How can I identify available SOAP functions? - php

I am new to SOAP and trying to make my first request to
I already made up a post call sending it to the SOAP endpoint at "". But it returns "Procedure 'get_messages_query' not present".
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:nts="">
If I read the specs in the link above, I cannot find any problem why the SOAP service could not find my function.
Do you have any ideas?

Use this simple script, written in PHP, which gives you enough information. Function and type lists will help you to make correct SOAP call. I'm not familiar with this SOAP service, so you need to pass correct values for parameters.
$soap = new SoapClient("");
// List functions
echo 'Functions: '.'</br>';
$functions = $soap->__getFunctions();
foreach($functions as $item) {
echo $item.'</br>';
echo '</br>';
// List types
echo 'Types: '.'</br>';
$types = $soap->__getTypes();
foreach($types as $item) {
echo $item.'</br>';
echo '</br>';
// Consume SOAP
$params = array(
'message_type' => '',
'ids' => '',
'validity_period' => array (
'date_start' => date("Y-m-d"),
'date_end' => date("Y-m-d")
'dates_issue' => array (
'date_start' => date("Y-m-d"),
'date_end' => date("Y-m-d")
'paging_request' => array(
'offset' => 0,
'limit' => 0,
'total_count' => true
$responce = $soap->get_messages($params);

In case somebody needs a working request for the endpoint
Here is an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">


Passing xml value as array to soap client PHP

I have xml data to passing to SOAPClient as array
this is my xml data that I want to pass to SOAPClient
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cb5="" xmlns:smar="">
<soapenv:Header />
<smar:InquiryReasonText />
<smar:FullName>J Doe</smar:FullName>
I passing this xml to array like this
$params = array(
'InquiryReason' => 'Reason',
'InquiryReasonText' => '',
'Parameters' => array(
'DateOfBirth' => '1985-05-01',
'FullName' => 'J Doe',
'IdNumbers' => array(
'IdNumberPairIndividual' => array(
'IdNumber' => '123456789',
'IdNumberType' => 'KTP'
$response = $client->SmartSearchIndividual($params);
when I submit this show an error The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize ....
please help.

PHP SOAP client not creating body

After over a half a day of trying and reading tutorials on creating a simple SOAP client, I am no closer to retrieving a request from API I attempting to work with.
I can make the request from SOAP UI with the following simple SOAP request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:pub="">
This above returns the expected data.
When it comes to translating the request into a PHP I have the following:
$wsdl = '';
$trace = true;
$exceptions = false;
$debug = true;
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,
'trace' => $trace,
'exceptions' => $exceptions,
'debug' => $debug,
$param = array('GetOrdersRequest' => array(
'APIKey' => 'myApiKey'
$resp = $client->GetOrders();
If put the $param into the GetOrders function then, it breaks and nothing happens.
Even if I use an array in the $client->GetOrders(array('someArry' => $param)) then response and request still always looks the same and looks like the body of the SOAP request is never created:
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:GetOrders/></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Body><GetOrdersResponse xmlns=""><GetOrdersResult><Status>Failure</Status><Errors><string>Object reference not set to an instance of an object.</string></Errors><Date>2017-04-03T16:00:42.9457446+01:00</Date><TotalOrders>0</TotalOrders><TotalCost xsi:nil="true" /></GetOrdersResult></GetOrdersResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
If anyone can shed some light on what I am doing wrong here that would be real big help?
P.S My experience of SOAP in PHP is limited as I am used to SOAP in a java env. Thanks
You need to pass the parameters into the $client->GetOrders() call. Also the WSDL defines some required parameters, so a minimal example is something like:
$wsdl = '';
$trace = true;
$exceptions = false;
$debug = true;
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,
'trace' => $trace,
'exceptions' => $exceptions,
'debug' => $debug,
$param = array(
'GetOrdersRequest' => array(
'APIKey' => 'dummy-key',
'CustomerID' => 1,
'ItemsPerPage' => 1,
'PageNumber' => 1,
$resp = $client->GetOrders($param);
This gives the error response:
<Errors><string>Invalid character in a Base-64 string.</string></Errors>
which presumably is because my API key is invalid.

Creating a SOAP request with different kinds of parameters in PHP

I'm trying to make a SOAP request using PHP and I don't seem to be able to seperate my parameters I need to send with the call. I can use the service through out a SOAP testing tool, and the snippet I'm using there is (with ccn3 and ccn2 removed):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ccn2:Address>Testvägen 1</ccn2:Address>
This do work and gives the desired answer from the service. But when connecting to it through php it doesn't. The php code I'm currently using looks like this:
$username = "testuser";
$password = "testpass";
$authID = 55125621;
$client = new SoapClient("https://url/service.svc?wsdl");
$param = array(
'Address'=>'Testvägen 1',
$res = $client->GetUser($param);
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
In my XML query I'm using two "groups" of parameters. I send auth data towards my ccn3 (tns:auth) and my data to ccn2 (tns:user). I'm guessing that's my problem, but how do I do this seperation in php?
Try this:
$params = array(
'auth' => array(
'Username' => $username,
'Password' => $password,
'AuthID' => $AuthID,
'user' => array(
'Address' => 'Testvägen 1',
'SSN' => '1234567890',
'FistName' => '',
'LastName' => ''
$res = $client->GetUser($params);

PHP Soap And .Net Dataset

I got an issue here. I am trying make a request to a Web Appi:
And I am sending a request to insertPodData();
I am using PHP and SOAP.
I am succesfull at connecting and giving the correct credentials. However I am not able to send a Dataset (cause I do not know the right way), so i get an empty dataset.
Datasets are for .NET lang. So it is kind of tricky with the php.
I tried already to send it as an array, i still get an empty result.
Here are some coding.
$dataset = array(
'schema' => array(
'Enter_Branch_Id' => $speedex_branch_id,
'SND_Customer_Id' => $speedex_cust_id,
'SND_Agreement_Id' => $speedex_appi_key,
'RCV_Name' => 'Test',
'RCV_Addre1' => 'Test Adress',
'RCV_Zip_Code' => '54636',
'RCV_City' => 'Thessaloniki',
'RCV_Country' => 'Greece',
'RCV_Tel1' => '*******',
'Voucher_Weight' => '0',
'any' => ''
try {
$soap = new SoapClient("",array('trace' => true));
$oAuthResult = $soap->insertPodData(
'username' => $speedex_usrn,
'password' => $speedex_psw,
'VoucherTable' => $dataset,
'_tableFlag' => 3
$resultVoucher = $oAuthResult;
echo '<br>';
echo "REQUEST:\n" . htmlentities($soap->__getLastRequest()) . "\n";
}catch(SoapFault $fault) {
die('<h1>Ooooops something is broken. Refresh or contact module creator </h1><br>'.$fault);
This is returning this result
RESULT: stdClass Object ( [insertPodDataResult] => 1 [newVoucherTable] => stdClass Object ( [schema] => [any] => ) )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ns1:VoucherTable>********************TestTest Adress54636ThessalonikiGreece********</ns1:VoucherTable>
As you can observe the Dataset is not created and all the values are passed with out a reference.
Any ideas clues? Thanks in advance!

php soapclient Array to string conversion

I have an array a couple of levels deep in my SOAP request like below. When I run my SoapRequest I get Notice (8): Array to string conversion and my XML response does not convert the Array in RTrans to XML and I have no idea why. How I am creating the SOAP request and the XML version of it can be found below.
The Request:
$r['request'] = array(
'request' => array(
'user' => 'test',
'password' => 'test',
'RTrans' => array(
'Transactions' => array(
'Criteria' => array(
'Name' => 'Thomas'
$response = $this->apiClient->DoQuery($r);
catch(Exception $e){
The XML Version
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""
I think RTrans is defined as a String. Please have a look at the wsdl file.
Maybe thats the reason you got "Array" in the xml.
To send an array to your soapservice you could convert it to json.
json_encode( array('Transactions' => array('Criteria' => array('Name' => 'Thomas')));
or define a complex datatype.
Maybe SoapVar will help you.
