PHP-FFMpeg: How to properly concatenate two videos? - php

I need it to concatenate multiple videos into one single video.
I am using the library PHP-FFMpeg.
But I don't manage to make it working.
The videos are recordings made with the MediaRecorder Web API.
The video format is: video/webm;codecs=h264
The audio format is opus.
recorder = new MediaRecorder(, {
mimeType: 'video/webm;codecs=h264'
CONCAT USING PHP-FFMPEG (using saveFromSameCodecs):
This is how I try to concat them using saveFromSameCodecs:
(I have checked the paths and are correct)
$video = $ffmpeg->open( $path1 );
->concat([$path1, $path2])
->saveFromSameCodecs($path_output, TRUE);
But it failed with the following error message:
ffmpeg failed to execute command '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg' '-f' 'concat' '-safe' '0' '-i' '/private/var/folders/dw/919v2nds7s78pz_qhp7z9rcm0000gn/T/ffmpeg-concath1kHiX' '-c' 'copy' '/Users/francescomussi/Desktop/Apps/cameraProject/back-end/camera-laravel/storage/app/public/videos/output.mp4'
On suggestion on #RolandStarke and #LordNeckbeard I have tried using the ffmpeg command line to get a better insight on what is going on.
If I use the following command line:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mp4
I get the following error, related to the audio opus codec.
If I use the following command line, converting the audio coded to acc:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c:v copy -c:a aac output.mp4
The final video is properly created, as a concatenation of the other videos.
CONCAT USING PHP-FFMPEG: (using saveFromDifferentCodecs)
It seems the problem is ONLY related to the codec.
So I have tried using saveFromDifferentCodecs:
$format = new FFMpeg\Format\Video\X264('libfdk_aac', 'libx264');
$result = $video1
->concat([$path1, $path2])
->saveFromDifferentCodecs($format, $output_path);
But I still get an error:
ffmpeg failed to execute command '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg' '-i' '/Users/francescomussi/Desktop/Apps/cameraProject/back-end/camera-laravel/storage/app/public/videos/test1.mp4' '-i' '/Users/francescomussi/Desktop/Apps/cameraProject/back-end/camera-laravel/storage/app/public/videos/test2.mp4' '-filter_complex' '[0:v:0] [0:a:0] [1:v:0] [1:a:0] concat=n=2:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]' '-map' '[v]' '-map' '[a]' '-b:a' '128k' '/Users/francescomussi/Desktop/Apps/cameraProject/back-end/camera-laravel/storage/app/public/videos/output.mp4'
CONCAT USING PHPFFMPEG (but with different videos):
If the problem is only related to the codec, then using two different videos with video codec: h264 and audio codec aac, it should work, but it doesn't:
ffmpeg failed to execute command '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg' '-f' 'concat' '-safe' '0' '-i' '/private/var/folders/dw/919v2nds7s78pz_qhp7z9rcm0000gn/T/ffmpeg-concatoJGhLt' '-c' 'copy' '/Users/francescomussi/Desktop/Apps/cameraProject/back-end/camera-laravel/storage/app/public/videos/output.mp4'
But using the command line it works smoothly: ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mp4
CONCAT USING shell_exec:
I have tried using shell_exec, with the first two videos (opus codec):
echo shell_exec("/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i /Users/francescomussi/Desktop/Apps/cameraProject/back-end/camera-laravel/mylist.txt -c:v copy -c:a aac /Users/francescomussi/Desktop/Apps/cameraProject/back-end/camera-laravel/output.mp4 2>&1");
And it works smoothly.
The final output is created, and with the acc audio codec.
To see if php-mpeg was actually working, I test it by making a basic resize of a video and it worked correctly.
Using ffmpeg command lines everything works fine
Using shell_exec everything works fine
Using php-ffmpeg I always get the error ffmpeg failed to execute command
How can I concat videos using php-ffmpeg?
Is the issue caused by wrong encoding?

When encountering issues with php-ffmpeg the best approach is to copy the command from the error message and paste it in terminal. This will give you a better error message.
In your case the the error is
ffmpeg failed to execute command '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg' '-f' 'concat' '-safe' '0' '-i' '/private/var/folders/dw/919v2nds7s78pz_qhp7z9rcm0000gn/T/ffmpeg-concath1kHiX' '-c' 'copy' '/Users/francescomussi/Desktop/Apps/cameraProject/back-end/camera-laravel/storage/app/public/videos/output.mp4
Debugging this is a bit harder as the temp file /private/var/[...]/ffmpeg-concath1kHiX is deleted when you try to execute the ffmpeg command in the terminal. To test it you can create the temp file yourself like:
$vidoes = [__DIR__ . '/small.mp4', __DIR__ . '/small.mp4'];
file_put_contents('videolist.txt', implode("\n", array_map(function ($path) {
return 'file ' . addslashes($path);
}, $vidoes)));
Now you can run the ffmpeg command in the terminal
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i videolist.txt -c copy /Users/[...]/videos/output.mp4
#File '/Users/[...]/videos/output.mp4' already exists. Overwrite ? [y/N]
#Not overwriting - exiting
So you your case the error is that the output file already existed. The solution is to use an other non-existing output file or delete it before concatenating your videos.
Here an example how to concatenate files (small.mp4 taken from
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$ffmpeg = FFMpeg\FFMpeg::create();
$video = $ffmpeg->open(__DIR__ . '/small.mp4');
->concat([__DIR__ . '/small.mp4', __DIR__ . '/small.mp4'])
->saveFromSameCodecs(__DIR__ . '/out-'. time() . '.mp4', true);

The correct answer is the one from #RolandStarke.
Here I just want to put together a list of suggestions that may be useful to debug other similar problems in dealing with ffmpeg:
Make a reinstall of ffmpeg. It may be a missing option or a missing codec. Here is how to install (for mac), including all possible options (september 2018). It took me 30minutes so be patient.
brew install ffmpeg --with-chromaprint --with-fdk-aac --with-fontconfig --with-freetype --with-frei0r --with-game-music-emu --with-libass --with-libbluray --with-libbs2b --with-libcaca --with-libgsm --with-libmodplug --with-librsvg --with-libsoxr --with-libssh --with-libvidstab --with-libvorbis --with-libvpx --with-opencore-amr --with-openh264 --with-openjpeg --with-openssl --with-opus --with-rtmpdump --with-rubberband --with-sdl2 --with-snappy --with-speex --with-srt --with-tesseract --with-theora --with-tools --with-two-lame --with-wavpack --with-webp --with-x265 --with-xz --with-zeromqlibzeromq --with-zimg
To have the updated options list you can run: brew options ffmpeg or just google it.
Try to do the same thing you are trying to do, but using the ffmpeg command line only. It will more insight and a better error reporting. For example for concat:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mp4
Check that PHP-FFMpeg is properly working. Concat it's a bit more difficult operation. You can try with a simpler one and see if it's working and if the library is properly installed. For example you can try a simple conversion:
->inFormat(new FFMpeg\Format\Video\X264('libmp3lame', 'libx264'))
Double check every path. And in the case of concat, make sure the output file doesn't already exists.
It may be an encoding problem. Try other types of files with different codecs to see if that's actually the issue. In case you can convert beforehand to the proper codec.
Add line breaks in the source code. In my case I was getting the generic error: Unable to save concatenated video. Here is the source code:
try {
} catch (ExecutionFailureException $e) {
throw new RuntimeException('Unable to save concatenated video', $e->getCode(), $e);
But if I dump the execution and then die it, right before that block:
It was giving me a more detailed error message.
You can also dump the commands array: dd($commands);
Finally here is a list of similar issue with PHP-FFMpeg that you can check to see if the solution has already been given:
If you have other suggestions feel free to comment or edit the answer.


ffmpeg command executes via command line, but not via PHP script

I am working on a simple video upload and compression system and I am currently using the following process.
First Step
I use a multipart/form-data to upload the original video file, which I store in /var/www/site/videos_pre/video.mp4. My public folder is var/www/site/public_html/. I store an entry in my database with the video information.
Second step
I have a converter process which is very basic, but does the job (at least in CLI).
It has the following code:
public function converter($content_id)
$content = $this->videos_m->get($content_id);
$id = uniqid();
$name_mp4 = $content->name_slug.'_'.$id.'.mp4';
$name_webm = $content->name_slug.'_'.$id.'.webm';
$command_mp4 = 'ffmpeg -i ../videos_pre/'.$content->original_file.' -b:v 1500k -bufsize 1500k ./videos/'.$name_mp4;
$command_webm = 'ffmpeg -i ./videos/'.$name_mp4.' -c:v vp9 -c:a libvorbis ./videos/'.$name_webm;
$update_video = new stdClass();
$update_video->archivo_mp4 = $name_mp4;
$update_video->archivo_webm = $name_webm;
$this->db->where('content_id', $content_id);
$this->db->update('Videos', $update_video);
Third step - where the problem occurs
I have tested this on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04. The code works on Windows 10 in both php and cli. The code on Ubuntu only works with cli.
The resulting commands are something like this:
// First command to reduce the bitrate of the mp4
ffmpeg -i /var/www/site/videos_pre/video.mp4 -b:v 1500k -bufsize 1500k /var/www/site/public_html/videos/video_5e757d3e0d762.mp4
// Second command to convert the mp4 to a webm to get both types
ffmpeg -i /var/www/site/public_html/videos/video_5e757d3e0d762.mp4 -c:v vp9 -c:a libvorbis /var/www/site/public_html/videos/video_5e757d3e0d762.webm
If I execute those commands they work perfectly. If I run the php script, be it in the browser or via CLI, literally nothing happens. No error messages nothing.
I am not sure if it's a permission issue, if there's something specific for php to run this, or some module I've not activated. I have enough execution time, I have it at 600 seconds, but as I said it doesn't even take time, it just does nothing.
I can even echo the commands and they appear. So, basically the problem is I need to be able to run those commands from PHP. I did it on Windows, but Ubuntu 18.04 won't let me. Both OSs have ffmpeg recently installed and I've been able to convert on both of them.
I tried changing paths from absolute to relative, no difference at all.
So, I managed to solve it, and it turns out it was a permission problem.
I had my /var/www/site folder with permissions like this: myuser:www-data. After checking this answer on a similar issue, I changed the folder permission to www-data:root and it worked instantly.
I hope that permission change doesn't affect the rest of things, but for now everything's working fine.

ffmpeg loudness doesn't return any file

I'm using a shared server managed by
It uses
ffmpeg version 4.1
built with gcc 4.8.5
(GCC) 20150623
(Red Hat 4.8.5-36)
I need to use ffmpeg to fix the loudness of any uploaded MP3 to -12 dB LUFS -1 dB TP
I found on internet the following commands, but not any output.mp3 is generated
exec("/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i Temp.mp3 -af loudnorm=I=-12:LRA=7:tp=-2:measured_I=-30:measured_LRA=1.1:measured_tp=-11 04:measured_thresh=-40.21:offset=-0.47 -y output.mp3");
Where do I wrong please?
Not any error is returned.
If you run it manually, unscripted in your terminal you will get an error:
Unable to find a suitable output format for '04:measured_thresh=-40.21:offset=-0.47'
04:measured_thresh=-40.21:offset=-0.47: Invalid argument
There is an errant space in your command, so change measured_tp=-11 04 to measured_tp=-11.04.
Based on the suggestion by #llogan I found the solution.
It should be in 3 steps and not in only one.
The MP3 to MP3 doesn't work, on my case.
So I converted the input MP3 into wave, normalized it, and converted back to MP3
exec("/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i Temp.mp3 Temp.wav");
exec("/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i Temp.wav -af loudnorm=I=-12:LRA=7:tp=-2:measured_I=-30:measured_LRA=1.1:measured_tp=-11.04:measured_thresh=-40.21:offset=-0.47 output.wav");
exec("/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i output.wav -ab 320k output.mp3");
this solution worked perfectly
With shell_exe or exec use:
$output = shell_exec('/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i Temp.mp3 -af loudnorm=I=-12:LRA=7:tp=-2:measured_I=-30:measured_LRA=1.1:measured_tp=-11 04:measured_thresh=-40.21:offset=-0.47 -y 2>&1');
2 refers to the second file descriptor of the process, i.e. stderr.
> means redirection.
&1 means the target of the redirection should be the same location as the first file descriptor, i.e. stdout.
In $output you will have the response. If the apache user www-data doesn't have enough rights execute the comand as sudo

FFMpeg working in command line but not in PHP script

I am using FFMpeg to convert videos and it is working fine from the command line. I am using the following command:
ffmpeg -i input.avi -ab 56 -ar 44100 -b 200 -r 15 -s 320x240 -f flv output.flv
However, when I run the command using PHP script, the output video is not encoded.
exec("ffmpeg -i input.avi -ab 56 -ar 44100 -b 200 -r 15 -s 320x240 -f flv output.flv",$output, $returnvalue);
$returnvalue = 127;
FFMPEG installed path :
[root#localhost ~]# which ffmpeg
My Script Path :
Please provide me solution for the same ASAP.
Thank you.
The natural way to run ffmpeg from PHP scripts is something like:
echo "Starting ffmpeg...\n\n";
echo shell_exec("ffmpeg -i input.avi output.avi &");
echo "Done.\n";
There are several issues that need to be pointed out here. The first one is that, although we specified we want ffmpeg to be executed in the background (using the ampersand operator "&"), PHP script will not continue it's execution until ffmpeg has finished its execution. This is due to the fact, mentioned in one of the notes for the ​PHP's exec() function that says:
If a program is started with this function, in order for it to
continue running in the background, the output of the program must be
redirected to a file or another output stream. Failing to do so will
cause PHP to hang until the execution of the program ends.
Don't be confused about the example showing ​shell_exec() call instead of ​exec(). All of the ​PHP's Program execution functions share the similar code base and limitations.
So, to work around this issue, we need to do something like this:
echo "Starting ffmpeg...\n\n";
echo shell_exec("ffmpeg -i input.avi output.avi >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &");
echo "Done.\n";
The part that says ">/dev/null" will redirect the standard OUTPUT (stdout) of the ffmpeg instance to /dev/null (effectively ignoring the output) and "2>/dev/null" will redirect the standard ERROR (stderr) to /dev/null (effectively ignoring any error log messages). These two can be combined into a shorter representation: ">/dev/null 2>&1". If you like, you can ​read more about I/O Redirection.
An important note should be mentioned here. The ffmpeg command-line tool uses stderr for output of error log messages and stdout is reserved for possible use of pipes (to redirect the output media stream generated from ffmpeg to some other command line tool). That being said, if you run your ffmpeg in the background, you'll most probably want to redirect the stderr to a log file, to be able to check it later.
One more thing to take care about is the standard INPUT (stdin). Command-line ffmpeg tool is designed as an interactive utility that accepts user's input (usually from keyboard) and reports the error log on the user's current screen/terminal. When we run ffmpeg in the background, we want to tell ffmpeg that no input should be accepted (nor waited for) from the stdin. We can tell this to ffmpeg, using I/O redirection again ** "ffmpeg command-line tool in the background would be similar to this:
echo "Starting ffmpeg...\n\n";
echo shell_exec("ffmpeg -y -i input.avi output.avi </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/var/log/ffmpeg.log &");
echo "Done.\n";
The ​"-y" option is used to auto-overwrite the output file (output.avi) without asking for yes/no confirmation. If you need the opposite scenario, to auto-cancel the entire process if the output file already exists, then use "-n" option instead.
Wrapper Libraries
Some PHP libraries allow wrapping ffmpeg calls into PHP objects, and give you a nice syntax to work with if you don't like to use the command line. One of these is the actively maintained ​PHP-FFMpeg. It only requires you to ​download a recent ffmpeg and ffprobe build apart from installing the PHP components. Then you can run PHP code like this:
$ffmpeg = FFMpeg\FFMpeg::create();
$video = $ffmpeg->open('video.mpg');
->resize(new FFMpeg\Coordinate\Dimension(320, 240))
->save(new FFMpeg\Format\Video\X264(), 'export-x264.mp4')
Of course you need to take care of running such a task in the background. Libraries such as ​GearmanClient facilitate this.
Note: ​ffmpeg-php is an extension that is not developed since 2007 (and requires "ffmpeg-0.4.9_pre1 or higher"), which means that you are restricted to use a very old version of ffmpeg, without possibility to update it to the latest version. Since a lot of changes/improvements are being made, inside ffmpeg's code, every day, it makes ffmpeg-php incompatible with the latest ffmpeg.
Read the official documentation for more info.
I covered the solution that helps most people that I spoke to about this in another thread.
Essentially, your user needs access to the public directories.
exec('whoami'); // Gives you the running user; often it's www-data
Then change your public ownership to the whoami user.
sudo chown -R www-data:root /var/www
This happened to me, I found this on another forum; the trick inside of PHP is to give the absolute path to FFMPEG. Try running it like this..
exec("/root/bin/ffmpeg -i input.avi -ab 56 -ar 44100 -b 200 -r 15 -s 320x240 -f flv output.flv",$output, $returnvalue);
Something about the fact that php is a different user than you are when typing straight into the command line. I guess it doesn't have the same shortcut list or whatever it is.
Not sure exactly why but it worked for me!
Good luck.

FFMPEG command doesn't work in PHP. (Incompatibilty with MAMP)

I'm a bit of a beginner when it comes to PHP, and I'm trying to create a simple(ish) system where files are input, and then converted to html5 video in various resolutions.
I've sorted out how to handle multiple file uploads etc, but now I'm having a problem.
I can't seem to get exec to execute FFMPEG in PHP.
For example, if I type this into my command line (Terminal on Mac OSX 10.8), It converts the video correctly:
ffmpeg -i /Users/charlieryan/Desktop/MOV01785.MPG
This correctly outputs the converted video file into my home directory.
However if I run this in PHP as follows:
exec('ffmpeg -i /Users/charlieryan/Desktop/MOV01785.MPG');
Absolutely nothing happens ... my stat monitor doesn't register any change in processor use, and I can't find the output file anywhere on my system.
Since I'm a bit of a noob at this, I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong, but what is it?
After alot of help from birgire and a lot of fiddling around I've sorted it.
This problem comes from an incompatibility with the MAMP sandbox. Which can be solved as follows:
Go to Terminal and type:
sudo nano /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/envvars
Then comment out the following lines with a hash (#)
And then add the following line to the file
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/local/bin"
Then, go back to MAMP and restart your servers, navigate back to the page, and you'll be good to go.
You should first try to see if exec() is allowed:
<?php echo exec('echo "exec() is working"');?>
if it's working you should get
exec() is working
If it works you should try
exec('/full/path/to/ffmpeg -i /Users/charlieryan/Desktop/MOV01785.MPG');
I had the same problem, If you use MAMP, the problem is because mamp's php can't find the correct library, I don't know why!, so.. here's the trick.
- You should use system's php to execute the php which will call to ffmpeg
In your php code (ex: lib.php | index.php):
function callToSysPHP ($videoName) {
// $cmd = '/path to php/php <your php script> args';
// In my case
$cmd = '/usr/bin/php myffmpeg.php ' . $videoName;
In myffmpeg.php:
$videoName = $argv[1];
//$cmd = 'path to your ffmpeg/your ffmpeg command';
// In my case my ffmpeg cmd looks like
$cmd = '/usr/sbin/' . 'ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 25 -i ./files/pngs/%1d.png -vf scale=480:640 -vcodec libx264 -refs 16 -preset ultrafast ./files/pngs/'. $videoName .'.mp4 2>&1';
echo '<pre>'; print_r(shell_exec($cmd)); echo '</pre>';
Basically from your mamp php, call a system php to execute a php file wich calls a ffmpeg throught shell_exec();
I hope this can help you.
have you ffmpeg installed on windows machine? what happens if you run the same command from command line without php, does it work? If it doesn't, it hasn't to do anything with PHP.
If '/usr/local/bin/' is the directory where you can find the ffmepg executable try this one:
$cmd = 'PATH="/usr/local/bin/"; ffmpeg -i /your/file/destination/batman.mp4 2>&1';
echo "<pre>".shell_exec($cmd)."</pre>";

PHP exec() Not Working With ffmpeg

I'm attempting to run the following command in PHP (on Ubuntu):
if (exec("/home/johnboy/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i test1.mp4 -acodec aac -ab 128kb -vcodec mpeg4 -b 1220kb -mbd 1 -s 320x180"))
{ echo "Success"; }
else { echo "No good"; }
And I always get "No good" echoed back, and no file created.
Interestingly, if I run the same exact command in Shell, it works, no problems.
Also, when I run the same code above, but subsitute "whoami" instead of the ffmpeg stuff, it works. (It echoes back "Success")
Any ideas on why this wouldn't be working? Thanks.
get the stderr will give the result
ffmpeg -i inputfile [more_params] 2>&1
Can the apache/web user reach /home/johnboy/ffmpeg/ffmpeg? That is, perhaps /home/johnboy is 0700 instead of 0755?
Perhaps there are resource limits affecting loading of such a large program and all its libraries?
If you run the script to the php cli sapi, does it behave correctly? Even when running as the apache user?
What does strace -ff show when the apache web user runs the php script through the php cli?
Use this
$ffmpeg = "ffmpeg Installed path";
$flvfile = "source video file with root path";
$png_path " "Destination video file with root path and file type";
exec("$ffmpeg -y -i $flvfile -vframes 1 -ss 00:01:60
-an -vcodec png -f rawvideo -s 110x90 $png_path");
You are using relative paths to the file names. Are you sure you are executing the command in the right directory?
There would be some issues if you want to execute something that way.
1. Maybe you have some permission issue, the webserver have limitation to handle some execution to the system.
2. Maybe your path file is incorrect.
3. you can try to use shell_exec to perform the execution to the system.
Anyway, what I would do to make my execution would go smoothly are,
I will write 2 programs with message passing included between them, for example client server program.
The server would wait some messages from the client to execute some command (all of the command, it would be no permission issues). All you have to do in you web is to call your client application.
What I emphasize is to build some interface from web and the system. It would solve a lot of problem with permission issues.
hope this help.
The function exec() only returns the last line of output, I suspect that the last line of that command is blank. if you want the entire contents of the command you should use shell_exec().
Also keep track of where the command is executing, try: print(shell_exec("pwd"));
Enable safemode and it will work
$output = shell_exec('/home/person/www/ffmpeg 2>&1');
echo "<pre>$output</pre>";
Notice the 2>&1 part ...
