Calculate intermediate week days between two week days In PHP - php

Given two weekdays: Monday, Wednesday.
How do you get the intermediate days in that array?
Answer: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
Case 2: from Monday to Monday
Answer: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday

My solution is more about moving the internal pointer of the array until the margins are found and pushing the elements between margins into another result array. Can be used regardless of what data is in the initial array.
function getDaysInBetween($start, $end)
$weekdays = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];
$start_found = false;
$days = [];
while(true) {
$next = next($weekdays);
$day = (empty($day) || !$next)?reset($weekdays):$next;
if($day === $start) $start_found = true;
if($start_found) {
$days[] = $day;
if($day===$end && count($days)>1) return implode(", ",$days);
Live demo here:

I've created this function which does this, and the comments step you through how it was done.
function list_days($start, $end) {
//convert day "word" to it's given number
//Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2 ... Sunday = 7
$start_n = date('N', strtotime($start));
$end_n = $end_range = date('N', strtotime($end));
//we also set $end_range above, by default it's set to the $end day number,
//but if $start and $end are the same it will be changed later.
//create an empty output array
$output = [];
//determine end_range for the for loop
//if $start and $end are not the same, the $end_range is simply the number of $end (set earlier)
if($start_n == $end_n) {
//if $start and $end ARE the same, we know there is always 7 days between the days
//So we just add 7 to the start day number.
$end_range = $start_n + 7;
//loop through, generate a list of days
for ($x = $start_n; $x <= $end_range; $x++) {
//convert day number back to the readable text, and put it in the output array
$output[] = date('l', strtotime("Sunday +{$x} days"));
//return a string with commas separating the words.
return implode(', ', $output);
Example 1:
echo list_days('Monday', 'Wednesday');
//output: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Example 2:
echo list_days('Monday', 'Monday');
//output: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday


Get last three 15-day periods in PHP

I'm having trouble coming up with a solution for this and Google doesn't seem to be yielding anything (I'm also unsure what to search for) but basically, what I want is to get the last three 15-day periods at any given date.
A period being the 1st to the 15th of the month and 16th to the last day of the month.
Let's say today, we're on Sep 22, 2016. The date ranges I want to get are:
Sep 1 - Sep 15
Aug 16 - Aug 31
Aug 1 - Aug 15
Similarly if we were on Sep 12, 2016, the dates I'd want to get are:
Aug 16 - Aug 31
Aug 1 - Aug 15
Jul 16 - July 31
Right now I have some pseudo code that goes like this:
Get day (number)
check if greater than 15
Get last 15-day period date ranges
Continue to get 2 more date ranges before that
I guess what I'm having trouble with here is translating 3 and 4 into PHP code.
Can someone shed some light here?
We can simplify these requirements into two distinct things.
Define a given month into 2 periods. The first, being the 1st day of the month to the 15th day of the month. The second, being the 16th day of the month to the last day of the month.
Given a date, determine which are the last 3 periods subsequent the current period from that date, exclusive.
Step 1
The first part is easy.
$date = new DateTimeImmutable("Sep 22, 2016");
// Period 1 (from 1st day of month to 15th)
$p1Start = $date->modify("first day of this month");
$p1End = $p1Start->add(new DateInterval("P14D"));
// Period 2 (from 16th day of month to last day of month)
$p2Start = $p1End->add(new DateInterval("P1D"));
$p2End = $p2Start->modify("last day of this month");
echo "Period 1 Starts On: {$p1Start->format('M j, Y')}\n";
echo "Period 1 Ends On: {$p1End->format('M j, Y')}\n\n";
echo "Period 2 Starts On: {$p2Start->format('M j, Y')}\n";
echo "Period 2 Ends On: {$p2End->format('M j, Y')}\n";
Output you get from this is as expected:
Period 1 Starts On: Sep 1, 2016
Period 1 Ends On: Sep 15, 2016
Period 2 Starts On: Sep 16, 2016
Period 2 Ends On: Sep 30, 2016
Now you just need to put all of this in a function and reuse the same solution to get to step 2.
function getPeriods($dateString) {
$date = new DateTimeImmutable($dateString);
// Period 1 (from 1st day of month to 15th)
$p1Start = $date->modify("first day of this month");
$p1End = $p1Start->add(new DateInterval("P14D"));
// Period 2 (from 16th day of month to last day of month)
$p2Start = $p1End->add(new DateInterval("P1D"));
$p2End = $p2Start->modify("last day of this month");
return [
"period1" => ["start" => $p1Start, "end" => $p1End],
"period2" => ["start" => $p2Start, "end" => $p2End],
So now let's say you start with a date like Sep 12, 2016. You can figure out which period this date falls in by checking the return value from this function like so.
$date = "Sep 12, 2016";
$periods = getPeriods($date);
if ($date >= $periods["period1"]["start"] && $date <= $periods["period1"]["end"]) {
// It's in Period1
} else {
// It's in Period2
Step 2
Now let's just modify this function a little to simplify so that the solution can be expanded upon. So we'll name it getPeriod instead of getPeriods and have it only return one period from a given date.
function getPeriod($dateString) {
$periods = [];
$date = new DateTimeImmutable($dateString);
// Period 1 (from 1st day of month to 15th)
$p1Start = $date->modify("first day of this month");
$p1End = $p1Start->add(new DateInterval("P14D"));
// Period 2 (from 16th day of month to last day of month)
$p2Start = $p1End->add(new DateInterval("P1D"));
$p2End = $p2Start->modify("last day of this month");
// Figure out which period the given date belongs in
if ($date >= $p1Start && $date <= $p1End) {
$period = ["start" => $p1Start, "end" => $p1End];
} else {
$period = ["start" => $p2Start, "end" => $p2End];
return $period;
So to get the previous period from this date we just simply take the start date of the current period, returned by this function, subtract 1 day from that, and send the new date back to the function again to get the previous period.
Similarly, to get the next period just take the end date, add 1 day, and send that back to the function.
Final Result
Here's an example.
// We want up to 3 periods previous to this given date's period.
$date = "Sep 12, 2016";
$periods = [];
$currentPeriod = getPeriod($date);
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$currentPeriod = $periods[] = getPeriod($currentPeriod["start"]->sub(new DateInterval("P1D"))->format("c"));
// Print out the period dates
$i = 1;
foreach($periods as $period) {
echo "Period $i: {$period['start']->format('M j, Y')} - {$period['end']->format('M j, Y')}\n";
Output is what you'd expect...
Period 1: Aug 16, 2016 - Aug 31, 2016
Period 2: Aug 1, 2016 - Aug 15, 2016
Period 3: Jul 16, 2016 - Jul 31, 2016
function getDateRangesStartingFrom(\Carbon\Carbon $date, $numberOfMonths = 3)
$ranges = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfMonths; $i++)
$month = [];
* Generates the first 01-15 range.
$rangeOne = \Carbon\Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', "{$date->year}-{$date->month}-01")->addMonths($i);
$rangeTwo = (clone $rangeOne)->addDays(14);
$month[] = [$rangeOne, $rangeTwo];
* Generates the second 16-X (depending on the month) range.
$rangeThree = (clone $rangeTwo)->addDays(1);
$rangeFour = (clone $rangeTwo)->addDays($rangeOne->daysInMonth - 15);
$month[] = [$rangeThree, $rangeFour];
* We push all the ranges into the global array so we can return it later.
$ranges[$rangeOne->format('F')] = $month;
return $ranges;
$ranges = getDateRangesStartingFrom(\Carbon\Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2016-09-22'));
This is how I would do it.
I use Carbon so that dealing with dates is much easier, go check it out!
I have created a function named getDateRangesStartingFrom(\Carbon\Carbon $date) that takes a parameter that represents from which date (or the month, essentially, since that's what we care about) the ranges should begin from to generate the ranges.
I then make a loop of $numberOfMonths iterations to begin the generation.
First, we proceed by creating the first part of the range, by using the year and month of the starting date. I then add the iterator index that represents what month we are in. Second, we create a second date that represents the second half of the first range (1-15).
After, we create the other two parts, by subtracting the days in the month by the days we've added before, so that we get the remaining days of the month.
We push all these ranges into a function scoped variable, and return the results.
Sherif's answer is good as well but take this as an alternative if you want to try Carbon.
Tried to find a solution written as simple code as possible.
I have some comments in code. I think that make clear how code is working.
Check the working code here
// use one of the two examples.
// $now = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2016-09-12');
$now = new DateTime();
function getPeriods(DateTime $now)
$currentDay = $now->format('d');
$dates = []; // Hold all date ranges
$start = clone $now;
$end = clone $now;
if ($currentDay > 15) { // For dates after 15th day of month
// Starting period is the first day of previous month
$start->modify('first day of previous month');
//Ending date is the 15th day of this month
$end->modify('first day of this month')->modify('14 days');
} else { // For dates before 15th day of month
//Starting period is the 16th day of the previous of previous month.
$start->modify('first day of previous month')
->modify('first day of previous month')
->modify('15 days');
//Ending period is the last day of previous month
$end->modify('last day of previous month');
$dates[] = $start;
$i = 2;
// $c will hold all intermediate dates of periods between
// $start and $end
$c = clone $start;
while ($c < $end) {
if ($c->format('d') > 15) {
// if we are in the 16th of the month,
// give me the last day of the month
$c->modify('last day of this month');
} else {
// give me the 15th day of month
$c->modify('14 days');
$dates[] = clone $c; // always clone $c so can not change other references
if ($i > 0) {
$c->modify('1 day');
$dates[] = clone $c;
return array_chunk($dates, 2);

How can I get specific dates from a number of weeks?

Using PHP, I'd like to get the dates for specific weekdays within a given number of weeks. For example, I want to get the dates for Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 weeks.
The pseudo code for what I want is like this:
function (monday, wednesday, friday, 10) {
// 10 is week numbers
week1 5,7,9 oct 2015
week2 12,14,16 oct 2015
i write a solution for this. Thanks for all answers.
$dates = array();
$i = 0;
while(true) {
$time = strtotime("+$i days");
$dayOfWeek = date('w', $time);
($dayOfWeek == 0) or
($dayOfWeek == 2) or
($dayOfWeek == 4) or
($dayOfWeek == 6)
) {
$dates[] = date('Y-m-d', $time);
if( count($dates) > 30 ) {
echo json_encode($dates );
Sounds like you want to work with schedules. I suggest you to have a look at library called When, it's "Date / Calendar recursion library for PHP 5.3+".
What you want to do is MWF schedule for next 10 weeks:
$now = new DateTime('NOW');
$after10Weeks = clone $now;
$after10Weeks->modify('+10 week');
$r = new When();
->byday(array('MO', 'WE', 'FR'))
$occurrences = $r->occurrences;
Use PHP DateTime ISO date:
$date = new DateTime(); //The object
$year=2015; // Desired year
$days = array('Mon', 'Wed', 'Fri'); // Desired days of week
for ($yearDay=1; $yearDay<=366; $yearDay++) {
$date->setISODate($year,null, $yearDay); // call ISO Date
$week=$date->format('W'); // Get the week resulted
$day=$date->format('D'); // Get the day name resulted
if($week==10 && in_array($day, $days)) // return only dates of desired days of week 10
echo $date->format('M d Y')."<br>";
More information about ISO Date here
You can try this code with PHPTester

PHP: getting weekdays numbers of a given month

Given a Month and a weekday, I need to build a function that can retrieve the day number of all Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Let's say I give the function this month, September 2012 and weekday number 1. The function should retrieve all the Mondays in September 2012 which are: 3, 10, 17 and 24
Please note that to me weekday number 1 is Monday, number 2 Tuesday, 3 is Wednesday, 4 Thursday and 5 Friday.
So far I've have done: getting the first day of the week given today's date (I post the function below). But I don't know how to follow from here in a simple way, I've been many hours on it and I suspect there's a better way to do it. Can you please show me how?
function getFirstDayOfWeek($date) {
$getdate = getdate($date);
// How many days ahead monday are we?
switch ( $getdate['wday'] ) {
case 0: // we are on sunday
$days = 6;
default: // any other day
$days = $getdate['wday']-1;
$seconds = $days*24*60*60;
$monday = date($getdate[0])-$seconds;
return $monday;
Thanks a ton
Not very smart, but would works for you:
// sept. 2012
$month = 9;
// loop through month days
for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
// given month timestamp
$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $i, 2012);
// to be sure we have not gone to the next month
if (date("n", $timestamp) == $month) {
// current day in the loop
$day = date("N", $timestamp);
// if this is between 1 to 5, weekdays, 1 = Monday, 5 = Friday
if ($day == 1 OR $day <= 5) {
// write it down now
$days[$day][] = date("j", $timestamp);
// to see if it works :)

PHP create range of dates

Starting with a date in this format: 2011-05-01 09:00:00, how can I create an array that contains all office hours (09:00 to 17:00) for all working days of the year (so excluding all Saturday and Sundays). What I want to arrive to is something like this:
2011-05-01 09:00:00
2011-05-01 10:00:00
2011-05-01 11:00:00
2011-05-01 12:00:00
2011-05-01 13:00:00
2011-05-01 14:00:00
2011-05-01 15:00:00
2011-05-01 16:00:00
2011-05-01 17:00:00
//next day, starting at 09:00 and ending at 17:00
2011-05-02 09:00:00
2011-05-02 17:00:00
//until the last day of the year from 09:00 to 17:00
2011-12-31 09:00:00
2011-12-31 17:00:00
The start date will be the first of the current month at with 09:00 as time and the very last date (last element of the array) will always be 17:00 on the last day of the year.
Again, weekends should be excluded.
Pseudocode idea:
I thought of something like strtotime($start, "+1 one hour") with a check for "if smaller than 17:00" but it doesn't seem to be that simple.
How about this:
$start = strtotime('2011-05-01');
$end = strtotime('2011-12-31');
$times = array();
for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i += 24 * 3600)
if (date("D", $i) == "Sun" || date("D", $i) == "Sat")
for ($j = 9; $j <= 17; $j++)
$times []= date("Y-m-d $j:00:00", $i);
The outer loop iterates through all the days in the given time period. In the outer loop, we check to see if the day is either Saturday or Sunday (a weekend), and if it is, we skip that day. If it's not a weekend, we loop through all the valid hours, adding the full date and time to the array as we go.
Some tips:
date("G", $some_timestamp) gives you the hour of the day in 24-hour format
date("N", $some_timestamp) gives you the day of the week, 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
Take a look at the php manual for date.
Edit: You can pick any start timestamp and add 3600 to add one hour, if your hour is greater than 17, you can add a bigger step to go right to the next morning, same for a weekend, and just do a while ($timestamp < $end_timestamp) {}
I'd encourage you to use the wonderful DateTime class and its related classes. Here, you can make good use of DatePeriod:
$now = new DateTime('today'); // starting time 0.00 this morning
$endOfYear = new DateTime('31 December this year 23:00'); // end time
$interval = new DateInterval('PT1H'); // frequency -- every hour
$times = array();
foreach (new DatePeriod($now, $interval, $endOfYear ) as $datetime) {
// $datetime is a DateTime object for the hour and time in question
$dow = $datetime->format('w'); // 0 is Sunday
if (($dow == '0') || ($dow == '6')) {
continue; // miss Saturday and Sunday out
$time = $datetime->format('G'); // hour without leading 0
if (($time < '9') || ($time > '17')) {
$times[] = $datetime->format('r'); // output format
Obviously there are various aspects of this that you can configure, especially the output format. Depending on your purpose, you may prefer to put the DateTime objects themselves into the array.
$datetime = new DateTime(); // Set your start date here
do { // Iterate over .. dont know, a long time?
do { // Iterate over the week ...
do { // Iterate over the hours ...
echo $datetime->format('c') . PHP_EOL; // Do something with $datetime here
$datetime->add(new DateInterval('PT1H'));
} while ($datetime->format('G') < 18); // .. till < 18
$datetime->add(new DateInterval('P1D')); // next day
} while (!in_array($datetime->format('w'), array('0','6'))); // until we hit sunday or saturday
$datetime->add(new DateInterval('P2D')); // next monday
} while (true); // replace with your "end" expression
Currently untested.
You can use the common interval-strings (like 1 hour and so on) too
You could calculate your dates with two nested loops and generate the string with date().
I would just loop through all dates, incremented by hour, from now until the end of the year, as follows (pseudocode, obviously):
for n = now until end of year
if (date(n) is between 9:00 and 17:00) AND (if date(n) is not sat or sun)
add to array
end if
increment n by 1 hour
Here is a solution which should be reasonably fast since it uses no string comparisons and has only two function calls inside the loops:
function hours()
$start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), 1, date('Y'));
$end = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, date('Y') + 1);
$wday = date('w', $start);
$result = array();
for ($t = $start; $t < $end; $t += 3600 * 24) {
if (($wday > 0) && ($wday < 6)) {
for ($hour = 9; $hour <= 17; $hour++) {
$result[] = date('Y-m-d', $t) . sprintf(' %02d:00:00', $hour);
$wday = ($wday + 1) % 7;
return $result;

Get the First or Last Friday in a Month

I'm trying to write a calendar function like this
function get_date($month, $year, $week, $day, $direction)
$week is a an integer (1, 2, 3...), $day is a day (Sun, Mon, ...) or number, whichever is easier. The direction is a little confusing, because it does a different calculation.
For an example, let's call
get_date(5, 2009, 1, 'Sun', 'forward');
It uses the default, and gets the first Sunday in May ie 2009-05-03. If we call
get_date(5, 2009, 2, 'Sun', 'backward');
, it returns the second last Sunday in May ie 2009-05-24.
The language-agnostic version:
To get the first particular day of the month, start with the first day of the month: yyyy-mm-01. Use whatever function is available to give a number corresponding to the day of the week. Subtract that number from the day you are looking for; for example, if the first day of the month is Wednesday (2) and you're looking for Friday (4), subtract 2 from 4, leaving 2. If the answer is negative, add 7. Finally add that to the first of the month; for my example, the first Friday would be the 3rd.
To get the last Friday of the month, find the first Friday of the next month and subtract 7 days.
Perhaps it can be made quicker...
This was VERY interesting to code.
Please note that $direction is 1 for forward and -1 for backward to ease things up :)
Also, $day begins with a value of 1 for Monday and ends at 7 for Sunday.
function get_date($month, $year, $week, $day, $direction) {
if($direction > 0)
$startday = 1;
$startday = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
$start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $startday, $year);
$weekday = date('N', $start);
if($direction * $day >= $direction * $weekday)
$offset = -$direction * 7;
$offset = 0;
$offset += $direction * ($week * 7) + ($day - $weekday);
return mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $startday + $offset, $year);
I've tested it with a few examples and seems to work always, be sure to double-check it though ;)
PHP's built-in time functions make this simple.
// Get first Friday of next month.
$timestamp = strtotime('first fri of next month');
// Get second to last Friday of the current month.
$timestamp = strtotime('last fri of this month -7 days');
// Format a timestamp as a human-meaningful string.
$formattedDate = date('F j, Y', strtotime('first wed of last month'));
Note that we always want to make sure that we've defined the correct timezone for use with strtotime so that PHP has an understanding of where to compute the timestamp for relative to what time zone the machine thinks it's in.
$formattedDate = date('F j, Y', strtotime('first wed of last month +1 week'));
strtotime() can help you. e.g. <?php
$tsFirst = strtotime('2009-04-00 next friday');
$tsLast = strtotime('2009-05-01 last friday');
echo date(DATE_RFC850, $tsFirst), " | ", date(DATE_RFC850, $tsLast);printsFriday, 03-Apr-09 00:00:00 CEST | Friday, 24-Apr-09 00:00:00 CEST
No need for calculations or loops - this is very easy to do with strtotime():
Find the the Nth or Last occurrence of a particular day of a particular a month:
// Quick Code
// Convenience mapping.
$Names = array( 0=>"Sun", 1=>"Mon", 2=>"Tue", 3=>"Wed", 4=>"Thu", 5=>"Fri", 6=>"Sat" );
// Specify what we want
// In this example, the Second Monday of Next March
$tsInMonth = strtotime('March');
$Day = 1;
$Ord = 2;
// The actual calculations
$ThisMonthTS = strtotime( date("Y-m-01", $tsInMonth ) );
$NextMonthTS = strtotime( date("Y-m-01", strtotime("next month", $tsInMonth) ) );
$DateOfInterest = (-1 == $Ord)
? strtotime( "last ".$Names[$Day], $NextMonthTS )
: strtotime( $Names[$Day]." + ".($Ord-1)." weeks", $ThisMonthTS );
// Explanation
// Specify the month of which we are interested.
// You can use any timestamp inside that month, I'm using strtotime for convenience.
$tsInMonth = strtotime('March');
// The day of interest, ie: Friday.
// It can be 0=Sunday through 6=Saturday (Like 'w' from date()).
$Day = 5;
// The occurrence of this day in which we are interested.
// It can be 1, 2, 3, 4 for the first, second, third, and fourth occurrence of the day in question in the month in question.
// You can also use -1 to fine the LAST occurrence. That will return the fifth occurrence if there is one, else the 4th.
$Ord = 3;
// We now have all the specific values we need.
// The example values above specify the 3rd friday of next march
// We need the day name that corresponds with our day number to pass to strtotime().
// This isn't really necessary = we could just specify the string in the first place, but for date calcs, you are more likely to have the day number than the string itself, so this is convenient.
$Names = array( 0=>"Sun", 1=>"Mon", 2=>"Tue", 3=>"Wed", 4=>"Thu", 5=>"Fri", 6=>"Sat" );
// Calculate the timestamp at midnight of the first of the month in question.
// Remember $tsInMonth is any date in that month.
$ThisMonthTS = strtotime( date("Y-m-01", $tsInMonth ) );
// Calculate the timestamp at midnight of the first of the FOLLOWING month.
// This will be used if we specify -1 for last occurrence.
$NextMonthTS = strtotime( date("Y-m-01", strtotime("next month", $tsInMonth) ) );
// Now we just format the values a bit and pass them to strtotime().
// To find the 1,2,3,4th occurrence, we work from the first of the month forward.
// For the last (-1) occurence,work we work back from the first occurrence of the following month.
$DateOfInterest = (-1 == $Ord) ?
strtotime( "last ".$Names[$Day], $NextMonthTS ) : // The last occurrence of the day in this month. Calculated as "last dayname" from the first of next month, which will be the last one in this month.
strtotime( $Names[$Day]." + ".($Ord-1)." weeks", $ThisMonthTS ); // From the first of this month, move to "next dayname" which will be the first occurrence, and then move ahead a week for as many additional occurrences as you need.
echo date('Y-m-d',strtotime('last friday'));
You can use mktime to retrieve the unix timestamp of the first day in the month:
$firstOfMonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
When you have the date of the first day of a certain month it's easy to retrieve the weekday for that date using date:
$weekday = date("N", $firstOfMonth);
From there it's rather easy to just step forward to get the date you're after.
function get_date($month, $year, $week, $day) {
# $month, $year: current month to search in
# $week: 0=1st, 1=2nd, 2=3rd, 3=4th, -1=last
# $day: 0=mon, 1=tue, ..., 6=sun
$startday=1; $delta=0;
if ($week < 0) {
$startday = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); # 28..31
$start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $startday, $year);
$dstart = date('w', $start)-1; # last of the month falls on 0=mon,6=sun
$offset=$day-$dstart; if ($offset<$delta){$offset+=7;}
return mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $newday, $year);
This works for me, and based on the language-agnostic version :-)
Only too bad, I needed to do that delta-thing (for if the last day of the month is the wanted week-day, we do not need to subtract 7)
The same can be accomplished very elegantly using the DateTime class.
$time_zone = new DateTimeZone('Europe/Ljubljana');
$first_friday_of_this_month = new DateTime('first Friday of this month', $time_zone);
$last_friday_of_this_month = new DateTime('last Friday of this month', $time_zone);
echo $first_friday_of_this_month->format('Y-m-d'); # 2015-11-06
echo $last_friday_of_this_month->format('Y-m-d'); # 2015-11-27
Just find out what the first and last day of the month in question is (i.e. May 1, 2009 is a Friday and May 31, 2009 is a Sunday) I believe most PHP functions use Monday=0, Sunday=6, thus Friday=4, so you know that Sunday (6) - Friday (4) = 2, then 31-2 = 29, meaning the last friday of this month is on the 29th. For the first Friday, if the number is negative, add 7, if the number is 0, the month starts on Friday.
This seems to work perfect everytime; it takes any date provided and returns the date of the last friday of the month, even in case of 5 friday in the month.
function get_last_friday_of_month($inDate) {
$inDate = date('Y-m-24', strtotime($inDate));
$last_friday = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($inDate.' next friday'));
$next_friday = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($inDate.' next friday'));
if(date('m', strtotime($last_friday)) === date('m', strtotime($next_friday))){
$last_friday = $next_friday;
return $last_friday;
Below is the quickest solution and you can use in all conditions. Also you could get an array of all day of week if you tweak it a bit.
function findDate($date, $week, $weekday){
# $date is the date we are using to get the month and year which should be a datetime object
# $week can be: 0 for first, 1 for second, 2 for third, 3 for fourth and -1 for last
# $weekday can be: 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, 3 for Wednesday, 4 for Thursday, 5 for Friday, 6 for Saturday and 7 for Sunday
$start = clone $date;
$finish = clone $date;
$start->modify('first day of this month');
$finish->modify('last day of this month');
$finish->modify('+1 day');
$interval = DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 day');
$period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $finish);
foreach($period AS $date){
$result[$date->format('N')][] = $date;
if($week == -1)
return end($result[$weekday]);
return $result[$weekday][$week];
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', '25/12/2016');
# find the third Wednesday in December 2016
$result = findDate($date, 2, 3);
echo $result->format('d/m/Y');
I hope this helps.
Let me know if you need any further info. ;)
