I'm using the following lines to create a logger via zend-log:
use Zend\Log\Logger;
use Zend\Log\Writer\Stream;
$logger = new Logger();
$writer = new Stream(__DIR__ . '/application.log');
This works fine so far and I can write debug messages with:
$logger->debug('Hello World');
Is there a possibiility to log the file name of the script and the line of code which calls the debug function? I mean something like this:
$logger->debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Hello World');
I know I can pass a second parameter (extra) to the debug function but is there a formatter or writer that logs these information automatically?
I need write a customlog on laravel 5.3, and modify on runtime for add some extra information.
So far I have managed to do it, but the code does not work because what I can do is add a new instance of the log, which duplicates the lines in each modification of the format.
My handicap is that I do not know how to return or if this is possible, the current handler of the logging system, and simply pass it the format modification.
The code below allows me to modify the format line, but only once.
If I run it again, start duplicating the lines, and what is not like, create the handler in another way, or use the existing one that would be appropriate.
$maxFiles = config('app.log_max_files');
$path = storage_path('/logs/cprsync.log');
// Really I don't need this because this are on Laravel App, but with this method y can create a $handler for modify format
$handler = new RotatingFileHandler($path, is_null($maxFiles) ? 5 : $maxFiles, config('app.log_level'));
(is_null(config('cprsync.activejob'))) ? $job = '' : $job=' ['.config('cprsync.activejob').']';
$logFormat = "[%datetime%] [%level_name%]".$job.": %message% %context% %extra%\n";
$formatter = new LineFormatter($logFormat,null,true,true);
$handler->setFormatter($formatter); // What I really want is to make this change ...
// Push handler
I don't know if it's the prettiest (like in Symfony you can just put some YAML rules in the services.yml and you've changed your log format), but this seems to be a very valid option and basically builds on what you're doing already:
TL;DR: Create a custom logging class with a function write() that basically contains the code OP has posted. Then add that class to your facades and you can log with MyCustomLogger::write($message);
EDIT: This isn't really what OP requested, since this doesn't change the format on runtime.
I am currently coding pages that will be executed by cronjobs so no real users will have access to them. In development I am using Whoops to debug my errors/exceptions.
I am not using Laravel any another framework. When I commit my code to the production environment how can I email these errors/exceptions to myself, instead of them being handled by Whoops which no one will be able to see anyway?
All I currently do is initiate Whoops
$whoops = new WhoopsRun();
$handler = new WhoopsPrettyPageHandler();
You would want to use a callback handler.
$whoops = new WhoopsRun();
$handler = new WhoopsCallbackHandler(function($exception, $inspector, $run) {
//send an email
It looks like you are using use statement aliases so I matched your format, but the class is called Whoops\Handler\CallbackHandler.
I've heard a lot about monolog(https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog) & trying to use that in one of our app. But, can't able to fig. out how to use that. Don't know it's I'm only can't able to get any documentation of it or really it has no documentation at all.
We want to log all our errors in DB & as well as send an email notification about error when it'll get generate. For sending email we are using Swiftmailer(swiftmailer.org).
I can be able to run this sample code from Github link,
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
// create a log channel
$log = new Logger('name');
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('path/to/your.log', Logger::WARNING));
// add records to the log
but can't able to understand how to use this with DB & any other email library.
You posted an example yourself. Instead of StreamHandler use one or more of the other handlers that monolog is offering.
You have to look into the code of the handlers to see which dependencies they need. Look inside the Monolog directory and you'll find the Handler classes. Code is the most reliable documentation.
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\SwiftMailerHandler;
use Swift_Mailer;
// ... more dependencies you need
// create your Swift_Mailer and Swift_Message instances
$handlers = [
new SwiftMailerHandler($swiftMailer, $swiftMessage),
// add more handler you need
$log = new Logger('name', $handlers);
You have to create a Swift_Mailer and Swift_Message instance for the SwiftMailerHandler. Instead of pushHandler, you can add an array of handlers into the Logger constructor.
The Swift_Message instance is used for every log message where the message replaces every time the mail body.
I can only suggest to you to read the monolog code for information where a further documentation is missing.
I just switched to monolog and wanted to log my message to the PHP console instead of a file. This might seem obvious for some people, but it took me a little while to figure out how to do that and I couldn't find a similar question/answer on SO.
The example on Monolog's Github readme only shows how to use a file:
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
// create a log channel
$log = new Logger('name');
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('path/to/your.log', Logger::WARNING)); // <<< uses a file
// add records to the log
But it doesn't state anywhere how messages can be logged to the console. After searching on Google, I landed either on a help page for Symfony or questions of people looking for a way to log to the browser console.
The solution is rather simple. Since the example shows a StreamHandler it's possible to pass in a stream (instead of the path to a file). By default, everything that is echo'ed in PHP is written to php://stdout / php://output so we can simple use one of those as stream for the StreamHandler:
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
// create a log channel
$log = new Logger('name');
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stdout', Logger::WARNING)); // <<< uses a stream
// add records to the log
Hope this saves somebody some time :)
Some extra details if you want to tweak the default message formatting at the same time:
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
$output = "[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message%\n";
$formatter = new LineFormatter($output);
$streamHandler = new StreamHandler('php://stdout', Logger::DEBUG);
$logger = new Logger('LoggerName');
I'm trying to use FirePHP with Zend Framework 2, but there seems to be something missing. Here's the basic code I'm trying to run:
$writer = new Zend\Log\Writer\FirePhp();
$logger = new Zend\Log\Logger();
$logger->info('FirePHP logging enabled');
The error I get is "FirePHP Class not found". I was initially puzzled because I do have a FirePhp class in my Zend/Log/Writer folder. But then I saw that the class constructor requires a FirePhp\FirePhpInterface object. So I checked the Zend/Log/Writer/FirePhp folder and there's a FirePhpBridge class in there that implements FirePhpInterface, but it also requires a FirePHP instance in the constructor. I don't have any FirePHP.php file in my Zend/Log/Writer/FirePhp folder. Am I supposed to get this from somewhere else?
I now have managed to get FirePHP working, but I'm trying to figure out how to do it in a clean way so this works. The only way I've gotten it to work is putting it in the root directory of my project and doing the following:
$writer = new Zend\Log\Writer\FirePhp(new Zend\Log\Writer\FirePhp\FirePhpBridge(FirePHP::getInstance(true)));
$logger = new Zend\Log\Logger();
$logger->info('FirePHP logging enabled');
I assume that normally I should be able to create a writer like so:
$writer = new Zend\Log\Writer\FirePhp();
However, where this goes wrong I believe is in the getFirePhp() function of the Zend\Log\Writer\FirePhp class. The class does this:
if (!$this->firephp instanceof FirePhp\FirePhpInterface
&& !class_exists('FirePHP')
) {
// No FirePHP instance, and no way to create one
throw new Exception\RuntimeException('FirePHP Class not found');
// Remember: class names in strings are absolute; thus the class_exists
// here references the canonical name for the FirePHP class
if (!$this->firephp instanceof FirePhp\FirePhpInterface
&& class_exists('FirePHP')
) {
// FirePHPService is an alias for FirePHP; otherwise the class
// names would clash in this file on this line.
$this->setFirePhp(new FirePhp\FirePhpBridge(new FirePHPService()));
This is where I get lost as to how I'm supposed to set things up so that this class_exists('FirePHP') call finds the right class and new FirePHPService() also works properly.
First you should add this code to Module.php of your module
return array(
'Zend\Loader\ClassMapAutoloader' => array(
__DIR__ . '/autoload_classmap.php',
and here content of autoload_classmap.php
return array(
'FirePHP' => realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/vendor/FirePHP').'/FirePHP.php',
FirePHP.php(renamed from FirePHP.class.php) downloaded from official site.
then you can write below code in any place of your module and it will work
use Zend\Log\Writer\FirePhp;
use Zend\Log\Logger;
$writer = new FirePhp();
$logger = new Logger();
Am I supposed to get this from somewhere else?
Yes, you need to get FirePHP into your project and autoloading.
If you're using composer (and I recommend that you do), just add:
"firephp/firephp-core" : "dev-master"
(or similar) in your composer.json and update. If you're not using composer, you should grab the firephp libs, and let your autoloader know about them.