize everything. Thanks to everyone who put up with this and stuck with me to see it through. I swear the resizing is smoother than before! :D
Your code isn't resetting the pixel count after each run of colour. I think you need this:
if(isset($prevcolor) && strcmp($hex, $prevcolor) != 0) {
echo "<div style='background: {$prevcolor}; height: 1px; width: {$pixelcount}px; float: left;'></div>\r\n";
$pixelcount = 0;
I believe that the problem lies in the fact that, in the inner loop, you never reset $pixelcount after you use it. Consequently, it's just an accumulation of the total pixels of the row, meaning that each time you print you get a progressively larger width.
Based on your description, you'd want to reset it when you switch colours:
if(isset($prevcolor) && strcmp($hex, $prevcolor) != 0) {
echo "<div style='background: {$prevcolor}; height: 1px; width: {$pixelcount}px; float: left;'></div>\r\n";
$pixelcount = 0; // Incremented back to 1 below
The resizing problem comes from the resize function, where width is now set inappropriately because the base width of each block is no longer 1:
var cssObj = {
'width' : factor, // This factor needs to be multiplied by the original width
'height' : factor
$('div#container > div').css(cssObj);
I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but you could get the width upfront:
($(window).height() - $('div#container').height())/2 + "px");
$('div#container > div').each(function() {
$(this).data('originalWidth', $(this).width());
...then in the resize function:
$('div#container > div')
.css('height', factor)
.css('width', function() {
return $(this).data('originalWidth') * factor;