Read and parse a CSV file in PHP - php

I am trying to read this CSV file:
There is problem with the CSV file. I can't parse it.
Here is the code:
$csvFile = file('');
$data = [];
foreach ($csvFile as $line) {
$data[] = str_getcsv($line);
echo $data[0]['ExternalID']; //i have problem here

I think you want this:
$file = file('');
$data = array_map('str_getcsv', array_slice($file, 3));
array_walk($data, function(&$a) use ($data) {
$a = #array_combine($data[0], $a);
array_shift($data); # remove column header
echo $data[0]['ExternalID'];
(This code is shamelessly borrowed from the sample that starrychloe wrote on the PHP doc page.)

The CSV file is wrong. Delete first three lines (in notepad) and it will be ok :)
textbox1(Web)Sales from: 20-Sep-2018 to: 27-Sep-2018


PHP Replace all values in the third column in a csv file

I am trying to replace some hyperlinks in a csv file, like this one:
[ Here is my code:][1]. Here is my code:
$in_file = 'gabriel-images-urls.csv';
$out_file = 'results.csv';
$fd = fopen($in_file, "r");
$new_array= array();
$toBoot= array();
while ($data = fgetcsv($fd)) {
echo '<pre>';
if (strpos($data[2],'media-pics') !== false) {
fputcsv($fd, $data);
// echo $output;
The new link for example must look like this:[1] The goal is he "media-pics" substring to be replaced with "media-photos". At this point nothing happens in the file. I think this is because the file is open only for reading but I am not sure.
Can you not simply do a string replacement on the whole file rather than attempting to load and process each line of the file using fgetcsv?
$csvdata=file_get_contents( $srcfile );
file_put_contents( $outfile, $moddata );

Echo the bottom line of a CSV

I am attempting to echo the bottom line only of a .csv file. I echo the file in reverse order (as shown below) but I'm not sure how to only echo the top line of this. Please note that the csv variable, constantly changing.
Here is my php:
$file = file("file.csv");
$file = array_reverse($file);
foreach($file as $f){
echo $f."<br />";
Simple solution is.
$file = "file.csv";
$data = file($file);
$last_line = $data[count($data)-1];
Maybe try the end function see
$file = file("file.csv"); // You take care of reading all the lines.
$lastline = end($file);
$file = file("file.csv");
echo $file[$last_line];

how can I sort a text file in php

english, lang1, lang2
rat, rat_lang1, rat_lang2
ball, ball_lang1, ball_lang2
air, air_lang1, air_lang2
If I have this text file I read in php, how can I sort it starting the second line, the first line being the heading of the file. So that the file will print out like..
I read the file using fopen, put it in $content using fread, used explode with new line. I can see the array of lines but cannot figure out how to sort it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Much of this solution was answered within the comments in response to your question. All put together you're looking for something like:
$f = file("text.txt"); //read the text file into an array
$newf = fopen("newtext.txt", "w+"); //open another file
$header = $f[0]; //store the first element of the array as $header
echo $header."<br>"; //and echo the header
fwrite($newf, $header); //write the header to the new file
array_shift($f); //then remove the first element of the array i.e. the header
sort($f); //sort the array (no flag param = alphabetical sort)
foreach($f as $line){ //loop through the sorted array
echo $line."<br>"; //print each element as it's own line
fwrite($newf, trim($line)."\n"); //write other elements to new file on own line
fclose($newf); //close the file
Try this:
$data = trim(file_get_contents('sort_test.txt'));
$data = explode("\n", $data);
$array_order = array();
$fileLocation = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") . "/myfile.txt";
$file = fopen($fileLocation, "w");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
($i > 0) ? $array_order[$i] = $data[$i] : fwrite($file, $data[0]);
$data = implode("\n", $array_order);
fwrite($file, $data);
echo 'file created - location::' . $fileLocation;
Output myfile.txt
english, lang1, lang2
air, air_lang1, air_lang2
ball, ball_lang1, ball_lang2
rat, rat_lang1, rat_lang2
Maybe the new file (myfile.txt) will needs write permission to the directory you are writing to , in my case the file has been stored into C:/.../htdocs/myfile.txt

How can I edit the content of a ini file?

I would like to be able to edit a config file for a server application using php. The config file is as follows:
I would like to edit the line:
and then save the file.
I am currently using:
$data = file_get_contents("sc_serv.conf"); //read the file
$convert = explode("\n", $data); //create array separate by new line
to open the file, but now I dont know how to edit it.
As an alternative, you could just use file() instead. This just loads it up into array form, no need to explode. Then after that, you just loop the elements, if the desired needle is found, overwrite it, the write the file again:
$data = file('sc_serv.conf', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); // load file into an array
$find = 'streamrelayurl_2='; // needle
$new_value = ''; // new value
foreach($data as &$line) {
if(strpos($line, 'streamrelayurl_2=') !== false) { // if found
$line = $find . $new_value; // overwrite
break; // stop, no need to go further
file_put_contents('sc_serv.conf', implode("\n", $data)); // compound into string again and write
You can use file() to read the file content to an array, then you can iterate trough the array with foreach() searching with the strstr() function the line that have your URL (in this case is in the var $id_change) and change the value. Then as you found what you needed, you end the foreach() with break. And make your string to save in the file with implode() and save the string to the config file with file_put_content().
See the code:
$new_url = '';
$id_change = 'streamrelayurl_2';
$file = "sc_serv.conf";
$data = file($file); //read the file
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
if(strstr($value, $id_change)) {
$info = $id_change . '=' . $new_url . "\n";
$data[$key] = $info;
$data = implode("", $data);
file_put_contents($file, $data);

Is there an alternative for file_get_contents?

I tried this but getting only one character from file comments.txt
I want random lines one by one .. file_get_contents disabled also urlencode
$f_contents = file_get_contents("comments.txt");
$line = $f_contents[array_rand($f_contents)];
$messages = $line;
$messages = urlencode($messages);
You can simplify it like ..
$arr = file('comments.txt',FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
foreach($arr as $v)
echo $v."<br>";
The above code prints random lines from your text file one by one.
