Pass chain function as paramter as parameter in php - php

I have a function. It has method chaining that needs to be performed.
public function someFunction()
->skip($request->get('start') * $request->get('length'))
//Some other task
It was working fine but I need a slight modification in that function what I want is I want to pass a join in that function for method chaining.
public function someFunction($join_as_parameter)
//Join should be executed here as a parameter in method chaning .
->skip($request->get('start') * $request->get('length'))
//Some other task
So that final function execution will be like this
public function someFunction($join_as_parameter)
->join('table','', '=', 'other_table')
->skip($request->get('start') * $request->get('length'))
//Some other task
Is there any way to do this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

This way you can achieve what you need.
use DB;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause;
public function someFunction(Closure $join_clauser)
//create Query Builder object
$query = DB::query();
//Add the `$join` object to the table joins for this query
$join_as_parameter = call_user_func($join_closure, $query);
$query->joins = array_merge((array) $query->joins, [$join_as_parameter]);
->skip($request->get('start') * $request->get('length'))
//Some other task
//create Query Builder object
$query = DB::query();
And execute the functions as,
// return JoinClause object with joining conditions
return (new JoinClause($query, 'inner', 'table'))
->on('', '=', 'othe_table.table_id');
Furthermore, you can modify this to pass array of joins to add multiple joins your the query.
To use this with eloquent models, replace
$query = DB::query();
$query = Model::query()->getQuery();
NOTE : ->getQuery() is used to retrieve the Query\Builder object since JoinClause expects it as the first param.


Sort related table inside of the loop to build js array from php

Quick question, I have Model that related to different model (one to many).
I'm building method that should return js array with related table included to array.
But I need to sort a bit warrant_grants, I need to return $warrant_grants->where('status', active). So My ->where() doesn't work this way:
public function warrants($company_id){
$company = auth()->user()->companies()->findOrFail($company_id);
$warrants = $company->warrants;
foreach($warrants as $warrant) {
//this doesn't work
$warrant->warrantGrants->where('status', 'active');
$warrants = $warrants->toArray();
return array_splice($warrants, 0);
public function warrantGrants()
return $this->hasMany(WarrantGrant::class);
Need this little help, bc it returns me data with any status, I need only 'active'
Try this
$company = App\Company::whereHas('warrants.warrantGrants', function ($query) {
$query->where('status', '=', 'active');

Sorting users through relation in laravel

i want to sort the users through voornaam(firstname). but im getting the data via a relation.
How do i make my query so that, the relation users are sorted by firstname by alphabet
my function:
public function sortfirstname($id) {
$ingeschrevenspelers = UserToernooi::with('users')->where('toernooiid', '=', $id)->get()->all();
//This query ^^
$toernooi = Toernooi::findOrFail($id);
return view('adminfeatures.generatespelerslijst', compact('ingeschrevenspelers', 'toernooi'));
What i want to sort
any help is appreciated
thanks in advance
Writing code in your own language doesn't make it very easy for other developers to understand your code.
That being said, you can try the orderBy() method on your relationship
In your model where you define the relationship:
public function relationship()
return $this->belongsTo(SomeClass::class)->orderBy('name', 'DESC');
Don't fire all() function at the end thus obtaining a Collection instance of result
//query without the all function
$ingeschrevenspelers = UserToernooi::with('users')->where('toernooiid', '=', $id)->get();
$ingeschrevenspelers = $ingeschrevenspelers->sortBy('users.firstname');
An alternative to Jordy Groote's answer if you do not want to modify the Model class itself, you can query it with a closure.
$ingeschrevenspelers = UserToernooi::with(['users' => function($q) {
$q->orderBy('voornaam', 'asc');
}])->where('toernooiid', '=', $id)->get()->all();
Sidenote: I don't think you need a ->all() when you already did a ->get()
$ingeschrevenspelers = UserToernooi::with(['users' => function($query){
$query->orderBy('voornaam', 'asc');
}])->where('toernooiid', '=', $id)->get()->all();

Laravel query builder returns object or array?

I'm building a very simple web app with Laravel.
I've built two separate Controllers, which each return two separate views, as follows:
class ProfileController extends BaseController {
public function user($name)
$user = User::where('name', '=', $name);
if ($user->count())
$user = $user->first();
$workout = DB::table('workouts')->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->get();
Return View::make('profile')
->with('user', $user)
->with('workout', $workout);
return App::abort(404);
class WorkoutController extends BaseController {
public function workout($name)
$workout = DB::table('workouts')->where('name', '=', $name)->first();
if ($workout)
Return View::make('add-exercise')
->with('workout', $workout);
return App::abort(404);
What is confusing me is what I had to do in order to pass a single workout object to each view. As you might have noticed the query builders for workout are different:
$workout = DB::table('workouts')->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->get();
$workout = DB::table('workouts')->where('name', '=', $name)->first();
On the profile view, I get an object using the ->get(); method, but on the add-exercise view, I must use ->first(); or I will otherwise get an array with only one index, where I can then access the object, i.e. $workout[0]->name instead of $workout->name.
Why is this? Shouldn't I be able to use either get and/or first in both controllers and expect the same type of result from both since I want the same thing from the same table?
get() returns a collection of objects every time. That collection may have 0 or more objects in it, depending on the results of the query.
first() calls get() under the hood, but instead of returning the collection of results, it returns the first entry in the collection (if there is one).
Which method you use depends on what you need. Do you need the collection of all the results (use get()), or do you just want the first result in the collection (use first())?
Model::find(numeric); returns a object
Model::whereId(numeric)->first(); returns a object
Model::whereId(numeric)->get(); - returns a collection
Model::whereId(numeric); - returns a builder

How can I query raw via Eloquent?

I am trying to do a query in my Laravel app and I want to use a normal structure for my query. This class either does use Eloquent so I need to find something to do a query totally raw.
Might be something like Model::query($query);. Only that doesn't work.
You may try this:
// query can't be select * from table where
An Example:
Also, you may use something like this (Using Query Builder):
$users = DB::table('users')
->select(DB::raw('count(*) as user_count, status'))
->where('status', '<>', 1)
Also, you may try something like this (Using Query Builder):
$users = DB::select('select * from users where id = ?', array(1));
$users = DB::select( DB::raw("select * from users where username = :username"), array('username' => Input::get("username")));
Check more about Raw-Expressions on Laravel website.
You can use hydrate() function to convert your array to the Eloquent models, which Laravel itself internally uses to convert the query results to the models. It's not mentioned in the docs as far as I know.
Below code is equviolent to $userModels = User::where('id', '>', $userId)->get();:
$userData = DB::select('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id > ?', [$userId]);
$userModels = User::hydrate($userData);
hydrate() function is defined in \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as:
* Create a collection of models from plain arrays.
* #param array $items
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection
public function hydrate(array $items) {}
use DB::statement('your raw query here'). Hope this helps.
I don't think you can by default. I've extended Eloquent and added the following method.
* Creates models from the raw results (it does not check the fillable attributes and so on)
* #param array $rawResult
* #return Collection
public static function modelsFromRawResults($rawResult = [])
$objects = [];
foreach($rawResult as $result)
$object = new static();
$object->setRawAttributes((array)$result, true);
$objects[] = $object;
return new Collection($objects);
You can then do something like this:
class User extends Elegant { // Elegant is my extension of Eloquent
public static function getWithSuperFancyQuery()
$result = DB::raw('super fancy query here, make sure you have the correct columns');
return static::modelsFromRawResults($result);
Old question, already answered, I know.
However, nobody seems to mention the Expression class.
Granted, this might not fix your problem because your question leaves it ambiguous as to where in the SQL the Raw condition needs to be included (is it in the SELECT statement or in the WHERE statement?). However, this piece of information you might find useful regardless.
Include the following class in your Model file:
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression;
Then inside the Model class define a new variable
protected $select_cols = [
'id', 'name', 'foo', 'bar',
Expression ('(select count(1) from sub_table where sub_table.x = top_table.x) as my_raw_col'), 'blah'
And add a scope:
public function scopeMyFind ($builder, $id) {
return parent::find ($id, $this->select_cols);
Then from your controller or logic-file, you simply call:
$rec = MyModel::myFind(1);
dd ($rec->id, $rec->blah, $rec->my_raw_col);
Happy days.
(Works in Laravel framework 5.5)
use Eloquent Model related to the query you're working on.
and do something like this:
$contactus = ContactUS::select('*')
->whereRaw('id IN (SELECT min(id) FROM users GROUP BY email)')
You could shorten your result handling by writing
$objects = new Collection(array_map(function($entry) {
return (new static())->setRawAttributes((array) $entry, true);
}, $result));
if you want to select info it is DB::select(Statement goes here) just remember that some queries wont work unless you go to Config/Database.php and set connections = mysql make sure 'strict' = false
Just know that it can cause some security concerns
if ever you might also need this.
orderByRaw() function for your order by.
->orderByRaw('FIELD(score_type,"score_type") DESC')

Convert queryBuilder result into associative array

im looking for way, how to convert query builder result into associative array. But what I need is including relation data from another table.
If I use getArrayResult() method, it gives me an array, but without foreign keys. And I need foreign keys included with nested array with data of associative db table.
Here is my code:
$qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->from('XXX\MyBundle\Entity\Entity1', 'p');
$qb->andWhere('u.Attr1 = :attr1');
$qb->setParameter('attr1', $appId);
$qb->andWhere('u.Attr2 IS NULL');
$qb->leftJoin('u.FK2', 'v');
$qb->andWhere('v.Attr3 = :attr3');
$qb->andWhere('v.Attr4 IS NULL');
$qb->setParameter('attr3', $userId);
$result = $qb->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
I need this conversion becouse of SOAP. It could not return complex object as nested objects of entities.
First, you need to write this function in your Entity1Repository.php
Since you're using the createQueryBuilder() method, you don't need to use select and from methods.
In your example, you're writing the joins, but you're not asking the query to return those joins.
Try this code :
namespace XXX\\MyBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class Entity1Repository extends EntityRepository
public function getEntityWithJoins()
return $this
->andWhere('u.Attr1 = :attr1')
->setParameter('attr1', $appId)
->andWhere('u.Attr2 IS NULL')
->leftJoin('u.FK2', 'v')
->andWhere('v.Attr3 = :attr3')
->andWhere('v.Attr4 IS NULL')
->setParameter('attr3', $userId);
