PHP fopen doesn't find existing file - php

I'm currently writting a login-system with PHP, for that I need to read the files with some user-information in it.
But after changing the folder system, PHP fopen doesn't read the files anymore.
Both the users.php and userinf.csv files are in the samle folder.
I allready tried to change the filepath, hard-coded the filepath , recreated the file. All of which file.
//Read file
$fp = fopen("userinf.csv", "r");
echo "File couldn't be read";
return false;
Before changing the file system, it worked. But now I am geting the error:
Warning: fopen(userinf.csv): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in FILEPATH on line 45

When you use the fread function without any reference it could fail. I always say that you need to check your path first with getcwd()
echo getcwd(); //Current Working Directory

Use absolute paths, always. It removes any ambiguity. Using a relative path may change based on where your script is located, among other things, depending on your system.
$fp = fopen("/home/somewhere/blah/userinf.csv", "r");
You can always use a variable for the path as well:
// Somewhere in your code
define('ROOT_PATH', "/home/somewhere/blah");
// In the implementation
$fp = fopen(ROOT_PATH . "/userinf.csv", "r");


Laravel Filesystem - Move file from one disk to another

I am trying to move files from my FTP server to a local directory. First I need to find the correct file from the FTP server, as there can be a few hundreds:
//Search for the file.
$fileName= array_filter(Storage::disk('ftp')->files(), function ($file)
return preg_match('/('.date("Y-m-d" ,time()).').*.XLSX/', $file);
Above finds the correct file. If I dd($fileName), I get this:
My File Name.XLSX
I then try to move that file, to my public disk:
$ftp_file = Storage::disk('ftp')->get($fileName);
$local_file = Storage::disk('public')->move($ftp_file, "moved_file.xlsx");
However above code doesn't work. I get below error:
preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given
Which I have identified being on below function:
$ftp_file = Storage::disk('ftp')->get($fileName);
What am I doing wrong? How can I move the file, which I am able to find on my FTP server, to my local disk?
Thank you in advance.
As #Loek pointed out, $fileName was an array, and therefore to access it I needed to use:
$ftp_file = Storage::disk('ftp')->get($fileName[0]);

move_uploaded_file() is not working but file is uploaded?

So i'm currently trying to create a code which simply creates and publishes a file to my webroot, modifies and writes to that file, and then finally change the location of the file to another directory/folder using move_uploaded_file()
This is my code so far
$myfile = fopen($_POST['title'].".txt", "w");
fwrite($myfile, $_POST['textarea11']);
The code doesn't work, i've tried echoing move_uploaded_file() and it returned nothing, however the file was uploaded but it's location just wasn't changed.
$dir is defined as $dir = __DIR__.'/../uploads/'; and $title is define as $title = $_POST['title'];
move_uploaded_file() can only be used if you are submitting a multipart form and you want to save the uploaded file.
What you probably need is this:
Change your given code as
$myfile = fopen($_POST['title'].".txt", "w");
fwrite($myfile, $_POST['textarea11']);
In your code
php variable $dir and $title value is not coming. and value of $dir is consisting '/' and you are adding one more to make full file path too.
Always use directory separator to run in all Operating System. some OS use '/' and some OS use '\'.

PHP fwrite() not working

I'm writing a function in php, client side I have a canvas image which I use toDataUrl() along with a file name to save the image on the server. The here's the code:
$data = json_decode($imageData, true);
$file = $data["file"];
$image = $data["data"];
$filteredData=substr($image, strpos($image, ",")+1);
$fp = fopen( 'image/' . $file , 'wb' );
fwrite( $fp, $unencodedData);
fclose( $fp );
The thing is that this code works. And for two out of three of the pages I used it on it works fine. The problem is when I copy and pasted it a third time to implement it again, for some reason the file is made on the server except that no data get's written into the file. I don't think it's a problem client side because I write in a debug alert message in the javascript and a debug echo into the PHP and both are able to print out the data fine. I made this short debug file:
$fp = fopen('data.txt', 'wb');
echo "file is writable<br>";
if(fwrite($fp, 'test') == FALSE){
echo "failed to write data<br>";
And the output is
file is writable
failed to write data
I've tried using chmod and setting everything, the folder, the text file before I write to it to 0777 and I still get the same result; the file is made but no data is written into it. Is there anything I'm missing or any other approaches that might help. I haven't found anything on google and am still baffled as to why the same code worked exactly as expected twice before suddenly stopping for no apparent reason.
Thanks in advance.
I know this is an old post, but I had a very similar problem and found a solution (for me at least)! I ran out of disk space on my server, so it could create a 0 byte file, but wouldn't write to it. After I cleared out some space (deleted a 13gb error.log file) everything started working again as expected.
If fopen works but fwrite mysteriously doesn't, check your disk space. 'df -h' is the command to check disk space on a linux server.
instead of $fp = fopen('data.txt', 'wb'); give $fp = fopen('data.txt', 'w'); and try
Changed "wb" to "w"
When you write $fp = fopen('data.txt', 'w'); for your domain having root at /var/www/website/ and if the php file is located at /var/www/website/php/server/file/admin.php or something similar, it will actually create a file at /var/www/website/data.txt
Try giving absolute path or path relative to your domain root to create files like,
$fp = fopen('php/server/file/data.txt', 'w');
Try the find command to see if the file is created anywhere else in the folder directory by using the following in Ubuntu,
find /var/www/website/ -name 'data.txt'
I had this issue, probably can help you solve if you have similar issue.

Using fopen and fwrite with Zend Framework?

I'm attempting to check for file existence with Zend Framework and, if the file doesn't exist, have it be created. Here's the code being used:
$filename = "/assessmentsFile/rubrics/$rubricID.php";
$somecontent = "test";
if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w+')) {
echo "Cannot open file ($filename)";
// Write $somecontent to our opened file.
if (fwrite($handle, $somecontent) === false) {
echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)";
However, I assume due to Zend's way of handling file structure, if a file doesn't exist it just spits out:
Warning: fopen(/assessmentsFile/rubrics/1.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Because the fopen function isn't working, fwrite is unable to write the file.
Is there another way of doing this?
Most likely the issue is with the path to $filename.
You have
$filename = "/assessmentsFile/rubrics/$rubricID.php";
which tries to create a file in the root of the server in a directory called assessmentsFile.
Most likely you need to be using:
$filename = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/assessmentsFile/rubrics/$rubricID.php";
$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] should do the trick if the assessmentsFile folder is in your web root. Otherwise there are other variables you can use to get a fully qualified path, or you can simply hard-code the path:
$filename = "/home/yoursite/public_html/assessmentsFile/rubrics/$rubricID.php";
There's a function file_exists that tells you if the file exists, and with is_file you can check it's a file (and not a directory for example).
(Another way is to suppress warnings by putting an # before the function call (e.g. $handle=#fopen(...), but it's better to check for file existence)
Try this:
if(is_file($filename)){ // exists
$handle=fopen($filename,"w"); // create it
// ...

How to map file path from different folder location easily?

how to map the path to the file easily?
function writetologfile($content)
$filename = 'logfile/testing_randomstring.txt';
if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a'))
echo "Cannot open file ($filename)";
the actual path of the text file is in public_html/r/admin/logfile/testing_randomstring.txt
so if I run the script at public_html/folder1/folder2/addlog.php, it won't be able to find the path to the testing_randomstring.txt
How I can able to easily point to this text file path, no matter where my php calling script is from.
I tried to change $filename = 'logfile/testing_randomstring.txt'; inside writetologfile function by enforcing it to absolute fix path,
something like $filename='/r/admin/logfile/testing_randomstring.txt',
but it is not working
Instead of using a relative path, you could specify an absolute path. Assuming public_html is in your home directory, try this:
$filename = '/public_html/r/admin/logfile/testing_randomstring.txt';
fopen(getenv('HOME') . $filename, 'a');
This uses getenv to read the contents of the environment variable $HOME.
