Im Using Joomla 3.8.1
I want to open a csv file on my pc, put data into it, then export back to pc.
I have tested the code and it is working in localhost server. I modified orders.php in components/com_virtuemart/views/orders
When I try to use on live server, it doesnt work for me. (code runs but file doesnt get written)
My question is do I need to remove any file protection security?
The code I'm using to open and put is following...
$file = fopen('d:\\WEBSITE\\files\\clientFile.csv', 'w');
Either the path doesn't exist or you don't have permissions to create/modify that file. Check the error message/logs.
I'm using two computers (both connected to one network) and one of them has XAMPP. I'm trying to upload files to the one with XAMPP in it (the files are from the other computer). But I always end up having the 'No such file or directory' error even though I have the correct path. But when I use the path from the computer with XAMPP, even when I'm using the other computer, the system works just fine. Can anyone help me?
P.S. I'm using PHP copy() function because the file path is coming from an excel file.
Here's the part of my PHP code:
$original_file_name = objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(5,$i)->getValue();
// Example of the cell value: C:\Users\ComputerWithoutXAMPP\Desktop\scanned documents\SO 2010\#1.jpeg
$ext = pathinfo($original_file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$file = time().substr(md5(microtime()),rand(0,26),5);
copy($original_file_name, 'uploads/docs/'.$file.'.'.$ext);
You can use copy() to upload a file to another machine, or from another machine, but to access the remote machine, the appropriate argument to copy (source or dest) has to be a URL. The code you've posted is trying to copy the file to a local "uploads/docs/" directory, it's doesn't even appear to aware of another machine.
While what you're looking to do may be technically possible, I haven't the foggiest idea how you'd go about it: it seems rather Rube Goldberg to me. The ftp:// wrapper would probably work, if FTP is set up properly on the XAMPP server.
How big is the file you're trying to send? If it's small enough, you may have better luck either encoding and sending the content itself or uploading the file with curl to an upload-catching script on the XAMPP side
I am building a web application using ExtJS4 and PHP5. There is a part where I upload a photo and as I was testing it locally, I am able to upload photos properly to a folder in the file directory.
After I deployed the file to our server online, I tested it. At first, I was getting a class finfo not found, at it pointed to my upload.php file and and to the line:
$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
Upon googling the problem, I needed to make sure that my php.ini file allowed file uploads. So what I did was I made my own php.ini file in the server and I copy pasted the contents from the php.ini file located in ../MAMP/conf/php5.5.10/php.ini but I got an error that I'm trying to decode an invalid JSON String. I also tried ../MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/conf/php.ini but I still get the same error.
I don't understand what's happening. I think I'm copying the wrong php.ini file to my server. I am using Freehostia and we are not allowed to access the php.ini file and it was advised to create my own php.ini file. However, so far, copy pasting my php.ini file did not work. It may be that I'm constructing the file wrong.
It's the fist time I've deployed a site that required a file upload, usually I just work with database CRUD and that works.
I found a PHP Settings Page in the home page. I set the PHP to 5.5 and made sure it allowed file uploading.
I have a site for media conversion where users can upload video, audio or image files and it is converted in to 3 popular formats. Conversion script works fine but I am having some issues with the tmp directory where the files get uploaded to. I have tried 2 scenarios I am fine with either but neither works and it seems to me to be permissions related but I can seem to fix the problem.
I am working locally right now while I work out the kinks.
Scenario 1:
File is uploaded to default local tmp directory (C:\WINDOWS\tmp) - works fine
Attempt to run conversion script using tmp file that was uploaded and it doesn't work - run from command line works perfectly fine though
Scenario 2:
File is uploaded to directory I have given IIS_IUSRS full control of (for testing) and file won't upload - yes the directory is spelt correctly (I changed the upload_tmp_dir value in php.ini)
Both the site the javascript that send the XMLHttpRequest to the PHP file, as well as the site the PHP file itself reside on are IIS sites so I assume the script is being run as IIS_IUSRS.
EDIT: Temp file is no longer being created at all for Scenario 1, can't figure out why I am assuming playing with permission messed something up because the code hasn't changed. I've given Modify to IIS_USRS and USERS to try and get it working again but no luck :( although the error log is still writing to the same folder...weird
NOTE: The "tmp_name" value of the $_FILES variable I am sending still has a value of "C:\WINDOWS\Temp\'filename'" but the file is not there
EDIT: Another new development, it appears it is NOT a permissions issue because I can create a temp file via $temp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'Test'); however it obviously does not contain the uploaded data so it does not solve my problem
PHP is ignoring the upload_tmp_dir because of one setting on APPLICATION POOLS.
It's not php-cgi.exe nor php.ini or a permissions issue.
Go to the application pool of the website experiencing the issue:
1. right click
2. select advanced settings
3. scroll to LOAD USER PROFILE and set it to FALSE.
that did the trick for me.
This is less of a problem solved and more of a workaround. The issue seems to be something with the
When I echo the contents it looks as I expect however no file appears. So rather than taking advantage of that process that happens naturally, I have had to take a manual approach. What I have done is the following:
create a temp file
$temp_file = tempnam(ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'), 'php');
then add the content from the temp file created during the $_POST request. (which some how are in the $_FILES variable even though the file is not when I look in the directory)
file_put_contents($temp_file, file_get_contents($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']));
the I have my temporary file for processing.
I have searched everywhere but didn't got a perfect answer.
I am using WAMP to run PHP on local machine. I have an tag to accept file from local machine and have to upload this to FTP server.
My code is working perfectly fine but only if file is present directly on base path i.e. /wamp/www/ but if I pick file from desktop to upload, it didn't actually pass path of file to action php file instead just pass on file name.
Is there a way to achieve this functionality?
I am using Kohana 3. Up to now my downloadable files were residing in my application document root. So far using $this->request->send_file($download_file); it was working perfectly right.
But now my downloadable files are on another server can be accessed using http say http::// So Kohana's $this->request->send_file is no more working.
Can anybody tell me what could be alternate solution?
You will probably want to use Remote::get to download the file locally, then use Request::send_file to download the file.
If the server is public, you can simply redirect to the file in question.
worked for me ..