PHP - Cannot access POST value from an HTML form submit [duplicate] - php

This question already has answers here:
Disabled form fields not submitting data [duplicate]
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am receiving this error (4 times) when attempting to submit a form table:
Notice: Undefined index: accountid in php/ChartOfAccountsInclude.php on >line 106
This is line 106 in my code
$account_id = $_POST["accountid"][$i];
I am attempting to load in table data from a local database. Then I allow the user access to certain fields to change the values. Once they are done they press the button to submit and that is when I get the above error. There are currently four accounts in the database which means each time my code is looping through the POST value it is failing to retrieve the accountid. I have pasted the relevant code below:
User Page ChartOfAccounts.php
<title>Chart of Accounts</title>
<h2>Chart of Accounts</h2>
<form action="" method="post">
<?php retrieveChart() ;?>
<div class="container">
<button type="submit" name="submitMods" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Submit Account Modifications</button>
<?php if($submit_err) : ?>
<?php generateError('warning', 'Account could not be updated.') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
PHP Include ChartOfAccountsInclude.php
$sql = "SELECT * FROM Accounts";
$result = mysqli_query($db,$sql);
$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
$submit_err = FALSE;
$submitaccount_err = FALSE;
function retrieveChart() {
global $db;
$funcSQL = "SELECT * FROM Accounts";
$funcResult = mysqli_query($db,$funcSQL);
echo '<table border="1" class="table table-bordered table-hover">
<th>Account ID</th>
<th>Account Name</th>
<th>Date Created</th>
<th>Created By</th>
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($funcResult))
$current = $longterm = $active = $inactive = $debi = $credit = $asset = $expense = $liability = $equity = $revenue = "";
$curusr = $row['user_id'];
$getUsernameSQL = "SELECT username FROM User_accounts WHERE user_id = $curusr";
$usernameResult = mysqli_query($db,$getUsernameSQL);
$usernameRow = mysqli_fetch_array($usernameResult);
switch ($row['term']) {
case 'Current':
$current = "selected = \"selected\"";
case 'Long Term':
$longterm = "selected = \"selected\"";
switch ($row['account_status']) {
case 'Active':
$active = "selected = \"selected\"";
case 'Inactive':
$inactive = "selected = \"selected\"";
switch ($row['type']) {
case 'Asset':
$asset = "selected = \"selected\"";
case 'Expense':
$expense = "selected = \"selected\"";
case 'Liability':
$liability = "selected = \"selected\"";
case 'Equity':
$equity = "selected = \"selected\"";
case 'Revenue':
$revenue = "selected = \"selected\"";
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td> <input name="accountid[]" disabled value="' . $row['account_id'] . '"> </td>';
echo '<td> <input name="accountname[]" value="' . $row['account_name'] . '"> </td>';
echo '<td> <input name="datecreated[]" disabled value="' . $row['date_created'] . '"> </td>';
echo '<td>
<select name="type[]">
<option '.$asset.'>Asset</option>
<option '.$expense.'>Expense</option>
<option '.$liability.'>Liability</option>
<option '.$equity.'>Equity</option>
<option '.$revenue.'>Revenue</option>
echo '<td>
<select name="term[]">
<option '.$current.'>Current</option>
<option '.$longterm.'>Long Term</option>
echo '<td>
<select name="accountstatus[]" value="' . $row['account_status'] . '">
<option '.$active.'>Active</option>
<option '.$inactive.'>Inactive</option>
echo '<td>
<input name="user_id[]" disabled value="' . $usernameRow['username'] . '">
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
if( isset($_POST['submitMods']) ) {
$i = 0;
while($i < $count) {
$account_id = $_POST["accountid"][$i];
$account_name = mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$_POST['accountname'][$i]);
$type = mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$_POST['type'][$i]);
$term = mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$_POST['term'][$i]);
$account_status = mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$_POST['accountstatus'][$i]);
$updateAccountsql = "
UPDATE Accounts
account_id = '$account_id',
account_name = '$account_name',
type = '$type',
term = '$term',
account_status = '$account_status'
WHERE account_id = '$account_id'";
if($account_name == "") {
$submit_err = TRUE;
} else {
$updateResult = mysqli_query($db,$updateAccountsql);
if(!$submit_err) {
//header("Location: ChartOfAccounts.php");

In HTML Elements with Disabled attribute are not posted or you can say their values are not submitted.
Your input element is as below so it will not post any value.
<input name="accountid[]" value="' . $row['account_id'] . '" disabled />
Disabled controls Limitations:
it will not receive focus.
it will be skipped in tabbing navigation.
It cannot be successfully posted.
So if you dont want let user edit that input and if it is not neccessary to show that input to users then you can try input type="hidden" as below:
<input type="hidden" name="accountid[]" value="' . $row['account_id'] . '" />
Or If you want to show the id to user but not want to let them edit then you can use readonly attribute in your case, by readonly attribute you will be able to post your field's data, see below for example:
<input type="text" name="accountid[]" value="' . $row['account_id'] . '" readonly />
Read-only elements
can receive focus but cannot be modified by the user.
it will included in tabbing navigation.
it will be successfully posted.
doesn't work on checkboxes and select tags
Reference answer

Change below line
<input name="user_id[]" disabled value="' . $usernameRow['username'] . '">
<input name="user_id[]" type="hidden" value="' . $usernameRow['username'] . '">

Because accountid is disabled field so it do not submitted and not exist in $_POST variable so you need to replace your textbox with hidden field

Removed disabled from the input fields
echo '<td> <input name="accountid[]" disabled value="' . $row['account_id'] . '"> </td>';
echo '<td> <input name="accountname[]" value="' . $row['account_name'] . '"> </td>';
echo '<td> <input name="datecreated[]" disabled value="' . $row['date_created'] . '"> </td>';
echo '<td> <input name="accountid[]" value="' . $row['account_id'] . '"> </td>';
echo '<td> <input name="accountname[]" value="' . $row['account_name'] . '"> </td>';
echo '<td> <input name="datecreated[]" value="' . $row['date_created'] . '"> </td>';
in case if you don't allow people to edit the fields you could use readonly in place of disabled.


How can I execute multiple prepared SQL statements from a single input button press in php?

Context: The page is for menu item entry into an order. When a menu item button is pressed, data from 'theProducts' table is queried and inserted into 'theOrderItems' table. I also want the same button press to take the serving size value (theProducts.dbProdServing) and subtract that amount from the product's inventory (theInventory.dbInventoryAmt), and update that table accordingly.
The problem I'm having is trying to figure out how to have one button press execute two prepared statements with bound values at the same time, those being the statement that INSERTS product data into 'theOrderItems' table and the statement that UPDATEs 'theInventory' table.
Currently, the page runs the INSERT statement fine, but the UPDATE statement doesn't run at all.
There are three pages that handle the entire order system, 'insertOrder.php' opens the order, 'insertOrderItem.php' allows the adding of items to a specific order, and 'completeorder.php' just displays the total order. I'll only post the first two pages.
$pagetitle = 'Insert Order';
require_once 'header.php';
require_once 'connect.php';
$errormsg = "";
$showform = 1;
$sqlselectt = "SELECT * from theTables";
$resultt = $db->prepare($sqlselectt);
$sqlselectc = "SELECT * from theCustomers";
$resultc = $db->prepare($sqlselectc);
$sqlselects = "SELECT * from theStaff";
$results = $db->prepare($sqlselects);
$sqlselectl = "SELECT * from theLocations";
$resultl = $db->prepare($sqlselectl);
if( isset($_POST['thesubmit']) )
$formfield['ffOrderPickup'] = $_POST['orderPickup'];
$formfield['ffCustKey'] = $_POST['custKey'];
$formfield['ffTableKey'] = $_POST['tableKey'];
$formfield['ffStaffKey'] = $_POST['staffKey'];
$formfield['ffLocationKey'] = $_POST['locationKey'];
$formfield['ffOrderDate'] = $_POST['orderDate'];
$formfield['ffOrderTime'] = $_POST['orderTime'];
if(empty($formfield['ffCustKey'])){$errormsg .= "<p>The customer field is empty.</p>";}
if(empty($formfield['ffTableKey'])){$errormsg .= "<p>The table field is empty.</p>";}
if(empty($formfield['ffStaffKey'])){$errormsg .= "<p>The employee field is empty.</p>";}
if(empty($formfield['ffLocationKey'])){$errormsg .= "<p>The location field is empty.</p>";}
if(empty($formfield['ffOrderDate'])) {$errormsg .= "<p>The order entry date is not selected.</p>"; }
if(empty($formfield['ffOrderTime'])) {$errormsg .= "<p>The order entry time is not selected.</p>"; }
if($errormsg != "")
echo "<div class='error'><p>THERE ARE ERRORS!</p>";
echo $errormsg;
echo "</div>";
$sqlmax = "SELECT MAX(dbOrderKey) AS maxKey FROM theOrders";
$resultmax = $db->prepare($sqlmax);
$rowmax = $resultmax->fetch();
$maxKey = $rowmax['maxKey'];
$maxKey = $maxKey + 1;
$sqlinsert = 'INSERT INTO theOrders (dbOrderKey, dbCustKey, dbTableKey, dbStaffKey, dbLocationKey, dbOrderComplete, dbOrderDate, dbOrderTime, dbOrderMade, dbOrderPickup)
VALUES (:bvOrderKey, :bvCustKey, :bvTableKey, :bvStaffKey, :bvLocationKey, 0, :bvOrderDate, :bvOrderTime, 0, :bvOrderPickup)';
$stmtinsert = $db->prepare($sqlinsert);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvOrderKey', $maxKey);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvCustKey', $formfield['ffCustKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvTableKey', $formfield['ffTableKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvStaffKey', $formfield['ffStaffKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvLocationKey', $formfield['ffLocationKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvOrderDate', $formfield['ffOrderDate']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvOrderTime', $formfield['ffOrderTime']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvOrderPickup', $formfield['ffOrderPickup']);
echo "<p>Order Number: " . $maxKey . "</p>";
echo "<p>Location: " . $formfield['ffLocationKey'] . "</p>";
echo '<br><br><form action="insertOrderItem.php" method="post">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="orderKey" value="' . $maxKey . '">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="locationKey" value="' . $formfield['ffLocationKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Enter Order Items">';
echo '</form>';
$showform = 0;
catch(PDOException $e)
echo 'ERROR!!!' .$e->getMessage();
if ($visible == 1 && $showform == 1)
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" name="theform">
<fieldset><legend>Order Information</legend>
<table border>
<th><label for="custKey">Customer:</label></th>
<td><select name="custKey" id="custKey">
<option value = "">Please Select a Customer</option>
<?php while ($rowc = $resultc->fetch() )
echo '<option value="'. $rowc['dbCustKey'] . '">' . $rowc['dbCustLast'] . '</option>';
<th><label for="tableKey">Table:</label></th>
<td><select name="tableKey" id="tableKey">
<option value = "">Please Select a Table</option>
<?php while ($rowt = $resultt->fetch() )
echo '<option value="'. $rowt['dbTableKey'] . '">' . $rowt['dbTableKey'] . '</option>';
<th><label for="staffKey">Employee:</label></th>
<td><select name="staffKey" id="staffKey">
<option value = "">Please Select an Employee</option>
while ($rows = $results->fetch() )
if($_SESSION['userid'] == $rows['dbStaffKey']) {
$selected = 'selected';
} else {
$selected = '';
echo '<option value="'. $rows['dbStaffKey'] . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $rows['dbStaffLast'] . '</option>';
<th><label for="locationKey">Location:</label></th>
<td><select name="locationKey" id="locationKey">
<option value = "">Please Select an Location</option>
while ($rowl = $resultl->fetch() )
echo '<option value="'. $rowl['dbLocationKey'] . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $rowl['dbLocationCity'] . '</option>';
<th>Pick a Delivery Type:</th>
<td><input type="radio" name="orderPickup" id="orderPickup"
value=1 <?php echo ' checked';?> />
<label for="pickup">Pickup</label>
<input type="radio" name="orderPickup" id="orderPickup"
value=0 />
<label for="inHouse">In-House</label>
<th><label for="orderDate">Entry Date:</label></th>
<td><input type="date" name="orderDate" id="orderDate" value="<?php if( isset($formfield['ffOrderDate'])){echo $formfield['ffOrderDate'];}?>" /></td>
<th><label for="orderTime">Entry Time:</label></th>
<td><input type="time" name="orderTime" id="orderTime" value="<?php if( isset($formfield['ffOrderTime'])){echo $formfield['ffOrderTime'];}?>" /></td>
<input type="submit" name = "thesubmit" value="Enter">
include_once 'footer.php';
$pagetitle = 'Insert Order Items';
require_once 'header.php';
require_once 'connect.php';
$formfield['ffOrderKey'] = $_POST['orderKey'];
$formfield['ffProdKey'] = $_POST['prodKey'];
$formfield['ffProdPrice'] = $_POST['prodPrice'];
$formfield['ffProdServing'] = $_POST['prodServing'];
$formfield['ffLocationKey'] = $_POST['locationKey'];
$sqlselectc = "SELECT * FROM theCategories";
$resultc = $db->prepare($sqlselectc);
$sqlselecti = "SELECT * FROM theInventory";
$resulti = $db->prepare($sqlselecti);
if (isset($_POST['OIEnter'])) {
$rowi = $resulti->fetch();
$invRem = $rowi['dbInventoryAmt'] - $formfield['ffProdServing'];
$sqlinsert = 'INSERT INTO theOrderItems (dbOrderKey, dbProdKey, dbProdPrice)
VALUES (:bvOrderKey, :bvProdKey, :bvProdPrice)';
$stmtinsert = $db->prepare($sqlinsert);
$stmtinsert->bindValue(':bvOrderKey', $formfield['ffOrderKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindValue(':bvProdKey', $formfield['ffProdKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindValue(':bvProdPrice', $formfield['ffProdPrice']);
$sqlupdate = "UPDATE theInventory
SET dbInventoryAmt = :bvInventoryAmt
WHERE dbLocationKey = :bvLocationKey
AND dbProdKey = :bvProdKey";
$stmtupdate = $db->prepare($sqlupdate);
$stmtupdate->bindValue(':bvInventoryAmt', $invRem);
$stmtupdate->bindValue(':bvLocationKey', $formfield['ffLocationKey']);
$stmtupdate->bindValue(':bvProdKey', $formfield['ffProdKey']);
if (isset($_POST['DeleteItem'])) {
$sqldelete = "DELETE FROM theOrderItems WHERE dbOrderItemKey = :bvOrderItemKey";
$stmtdelete = $db->prepare($sqldelete);
$stmtdelete->bindValue(':bvOrderItemKey', $_POST['orderItemKey']);
if (isset($_POST['UpdateItem'])) {
$formfield['ffProdPrice'] = trim($_POST['newProdPrice']);
$formfield['ffOrderNotes'] = trim($_POST['newOrderNote']);
$sqlupdateoi = 'UPDATE theOrderItems
SET dbProdPrice = :bvProdPrice,
dbOrderNotes = :bvOrderNotes
WHERE dbOrderItemKey = :bvOrderItemKey';
$stmtupdateoi = $db->prepare($sqlupdateoi);
$stmtupdateoi->bindValue(':bvOrderItemKey', $_POST['orderItemKey']);
$stmtupdateoi->bindValue(':bvProdPrice', $formfield['ffProdPrice']);
$stmtupdateoi->bindValue(':bvOrderNotes', $formfield['ffOrderNotes']);
$sqlselecto = 'SELECT theOrderItems.*, theProducts.dbProdName, theProducts.dbProdServing, theCategories.*
FROM theOrderItems, theProducts, theCategories
WHERE theOrderItems.dbProdKey = theProducts.dbProdKey
AND theProducts.dbCatKey = theCategories.dbCatKey
AND theOrderItems.dbOrderKey = :bvOrderKey';
$resulto = $db->prepare($sqlselecto);
$resulto->bindValue(':bvOrderKey', $formfield['ffOrderKey']);
if($visible == 1 && ($_SESSION['userpermit'] == 1 || $_SESSION['userpermit'] == 3 || $_SESSION['userpermit'] == 4))
<fieldset><legend><b>Enter Items for Order Number: <?php echo $formfield['ffOrderKey']; ?></b></legend>
<table border>
$counter = 0;
echo '<tr><b>';
while ($rowc = $resultc->fetch()){
if ($counter == 2){
echo '</tr><tr>';
$counter = 0;
echo '<th valign = "middle" align = "center">' . $rowc['dbCatName'] . '<br> <table border>';
$sqlselectp = "SELECT * FROM theProducts WHERE dbCatKey = :bvCatKey";
$resultp = $db->prepare($sqlselectp);
$resultp->bindValue(':bvCatKey', $rowc['dbCatKey']);
while ($rowp = $resultp->fetch()){
echo '<td>';
echo '<form action = "' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method = "post">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderKey" value = "' . $formfield['ffOrderKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "prodKey" value = "' . $rowp['dbProdKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "prodPrice" value = "' . $rowp['dbProdPrice'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "prodServing" value = "'. $rowp['dbProdServing'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "submit" id="order" name = "OIEnter" value = "' . $rowp['dbProdName'] . '">';
echo '</form>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</table></th>';
echo '</tr>';
<table border>
<th>Serving Size</th>
$ordertotal = 0;
while ($rowo = $resulto->fetch()){
$ordertotal = $ordertotal + $rowo['dbProdPrice'];
echo '<tr><td>' . $rowo['dbProdName']
. '</td><td>' . $rowo['dbCatName']
. '</td><td>' . $rowo['dbProdDesc']
. '</td><td>' . $rowo['dbProdServing']
. '</td><td>' . $rowo['dbProdPrice']
. '</td><td>' . $rowo['dbOrderNotes']
. '<td>';
echo '<form action = "' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method = "post">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderKey" value = "' . $formfield['ffOrderKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderItemKey" value = "' . $rowo['dbOrderItemKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "submit" name = "NoteEntry" value = "Update">';
echo '</form></td><td>';
echo '<form action = "' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method = "post">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderKey" value = "' . $formfield['ffOrderKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderItemKey" value = "' . $rowo['dbOrderItemKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "submit" name = "DeleteItem" value = "Delete">';
echo '</form></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th></th><th></th><th>Total</th><th>' . $ordertotal . '</th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr>';
$sqlselectoi = 'SELECT theOrderItems.*, theProducts.dbProdName
FROM theOrderItems, theProducts
WHERE theOrderItems.dbProdKey = theProducts.dbProdKey
AND theOrderItems.dbOrderItemKey = :bvOrderItemKey';
$resultoi = $db->prepare($sqlselectoi);
$resultoi->bindValue(':bvOrderItemKey', $_POST['orderItemKey']);
$rowoi = $resultoi->fetch();
echo '</td><td>';
echo '<form action = "' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method = "post">';
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr><td>Price: <input type="text" name = "newProdPrice" value = "' .
$rowoi['dbProdPrice'] . '"></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>Notes: <input type="text" name = "newOrderNote" value = "' .
$rowoi['dbOrderNotes'] . '"></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderKey" value = "' . $formfield['ffOrderKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderItemKey" value = "' . $rowoi['dbOrderItemKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "submit" name = "UpdateItem" value = Update Item">';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
echo '<form action = "completeorder.php" method = "post">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderKey" value = "' . $formfield['ffOrderKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "submit" name = "CompleteOrder" value = "Complete Order">';
echo '</form>';
include_once 'footer.php';

How to get value from input with data from database

I am having a table with <input type="text" name="' . $r['0'] . '" value="' . $r['0'] . '"
populated from data that i fetch from database like this:
echo '<form id="actions" name="nonValidMainForm" method="post"><table border="2" width="100%">';
echo "<tr><td><b>Index</b></td><td><b>Email </b></td> <td><b>Date</b></td> <td><b>Name</b></td> <td><b>Surname</b></td> <td><b>Telephone Number</b></td> <td><b>Street Adress</b></td><br/>";
while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$my[] = $r['0'];
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>'.$roww++.'</td>';
echo '<td>
<input size="50%" type="text" name="' . $r['0'] . '" value="'.$r['0'].'">
<input type="submit" name="unsubscribe" value="Unsubscribe">
echo '<td>'.$r['1'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$r['2'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$r['3'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$r['4'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$r['5'].'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
foreach($my as $key=>$value){
$email = $value;
echo "<script>console.log( 'Value is: " . $email . "' );</script>";
echo '<button style="position:fixed;bottom:5;left:5;">Change</button>';
echo '</table></form>';
The table looks like this:
I have tried this:
$email = $POST['email'];
echo "<script>console.log( 'Value is: " . $email . "' );</script>";
But the value is empty
So each time i press unsubscribe button the corresponding email to be deleted. How is this possible?
Your form has many elements with the same name. How can the browser determine which element's value to send to the server when the form is posted? Generally the last one takes precedence, but I suspect that behavior may be undefined and browser-specific.
If each individual table row needs to be a separately post-able form, then each row needs its own form:
echo '<td>
<form method="POST" action="somePage.php">
<input size="50%" type="text" name="email" value="'.$r['0'].'">
<input type="submit" name="unsubscribe" value="Unsubscribe">
That way when the browser posts the form to the server, it knows specifically which email and unsubscribe elements to use. Since there's only one of each for that form.
You have to wrap your inputs in a <form> tag.
echo '<form>';
while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>'.$roww++.'</td>';
echo '<td>
<input size="50%" type="text" name="email" value="'.$r['0'].'">
<input type="submit" name="unsubscribe" value="Unsubscribe">
echo '<td>'.$r['1'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$r['2'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$r['3'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$r['4'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$r['5'].'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</form>';
$email = $POST['email'];
echo "<script>console.log( 'Value is: " . $email . "' );</script>";
Based on your code above it looks like it's a syntax error. Try the update below
$email = $_POST['email'];
echo "<script>console.log( 'Value is: " . $email . "' ); </script>";

Use Delete Button to Delete Record from Database

I have a database containing books. On a page, I have loop that prints each record in the database which each book's title, author, publisher, date, and rating. I want to use a delete button at the bottom of each record in order to delete it.
When I click on the delete button, the page is updated, but the record is not deleted.
I have tried to find solutions to this problem, but have yet to. I tried to use the book_id category in my database table as my index, in order to identify each record and delete it but it does not work.
Here is the code for my button form, as it appears with html code:
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
echo '<div id="forminput">';
$timestamp = strtotime($row['date']);
echo '<div id = "bookpicture">';
echo '<img src="images/Book Cover 8crop.jpg" alt="Book Cover">';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div id = "bookinfo">';
echo '<div id = "titleauthor">';
echo '<h3>' . htmlspecialchars($row['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</h3>';
echo '<p>' . htmlspecialchars($row['author'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</p>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
$id = htmlspecialchars($row['book_id'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
echo '</div>' ;
echo '<div id = "publisher">' ;
echo '<p>' . 'Published on' . " " . htmlspecialchars(date('F j, Y,', $timestamp),
" " . 'by' . " " . htmlspecialchars($row['publisher'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</p>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div id = "formDelete">';
echo '<form name="deleteForm" method="post" id="deleteForm" action="index.php">';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Update" name="myAdd" id="myAdd" style = "width:
100px" required>';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Delete" name="myDelete" id="$id" style = "width:
100px" required>';
echo '</form>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<hr>' ;
echo '</div>';
Here is the code from my index.php file.
else if (isset($_POST['myDelete']))
$ids = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['$id']);
$sql="DELETE FROM readbooks WHERE book_id = '$ids'";
if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql))
$error = 'Error with submission: ' . mysqli_error($link);
include 'php/error.html.php';
Here is the updated code.
The Problem is you are not trying to send the row ID from the form.
In Form try sending row id from the form
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="$id">'
try receiving that parameter
$id = $_POST['id'];
$con = mysql_connect("host address","mysql_user","mysql_pwd");
$query = "DELETE FROM readbooks WHERE id = $id";
Moving from comment, you're not actually getting the $id anywhere. Add a field to your form:
<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$id'>
and then refer to it in your php:
$ids = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['id']);
Since your using mysqli now, use prepared statements. Do not directly use your user input to the query! Example:
$books = array();
// connection
$con = new mysqli('localhost', 'your_username', 'password_of_username', 'your_database');
if(isset($_POST['myDelete'])) {
$book_id = $_POST['myDelete']; // get the variable id
$stmt = $con->prepare('DELETE FROM readbooks WHERE book_id = ?');
$stmt->bind_param('i', $book_id);
$result = mysqli_query($con, 'SELECT * FROM readbooks');
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$books[] = $row;
<form method="POST">
<table border="1" cellpadding="10">
<?php foreach($books as $book): ?>
<td><?php echo $book['title']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $book['author']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $book['publisher']; ?></td>
<td><button type="submit" name="myDelete" value="<?php echo $book['book_id']; ?>">Delete</button></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
I think you're having problem with the id that you are passing to your PHP code. Try to use var_dump($_POST) to see what is the content of your $_POST variable. As I can see, the index of $_POST is wrong.
<input type="submit" value="Delete" name="myDelete" id="$id" style = "width:100px" required>';
Try to change this to
<input type="submit" name="book_id" value="$id" style = "width:100px" required>';
In your php use this $_POST["book_id"] to get the value of book_id you posted.
Note : The attribute "name" of the input tags will be the index of your $_POST variable
I understand that you want to have a delete and update button at the same time. The problem is your logic behind the situation. You need to have a hidden field and put the id inside it. Try to use this.
echo '<form name="deleteForm" method="post" id="deleteForm" action="index.php">';
echo '<input type="hidden" value="$id" name="book_id" id="myAdd" required>';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Update" name="action" id="myAdd" required>';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Delete" name="action" id="$id" required>';
echo '</form>';
In your php code use try to have a condition like this :
$book_id = $_POST["book_id"];
if($_POST["action"] == "delete")
//do your deletion code here. use the variable $book_id
//do your update code here.use the variable $book_id

Check Checkbox depending on value in database

I have an code that gets the 'branches' from the database. Each company can have multiple 'branches'.
Only thing is, that is doesn't work. Can you guys figure out what's wrong?
$getbranches = "SELECT * FROM branches ORDER BY naam ASC";
$querygetbranches = mysql_query($getbranches);
while($rijbranche = mysql_fetch_assoc($querygetbranches))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width='400'>";
echo $rijbranche['naam'];
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
$get2 = "SELECT * FROM bedrijf_branche WHERE bedrijf_id = '$id'";
$query2 = mysql_query($get2);
while ($rij20 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2))
$branche_id = $rij20['branche_id'];
if($branche_id == $rijbranche['id_branche']){
<input type="checkbox" name="branche[]" value="<?php echo $rijbranche['id_branche']; ?>" CHECKED></input>
<input type="checkbox" name="branche[]" value="<?php echo $rijbranche['id_branche']; ?>"></input>
echo "</td>";
Try the following code
$id = $_GET['id'];
// Output BRANCHES
$getbranches = "SELECT * FROM branches ORDER BY naam ASC";
$querygetbranches = mysql_query($getbranches);
while ($rijbranche = mysql_fetch_array($querygetbranches)) {
echo ' <tr>' . "\n";
echo ' <td width="400">' . $rijbranche['naam'] . '</td>' . "\n";
// Output CHECKBOX
$get2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bedrijf_branche WHERE bedrijf_id = '" . $id . "' AND branche_id = '" . $rijbranche['id_branche'] . "'");
$rij20 = mysql_fetch_array($get2);
$branche_id = $rij20['branche_id'];
if ($branche_id == $rijbranche['id_branche']) {
$checkbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="branche[]" value="' . $rijbranche['id_branche'] . '" checked="checked" />';
else {
$checkbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="branche[]" value="' . $rijbranche['id_branche'] . '" />';
echo ' <td>' . $checkbox . '</td>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n";
Found a couple of errors I fixed in the above code.
You're closing the <input> fields incorrectly
Your second while() loop is unnecessary as there should only be one row returned
You have to add branche_id to your second mysql_query!
Don't close and re-open your <?php ?> tags for every HTML line when you can just add an echo
Your HTML-syntax is wrong.
The way you close the input tag and the way you want to check the chechbox is wrong
Try this
<input type="checkbox" name="branche[]" value="<?php echo $rijbranche['id_branche']; ?>" checked="checked" />

Values from dynamically produced checkboxes

I am trying to get the values of a dynamically created set of checkboxes in PHP but apparently I couldn't get it. The source codes are below.
The "managestaff.php" page would allow searching for staff via their names and throws out a list of names with checkboxes for the admin to check them and click on a "delete" button at the bottom to delete the staff whom are being checked.
The deletion would be done on "deletestaff.php" as the "delete" button on "managestaff.php" simply forwards these values to "deletestaff.php" to do deletion work of the staff.
"managestaff.php" page codes:
<b><h3>Manage Staff</h3></b><br/>
<form action="managestaff.php" method="POST">
<input name="form" type="hidden" id="form" value="true">
<table width=300>
<td width=112>Staff Name: </td>
<td width=188><input type="text" class="textfield" name="sname" /><br/></td>
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
if (isset($_POST['form']) && (isset($_POST['sname'])) && $_POST['form'] == 'true') {
$space = ' ';
$staffname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sname']);
$query = 'SELECT * from staff where staffname like \'%' . $staffname . '%\'';
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr><th>Staff ID' . $space . '</th><th>Staff Name' . $space . '</th></tr>';
echo '<form action="deletestaff.php" method="POST">';
echo '<input name="delstaffform" type="hidden">';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>' . $row['staffid'] . '</td><td>' . $row['staffname'] . '</td>';
// :Begin - dynamic checkbox generation for deleting staff
echo '<td>';
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="delstaff" value="' . $row['staffid'] . '" />';
echo '</td>';
// :End
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr align="right"><td colspan="3"><input type="submit" value="delete"/></td></tr>';
echo '</form>';
echo '</table>';
"deletestaff.php" page codes:
print_r('POST: ' . $_POST);
echo '<br>';
if (isset($_POST['delstaffform']) && isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
echo 'Submission of delstaffform FOUND !';
echo 'Staff to delete' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['delstaff'];
echo 'Submission of delstaffform NOT FOUND !';
The "deletestaff.php" doesn't do delete for now as it's a test page.
The current output I get is "Submission of delstaffform NOT FOUND !".
Thanks for the solutions.
Try this:
<input type="checkbox" name="delstaff[]" value="' . $row['staffid'] . '"/>';
print_r your $_POST and you'll see it sticks your submissions nicely into an array for you.
if (isset($_POST['delstaff']) && is_array($_POST['delstaff'])) {
echo 'Submission of delstaffform FOUND !';
$array = $_POST["delstaff"];
foreach($array as $value){
echo "<br>Value: ".$value."<br>";
} else {
echo 'Submission of delstaffform NOT FOUND !';
Found the answer on my own but nevertheless you are helpful :D . Thanks a lot.
