How can i get mysql query of a laravel query
SELECT * FROM users WHERE `balance`>0 and ...
use toSql() method of laravel to get the query to be executed like
But Laravel will not show you parameters in your query, because they are bound after preparation of the query. To get the bind parameters, use this
print_r($query->getBindings() );
enable the query log as DB::enableQueryLog() and then output to the screen the last queries ran you can use this,
you can add this function to your helpers
function getRealQuery($query, $dumpIt = false)
$params = array_map(function ($item) {
return "'{$item}'";
}, $query->getBindings());
$result = str_replace_array('\?', $params, $query->toSql());
if ($dumpIt) {
return $result;
and use like this:
Method 1
To print a single query, use toSql() method of laravel to get the query to be executed like
Method 2
Laravel can optionally log in memory all queries that have been run for the current request. But in some cases, such as when inserting a large number of rows, this can cause the application to use excess memory, so you should avoid this.
To enable the log, you may use the enableQueryLog method as
To get an array of the executed queries, you may use the getQueryLog method as
$queries = DB::getQueryLog();
you can get more details here Laravel Enable Query Log
Method 3
Another approach to display all queries used in Laravel without enabling the query log install the LaravelDebugBar from here Laravel Debug Bar.
It is a package that allows you to quickly and easily keep tabs on your application during development.
To print the raw sql query, try:
// Your query here
$queries = DB::getQueryLog();
Here is a helper function who tells you the last SQL executed.
use DB;
public static function getLastSQL()
$queries = DB::getQueryLog();
$last_query = end($queries);
// last_query is the SQL with with data binding like
// {
// select ? from sometable where field = ? and field2 = ? ;
// param1,
// param2,
// param3,
// }
// which is hard to read.
$last_query = bindDataToQuery($last_query);
// here, last_query is the last SQL you have executed as normal SQL
// select param1 from sometable where field=param2 and field2 = param3;
return $last_query
Here is the bindDataToQuery function, who fill the '?' blanks with real params.
protected static function bindDataToQuery($queryItem){
$query = $queryItem['query'];
$bindings = $queryItem['bindings'];
$arr = explode('?',$query);
$res = '';
foreach($arr as $idx => $ele){
if($idx < count($arr) - 1){
$res = $res.$ele."'".$bindings[$idx]."'";
$res = $res.$arr[count($arr) -1];
return $res;
It is so strange that the laravel haven't support any way to get the raw sql easily, it is now version 6 after all...
Here's a workaround I used by myself to quickly get the raw sql with parameters without installing any extension...
Just deliberately make your original sql WRONG
Like change
where the table "user1" does not exist at all!
Then run it again.
Sure there will be an exception reported by laravel.
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'user1' doesn't exist (SQL: ...)
And now you can see the raw sql with parameters is right after the string "(SQL:"
Change back from the wrong table name to the right one and there you go!
In Laravel 5.4 (I didn't check this in other versions), add this function into the
"App"=>"Providers"=>"AppServiceProvider.php" .
public function boot()
if (App::isLocal()) {
function ($sql) {
// $sql is an object with the properties:
// sql: The query
// bindings: the sql query variables
// time: The execution time for the query
// connectionName: The name of the connection
// To save the executed queries to file:
// Process the sql and the bindings:
foreach ($sql->bindings as $i => $binding) {
if ($binding instanceof \DateTime) {
$sql->bindings[$i] = $binding->format('\'Y-m-d H:i:s\'');
} else {
if (is_string($binding)) {
$sql->bindings[$i] = "'$binding'";
// Insert bindings into query
$query = str_replace(array('%', '?'), array('%%', '%s'), $sql->sql);
$query = vsprintf($query, $sql->bindings);
// Save the query to file
/*$logFile = fopen(
storage_path('logs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . date('Y-m-d') . '_query.log'),
Log::notice("[USER] $query");
After that install,
and then you can see every executed SQL queries without editing the code.
To get mysql query in laravel you need to log your query as
Check reference :
Instead of interfering with the application with print statements or "dds", I do the following when I want to see the generated SQL:
DB::listen(function ($query) {
Log::info($query->sql, $query->bindings);
// (DB and Log are the facades in Illuminate\Support\Facades namespace)
This will output the sql to the Laravel log (located at storage/logs/laravel.log). A useful command for following writes to this file is
tail -n0 -f storage/logs/laravel.log
A simple way to display all queries used in Laravel without any code changes at all is to install the LaravelDebugBar (
As part of the functionality you get a tab which will show you all of the queries that a page has used.
Try this:
$results = App\User::where('balance','>',0)->where(...)->toSql();
Note: get() has been replaced with toSql() to display the raw SQL query.
A very simple and shortcut way is below
Write the name of column wrong like write 'balancedd' in spite of 'balance' and the query will be displayed on error screen when you execute code with all the parameters and error that column not found.
$d= DB::getQueryLog(); print"<pre>"; print_r ($d); print"</pre>";
you will get the mysql query that is just run.
There is actually no such thing in Laravel and even PHP, since PHP internally sends the parameters with query string to the database where it (possibly) become parsed into raw query string.
The accepted answer is actually optimistic solution, kind of "optionally works".
As part of a very large active records query in CI, I need to get something from a different model - something like:
$sql = $this->events_model->events_to_sql($val); //returns an sql
$this->db->where($sql, NULL, false);
Now "events_to_sql" run a different query to get some data it needs for it to operate, but it fails because it uses an Active Records "where" from before, where the first query is not closed.
$this->db->where(" !=", '');
How can I tell CI: This is a separate query. You shall run it and only it?
*No, I can not run the other query first, because there are multiple of the same idea, and I don't want each case t be handled separately, but all to be handled in the same manner.
*I know I can use another DB connection, but I'd rather work with a single connection.
This is what runs: (in order)
//main model
$this->db->where(" !=", '');
//Events to sql function
//run seperate function
return $this->db->get();
return (string)$sql_built_from_the_event_stuff.
Instead of getting: "SELECT * FROM events" I get "SELECT * FROM events WHERE != ''"
Use arguments to separate query,
$separate = 1;
$sql = $this->events_model->events_to_sql($val,$separate); //returns an sql
$this->db->where($sql, NULL, false);
Model events_to_sql,
public function events_to_sql($val, $queryselector = false){
if($queryselector != 1){
$this->db->where(" !=", '');
//Events to sql function
//run seperate function
return $this->db->get();
return (string)$sql_built_from_the_event_stuff.
I am having trouble using my second database connection is codeigniter.
I have added the connection to database.php
$old = $this->load->database('old_portal', TRUE);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `frm_root`";
$query = $this->old->query($sql);
But I am getting an error. I am not sure how to use the old object when wanting to use query()
Using multiple databases in CodeIgniter is pretty easy.
You would do it like this;
$old = $this->load->database('old', true);
Then, you would access this database object, like this;
$query = $old->query();
Hope this helps.
$query = $old->query($sql);
I have two different connection set in the database config file. Once I have connected to the one of the database if I connect to the second database still the connection is not changed. I am getting table not found error.
$this->load->database(); //connecting to default db
$this->db->query('SELECT * from user'); //user table in default db and no error
$this->load->database('second_db');//connecting to second db
$this->db->load('SELECT * from statistic'); //table exists in second db but getting error
//The same work if I comment the first two lines
you can try this way :
$this->load->database('second_db', TRUE);
and also set FALSE for 'pconnect' in database.php :
for default one:
$db['default']['pconnect'] = FALSE;
and for second one:
$db['second_db']['pconnect'] = FALSE;
I have made it work myself.
$this->load->database(); //connecting to default db
$this->db->query('SELECT * from user'); //user table in default db and no error
$this->load->database('second_db',FALSE,TRUE);//connecting to second db
$this->db->load('SELECT * from statistic'); //table exists in second db but getting error
//The same work if I comment the first two lines
The only change is when loading the second database need to pass two extra parameters.
First one FALSE - Don't return connection object
Second TRUE - Change the Active record to the loaded DB
Finally worked for me using Codeigniter 2.1.0:
$second_db = $this->load->database('second_group',TRUE,FALSE);
Making the group constant setting 'pconnect' as:
$db['second_group']['pconnect'] = FALSE;
If you use
$this->load->database('second_db', TRUE);
You have to use like
$db = $this->load->database('second_db', TRUE);
Because the second parameter true return you the the full object
Now the $db is your db object you might assign the $db to a class variable
$this->second_db = $this->load->database('second_db', TRUE);
For a plugin system I am writing, I need to write a database API. But I want to restrict database access, so plugins can't see other tables than the ones they created through a specific function. How would I enable plugins to use SQL, but not give them full access at the same time?
Here is some code, it may not be working, but it shows the idea behind it:
class Api_Database {
private $pluginid;
function __construct($pluginid) {
$this->pluginid = $pluginid;
function query($sql, $tablename) {
$db = new Sys_Database;
$db->query(str_replace('{table}', $pluginid.$tablename, $sql));
Am I thinking in the right direction here? How would you create such a system, only more secure?
The idea is to create a table containing the list of created tables linked to the user...
Something like :
And in your query
SELECT FROM privileges WHERE user_id = '{user_id}' and table_name = '{table}';
And after check if the row exist. If yes, the user have the right to use the table!
class Api_Database {
private $pluginid;
function __construct($pluginid) {
$this->pluginid = $pluginid;
function query($sql, $tablename) {
$hasPrivilege = $this->checkPrivileges($tablename, $userid);
if(!$hasPrivilege) return false; //for example
$db = new Sys_Database;
$db->query(str_replace('{table}', $pluginid.$tablename, $sql));
function checkPrivileges($table, $user_id) {
$db = new Sys_Database;
$result = $db->query('SELECT id FROM privileges WHERE user_id = "'.$user_id.'" AND table_name = "'.$table.'"');
return ($result && $result->num_rows);
So if I understand correctly, you are using a PHP plugin to access SQL data, but you can't or doesn't want to change it.
You cant' add SQL users too, and you wan't to restrict PHP Dev to make some queries in some table via PHP?? Hum... Impossible!
Because to be able to disallow database table access, YOU HAVE TO MANIPULATE PHP OR MYSQL USERS...
Or if I'm wrong, sorry, it's difficult to follow you!