XAMPP Doesn't Start: SSH Not Accesible - php

So basically, i'm trying to learn how to use XAMPP to make a php server with MySQL. When I try to start it however, the start button doesn't work. The button is greyed out for some reason.
An image of the control menu: https://imgur.com/a/v4O1GZ2
When I try to start the server from the general tab, it shows a yellow dot meaning it is starting (Image here: https://imgur.com/a/VEkRES2) and after it is done, it shows this error message: https://imgur.com/a/Zu6hTgi
The error I get when I click show details: cannot start stack: ssh not accessible
The Log:
INFO: Starting "XAMPP" stack
ERROR: Error starting "XAMPP" stack: cannot start stack: ssh not accessible`
I have tried everything; I tried reinstalling, I tried deleting my ~/.bitnami folder, but nothing works.

I stumbled upon this thread last night, and learned that it was because I had used CHMOD 777, which unfortunately broke XAMPP.
So wanted to share how I 'solved' this (rescued my files) without having a recent Time Machine backup in case it might be helpful for others.
Step 1:
Copy the virtual XAMPP machine (machine.qcow2) in terminal
‘$ cd .bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/vm’
Now '$ open .' and move the 'machine.qcow2' file to e.g. downloads.
Step 2:
Delete the .bitnami folder.
Step 3:
Delete and re-install XAMPP.
Step 4:
Launch XAMPP and mount the image, then move machine.qcow2 file into '/opt/lamp/htdocs' using Finder.
Step 5:
Install qemu-utils and p7zip-full
'$ sudo apt-get install qemu-utils'
'$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full'
Step 6:
Go into the 'htdocs' directory and convert machine.qcow2 to machine.iso with qemu
'$ cd /opt/lampp/htdocs'
'$ qemu-img convert image.qcow2 image.iso'
Step 7:
'Unzip' the .iso file
'$ 7z x image.iso'
That's it! If you '$ ls' now, you'll see your old files!
I then used 7z to make a Zip-backup folder with the old files, moved the 7z to my desktop, deleted and re-installed XAMPP. Cleared the new 'htdocs' and unzipped the file again.
This took me about half a night to figure out, so hopefully it will be useful for someone!

Maybe you need to change the ports. Sometimes different programs use the same ports and it doesnt work properly. Try changing the ports.
Changing ports Xammp


Laravel/Homestead vagrant box disapeared from system

I got a php project which is already done and for starters I have to put it up on a server (planning to use Heroku). I am new to PHP virtual boxes, Laravel, etc. The person who made the project recommended to use Laravel so I started to get things going that way. I am running on Windows 10 and using cmder as my terminal.
I downloaded VirtualBox & Vagrant.
Then using commander I added the Laravel/Homestead box
by doing:
vagrant box add laravel/homestead
in the folder c:\Users\Jacky\vagrant\ubuntu (At least I think that is where I added it)
Afterwards I believe I did
vagrant init
or vagrant init laravel/homestead
whatever I did afterwards I was able to run
vagrant ssh
and get into the system. There I was able to check and I had php and composer installed.
I then followed laravels instructions and created a homestead folder at c:\Jack\Homestead
ran git checkout for v7.19.2
ran init.bat
and configured the Homestead.yaml file
I made the following folder map
- map: C:\Jack\myapp\public
to: /home/vagrant/myapp
and the following site map
- map: myapp.test
to: /home/vagrant/myapp/public
I am a bit confused with the directory structure of this whole thing and not sure if I was supposed to put the myapp directory inside c:\Jack\Homestead\myapp or if just doing it like i did in c:\Jack\myapp is fine.
Anyways that still worked and I could see it in my web browser. So far all was good.
Then the project instructions told me to do the following
run composer install
There was an env.example file I had to change to .env and change some setting
run php artisan key:generate
run php artisan migrate --seed
run php artisan passport:install
run php artisan storage:link
At this point I got an error that the Symlink could not be created, so I googled and found in Stack Overflow to restart as admin. I ran cmder as admin and have been having a heart attack for the last 30 minutes since it told me I had to vagrant up and when I did so it couldnt find my box and even doing vagrant box list
I would get no results and it wanted to redownload which takes over 3 hours.
I just restarted without admin and I do find that my Laravel/Homestead box is listed so I assume it was installed for my user and not admin so I guess I cant run cmder as admin.
So now I am trying to connect again, I am not sure in which folder I should be running the vagrant commands but I only seem to have a VagrantFile in my C:\Jack\Homestead folder so if I run a vagrant command anywhere else it gives me an error that a vagrant environment is required, etc.
So I tried the following inside my homestead folder:
vagrant ssh - I get:
VM must be running to open SSH connection. Run `vagrant up to start the virtual machine.
(In my VirtualBox Manager i see my homestead-7 VM running though)
vagrant up - I get:
Bringing machine 'homestead-7' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> homestead-7: Importing base box 'laravel/homestead'...
==> homestead-7: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> homestead-7: Checking if box 'laravel/homestead' is up to date...
A VirtualBox machine with the name 'homestead-7' already exists.
Please use another name or delete the machine with the existing
name, and try again.
vagrant ssh 'homestead-7' I also get
VM must be running to open SSH connection. Run vagrant up
to start the virtual machine.
And the problem is once I do connect I assume I will still have the same problem running:
php artisan storage:link
So my questions are as follows:
Where should I have my projects myapp folder, should it be where it is at C:\Jack\myapp or am I supposed to put it in C:\Jack\Homestead\myapp
Is the VagrantFile supposed to be only in my Homestead folder and is that where I should be running all my Vagrant commands from? Like vagrant ssh and vagrant up
How do I connect again now that I am getting those errors running vagrant ssh and vagrant up
Once I connect I assume I will get the same error running php artisan storage:link since to run as administrator seems to not work what do I do?
I Assume that I should run git init and heroku create inside the myapp folder is this correct?
1) I always keep my apps folders outside of the Homestead folder. Your Homestead folder contains a git project, so if you put your apps inside you should include the folder in the .gitignore file. I think it's easier if you just put your apps elsewhere.
2) Vagrantfile is suposed to only be inside of your Homestead folder ( c:\Jack\Homestead). You should run all your vagrant commands inside the Homestead folder.
3) I used to get this error when I tried to run 'vagrant up' to a project that used the same box name 'homestead-7'. If you have version control, check if the file c:\Jack\Homestead\.vagrant\machines\homestead-7\virtualbox\id has been changed. If so, try restoring the old value and running 'vagrant up' again.
4) You are running in a windows environment, right? Windows can be a little temperamental with symlinks inside vagrant. You'll get the same problem if you try to npm install something. What I do to solve this is to run npm (and php artisan storage:link) outside of the virtual machine, in the host pc, inside the root of the app folder. Just a reminder: to do that you will need php installed in your host machine.
5) All commands related to the app (and not the virtual machine) should be run inside the virtual machine, in the folder app (ex: /home/vagrant/code/myapp) or inside the app folder of your host machine. Those two folders are in sync, thanks to vagrant.

How Can I Delete Xampp Permanently on Mac Os?

I used Xampp and deleted it.
Then, I tried to use Mamp. There is an error that I don't understand.
Mamp is working perfect as webserver. But if I want to use phpmyadmin, it doesn't work.
For example, I insert something to database. It isn't showing in phpmyadmin.
It is saving to old Xampp database although I deleted Xampp. How does it happen?
How Can I delete Xampp permanently(with mysql) on Mac OS?
XAMPP 5.x:
You can find uninstall.app in /Applications/XAMPP.
After running this program, then you can use this command to delete all XAMPP cache files: sudo rm -rf /Applications/XAMPP
XAMPP 7.x:
Open Mac OS Finder and go to /Applications folder. You should find an XAMPP icon there (eg. XAMPP.app), right-click it and choose 'Move to Trash'.
In addition to this, you might want to delete the ~/.bitnami folder within your home directory.
the newer version of XAMPP include uninstaller apps, you can find it inside XAMPP folder in Application directory. But they leave empty XAMPP folder.
To Delete XAMPP
Step 1:
Go to your Application folder and delete it.
Step 2:
Open your terminal and type: sudo rm -rf ~/.bitnami
To uninstall XAMPP-VM, follow these steps:
Delete the XAMPP-VM icon from the Applications folder.
Remove all XAMPP-VM data by deleting the ~/.bitnami folder within your home directory on the OS X host.
I think that just put the application (in your Applications folder) is enough. But you can try to search some XAMPP garbages.
Open your terminal, sudo and search for something containing XAMPP:
sudo -s
[ Type your password ]
find / | grep -i xampp
It can take a time if you do not have a fast hdd.
This will display all files/folder containing XAMPP in their name.
Open Spotlight and search for XAMPP,
To open Spotlight, click the magnifying glass icon in the upper-right
corner of the menu bar, or press Command-Space from any app.
Should be displayed some folders. Check for XAMPP (in upper cases) folder and open it.
XAMPP folder should contain an uninstall programm, tap on it and follow the instructions.
For a complete remove Go to Macintosh HD and delete the folder /Aplications/XAMPP (Be careful with you application files).
I did it right now and it works.
it's easy pro,
Open the application folder.
Click on the XAMPP icon and hold it.
Drag the icon to Trash.
Clean Trash (to do it just hold Ctrl and click on “Empty Trash”).
run this command on the terminal:
rm -fr ~/.bitnami/

How to install PHPUnit with WAMP?

I'm a newbie programmer and I have tried for an embarrassingly long time to get PHPUnit set up and working with WAMP. I have read the documentation and went through various sites to see what I'm doing wrong, but I give up! I need someone to explain this to me in simple terms.
I've probably seen all the guides on how to set it up, but feel free to link me to something you believe is foolproof!
Try this blog : http://nishutayaltech.blogspot.com/2011/04/installing-phpunit-on-windows.html
This setup is for Windows. Hope this will help you.
Also check this out, may be useful http://www.mark-leong.com/installing-php-and-phpunit-on-windows-7/
// adding required pear channels
pear channel-update pear.php.net
pear upgrade-all
pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
pear channel-discover components.ez.no
pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com
pear update-channels
// performing install
pear install --alldeps --force phpunit/PHPUnit
If everything ok, check whether phpunit have been installed by putting in command line
phpunit -v
If you encountered any errors or interrupted installing
pear clear-cache
may be usefull in that case.
1) download https://phar.phpunit.de/phpunit.phar
2) run it via php phpunit.phar
Btw if that file ever goes away you can look at the original directions here: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit
I recommend using composer. It can be used per project, but also 'globally'.
Make a folder on your C drive called 'globalpackages', then cd into it from the command line.
run 'composer require phpunit/phpunit'
once that finishes run 'composer install'
once that finishes you can check the contents of C:\globalpackages\vendor\phpunit' and should see two phpunit files, one of them a bat.
Add C:\globalpackages\vendor\phpunit to your system path and then you will be able to run phpuni from anywhere on your system.
For me this is the fastests and easiest way.
Make sure you have wamp with WAMP with PHP 7 installed as phpunit requires PHP7 to work! or at least 6.2
Go to folder
(wherever you installed your wamp - BEWARE last folder is name of PHP version you have so it might be different then above )
We will be working in this folder during entire installation. So if I say edit file etc it means in this folder.
Download newest version of phpunit from https://phpunit.de/
At the time of writing this I get version phpunit 6.2 and php7.0.10
4. Copy downloaded file to wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.10 folder
For me it's: phpunit-6.2.2.phar
for you it might be different version.
Now change name of the phpunit-6.2.2.phar to phpunit.phar
Now make sure you have added your php to PATH in Environment Variables
To do this on Windows 10 and Windows 8
6a. In Search, search for and then select: System (Control Panel)
6b. Click the Advanced system settings link.
6c. Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New.
6d. In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, specify the value of the PATH environment variable. Paste location of your PHP. For me it would be: D:\AnyFolderYouInsalledWampTo\wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.10
(if in PATH there was other command or path just add ";" at the end. For exmaple:
%someOtherCommand%; D:\AnyFolderYouInsalledWampTo\wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.10)
6e. Click OK. Close all remaining windows by clicking OK.
In cmd (to run cmd go to search in Windows and type cmd.exe and click Enter)
go to folder wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.10
(to go to folder type for example cd D:\AnyFolderYouInsalledWampTo\wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.10)
now once you are in this folder run this command in cmd:
echo #php "%~dp0phpunit.phar" %* > phpunit.cmd
now run this command:
you should get list of all commands available in phpunit
now run this:
phpunit --check-version
you will get info what phpunit version you have and if you are using the newest version.
if this doesn't work go to wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.10
Edit file phpunit.bat
Add this line:
""%PHPBIN%" "D:\AnyFolderYouInsalledWampTo\wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.10\phpunit.phar" %*
Repeat point 9.
if it still doesn't work let me know.
Very well done, Emil! You're a star! Perfect answer to install PHPUnit with WAMP on Windows. Look no further than Emil.

Wamp 2.2 install PEAR

My operating system is Windows 7.
I got my WAMP2.2 install in my computer.
Then I try to install PEAR.
However, I can not find my go-pear.bat file in my wamp directory.
Fine. I download in here: http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar
and install using this file.
I put the file in
Run the command: php -d phar.require_hash=0 PEAR/go-pear.phar
After the installation, I include the path of pear in php.ini in php and apache folder.
I also include C:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.8/ in windows $PATH variable.
But when I run pear command. It said it can not find the pear command.
I check the folder and just find a file called pear.bat and pear.ini.
I tried to run pear.bat again in command line. It still does not work.
Experts, please help on this issue.
Ok since many people may be asking the same thing. Let's suppose the following.
I'm currently running 2.2 E which includes Apache 2.2.22 – Mysql 5.5.24 – PHP 5.3.13 XDebug 2.1.2 XDC 1.5 PhpMyadmin SQLBuddy 1.3.3 webGrind 1.0
Now, to install PEAR do the following:
Download this file:
And put it on your WAMP server directory under the PHP version on the bin folder.
Run the command to install PEAR and you're over it.
Example (defaults, no change has been done)
Get the file on the link ->http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar
Go to this directory C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.13
Open command prompt (cmd.exe). Supposing you're using Windows Vista and higher, press Start, type "cmd.exe" and right click on it and select run as administrator/CTRL+SHIFT+Enter (Haven't tested on non-priviliges rights)
Use Window's cd command to change the directory to the go-pear.phar file you've just downloaded. In my case I'll be pin pointing it to my own directory, so I did it like follows:
cd "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.13"
Press Enter. You should note that instead of saying "C:\system\32" is now displaying C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.13
Write the following command and press Enter:
php -d phar.require_hash=0 go-pear.phar
Select whether you like or not a local copy or a system one. By typing system:local and pressing enter you'll install a local copy. By typing system and pressing enter you'll install a system-wide copy.
Type yes to confirm the option chosen.
The next list of directories, will be the referring directories that PEAR will install its components. If you select from 1 - 12 you can change the directory you'd like to install. By typing all and pressing Enter you'll be able to change them all in a queued manner. In my case, I just pressed Enter and left all defaults
11. It is very probable that afterwards you'll receive a message like:
WARNING! The include+path defined in the currently used php.ini does not contain the PEAR PHP directory you just specified: If the specified directory is also not in the include_path used by your scripts, you will have problems getting any PEAR packages working.
Below it will also appear:
Would you like to alter php.ini ? [Y/n]:
Type y and press enter
This should put you running with PEAR on WAMP server :)
pear.bat is the executable on windows. You have to put that directory in your system's PATH variable for the command to be recognized.
All the steps mentioned to below link for GUI based - easy understanding review and setup:
Click here
For anyone looking for a more current answer. On Windows 10 I had to edit .bash_profile to add the following:
function __pear {
pear.bat $#
alias pear=__pear

Weird PHP Parse/Syntax errors with VMWare 6.5 + PHP 5.3.3 + Symfony 1.4

While following the "Practical Symfony" course, I have run in a strange error.
I have installed a Debian Squeeze in a VMWare 6.5.5 machine. It comes with PHP 5.3.3 and I am using Symfony 1.4. The source files are on the host, I am accessing them using the shared folder feature (vmhgfs mount).
Now, when I try the following commands, I get an error:
php symfony doctrine:build --model
php symfony doctrine:build --sql
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /var/www/appli/lib/model/doctrine/base/BaseJobeetJob.class.php on line 144
What is funny is that when I :
- do the same thing without the shared folders (e.g. on a ext3 partition), it works,
- convert the VM to VirtualBox and do the same thing on a shared folder, it works,
- downgrade the PHP to 5.2.6 (from lenny), it works.
I remember having the same kind of issue some time ago with the PHP code generated by Smarty. As it was automatically generated PHP and could be regenerated at will, I had it generated in a local direcorty. But I do not think this is applicable to Doctrine generated files.
Does anyone have any clue of what is happening and how I could fix it ?
EDIT: here is the code around line 144:
public function setUp()
$this->hasOne('JobeetCategory', array(
'local' => 'category_id',
'foreign' => 'id',
'onDelete' => 'CASCADE'));
$timestampable0 = new Doctrine_Template_Timestampable();
} // Line 144 here.
It is actually the end of the file...
EDIT #2: to make it clear I have tested the following combinations in order to narrow down the issue:
VM software : VMWare Workstation
6.5.5 / VirtualBox 4.0.8
PHP version: 5.3.3 / 5.2.6,
Mount type : vmhgfs (or vboxsf with VirtualBox) / ext4 (local)
/ cifs (aka Windows share).
In every case I am using the very same source files (but for ext4 because I had no other choice than to copy them). I have a failure when combining the bold items. If I change any one of them, everything goes fine. I also tried to use the open-vm-modules in place of the provided vmware tools and to build a Debian installation from scratch instead of using my own automated script but neither has changed anything.
This seems to be a bug in vmhgfs - I have the same issue working with Drupal PHP code. It also seems to only happen when the files are added to the host from the guest, for example using git to clone a repository in the Linux VM.
There are three workarounds:
Copy the files into their desired location, then disable shared folders in VMWare settings for the virtual machine, refresh the web page so you get 'Not found', then re-enable shared folders.
On the host machine, run the following command which updates the file access / modified timestamps for every file, thus causing the VMWare driver to reload the file, fixing the issue:
find . -exec touch {} \;
Open the affected file from the host machine, modify it, and save it back. This may be useful if you're on a Windows machine.
The errors range from PHP Parse errors to others, normally flagging the last line of the file.
I have the same problem on OpenSUSE 11.4 with PHP 5.3.5 using vmhgfs (on a Mac). I am also using doctrine, however I am using it without the full symfony project.
Initially vmhgfs didn't work at all, so I downloaded the open-vm-tools and compiled/installed that. That solved my problem for a few weeks, but it came back today.
The issue appears to be php reading past the end of the file. If I read the file with cat, less, or tail, then the end of the file looks fine.
But if I do php -s bad_file.php > bad_file.php.html and look at the html output, I can see at the end of the file there is some extra garbage that I don't see with with cat, less, or vim.
You can see that php sees "array (" at the end of the file, while other tools do not see that.
The only solution I've found is to manually add a new, blank line at the end of each problematic file. For some reason it only affects 1-2 files out of about 40.
Same problem here. I confirm that it is a vmhgfs problem.
A workaround is to use a NFS share instead of vmware shared folders:
Linux env
apt-get install portmap nfs-common nfs-kernel-server
mkdir /nfs-share1
echo "/nfs-share1,sync)" >> /etc/exports
/etc/init.d/portmap start
/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start
/etc/init.d/nfs-common start
usermod -u 501 paolo
find / -user paolo -exec chown paolo {} \;
OS X env
showmount -e
mkdir /Users/paolo/netshare1
mount -t nfs -o resvport,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=900,retrans=3,proto=tcp /Users/paolo/netshare1/
Ugh! Finally I figured it out. I'm using VMware Fusion (4.0.2) on Mac OS X Lion (10.7.2) and I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure this out.
Upgrade your VMware Tools!
So far, so good: Haven't encountered the problem again. The latest release at this time is VMware Tools 8.0.0.
Well, this might be off topic, but I hope it helps:
I am working on the same book, and I have done this (I think you'd better do something like me):
Installed Ubuntu Server inside VirtualBox
Installed LAMP Server on Ubuntu
Installed vsftpd, for ftp access on Ubuntu
Installed SSH server on Ubuntu.
Now, if I am on Linux host, I use Aptana Studio with ftp access for editing files and SSH to run commands, and if I am on Windows, I use Aptana Studio and Putty for SSH access.
If you do something similar, you will probably have no trouble.
Hope it helps.
I am also experiencing this problem in regards to Wordpress and Laravel. To fix the problem, I have to remount the mounted folder from the guest.
For instance, all my source files are located on the host (OSX) and shared to Ubuntu (guest) with vmhgfs. The mount point is /mnt/hgfs/www. To remount:
sudo mount /mnt/hgfs/www
