I am very new to gearman. I am trying to write a PHP script to download scripts from a URL and upload it to user's google drive. sort of a backup script..
What I am trying to do is to call initiate a gearman worker process within the process to first download the image from source to a temp dir and then upload it to the google drive. here is the script:
require_once "../classes/drive.class.php";
$worker = new GearmanWorker();
$worker-> addServer('localhost');
$worker->addFunction('init', 'downloader');
$worker->addFunction('upload', 'uploader');
function downloader($job){
// downloads the images from facebook
$data = unserialize($job->workload()); // receives serialized data
$url = $data->url;
$file = rand().'.jpg';
$saveto = __DIR__.'/tmp/'.$file;
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER,1);
curl_close ($ch);
$fp = fopen($saveto,'x');
fwrite($fp, $raw);
// create a gearman client to upload image to google drive
$client = new GearmanClient();
$data['file'] = $saveto;
return $client->doNormal('upload', serialize($data)); // ensure synchronous dispatch
// can implement a post request return call, to denote a loading point on a loading bar.
function uploader($job){
$data = unserialize($job->workload());
$file = $data->file;
$google = $data->google;
$drive = new Drive($google);
return $drive->init($file); // returns boolean
The problem is when I start the worker using php worker.php & The process starts but kills itself the moment I start doing something else in the console with message "DONE" printed on my console.
How do I carry my processes out? and keep this script running?
This is a vague explanation, but Please try to look into it and help. I am really new to gearman.
You're missing the work loop.
// Create the worker and configure it's capabilities
$worker = new GearmanWorker();
$worker->addFunction('init', 'downloader');
$worker->addFunction('upload', 'uploader');
// Start the worker
// Your function definition
function downloader($job) {
// do stuff with $job
function uploader($job) {
// do stuff with $job
Once the user login to the portal, a list of PDF reports are displayed.
In order to download the reports in demand, user can check/uncheck the box associated to each report.
For Instance,
There are 10 reports in the list. User has selected 7 reports. Clicked Download. This workflow should result in the download of a zipped file which comprises of all the selected reports(7) rather than downloading each file individually.
These 10 reports in the above example are stored in the Google Drive. We store the Google download URL in database. Using this download URL we need to accomplish the aforesaid result.
Tried using Google Drive API Quickstart Reference. Error: 403 hit at the second attempt to save the files in file system.
PHP cURL implementation failed with 403 status code at the third round of running the script.
Basically, the plan was to save each selected file inside a folder in the file system. Then, Zip the folder and download the zip.
Here is what I have tried recently,
define('SAVE_REPORT_DIR', getcwd(). '/pathtosave/'. time());
function fs_report_save($fileUrl)
static $counter = 1;
if (!file_exists(SAVE_REPORT_DIR)) {
mkdir(SAVE_REPORT_DIR, 0777, true);
//The path & filename to save to.
$saveTo = SAVE_REPORT_DIR. '/'. time(). '.pdf';
//Open file handler.
$fp = fopen($saveTo, 'w+');
//If $fp is FALSE, something went wrong.
if($fp === false){
throw new Exception('Could not open: ' . $saveTo);
//Create a cURL handle.
$ch = curl_init($fileUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
//Pass our file handle to cURL.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
//Timeout if the file doesn't download after 20 seconds.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20);
//Execute the request.
//If there was an error, throw an Exception
throw new Exception(curl_error($ch));
//Get the HTTP status code.
$statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
//Close the cURL handler.
//Close the file handler.
if($statusCode == 200){
echo 'File: '. $saveTo .'. Downloaded!<br>';
} else{
echo "Status Code: " . $statusCode;
$reports = array(
foreach($reports as $report) {
Please give a direction to accomplish the result.
As #DalmTo has said, the API is not going to let you download multiples files in bulk as a zip, what you can do is create a Folder inside Drive and download that folder as zip.
There is a ton more information in this answer by #Tanaike:
Download Folder as Zip Google Drive API
I am currently implementing an upload mechanism for files on my webserver into my Dropbox app directory.
As stated on the API docs, there is the /upload endpoint (https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/documentation#files-upload) which accepts files up to 150MB in size. However I‘m dealing with images and videos with a potential size of up to 2GB.
Therefore I need to use the upload_session endpoints. There is an endpoint to start the session (https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/documentation#files-upload_session-start), to append data and to finish the session.
What currently is unclear to me is how to exactly use these endpoints. Do I have to split my file on my server into 150MB chunks (how would I do that with a video file?) and then upload the first chunk with /start, the next chunks with /append and the last one with /finish? Or can I just specify the file and the API somehow (??) does the splitting for me? Obviously not, but I somehow can‘t get my head around on how I should calculate, split and store the chunks on my webserver and not lose the session inbetween...
Any advice or further leading links are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
As Greg mentioned in the comments, you decide how to manage the "chunks" of the files. In addition to his .NET example, Dropbox has a good upload session implementation in the JavaScript upload example of the Dropbox API v2 JavaScript SDK.
At a high-level, you're splitting up the file into smaller sizes (aka "chunks") and passing those to the upload_session mechanism in a specific order. The upload mechanism has a few parts that need to be used in the following order:
Call /files/upload_session/start. Use the resulting session_id as a parameter in the following methods so Dropbox knows which session you're interacting with.
Incrementally pass each "chunk" of the file to /files/upload_session/append_v2. A couple things to be aware of:
The first call will return a cursor, which is used to iterate over the file's chunks in a specific order. It gets passed as a parameter in each consecutive call to this method (with the cursor being updated on every response).
The final call must include the property "close": true, which closes the session so it can be uploaded.
Pass the final cursor (and commit info) to /files/upload_session/finish. If you see the new file metadata in the response, then you did it!!
If you're uploading many files instead of large ones, then the /files/upload_session/finish_batch and /files/upload_session/finish_batch/check are the way to go.
I know this is an old post, but here is a fully functional solution for your problem. Maybe anyone else finds it usefull. :)
$backup_folder = glob('/var/www/test_folder/*.{sql,gz,rar,zip}', GLOB_BRACE); // Accepted file types (sql,gz,rar,zip)
$token = '<ACCESS TOKEN>'; // Dropbox Access Token;
$append_url = 'https://content.dropboxapi.com/2/files/upload_session/append_v2';
$start_url = 'https://content.dropboxapi.com/2/files/upload_session/start';
$finish_url = 'https://content.dropboxapi.com/2/files/upload_session/finish';
if (!empty($backup_folder)) {
foreach ($backup_folder as $single_folder_file) {
$file_name= basename($single_folder_file); // File name
$destination_folder = 'destination_folder'; // Dropbox destination folder
$info_array = array();
$info_array["close"] = false;
$headers = array(
'Authorization: Bearer ' . $token,
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
'Dropbox-API-Arg: '.json_encode($info_array)
$chunk_size = 50000000; // 50mb
$fp = fopen($single_folder_file, 'rb');
$fileSize = filesize($single_folder_file); // File size
$tosend = $fileSize;
$first = $tosend > $chunk_size ? $chunk_size : $tosend;
$ch = curl_init($start_url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, fread($fp, $first));
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$tosend -= $first;
$resp = explode('"',$response);
$sesion = $resp[3];
$position = $first;
$info_array["cursor"] = array();
$info_array["cursor"]["session_id"] = $sesion;
while ($tosend > $chunk_size)
$info_array["cursor"]["offset"] = $position;
$headers[2] = 'Dropbox-API-Arg: '.json_encode($info_array);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $append_url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, fread($fp, $chunk_size));
$tosend -= $chunk_size;
$position += $chunk_size;
$info_array["cursor"]["offset"] = $position;
$info_array["commit"] = array();
$info_array["commit"]["path"] = '/'. $destination_folder . '/' . $file_name;
$info_array["commit"]["mode"] = array();
$info_array["commit"]["mode"][".tag"] = "overwrite";
$info_array["commit"]["autorename"] = true;
$info_array["commit"]["mute"] = false;
$info_array["commit"]["strict_conflict"] = false;
$headers[2] = 'Dropbox-API-Arg: '. json_encode($info_array);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $finish_url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $tosend > 0 ? fread($fp, $tosend) : null);
unlink($single_folder_file); // Remove files from server folder
I am looking for a function that gets the metadata of a .mp3 file from a URL (NOT local .mp3 file on my server).
Also, I don't want to install http://php.net/manual/en/id3.installation.php or anything similar to my server.
I am looking for a standalone function.
Right now i am using this function:
function getfileinfo($remoteFile)
$uuid=uniqid("designaeon_", true);
$ch = curl_init($remoteFile);
//==============================Get Size==========================//
$contentLength = 'unknown';
$ch1 = curl_init($remoteFile);
curl_setopt($ch1, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
curl_setopt($ch1, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch1, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($ch1, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); //not necessary unless the file redirects (like the PHP example we're using here)
$data = curl_exec($ch1);
if (preg_match('/Content-Length: (\d+)/', $data, $matches)) {
$contentLength = (int)$matches[1];
//==============================Get Size==========================//
if (!$fp = fopen($file, "wb")) {
echo 'Error opening temp file for binary writing';
return false;
} else if (!$urlp = fopen($url, "r")) {
echo 'Error opening URL for reading';
return false;
try {
$to_get = 65536; // 64 KB
$chunk_size = 4096; // Haven't bothered to tune this, maybe other values would work better??
$got = 0; $data = null;
// Grab the first 64 KB of the file
while(!feof($urlp) && $got < $to_get) { $data = $data . fgets($urlp, $chunk_size); $got += $chunk_size; } fwrite($fp, $data); // Grab the last 64 KB of the file, if we know how big it is. if ($size > 0) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM, $size - $to_get);
// Now $fp should be the first and last 64KB of the file!!
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Error transfering file using fopen and cURL !!';
return false;
$getID3 = new getID3;
$ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($filename);
return $ThisFileInfo;
This function downloads 64KB from a URL of an .mp3 file, then returns the array with the metadata by using getID3 function (which works on local .mp3 files only) and then deletes the 64KB's previously downloaded.
Problem with this function is that it is way too slow from its nature (downloads 64KB's per .mp3, imagine 1000 mp3 files.)
To make my question clear : I need a fast standalone function that reads metadata of a remote URL .mp3 file.
This function downloads 64KB from a URL of an .mp3 file, then returns the array with the metadata by using getID3 function (which works on local .mp3 files only) and then deletes the 64KB's previously downloaded. Problem with this function is that it is way too slow from its nature (downloads 64KB's per .mp3, imagine 1000 mp3 files.)
Yeah, well what do you propose? How do you expect to get data if you don't get data? There is no way to have a generic remote HTTP server send you that ID3 data. Really, there is no magic. Think about it.
What you're doing now is already pretty solid, except that it doesn't handle all versions of ID3 and won't work for files with more than 64KB of ID3 tags. What I would do to improve it to is to use multi-cURL.
There are several PHP classes available that make this easier:
$mc = EpiCurl::getInstance();
$results[] = $mc->addUrl(/* Your stream URL here /*); // Run this in a loop, 10 at a time or so
foreach ($results as $result) {
// Do something with the data.
1 - I have configure google picker and it is working fine and I select the file from picker and get the file id.
2 - After refresh token etc all process I get the file metadata and get the file export link
$downloadExpLink = $file->getExportLinks();
$downloadUrl = $downloadExpLink['application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'];
3 - After that I use this
if ($downloadUrl) {
$request = new Google_HttpRequest($downloadUrl, 'GET', null, null);
$httpRequest = Google_Client::$io->authenticatedRequest($request);
if ($httpRequest->getResponseHttpCode() == 200)
$content = $httpRequest->getResponseBody();
} else {
// An error occurred.
return null;
and get this response
[responseBody:protected] => PK��DdocProps/app.xml���
4 - I use some cURL functions to get file from google drive and save it to server. IN server directory a file created but cropped. I use this code
$downloadExpLink = $file->getExportLinks();
$downloadUrl = $downloadExpLink['application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'];
//$downloadUrl value is
When I put this url into browser it will download file successfully but when I use this url to fetch file with cURL or any php code and try to save it on server it saves corrupted file.
$ch = curl_init();
$source = $downloadUrl;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $source);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$data = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
$destination = "test/afile5.docx";
$file = fopen($destination, "w+");
fputs($file, $data);
It result a corrupted file stored on server but whe I use this code to get any file other then google drive I download it successfully on server.
Can any one please help that how to download file from $downloadUrl to my server using php ?
This is my code:
function get_remote_file_to_cache(){
$sites_array = array("http://www.php.net", "http://www.engadget.com", "http://www.google.se", "http://arstechnica.com", "http://wired.com");
$the_site= $sites_array[rand(0, 4)];
$curl = curl_init();
$fp = fopen("rr.txt", "w");
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $the_site);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_exec ($curl);
curl_close ($curl);
$cache_file = 'rr.txt';
$cache_life = '15'; //caching time, in seconds
$filemtime = #filemtime($cache_file);
if (!$filemtime or (time() - $filemtime >= $cache_life)){
echo file_get_contents($cache_file);
echo " <br><br><h1>Writing to cache</h1>";
echo "<h1>Reading from cache file:</h1><br> ";
echo file_get_contents($cache_file);
Everything works as it should and no problems or surprises, and as you can see its pretty simple code but I am new to CURL and would just like to add one check to the code, but dont know how:
Is there anyway to check that the file fetched from the remote site is not a 404 (not found) page or such but is a status code 200 (successful) ?
So basically, only write to cache file if the fill is status code 200.
To get the status code from a cURL handle, use curl_getinfo after curl_exec:
$status = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
But the cached file will be overwritten when
$fp = fopen("rr.txt", "w");
is called, regardless of the HTTP code, this means that to update the cache only when status is 200, you need to read the contents into memory, or write to a temporary file. Then finally write to the real file if the status is 200.
It is also a good idea to
before executing cURL, so that the next request that may come before the current operation finish will not also try to load the page to page too.
Try this after curl_exec
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);