I can successfully create a graph through Chart.js. The issue is that I would like to generate a graph based on a specific customer's ID. So for example if I were to visit customer http://localhost/test/view_customer?customer_id=21&operation=edit. I would like use the bdi vs. date of customer ID 21 to generate a graph.
I have tried many different solutions, however I have been unsuccessful. I wanted to know if there was anyway to execute an SQL request through AJAX and use that data to generate a graph.
Here is my SQL code that grabs the ID from the URL and generates a string that could be read by chart.js to create a line graph:
//Gets customer ID from URL
$cid = htmlentities ($_GET['customer_id']);
//query to get data from the table
$sql = sprintf("SELECT treatment_log.bdi, treatment_log.date FROM treatment_log WHERE treatment_fk = ? ORDER BY created_at");
$stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($conn);
mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, $sql);
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "i", $cid);
$data = array();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $bdi, $date);
while(mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) {
$data[] = array('bdi' => $bdi, 'date' => $date);
//free memory associated with result
//now print the data
print json_encode($data); ?>
Here is the code I use to generate a line graph:
url: "http://localhost/test/data.php",
method: "GET",
success: function(data) {
var bdi = [];
var date = [];
for(var i in data) {
date.push( data[i].date);
var chartdata = {
labels: date,
datasets : [
label: 'BDI',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(239, 243, 255, 0.75)',
borderColor: 'rgba(84, 132, 255, 0.75)',
hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(200, 200, 200, 1)',
hoverBorderColor: 'rgba(200, 200, 200, 1)',
data: bdi
var ctx = $("#mycanvas");
var barGraph = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: chartdata,
options: {
responsive: true,
legend: {
position: 'bottom',
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
fontColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
fontStyle: "bold",
beginAtZero: true,
maxTicksLimit: 5,
padding: 20
gridLines: {
drawTicks: false,
drawBorder: false,
xAxes: [{
gridLines: {
zeroLineColor: "transparent",
display: false
ticks: {
padding: 20,
fontColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
fontStyle: "bold"
tooltips: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255)',
titleFontColor: 'rgb(184,189,201)',
bodyFontColor: 'black',
displayColors: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(214,217,225)',
borderWidth: 1,
caretSize: 5,
cornerRadius: 2,
xPadding: 10,
yPadding: 10
error: function(data) {
Currently I am using a URL http://localhost/test/data.php that has a string of data:
Instead of using a URL to link the data. I want the AJAX to run my SQL code and generate the graph (where the treatment_fk is a variable).
1. Is it possible to execute an SQL command in AJAX to generate a graph, where the ID is a variable collected from the URL? (How would I do this?)
2. Is there a better way? How would I do that?
Apple one addition parameter to ajax request
url: "data.php",
data: {
"ChartType": 1/*Or change to drop down selection id*/,
type: "GET",
success: function(response) {
error: function(xhr) {
You can see ChartType above, pass its value dynamically for which your want to separate sql query/
Now on server side:
$cid = htmlentities ($_GET['customer_id']);
$cType = htmlentities ($_GET['ChartType']);
$sql = sprintf("SELECT treatment_log.bdi, treatment_log.date FROM treatment_log WHERE treatment_fk = ? ORDER BY created_at");
else if($cType==2)
$sql = sprintf("SELECT __ other column name __ WHERE cid=$cid");
$sql = sprintf("SELECT __ other column name __ WHERE cid=$cid");
I know this is not complete code, but it will give you idea how to do it.
I am working on Highcharts using PHP/MYSQL. Data is showing properly in each chart but I tried to change one chart to ajax call in order to reduce page load.
I am generating multiple series data from PHP and displaying them back in the required format but data is not showing(I alerted the data it's coming).
Below is the code of ajax call:
function project_wise_lab(from_date, to_date) {
type: "POST",
url: 'dashboard/project_wise_labtest',
data: {
from_dte: from_date,
to_dte: to_date
success: function(response) {
Highcharts.chart('subcontainer7', {
chart: {
type: 'line',
height: 230,
credits: {
enabled: false
title: {
text: null
xAxis: {
categories: ['Oct 2020', 'Nov 2020', 'Dec 2020', 'Jan 2021', 'Feb 2021', 'Mar 2021', 'Apr 2021', 'May 2021']
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
// text: 'Total fruit consumption'
stackLabels: {
enabled: false,
style: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: ( // theme
Highcharts.defaultOptions.title.style &&
) || 'gray'
legend: {
align: 'center',
verticalAlign: 'bottom',
backgroundColor: Highcharts.defaultOptions.legend.backgroundColor || 'white',
borderColor: '#CCC',
// borderWidth: 1,
shadow: false
tooltip: {
/* headerFormat: '<b>{point.x}</b><br/>',
pointFormat: '{series.name}: {point.y}<br/>Total: {point.stackTotal}'
plotOptions: {
column: {
stacking: 'normal',
dataLabels: {
// enabled: true
colors: [
series: response
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
I have alerted the response and the data is showing in the below format:
{ name : 'FKI',data : [10591,10576,9309,8422,9586,11171,9327,9384] },{ name : 'FKR',data : [4740,3105,2690,3598,3686,4930,3711,3859] },{ name : 'FHR',data : [17190,12757,10837,11944,14083,15748,12544,12494] },{ name : 'FUL',data : [1308,937,1002,1086,1452,1419,1248,1362] },{ name : 'FSW',data : [9535,9102,8689,8420,9941,10915,7273,6930] },{ name : 'FWP',data : [47437,42198,43012,44979,47377,55400,46520,41682] },{ name : 'FGR',data : [2112,1366,1619,1664,2387,2355,1633,1215] }
New Response after update:
The chart is showing empty, kindly help and let me know to get the issue resolve?
You appear to have two problems...
jQuery is interpreting your response as plain text (a string) where Highcharts expects actual JS objects
Your response is not valid JSON so you can't interpret it as such on the client-side. Rule #1 when creating JSON responses is... never roll your own JSON.
I recommend getting PHP to generate valid JSON and respond with the correct Content-type
// Ensure jQuery (or any consumer) knows the response is JSON
header("Content-type: application/json");
// Create a data structure representing the series data
$data = [];
foreach ($project as $key => $value) {
$data[] = [
"name" => $key,
"data" => array_values($value) // you just want the values here, not the keys
// Respond with JSON
echo json_encode($data);
Then in your client-side code, you can simply use
series: response
as response will now be a valid JS array
You can also make sure jQuery treats the response as JSON by adding
dataType: "json",
to your $.ajax() options but with the right Content-type response header, jQuery should not need this.
Just an FYI, alert() is terrible for viewing data. The best option would be to use your browser's debugger. The second best option is to use console.log()
Within my Laravel project I am implementing the chart.js library trying to visualize a bar graph.
Which should show all work orders in finished status that were assigned to users with the operator role.
When you want to graph, simply no data is displayed, it is an empty graph.
This is my ReportController controller with this method public function getChart () I do my query
public function getChart(Request $request)
$_orders = DB::table('users')
->join('model_has_roles', 'users.id', '=', 'model_has_roles.model_id')
->select('users.id','users.name', DB::raw('COUNT(orders.id) as orders_by_user'), 'model_has_roles.role_id as rol')
->where('model_has_roles.role_id', '2');
$_orders->groupBy('orders.user_id', 'users.id', 'users.name', 'model_has_roles.role_id');
return ['orders' => $orders];
This is the result of my query: as it is observed I have what I need username and the number of orders completed per user.
"orders": [
"id": 4,
"name": "Luis",
"orders_by_user": 2,
"rol": 2
"id": 6,
"name": "Jose",
"orders_by_user": 1,
"rol": 2
"id": 7,
"name": "Miguel",
"orders_by_user": 1,
"rol": 2
Here is an important question: is the JSON structure returned by my query correct? With this result can I graph?
This is my report.js file for the graph:
With the renderChart() method:
I make the graph, through the data obtained in my ajax call.
With the getChartData () method:
I make my ajax call.
function renderChart(data, labels) {
var ctx = document.getElementById("orders").getContext('2d');
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: labels,
datasets: [{
label: 'ordenes',
data: data,
borderColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
borderWidth: 1,
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true
title: {
display: true,
text: "Ordenes en estado terminado"
function getChartData() {
url: '/admin/reports/getChart',
type: 'GET',
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
// console.log(data);
var data = [];
var labels = [];
for (var i in data) {
renderChart(data, labels);
error: function (data) {
function () {
In other words I am looking to optimize my query using eloquent, so that it returns a valid JSON response for chart.js.
Dump those data obtained through an ajax call and draw
Could you help me find and solve my error?
Just in case if any error arises change my for: for (var i in data) to this: for (var i in response)
So it looks like this:
for (var i in response) {
I think that I am not accessing correctly the data that I get from my query to later graph.
In the console I see the following information:
{orders: Array(3)}
orders: Array(3)
0: {id: 4, name: "Luis", orders_by_user: 2, rol: 2}
1: {id: 6, name: "Jose", orders_by_user: 1, rol: 2}
2: {id: 7, name: "Miguel", orders_by_user: 1, rol: 2}
length: 3
__proto__: Array(0)
__proto__: Object
Orders is my array, so how can I just access orders_by_user and name and correctly pass it to my data.push and labels.push
try something like this but it doesn't work:
I want to get data from an url("http://localhost/icx/test/link.html") contains json data. the data contains is like
"call_time": "0",
"total_inc_traffic": "1363.10",
"total_out_traffic": "88.70"
}, {
the json data "total_inc_traffic" is to be shown in the bar chart y axix
<div id="HT_IGW"></div>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/apexcharts#latest"></script>
var options = {
chart: {
height: 255,
type: 'bar',
plotOptions: {
bar: {
horizontal: false,
columnWidth: '55%',
endingShape: 'rounded'
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
stroke: {
show: true,
width: .5,
colors: ['transparent']
series: [{
name: 'Traffic In',
data: [
var ourRequest =new XMLHttpRequest();
ourRequest.onload = function(){
var ourData = JSON.parse(ourRequest.responseText);
let result2 = ourData.map(v => Number(v.total_inc_traffic));
}, {
name: 'Traffic Out',
data: [76, 85, 111, 98, 87, 115, 91, 114, 94,76, 85, 111, 98, 87, 115, 91, 114, 94,76, 85, 111,77, 98, 87]
xaxis: {
categories: ['1', '', '3', '', '5', '', '7', '', '9','','11', '', '13', '', '15', '', '17', '', '19','','21','','23',''],
yaxis: {
fill: {
opacity: 1
tooltip: {
y: {
formatter: function (val) {
return " " + val + " Calls"
var chart = new ApexCharts(
var ourRequest =new XMLHttpRequest();
ourRequest.onload = function(){
var ourData = JSON.parse(ourRequest.responseText);
let result = ourData.map(v => Number(v.call_time));
let result2 = ourData.map(v => Number(v.total_inc_traffic));
let result3 = ourData.map(v => Number(v.total_out_traffic));
I expected the output to be shown in the bar graph data, but it gives error data
My error is this
My expectation is
Can anyone help ??
You have an array initializer in a property definition with statements in it:
series: [{
name: 'Traffic In',
data: [
var ourRequest =new XMLHttpRequest();
ourRequest.onload = function(){
var ourData = JSON.parse(ourRequest.responseText);
let result2 = ourData.map(v => Number(v.total_inc_traffic));
You can't do that. With an array initializer ([...]) you can only have expressions in it separated with commas. The expressions are evaluated to create the values to put in the array.
It's not clear to me what you're trying to do there, but that code probably belongs after the big object initializer creating the options object.
You cannot put a code block (the part starting with "var ourRequest") inside array initializer.
If you need the data obtained from ajax call to become the options.series.data property, you need to either create the options object after the ajax call is done, or create the options without that property and add to it when the ajax call is finished.
Anyway if the server that provides the json endpoint is the same as the one that is rendering the page, you should be able to render that information there right when the page is rendered, bypassing need to call any additional ajax request.
As long as you dont want to also call it to update the information without re-rendering the entire page.
I have a php code that generates me a result in json format
header('Content-type: application/json');
include_once 'Conexion.php';
$objeto = new Conexion();
$conexion = $objeto->conectar();
$fecInicio = (isset($_POST['fechaInicio'])) ? $_POST['fechaInicio'] : '';
$fecFin = (isset($_POST['fechaFin'])) ? $_POST['fechaFin'] : '';
$consulta = "SELECT MONTHNAME(fecha), sum(totalVenta) FROM ventas WHERE fecha BETWEEN '$fecInicio' AND '$fecFin' GROUP BY MONTH(fecha)";
$resultado = $conexion->prepare($consulta);
$result = array();
while ($fila = $resultado->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
array_push($result, array($fila["MONTHNAME(fecha)"], $fila["sum(totalVenta)"])) ;
print json_encode($result);
With jquery ajax json I get and I want to use in data for a chart with Highcharts. This is the code of my JS
var chart1;
var options;
$(document).ready(function() {
var fechaInicio;
var fechaFin;
fechaInicio = $("#fechaInicio").val();
fechaFin = $("#fechaFin").val();
url: "../libreria/ORM/reportes.php",
type: "POST",
data: {fechaInicio:fechaInicio, fechaFin:fechaFin },
success: function(data) {
//recibo el json desde PHP y lo paso a string
var valores = JSON.stringify(data);
options.series[0].data = valores;
var theModal = $("#modalGraficos").modal({
show: false
options = {
chart: {
renderTo: 'container1',
type: "column"
title: {
text: "Ventas Mensuales"
subtitle: {
text: "PerĂodo consultado, desde: <strong>"+fechaInicio+"</strong> hasta: <strong>"+fechaFin+"</strong>"
xAxis: {
type: "category",
labels: {
rotation: -45,
style: {
fontSize: "13px",
fontFamily: "Verdana, sans-serif"
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
text: "Pesos AR$"
//establecemos los colores de las columnas por Mes
colors: [
"rgba(248, 44, 91, 0.61)",
plotOptions: {
column: {
colorByPoint: true
legend: {
enabled: false
tooltip: {
pointFormat: "Total del Mes: <b>$ {point.y:.2f}</b>"
series: [{
name: "Ventas por mes",
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
//rotation: -90,
rotation: 0,
color: "#ffffff",
align: "center",
format: "{point.y:,.2f}",
y: 30, // 10 pixels down from the top
style: {
fontSize: "13px",
fontFamily: "Verdana, sans-serif"
}; //fin options
var chart1 = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
// Recreate the chart now and it will be correct
The result console log is valid json format:
console log
I can not make the chart. It can help or assist? thank you very much
you need to set the data you get from ajax call to chart options. this link might help Load data into Highcharts with Ajax
A few clues:
Chart should mi inititailised in ajax callback
numbers shoudl not be a strings like you have. It should be [["March",436400.00],["April",1302261.50]]. To do that set the flag "JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK" in json_encode() function.
This is my first post, apologies if I've asked a question a number of people have already done so. I don't see the answer I need in other posts.
I'm using Flot Charts and have a SQL Server db, I've got a php file that will connect to the db and return all the values within the sql in an array.
$server = "XXXX";
$database = "XXXX";
$user = "ReportsUser";
$pwd = "ReportsUser";
$cnn = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=$server;Database=$database;", $user, $pwd);
echo "error in connecting";
$sql = odbc_exec($cnn, "
FROM mis.ReferralsBudgetvsActual
while($result = odbc_fetch_array($sql))
$allreferrals[] = array($result['Months'],$result['Referrals'],$result['ProjectedVol']);
echo json_encode(($allreferrals), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
This works well and produces the array as below
Now, when it all comes together in the jquery file, this is where I end up getting stuck. I don't see where it pulls any other columns back apart from the first data column, how can this be done?
// document ready function
$(document).ready(function() {
var chartColours = ['#88bbc8', '#ed7a53', '#9FC569', '#bbdce3', '#9a3b1b', '#5a8022', '#2c7282'];
// function for refreshing shiftstats chart
function make_chart() {
cache: 'false',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
url: "test.php",
success: function(data) {
var d1 = data;
var d2 = data;
//define placeholder class
var placeholder = $(".shifts-chart");
//graph options
var options = {
grid: {
show: true,
aboveData: true,
color: "#3f3f3f" ,
labelMargin: 5,
axisMargin: 0,
borderWidth: 0,
minBorderMargin: 5 ,
clickable: true,
hoverable: true,
autoHighlight: true,
mouseActiveRadius: 20
series: {
grow: {
active: false,
stepMode: "linear",
steps: 50,
stepDelay: true
lines: {
show: true,
fill: false,
lineWidth: 4,
steps: false
points: {
radius: 5,
symbol: "circle",
fill: true,
borderColor: "#fff"
legend: {
position: "ne",
margin: [0,-25],
noColumns: 0,
labelBoxBorderColor: null,
labelFormatter: function(label, series) {
// just add some space to labes
return label+' ';
yaxis: { min: 0 },
xaxis: {ticks:11, tickDecimals: 0},
colors: chartColours,
tooltip: true, //activate tooltip
tooltipOpts: {
content: "%s : %y.0",
shifts: {
x: -30,
y: -50
label: "Referrals",
data: d1,
lines: {fillColor: "#f2f7f9"},
points: {fillColor: "#88bbc8"}
label: "ProjectedVol",
data: d2,
lines: {fillColor: "#f2f7f9"},
points: {fillColor: "#88bbc8"}
], options);
You'll need to change your php array creation to properly format the data into two series:
$d1 = array();
$d2 = array();
while($result = odbc_fetch_array($sql))
array_push($d1, array($result['Months'], $result['Referrals']));
array_push($d2, array($result['Months'], $result['ProjectedVol']));
$allreferrals = array($d1, $d2);
echo json_encode(($allreferrals), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
This should return it as an array of arrays:
(Hopefully I have the syntax correct, I'm not a fan of php)
Update from comment
If you are returning a slew of series, you might be better returning an associative array from PHP:
$allreferrals = array('ref' => array(), 'projVol'=> array());
while($result = odbc_fetch_array($sql))
array_push($allreferrals['ref'], array($result['Months'], $result['Referrals']));
array_push($allreferrals['projVol'], array($result['Months'], $result['ProjectedVol']));
echo json_encode(($allreferrals), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
Then back in the javascript:
label: "Referrals",
data: data["ref"]
label: "ProjectedVol",
data: data["projVol"]