Session not being initiated from Guzzle Post - php

I am integrating Laravel into a legacy php app. The login page used to directly post to verifyUser.php which also started a Symfony Session.
The new architecture now posts to a laravel api which makes a Guzzle post to verifyUser.php.
var a = $('#email').val();
$.post('/api/login', { //this used to post to verifyUser.php
Username: $('#email').val(),
Password: $('#password').val()
}, function(data){
if(data['credentials'] == true){
console.log('credentials true');
} else {
}, 'json');
return false;
controller functions:
public function authenticate(Request $request) //aka api/login endpoint
$legacyRes = $this->authenticateLegacy($request);
private function authenticateLegacy(Request $request)
$response = null;
try {
$response = $this->client->post('/admin/verifyUser.php', [
'form_params' => ['Username' => $request->get('Username'),
'Password' => $request->get('Password')]
catch(Exception $exception){
Log::error('Errrererererer', [$exception->getMessage()]);
$body = (string)$response->getBody();
Log::info('BODY:', [$body]);
return $body;
I have left out verifyUser.php because I have tested it and it returns the expected results.
When using the browser, the session information doesn't seem to get set. But according to my post responses, everything should be working.
Is this because I am routing the request through guzzle?

Posting under my answer to show updated code:
private function authenticateLegacy(Request $request)
//parse cookie id from guzzle response
$body = (string)$response->getBody();
$cookie = $response->getHeader('Set-Cookie'); //PHPSESSID=SOMEID; path=/
$cookieBite = explode(';', $cookie)[0]; ////PHPSESSID=SOMEID
$cookieId = explode('=', $cookieBite)[1];
$data = json_decode($body, true);
$data['session'] = $cookieId;
return $data;
In the action:
public function authenticate(Request $request)
$legacyRes = $this->authenticateLegacy($request);
// this will have the session id in the body but will also
// set the cookie for the client so I don't have
// to set document.cookie w/ js
return response($legacyRes, 200)
->withCookie('PHPSESSID', $legacyRes['session']);

I assume your legacy endpoint uses cookies to identify a user's session.
A successfull request to the legacy endpoint returns a Set-Cookie header.
Guzzle doesn't forward this Set-Cookie header from the API response to the browser - you'll have to program this behaviour into the "wrapping" application.
You will need to tell guzzle to explicitly pass the corresponding Cookie header to the legacy api (to maintain the user's login state) when sending any further requests.
In order to achieve this you'll need to save this cookie within your new application (i.e. in the user's session or in database) and then pass it within a Cookie header along with all further requests you make to the legacy API.


Session getting destroyed after cashfree payment gateway redirecting in laravel 8 (Mozilla browser)

I am trying to integrate the Cashfree payment gateway in my Laravel 8 project. The only issue I face is in the callback URL, where an active session is automatically destroyed after getting the post data from Payment Gateway. I have also added the CSRF exception to Middleware. I have added 'secure' => env('SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE', false) & 'same_site' => null.
I have tried with a redirect()->away($payment_link), iFrame tag, and form submits directly to payment link but still getting the same issue.
The session is getting destroyed in the Mozilla browser, but it works fine in the chrome browser.
Controller (Generate Payment Request, URL, and Process Callback)
class PaymentController extends Controller
public function credits_add()
$this->data['page_name'] = 'Add Credits';
return view('merchant.payment.add_credits', $this->data);
public function credits_save(Request $request)
'credit_amount' => 'required',
'credit_transaction_type' => 'required'
if (!empty($request->input('credit_transaction_type')) && $request->input('credit_transaction_type') == 'Cashfree') {
$cashfreeDetails = $this->pay_with_cashfree($request);
if (!empty($cashfreeDetails) && !empty($cashfreeDetails['paymentLink'])) {
return Redirect::to($cashfreeDetails['paymentLink']);
} else {
return redirect('credits/add')->with('errorMessage', 'Sorry! Your transaction has failed.');
return redirect('credits/add');
public function pay_with_cashfree($request)
$order = new Order();
$od["orderId"] = "ORDER-84984941";
$od["orderAmount"] = 10000;
$od["orderNote"] = "Subscription";
$od["customerPhone"] = "9000012345";
$od["customerName"] = "Test Name";
$od["customerEmail"] = "";
$od["returnUrl"] = route('CreditsSuccess');
$od["notifyUrl"] = route('CreditsSuccess');
$linkArray = $order->getLink($od['orderId']);
$detailsArray = $order->getDetails($od['orderId']);
if (!empty($order) && !empty($linkArray) && !empty($linkArray->status) && $linkArray->status == 'OK') {
return array(
'paymentLink' => $linkArray->paymentLink,
'paymentDetails' => $detailsArray
} else {
return array();
public function credits_success(Request $request)
$orderId = $request->orderId;
$orderAmount = $request->orderAmount;
$referenceId = $request->referenceId;
$txStatus = $request->txStatus;
$paymentMode = $request->paymentMode;
$txMsg = $request->txMsg;
$txTime = $request->txTime;
$signature = $request->signature;
if ($txStatus == 'SUCCESS') {
return redirect('credits/add')->with('successMessage', $txMsg);
} else {
return redirect('credits/add')->with('errorMessage', $txMsg);
OK I figured out the problem for myself.
The new versions of the browsers might be logging you out because of the new cookie policy.
Whenever the cookie is required to be sent to server, the browser sees the SameSite attribute to decide if the cookie to be sent to server or blocked. For user actions, it is sent to the server but for auto-redirects, it doesn't if SameSite is set to 'Strict' or 'Lax' (Lax is going to be the default value now).
Solution: The cookie attribute SameSite can be set to 'None' along with specifying the 'Secure' attribute to 'true'. Setting 'Secure' attribute to 'true' would require your site to run on https. Sites running with http:// protocol will not be able to set 'Secure' cookie. Please set the 'HttpOnly' attribute to 'true' for making it accessible for http requests to the server only.
You can consider the following configuration for cookie:
You can also refer below tutorial that explains the cashfree integration in laravel:

Created Request using die() also dies the Request caller

I don't know if it's the right terms to employ...
I made an API, in which the answer is sent by the die() function, to avoid some more useless calculations and/or functions calls.
example :
if (isset($authorize->refusalReason)) {
die ($this->api_return(true, [
'resultCode' => $authorize->resultCode,
'reason' => $authorize->refusalReason
// api_return method:
protected function api_return($error, $params = []) {
$time = (new DateTime())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$params = (array) $params;
$params = ['error' => $error, 'date_time' => $time] + $params;
return (Response::json($params)->sendHeaders()->getContent());
But my website is based on this API, so I made a function to create a Request and return the contents of it, based on its URI, method, params, and headers:
protected function get_route_contents($uri, $type, $params = [], $headers = []) {
$request = Request::create($uri, $type, $params);
if (Auth::user()->check()) {
$request->headers->set('S-token', Auth::user()->get()->Key);
foreach ($headers as $key => $header) {
$request->headers->set($key, $header);
// things to merge the Inputs into the new request.
$originalInput = Request::input();
$response = Route::dispatch($request);
$response = json_decode($response->getContent());
// This header cancels the one there is in api_return. sendHeaders() makes Content-Type: application/json
header('Content-Type: text/html');
return $response;
But now when I'm trying to call an API function, The request in the API dies but dies also my current Request.
public function postCard($token) {
$auth = $this->get_route_contents("/api/v2/booking/payment/card/authorize/$token", 'POST', Input::all());
// the code below is not executed since the API request uses die()
if ($auth->error === false) {
return Redirect::route('appts')->with(['success' => trans('messages.booked_ok')]);
return Redirect::back()->with(['error' => $auth->reason]);
Do you know if I can handle it better than this ? Any suggestion of how I should turn my code into ?
I know I could just use returns, but I was always wondering if there were any other solutions. I mean, I want to be better, so I wouldn't ask this question if I knew for sure that the only way of doing what I want is using returns.
So it seems that you are calling an API endpoint through your code as if it is coming from the browser(client) and I am assuming that your Route:dispatch is not making any external request(like curl etc)
Now There can be various approaches to handle this:
If you function get_route_contents is going to handle all the requests, then you need to remove the die from your endpoints and simply make them return the data(instead of echoing). Your this "handler" will take care of response.
Make your Endpoint function to have an optional parameter(or some property set in the $request variable), which will tell the function that this is an internal request and data should be returned, when the request comes directly from a browser(client) you can do echo
Make an external call your code using curl etc(only do this if there is no other option)

Laravel 5 Session Flash not working in Safari

I have minor security in place to not allow users to download MP3s off my site. Ajax sends a request for a token which is a one time download, this token is attached to the URL I feed into soundmanager2. This security works fine except in Safari.
Front End Request
streamSong: function(song)
url: '/streamsong/',
type: 'get',
success: function(token) {
var stream = '/streamsong/''/'+token;
Player.sendSongToPlayer(song, stream);
Route::get('/streamsong/{id}/{token?}', 'StreamController#setupStream');
class StreamController extends Controller {
public function setupStream($id, $token = null)
$stream = new Stream();
if ($token == null) {
if (Request::ajax()) {
$sessionToken = $stream->setToken(str_random(40));
return response($sessionToken);
} else {
return 'no way jose';
if ($token == $stream->getToken() ) {
Stream class
public function setToken($token)
Session::flash('songToken', $token);
public function getToken()
$token = Session::get('songToken');
public function sendStream($id)
$post = Post::find($id);
$pathToFile = base_path().'/storage/app/mp3/'.$post->song_path;
$fileSize = filesize($pathToFile);
$name = $post->song_path;
$headers = array(
'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary',
'Expires'=> 0,
'Cache-Control'=> 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0',
'Connection'=> 'keep-alive'
return response()->download($pathToFile, $name, $headers);
The only conclusion I've come to is that Safari makes more than one request for the file download so the token is being destroyed on the first attempt. However I only see one GET request in the timeline console. If I set the Session::flash to Session::set it works fine in Safari but this bypasses the security measures. Even with Session::set I can't remove the session token variable until after the response to download has been sent out, which seems very strange.
Has anyone else experience behavior like this in Safari? I'm pretty stumped on this.
Can you check if the browser does an OPTIONS request before it does the actual request? Sometimes this request is performed to check the capabilities of a service.
Session might also not be your best option here, you could create a JWT that hold all the information you need in its payload to stream a song once. It's easy and solid.

Laravel JWT tokens are Invalid after refresh them in a authentication JWT approach

Read the discussion about the bug at:
I'm implement with jwt-auth my protected resources that require an authenticated user with bellow code:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['before' => 'jwt.auth', 'after' => 'jwt.refresh']], function() {
// Protected routes
When user 'sign in' on API an Authorization token is created, and sent on response Authorization header to client application that call the resource. So, client applications when intercept a Authorization token on header of any response, set a variable/session/whatever with this token value, to send again to API on next request.
The first request for a protected resource after 'login' works fine, but the next client application request to API with a refreshed token, gives the following error (API mount all responses in json format):
"error": "token_invalid"
What can be happen with refreshed tokens? My refresh token implementation (set as a after middleware) is wrong? Or isn't necessary to manually refresh all Authorization token that come with client apps requests?
I update the jwt-auth RefreshToken middleware as propose here, but the token_invalid persist.
I guess that I found what happens. Note that in the refresh method, old token is added to blacklist cache case enabled:
// Tymon\JWTAuth\JWTManager
public function refresh(Token $token)
$payload = $this->decode($token);
if ($this->blacklistEnabled) {
// invalidate old token
// return the new token
return $this->encode(
'sub' => $payload['sub'],
'iat' => $payload['iat']
And note that in add to blacklist method the key is the jti param from old token payload:
// Tymon\JWTAuth\Blacklist
public function add(Payload $payload)
$exp = Utils::timestamp($payload['exp']);
// there is no need to add the token to the blacklist
// if the token has already expired
if ($exp->isPast()) {
return false;
// add a minute to abate potential overlap
$minutes = $exp->diffInMinutes(Utils::now()->subMinute());
$this->storage->add($payload['jti'], [], $minutes);
return true;
Thus, when has on blacklist method is called, the old token jti param is the same that the new, so the new token is in blacklist:
// Tymon\JWTAuth\Blacklist
public function has(Payload $payload)
return $this->storage->has($payload['jti']);
If you don't need the blacklist functionality just set to false on jwt.php configuration file. But I can't say if it expose to some security vulnerability.
Read the discussion about the bug at:
When I get this issue, the solution that I found to get my project working was to generate a new token with data from older token on each new request.
My solution, that works for me, is bad, ugly, and can generate more issues if you have many async requests and your API(or business core) server is slow.
For now is working, but I will investigate more this issue, cause after 0.5.3 version the issue continues.
Request 1 (GET /login):
Some guest data on token
Request 2 (POST /login response):
User data merged with guest data on old token generating a new token
Procedural code example(you can do better =) ), you can run this on routes.php out of routes, I say that is ugly haha:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
$authToken = null;
$getAuthToken = function() use ($authToken, $Response) {
if($authToken === null) {
$authToken = JWTAuth::parseToken();
return $authToken;
$getLoggedUser = function() use ($getAuthToken) {
return $getAuthToken()->authenticate();
$getAuthPayload = function() use ($getAuthToken) {
try {
return $getAuthToken()->getPayload();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return [];
$mountAuthPayload = function($customPayload) use ($getLoggedUser, $getAuthPayload) {
$currentPayload = [];
try {
$currentAuthPayload = $getAuthPayload();
if(count($currentAuthPayload)) {
$currentPayload = $currentAuthPayload->toArray();
try {
if($user = $getLoggedUser()) {
$currentPayload['user'] = $user;
$currentPayload['isGuest'] = false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// is guest
} catch(Exception $e) {
// Impossible to parse token
foreach ($customPayload as $key => $value) {
$currentPayload[$key] = $value;
return $currentPayload;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
try {
$payload = ['isGuest' => false];
} catch (Exception $e) {
$payload = ['isGuest' => true];
try {
$payload = $mountAuthPayload($payload);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Make nothing cause token is invalid, expired, etc., or not exists.
// Like a guest session. Create a token without user data.
Some route(simple example to save user mobile device):
Route::group(['middleware' => ['before' => 'jwt.auth', 'after' => 'jwt.refresh']], function () use ($getLoggedUser, $mountAuthPayload) {
Route::post('/session/device', function () use ($Response, $getLoggedUser, $mountAuthPayload) {
$Response = new \Illuminate\Http\Response();
$user = $getLoggedUser();
// code to save on database the user device from current "session"...
$payload = app('tymon.jwt.payload.factory')->make($mountAuthPayload(['device' => $user->device->last()->toArray()]));
$token = JWTAuth::encode($payload);
$Response->header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $token);
$responseContent = ['setted' => 'true'];
return $Response;

How do you set and get cookies in Silex?

As the title suggests,
Here's the code...
public function index(Request $request, Application $app)
$cookies = $request->cookies;
$response = new Response();
$cookie = new Cookie("recordsPerPage", $app['defaultRecordsPerPage']);
print_r($request->cookies);exit; //prints nothing here !!
I also tried to set it in a $app->after() but failed. do you have any other ways to set cookies other than in controller.
Thank you.
Cookies are set with response and available on next request. So you have to return the response with this cookie, and if you want it to be available on the request, make it a redirect response so the browser will set cookie and issue next request with this newly created cookie:
$cookies = $request->cookies;
$cookie = new Cookie("recordsPerPage", $app['defaultRecordsPerPage']);
$response = Response::create('', 302, array("Location" => ""));
return $response;
return print_r($cookies, 1);
Other possibility is to set this cookie directly in the request ($request->cookies->set('recordsPerPage', $app['defaultRecordsPerPage']);) but you still have to return response with this cookie to set it in the browser.
